AHRQ’s Health Care Innovations Exchange Focuses on Increasing Screening and Treatment for Infectious Diseases
The latest issue of AHRQ’s Health Care Innovations Exchangefeatures three programs that used innovative strategies to enhance access to testing and treatment for various infections, especially among vulnerable populations. One featured profile describes a sexually transmitted disease prevention program run by the Los Angeles County Department of Health that is targeted to young minority women. The program uses a marketing and outreach campaign to promote the availability of a free, at-home test kit. The campaign includes promotional materials, advertising, a website with online ordering for the free kit, a toll-free telephone number staffed by trained English- and Spanish-speaking workers and direct outreach. At the height of the media campaign for the program, which was launched in June 2009, more than 100 orders for test kits were received daily. Since then, the program has averaged about three requests a day for at-home test kits from the website and toll-free number and about five daily through the outreach program.

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