What's Happening in Health IT
In This Issue
- Adoption Drivers Examined
- Health IT Safety Webinar
- JASON Report Part II
- ONC Annual Meeting
- Federal Advisory Committee Schedule
- Flu Shot Reminder
- Marketplace Deadline
If you care about health IT policy (why else would you be reading this?) you will want to tune in Tuesday for the Health IT Policy Committee's (#HITPC) latest virtual meeting. We also have a veritable smorgasbord of wonky health IT stuff happening so … read on!
Adoption Drivers Examined
ONC analysts today released a new Data Brief that found health information exchange and financial incentives to be key drivers to health IT adoption. The data demonstrate the importance of incentive programs and payments for services that include use of certified EHR technology. Our team also created a new tool to help clinicians estimate the amount (approximately $40 per patient per month) they might receive from treating Medicare patients living with chronic conditions while using their certified health IT tool, through the new, billable Chronic Care Management services finalized under the 2015 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (which goes into effect on January 1). You can also read the news release announcing the new Brief.
Health IT Safety Webinar
Join us at 1pm EST on December 18 for the first in a 10 part health IT safety webinar series,The Role for the EHR in Patient Safety: What does the Evidence Tell Us? The first webinar will present recent research on the role of health IT in adverse events from two different perspectives. A researcher from the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority will discuss the impact of advanced EHRs on adverse events in its database. Then a representative from the Joint Commission will explore the role of health IT in serious patient safety events in its database. Together they suggest that advanced EHRs have reduced adverse events and created a new, significantly better foundation for patient safety, while also introducing new sources of potential harm, which must be addressed. Sign up now, your patients will thank you!
JASON Report Part II
A second JASON Report – Data for Individual Health – is out. The report says that while federal programs like the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs have largely focused on the "medical care of individuals, this report discusses how to expand this vision with a focus on the health of individuals and the development of a Learning Health System." About FHIR, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, the JASONs write: "FHIR attempts to standardize the exchange of information through a set of modular components called Resources. Resources have standardized names and provide basic pieces of information, but can be extended to fulfill specialized requirements." The report expends a good bit of ink and pixels on the use of FHIR and APIs going forward. Read the blog post by Dr. Karen DeSalvo (@KBDeSalvo), Dr. Jon White, and Dr. Michael Painter (@paintmd).
Register Today for the ONC Annual Meeting
ONC's 2015 Annual Meeting will be held February 2-3, 2015, at the Washington Hilton here in Washington, DC. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you so register now and keep checking the Annual Meeting page for updates!
Federal Advisory Committee Schedule Week of Nov. 17
Monday The HITPC's Consumer Workgroup meets at 9:30am (all times Eastern). Check back and download the agenda and meeting materials, which will be posted prior to the meeting.
At 1pm the HITPC's second Privacy & Security Workgroup Virtual Hearing and the meeting materials are posted. The first part of the hearing will be this afternoon beginning at 1pm. All the details are on HealthIT.gov.
Tuesday Tune in at noon for the virtual Health IT Policy Committee meeting. The agenda and meeting slides also have been posted.Wednesday
The Health IT Standards Committee (HITSC) meets at 10am and the committee has posted its agenda and a draft summary of its November 18 meeting.
Dial in and listen to the HITSC Content Standards Workgroup which convenes at 11am.
The HITPC Implementation, Usability and Safety Workgroup finishes the week at 1pm. Watch for more details closer to the meeting time.
At 1pm the HITPC's second Privacy & Security Workgroup Virtual Hearing and the meeting materials are posted. The first part of the hearing will be this afternoon beginning at 1pm. All the details are on HealthIT.gov.
Tuesday Tune in at noon for the virtual Health IT Policy Committee meeting. The agenda and meeting slides also have been posted.Wednesday
The Health IT Standards Committee (HITSC) meets at 10am and the committee has posted its agenda and a draft summary of its November 18 meeting.
Dial in and listen to the HITSC Content Standards Workgroup which convenes at 11am.
The HITPC Implementation, Usability and Safety Workgroup finishes the week at 1pm. Watch for more details closer to the meeting time.
Flu Shot Reminder
Our friends at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) asked us to remind you that it's not too late to get your flu shot and to forward along a few resources they have put together to encourage you to get the shot. Remember, getting vaccinated can help lessen the effects if you get the flu or help avoid more serious complications … this has been a public service announcement.
The Marketplace is Open
And, finally, just a friendly reminder that the 2015 Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period is now!
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