What's Happening in Health IT
In This Issue
- Federal Health IT Strategic Plan Webinar
- Hospital Attestation Deadline
- Health IT Safety Webinar
- ONC Annual Meeting
- Federal Advisory Committee Schedule
- National Quality Strategy (NQS) toolkit
- Marketplace is Open
ICYMI we posted The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020 (#FedHealthITPlan on Twitter) Monday. We coordinated with more than 35 of our federal partners and you have until February 6 to comment. To support this important announcement, Karen DeSalvo, Seth Pazinski, Gretchen Wyatt and Matt Swain penned a blog post you can find on the ONC Health IT Buzz blog and the Health Affairs blog.
Federal Health IT Strategic Plan Webinar
Now that you have read the Strategic Plan and the blog post, you can share your thoughts with us next Wednesday. We will be hosting a webinar for you, the health and health IT stakeholders, where we will be taking a deeper dive into The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020 beginning at 11am (ET) December 17. Register today. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hospital Attestation Deadline
Attention Hospital types! CMS asked us to remind you that December 31 is the deadline to attest to meaningful use for the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program. You must successfully attest by 11:59 p.m. ET on December 31, to receive an incentive payment for your 2014 participation. Follow this link to attest.
Health IT Safety Webinar
Join us at 1pm EST on December 18 for the first in a 10 part health IT safety webinar series,The Role for the EHR in Patient Safety: What does the Evidence Tell Us? The first webinar will present recent research on the role of health IT in adverse events from two different perspectives. A researcher from the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority will discuss the impact of advanced EHRs on adverse events in its database. Then a representative from the Joint Commission will explore the role of health IT in serious patient safety events in its database. Together they suggest that advanced EHRs have reduced adverse events and created a new, significantly better foundation for patient safety, while also introducing new sources of potential harm, which must be addressed. Sign up now, your patients will thank you!
Register Today for the ONC Annual Meeting
ONC's 2015 Annual Meeting will be held Feb. 2-3, 2015, at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC. We are expecting more than 1,200 health IT fans, partners and stakeholders will be gathering for two days of plenaries and breakout sessions, including an exciting panel of ONC's former National Coordinators. Space is limited, so if you have not yet registered, register now and keep checking the Annual Meeting page for updates!
Federal Advisory Committee Schedule Week of Dec. 17
Monday Dial in at 2pm (all times Eastern) for the Health IT Policy Committee's (HITPC) Privacy & Security Workgroup. Follow this link for more details.
Wednesday The HITPC Strategy & Innovation Workgroup meets at 10:30am and will post the agenda and meeting materials prior to the meeting.
Then, at 3pm, the Health IT Standards Committee's Transport & Security Standards Workgroup wraps up the week. Dial-in info, agenda and meeting materials will be posted prior to the meeting.
Wednesday The HITPC Strategy & Innovation Workgroup meets at 10:30am and will post the agenda and meeting materials prior to the meeting.
Then, at 3pm, the Health IT Standards Committee's Transport & Security Standards Workgroup wraps up the week. Dial-in info, agenda and meeting materials will be posted prior to the meeting.
National Quality Strategy (NQS) toolkit
The folks over at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) posted a newNational Quality Strategy (NQS) toolkit. This toolkit can be used by organizations to show alignment to and support of the NQS. The NQS is a national effort aligning public- and private-sector stakeholders to achieve better health and health care for all Americans.Check out the toolkit at AHRQ.gov.
The Marketplace is Open
But not for much longer … this is the last weekend to pick a plan that works for you! The2015 Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period is coming to a close!
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