Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (877)
- ▼ enero (877)
- La OMS considera que el virus del Zika es “una ame...
- Cáncer rico, cáncer pobre / Reportajes / SINC
- Las ventas del Grupo Roche crecieron un 5% a tipos...
- El 12% de los fármacos prescritos nunca se adquiri...
- Los riojanos podrán elegir médico en 2017 :: El Mé...
- La candidatura de Juan Abarca al CM de Madrid pres...
- Los médicos navarros defienden el RD de prescripci...
- CC.OO exige a Alonso convocar urgentemente el CISN...
- Sanidad y las comunidades autónomas elaboran un pr...
- Baleares invertirá en Atención Primaria “para hace...
- La formación y la investigación en Atención Primar...
- Putting Engaged and Empowered Individuals at the C...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La OMS advirtió que la prop...
- FDA Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigation
- CDER New January 29, 2016
- CMS BLOG: In these last days of Open Enrollment, i...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- The Right Dose: How Pharmacy Researchers Are Makin...
- The Information Technology Infrastructure for the ...
- In response to Peshkin et al. "Genetic counseling ...
- Genetic counseling and testing for hereditary canc...
- Attitudes toward medical and genetic confidentiali...
- JAMA Network | JAMA | Ethical and Societal Questio...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- Zika virus reignites campaign for abortion in Braz...
- BioEdge: London sperm bank allegedly promoting eug...
- Euthanasia continues to rise in Belgium
- NIAID Attending University Careers Fairs in Februa...
- CMS will host webinars to provide overview of the ...
- EE.UU y los productos de inmunodiagnóstico impulsa...
- La cifra de ensayos clínicos y pacientes reclutado...
- El 12% de los tratamientos prescritos se abandona ...
- Handymed, la solución para las consultas de atenci...
- MMWR News Synopsis for January 28, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 3
- New Post! "The Open Enrollment Clock is T...
- Need Health Insurance? What You Need To Know
- Demond’s #GetCovered Story: Getting Insured Just i...
- Draft Affordable Care Act Federal upper limits
- Should people be denied choices at the end of life...
- CDRH New Update
- EHC Updates: Final Reports on Antibiotics for RTIs...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Donación consciente
- What's New at CBER Update
- CMS NEWS: CMS Announces Proposed Improvements to M...
- CMS Releases First Ever Home Health Patient Experi...
- El programa Fifty-Fifty reduce alguno de los cinco...
- La participación de los pacientes en los comités d...
- El 17% de los españoles realiza un consumo de alco...
- La Salud Digital, sin indicadores consensuados e i...
- El Foro de Médicos de AP señala que las administra...
- Casi 900 profesionales contratados en Madrid para ...
- Los hospitales Povisa de Vigo y San Juan de Dios d...
- Darpón se reúne con la Mesa de la Profesión Enferm...
- El Dr. Hidalgo destaca los compromisos y responsab...
- FDA Law Blog - The Perils of Being a Store Clerk i...
- FDA Law Blog - The Perils of Being a Store Clerk i...
- You Can Take It With You: Health Insurance in the ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- La OMS: “El virus del zika se expande de manera ex...
- ProMED-mail
- CIB: Alternative Benefit Plan Conforming Changes
- Electronic Health Record Boot Camp
- November 19-20, 2015 LTCH QRP Provider Training Q&...
- CDC Announces Critical Component in Elder Abuse Fi...
- Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium (W...
- Updates to the CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey 3.0...
- Data Submission for AHRQ Nursing Home Survey
- CMS NEWS: CMS Releases First Ever Home Health Pati...
- FDA seeks input on product-specific recommendation...
- Este es tu año, propuestas de formación en el IUHI...
- Jota Fernández llevará la comunicación de Farmaind...
- Fertypharm, la primera compañía española exclusiva...
- El TS vota los ocho primeros recursos por el "cént...
- 220.000 soldados lucharán contra el virus Zika
- AQuAS hace caso omiso a la Generalitat y cede dato...
- El espacio natural para la investigación clínica i...
- Webinar: Enhancing the Behavioral Health Workforce...
- CDER New January 28,2016
- CMS NEWS: Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enroll...
- CDC - NIOSH Update - NIOSH Press Releases and Upda...
- FDA Law Blog - Trailblazer Amarin Continues to Bla...
- Normalising abortion won’t make it hurt less
- CMS is Providing and extension of the Public Comme...
- Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > FDA...
- CDRH New Update
- Final Rule: Face-to-Face Requirements for Home Hea...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Desde abril el aborto será ...
- NIST Requests Comments on Computer Security Public...
- CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
- February CMS National Training Program Partner Upd...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- 2016: The Year of Diversity in Clinical Trials | F...
- Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Public Comment P...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: St. Jude Medica...
- El CGCOM se persona ante el Supremo por los recurs...
- Grifols invierte en el proyecto de AlbaJuna Therap...
- En marcha los preparativos de la primera edición i...
- ▼ enero (877)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (800)
- ▼ enero (800)
- El espacio natural para la investigación clínica i...
- Webinar: Enhancing the Behavioral Health Workforce...
- CDER New January 28,2016
- CMS NEWS: Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enroll...
- CDC - NIOSH Update - NIOSH Press Releases and Upda...
- FDA Law Blog - Trailblazer Amarin Continues to Bla...
- Normalising abortion won’t make it hurt less
- CMS is Providing and extension of the Public Comme...
- Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > FDA...
- CDRH New Update
- Final Rule: Face-to-Face Requirements for Home Hea...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Desde abril el aborto será ...
- NIST Requests Comments on Computer Security Public...
- CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
- February CMS National Training Program Partner Upd...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- 2016: The Year of Diversity in Clinical Trials | F...
- Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Public Comment P...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: St. Jude Medica...
- El CGCOM se persona ante el Supremo por los recurs...
- Grifols invierte en el proyecto de AlbaJuna Therap...
- En marcha los preparativos de la primera edición i...
- El futuro de la sanidad mundial pasa por entenderl...
- ACIP Webcast Instructions | Immunization Practices...
- MercatorNet: Designing our descendants: Brave New ...
- CDRH New Update
- Sólo cuatro comunidades autónomas regulan la insta...
- FEDER y la AEMPS se coordinan para mejorar la info...
- Homologación de títulos, VPC y profesionales de la...
- La Fundación IDIS abre la tercera convocatoria par...
- La Rioja activa el dispositivo de ampliación de bo...
- CC.OO también pide al TS la suspensión del RD que ...
- El CGCOM se persona ante el Tribunal Supremo en lo...
- AHRQ Resources Enhance Georgia Southern University...
- You're Invited to SAMHSA's Prevention Day
- John’s #GetCovered Story: Staying Covered and Stay...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- February 2016 CMS National Training Program Update...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release
- Final Recommendation Statement: Depression in Adul...
- New 2015 CAHPS® Health Plan Survey Chartbook Now A...
- Drug Information Update - "MedWatch Tips and Tools...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Releases Guide to Preventing Readmis...
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg
- FDA Law Blog - DOJ Makes History: On a Single Day ...
- January 26, 2016-Hospital Open Door Forum
- CDER New January 26, 2016
- Fogarty International Center
- NQMC Update Service: January 25, 2016 || National ...
- NQMC Update Service: January 25, 2016 || Announcem...
- NGC Update Service: January 25, 2016 || Announceme...
- NGC Update Service: January 25, 2016 || Scottish I...
- NGC Update Service: January 25, 2016 || Registered...
- NGC Update Service: January 25, 2016 || National ...
- Systemic Therapy for Stage IV Non-Small-Cell Lung ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Funding Available for Pilot Projects to Improve St...
- Announcing Draft Guidance on Interoperable Medical...
- La doctora Menchu Lavid ficha por BMS
- Janssen suspende el programa clínico de un fármaco...
- Todo a punto para el "Curso Acceso al Mercado y a ...
- España exporta su modelo de excelencia en trasplan...
- New Hampshire Hospital Uses TeamSTEPPS® Every Day ...
- University of Texas Southwestern Uses AHRQ’s TeamS...
- AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS® Boosts Patient Safety, Efficien...
- Department of Commerce Agency Uses MEPS for New Sc...
- Consumer Reports Uses AHRQ’s Evidence Reports in D...
- CDRH New Update
- Eduardo Recoder, nuevo presidente de AstraZeneca E...
- MSD adquiere IOmet Pharma y expande su programa de...
- El Código Europeo contra el Cáncer reconoce la vac...
- Homologación de títulos, VPC y profesionales de la...
- El Sindicato Médico lamenta los “colapsos inacepta...
- El turismo de salud crece a un ritmo del 20% anual...
- Cerca de mil médicos de familia participaron en lo...
- Sáez Aguado pide a CESM-Castilla y León sentarse a...
- Salud de Navarra presentará en breve en el Parlame...
- Webinar: Translating Evidence-Based Practices to C...
- Investing in Microcap Stocks: What You Need to Kno...
- Teens, Communities and Scientific Experts Team Up ...
- Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs) Quality Reporting...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Gobierno nacional garantiza...
- Drug Information Update-FDA works with regulatory ...
- Dependencia: progresiva y leve bajada de la lista ...
- Vice President Biden's cancer research initiative ...
- 2015 Statewide Health Inventory: Department of Hea...
- Save the Date - CDC Grand Rounds Presents "Chronic...
- Piden fabricar genéricos en periodo de extensión -...
- El 'turismo sanitario', a punto de despegar - Diar...
- La OMS dará fondos y personal específicos al nuevo...
- Sólo cuatro autonomías han regulado los desfibrila...
- El ISCIII financiará este año 689 proyectos con ca...
- Pediatría de AP advierte sobre numerosas trabas en...
- "La 'receta' enfermera cambiará; pido al CGE que t...
- Los años como pediatra del médico de Familia cuent...
- El CI del personal sanitario puede ser menos preci...
- En los ensayos clínicos de "bajo nivel de interven...
- MercatorNet: The dark past of anonymous sperm dona...
- ▼ enero (800)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (700)
- ▼ enero (700)
- CDRH New Update
- El Hospital de Valdecilla incorpora el sistema de ...
- El Consejo Económico y Social (CES) augura caídas ...
- España finaliza 2015 con una deuda sanitaria de 8....
- Los expertos señalan que, en 15 años, el gasto san...
- "Para nosotros no es innovación aquella que carece...
- SEEDO y la SECO elaboran un decálogo de consenso p...
- Crean la primera guía metodológica para estimar lo...
- Diabetes y robótica hospitalaria en la cita anual ...
- FDA Law Blog: For FSMA Consulting, It’s Buyer Bewa...
- CDER New January 25, 2016
- La salud como inversión | Economía | EL PAÍS
- Los desafíos más rentables de la humanidad | Econo...
- bioetica & debat - Artículos || Fundamentación de...
- bioetica & debat - Artículos || Fundamentación de ...
- bioetica & debat - Artículos || Fundamentación de ...
- An assessment of US microbiome research : Nature M...
- Mapping Investments and Published Outputs in Norov...
- FDA recommends nucleic acid testing to reduce HBV ...
- Defining antibiotic effectiveness and resistance: ...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- Tools and Databases KOHBRA BRCA risk calculator (...
- Privacy-preserving genomic testing in the clinic: ...
- Ethics, genetic testing, and athletic talent: chil...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- Menchu Lavid, nueva directora de Publics Affairs, ...
- Alfredo Milazzo reclama reforzar la AP, la reorien...
- Más de 2.700 especialistas internos residentes for...
- Osakidetza se evita con la hospitalización a domic...
- Osakidetza aumenta un cuatro por ciento la activid...
- Núñez Feijóo promete convocar unas 800 plazas públ...
- Possible Association Between Zika Virus Infection ...
- Zika Virus Spreads to New Areas — Region of the Am...
- CDC - What's New on the NIOSH Website
- New CDER Director's Corner audio podcast
- Registration for the 17th ICID is open!
- NIAID Funding News, January 20, 2016
- BioEdge: JAMA debates assisted suicide
- BioEdge: Embryo custody battles on the rise
- BioEdge: Male pregnancy a real possibility
- BioEdge: First euthanasia case in Quebec
- Making Progress in Protecting Consumers from Unsaf...
- Join NIAID as a grants management specialist! Open...
- CMS Blog: Washington MFFS Preliminary Evaluation R...
- NIAID Email Alert: Notice of High-Priority Zika Vi...
- Special Open Door Forum: Understanding the IMPACT ...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog - CMS Releases Final Medicaid Rebate ...
- Finalization of the Affordable Care Act Federal Up...
- Translational Medicine Communications is now accep...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) Grant ...
- Creating a Culture of Patient Safety Workshop. | A...
- MHA Patient Safety Quality Symposium. | AHRQ Patie...
- Sentinel Event Issues: How to Prevent Harm. | AHRQ...
- Collaborative for Accountability and Improvement. ...
- Hospital inpatients' experiences: percentage of pa...
- Medication errors involving overrides of healthcar...
- Behaving safely under pressure: the effects of job...
- Guideline for prevention of retained surgical item...
- Beyond clinical engagement: a pragmatic model for ...
- System hazards in managing laboratory test request...
- Creating a culture of safety around bar-code medic...
- Are surgeons and anesthesiologists lying to each o...
- Longitudinal trends in U.S. drug shortages for med...
- Best practices for chemotherapy administration in ...
- "What's psychology got to do with it?" Applying ps...
- Medication safety at the interface: evaluating ris...
- Quality management and perceptions of teamwork and...
- Economic evaluation of interventions for preventio...
- Combining systems and teamwork approaches to enhan...
- Opioid prescribing after nonfatal overdose and ass...
- Accountable Health Communities Funding Opportunity...
- Health Care Providers Working to Help Americans Ge...
- FDA Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigation
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: CABA: Ley 5469 - Sistemas T...
- CDC - What's New on the NIOSH Website
- CDER SBIA Chronicles: Best Communications Practice...
- Condenada la Sanidad valenciana a realizar un diag...
- "La mediación ahorraría más de 500 millones al año...
- Influence the Future of Cybersecurity Education—Jo...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 2
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for January 21, 2016
- Drug Information Update- Director's Corner Podcast...
- EHC Update: Infantile Hemangioma Final Report; Pro...
- CDER New January 22, 2016
- HHS Partnership Center Newsletter: Open Enrollment...
- La Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y Sanofi ...
- Bristol-Myers Squibb y el ICO juntos en la lucha c...
- La codificación de las sentencias por agresiones y...
- La CGCOM y la SEHH firman un acuerdo para la recer...
- Osakidetza se evita con la hospitalización a domic...
- Matesanz expone al Gobierno francés los puntos fue...
- Los médicos piden al Gobierno en funciones que con...
- El TS también admite a trámite el recurso de los e...
- CDRH New Update
- ▼ enero (700)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (600)
- ▼ enero (600)
- Agenda: The next CMS Physicians, Nurses & Allied H...
- Covered Outpatient Drug Final Rule with Comment
- Final Rule with Comment: Covered Outpatient Drug (...
- CDC - January 2016 Edition - Public Health Law New...
- CDRH Industry: Implanted Blood Access Devices for ...
- Agenda: The next CMS Hospital/Quality Initiative O...
- Agenda: The next Home Health, Hospice & DME Open D...
- What's New at CBER Update
- CMS NEWS: CMS Finalizes ACA Rule to Save Taxpayers...
- CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Alimentos para pagar un tra...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Catamarca: Nación acompañar...
- FDA Law Blog - Soy Protein and Coronary Heart Dise...
- NOP Clarifies What Substances Can Be Used in Post-...
- MercatorNet: Accidental births and deliberate deat...
- Urge integrar las redes de Salud Mental y Adiccion...
- Control del niño sano en el primer nivel de atenci...
- CDER New January 21, 2016
- Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition - Con...
- CDRH New Update
- Do Christians tell the best stories? A Muslim hero...
- On-the-Scene Video Consultations With Emergency Ph...
- Innovations To Address Opioid Use Disorder | AHRQ ...
- Videos | AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange
- Mariafernanda’s #GetCovered Story: Young, Healthy ...
- Cost-Effectiveness of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy ver...
- Questions To Ask Your Doctor | Agency for Healthca...
- Blood Culture in Evaluation of Pediatric Community...
- Patient-reported outcomes in a large community-bas...
- Diagnosis and treatment of incident hypertension a...
- Predictors of alcohol and tobacco use prior to and...
- Procedure-specific surgical site infection inciden...
- Procedures to Treat Benign Uterine Fibroids in Hos...
- Health Promotion Text Messaging Preferences and Ac...
- The relationship of individual comorbid chronic co...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #483: Experiences with Health Ca...
- Two-year follow-up of the effectiveness of a multi...
- AHRQ Research Findings Support Effort to Reduce Pr...
- Últimas semanas para presentar candidatura a los V...
- Navarra, pionera en España en la aplicación de la ...
- Quirónsalud presenta su 'International PatientServ...
- Boehringer Ingelheim y el Anderson Cancer Center s...
- El borrador de Decreto de Atención Temprana andalu...
- El SESCAM tiene el visto bueno para contratar a 31...
- Los profesionales sanitarios consideran que los re...
- SNF/LTC ODF Announcements
- CMS NEWS: Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enroll...
- What's New at CBER Update
- AHRQ-funded Health Literacy Conference Seeks Propo...
- Announcing Final Guidance Document: “Submission an...
- FDA Warning Letters Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Advancing Women’s Health Research
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Feder reclama una red de unidades específicas de e...
- What's New at CBER Update
- CDRH New Update
- REMINDER: Announcing Final Guidance on Gowns Inten...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Interim Guidelines ...
- On the Ground This Week: HHS to Lead Federal Respo...
- El 40% de los pacientes atendidos en Vithas proced...
- El Observatorio del Colegio de Sevilla constata el...
- La OMS admite una rápida expansión del virus Zika ...
- Esteban Plata, nuevo vicepresidente de AbbVie para...
- Sebastián Celaya expone ante la permanente del Con...
- La Consejería de Sanidad de Valencia ofrece 2.441 ...
- Madrid invertirá 80 millones en esta legislatura e...
- Enfermería advierte a las CC.AA. de que no pueden ...
- Technology Assessment: Effectiveness of Hyaluronic...
- Diagnosis and Management of Infantile Hemangioma -...
- Could Google sway an election? If so, how?
- CDRH New Update - Updated link: Program Book for J...
- Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs) Quality Reporting...
- New Action Planning Tool for the AHRQ Safety Cultu...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Update (Canceled): Date for the next Skilled Nursi...
- Update (New Date): Date for the next Skilled Nursi...
- CMS BLOG: EHR Incentive Programs: Where We Go Next...
- CDER's Latest "From our perspective" by Richard Pa...
- CMS BLOG: Clarifying, Eliminating and Enforcing Sp...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Asistencia terapéutica sin ...
- Drug Information Update- New From Our Perspective:...
- FDA Law Blog - FTC Releases Latest Staff Report on...
- Registration now open for CDER SBIA Webinar: Draft...
- CDER New January 19, 2016
- "Para nosotros no es innovación aquella que carece...
- El 6% de los accidentes laborales ocurren en centr...
- ProMED-mail
- e-boletín Drogas y Medicamentos N° 72. Col. Farmac...
- COCASA | Installation Instructions | Vaccines | CD...
- Accountable Health Communities Model Announced
- NCQA > HEDIS & Quality Measurement > HEDIS Measure...
- NQMC Update Service: January 18, 2016 ► Announceme...
- NQMC Update Service: January 18, 2016 ► American ...
- NQMC Update Service: January 18, 2016 ► AAAHC Inst...
- NQMC Update Service: January 18, 2016 ►¨Centers fo...
- NGC Update Service: January 18, 2016 ► Announcemen...
- Screening for Iron Deficiency Anemia in Young Chil...
- ▼ enero (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (500)
- ▼ enero (500)
- Screening for Iron Deficiency Anemia and Iron Supp...
- Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treat...
- An Official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Clinical Practice Gui...
- Evidence-based guideline summary: Evaluation, diag...
- La Fundación AMA premia a la Fundación Andrea, a M...
- El SERGAS y Chiesi firman un convenio para promove...
- Cuatro días más de baja laboral de los fumadores f...
- 4,5 por ciento menos de lista de espera en Extrema...
- El SESCAM convoca la provisión de 22 puestos de pe...
- Sanidad de Castilla y León propone a las organizac...
- El SESPA convoca un concurso de traslados de 354 p...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Remedio peor que la enferme...
- FDA Law Blog - DC Circuit Vacates District Court R...
- CDRH New Update
- Alberta gets transgender-friendly schools
- Los fumadores le 'cuestan' al sistema casi el dobl...
- Se dispara un 20% la lista de espera quirúrgica en...
- Sedar critica: varias CCAA avalan sedaciones por n...
- La retinopatía por sobrecarga laboral es accidente...
- Ensayos clínicos y voluntariedad -
- El seguro del centro cubre al médico ajeno al 'sta...
- 'Marejada' en el seguro sanitario público - Diario...
- El 52% de los médicos de AP tienen sobrecarga de t...
- LAF: Logic Alignment Free and its application to b...
- Mapping Investments and Published Outputs in Norov...
- New NIH awards will support development of therape...
- New research considers effects of policy on opioid...
- Freezing your eggs isn’t taking control
- Clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics. - Pub...
- Economic Evaluations of Pharmacogenetic and Pharma...
- What results to disclose, when, and who decides? H...
- Expanding the genetic counseling workforce: progra...
- Training the Future Leaders in Personalized Medici...
- Personal Narratives of Genetic Testing: Expectatio...
- 'Is this knowledge mine and nobody else's? I don't...
- Establishing the Clinical Validity of Arrhythmia-R...
- Genetics, lifestyle and environment : UK Biobank i...
- Un muerto y cinco personas graves por un ensayo cl...
- Las plagas pueden haberse mantenido en Europa dura...
- El modelo Alzira de gestión hospitalaria se estudi...
- ProMED-mail
- Creating a Culture of Patient Safety Workshop. | A...
- 2016 2017 Targeted Medication Safety Best Practice...
- Communication and Resolution Program (CRP) Leader ...
- Improving Pediatric Surgery Quality and Outcomes i...
- Black Box Thinking: Why Most People Never Learn Fr...
- Computerized Prescriber Order Entry Medication Saf...
- At the hospital, better responses to those beeping...
- FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA cautions about ...
- Fifteen years after To Err Is Human: a success sto...
- Post event debriefs: a commitment to learning how ...
- Early impact of the 2011 ACGME duty hour regulatio...
- How safe is primary care? A systematic review. | A...
- The Swiss cheese model of adverse event occurrence...
- Improving anesthesiologists' ability to speak up i...
- Predictors of warfarin-associated adverse events i...
- The effect of emergency department boarding on ord...
- Importance of teamwork, communication and culture ...
- Missed opportunities for diagnosis: lessons learne...
- A tool for the concise analysis of patient safety ...
- Association of safety culture with surgical site i...
- Changes in burnout and satisfaction with work-life...
- 'Is this knowledge mine and nobody else's? I don't...
- An assessment of US microbiome research : Nature M...
- Mapping Investments and Published Outputs in Norov...
- FDA recommends nucleic acid testing to reduce HBV ...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content ► Publi...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan ► Public Healt...
- 79.444 pacientes en lista de espera quirúrgica en ...
- Grupo SANED y la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte ...
- Navarra extenderá la carrera profesional al person...
- La lista de espera en Castilla y León aumenta en 5...
- El 28,9% de los médicos de Primaria tiene una situ...
- El Consejo General de Enfermería solicita al Supre...
- Aquilino Alonso, consejero de Sanidad andaluz, des...
- El paro y la economía son los factores que más inf...
- BioEdge: How much treatment do heroin addicts dese...
- BioEdge: Catastrophic result in clinical trial in ...
- BioEdge: Another controversy over futile care in T...
- BioEdge: UK think tank to investigate cosmetic pro...
- BioEdge: Canadian doctors should not be forced to ...
- BioEdge: UK on verge of editing genome of human em...
- State-Specific Costs of Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths...
- Cost Data and Prevention Policies | Motor Vehicle ...
- Reminder: Additional public comment opportunity on...
- BioEdge: Is US medicine becoming an assembly line?...
- CDRH New Update
- What's New at AHRQ
- Crecimiento bajo amparo
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- CDRH Industry: Postmarket Management of Cybersecur...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 1
- Don’t Miss The January 15 Deadline for February Co...
- FDA Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigation
- What's New at CBER Update
- Increases in Fentanyl Drug Confiscations and Fenta...
- CDC What's New (NIOSH) Update
- Valencia equipara los días adicionales del médico ...
- ▼ enero (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (400)
- ▼ enero (400)
- Empleo asegura que el paro médico bajó un 12,38% e...
- La OMS confirma un nuevo fallecido por Ébola en Si...
- Primeros datos en Madrid con espera quirúrgica 're...
- Indemnizan la falta de información en una episioto...
- La CNMC aprueba abrir un expediente a "La Mañana" ...
- Aquilino Alonso abre la puerta a una alternativa p...
- Formación en Farmacogenética y Medicina Genómica d...
- TicSalut y Chiesi apuestan por modernizar los serv...
- IDIS entrega la acreditación de calidad asistencia...
- SATSE celebra la decisión del Supremo de admitir a...
- Comín asume oficialmente la Consejería de Salud de...
- Los ensayos clínicos no deben esconder motivacione...
- Mammography Update: The Buck Stops Here - Faciliti...
- New Grant Opportunities
- CDER New January 15, 2015
- Seis personas graves en Francia a causa de un ensa...
- Planificá tu año - cursos presenciales y virtuales...
- Did You Know? | What your state can do to prevent ...
- Los gastos de los supervivientes de cáncer crecen ...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: Is Europe dying? || MercatorNet
- Studies: 2 Ways Obamacare Is Saving Money
- NIAID Email Alert: Funding Opportunity - Internati...
- CDRH Industry: Workshop - Next Generation Sequenci...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Manuel’s #GetCovered Story: Staying Healthy for hi...
- Apply Now for Unique Technical Assistance Opportun...
- CDRH Industry: Webinar - Premarket Notification Re...
- PUBLIC MEETING: Progress on Enhancing the Collecti...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Advierten que peligra el P...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog - New Draft Guidance Clarifies UDI Ex...
- CDC: MMWR News Synopsis for January 14, 2016
- New research considers effects of policy on opioid...
- Progress and Collaboration on Clinical Trials
- Es accidente laboral toda agravación de enfermedad...
- El Defensor del Paciente recibe 14.430 casos, 319 ...
- El 53% de los médicos de Familia ven a más de 32 p...
- NIAID Email Alert: Fiscal Year Paylines for R01
- ProMED mail
- Una iniciativa de inscripción en la Obamacare se d...
- Join the Upcoming COPD Town Hall Meeting: Developi...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- CDER New January 14, 2016
- El IDIS entrega sus acreditaciones QH a 23 entidad...
- El Gobierno riojano destaca la "implicación" de la...
- La ONT registró en 2015 su mayor aumento histórico...
- Andalucía ultima el borrador del decreto de Atenci...
- La OMC y la SEOR firman un acuerdo para la recerti...
- Asociaciones de pacientes, médicos y expertos en c...
- Despolitizar la Sanidad, optimizar recursos y apos...
- La Agencia Europea de Seguridad en Redes e Informa...
- La industria farmacéutica cierra 2015 con un creci...
- Toni Comín fija como prioridades de Salud revertir...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- CDRH New Update
- What's New at AHRQ
- MercatorNet: A tragic case of modern bioethics || ...
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) B...
- Last Call for Comments on the IL Proposed Rule
- Aumentan las agresiones contra el personal de salu...
- Cursos virtuales - Epidemiología y estadística
- A Mom’s Story of Health and Financial Security
- Hacia un modelo de calidad asistencial más estanda...
- Update (New Date): Tentative Date for the next Amb...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Registration now open for CDER SBIA Webinar: New R...
- CDRH Strategic Priorities – Closure of 2014-2015 P...
- CDER New January 13, 2016
- CMS NEWS: Marketplace Enrollment Snapshot Week 10:...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: MSAL designa Coordinador Ge...
- Update (Correct Wording): Tentative Date for the n...
- The latest "CDER Conversation" with Dr. Elektra Pa...
- FDA Law Blog - User Facility MDR Inspections: Emer...
- CDER SBIA Update: FDA Releases the Pilot Version o...
- Update (Date Change): Tentative Date for the next ...
- January 2016 CMS National Training Program Update
- Valencia: las 'consultas colectivas' son sesiones ...
- Sanidad no celebrará un Interterritorial de 'recet...
- Andalucía: itinerarios individualizados y blindaje...
- La sanidad, de momento, fuera del debate por posib...
- Drug Information Update- FDA Releases the Pilot Ve...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Las personas con menos recursos tienen más problem...
- CMS Marketplace Getting Ready for Tax Season Webin...
- Psychosocial stress as a risk factor for sepsis: a...
- Initiation of treatment for incident diabetes: evi...
- Provider Preferences and Experiences With a County...
- Lack of Daily Warfarin Monitoring in Hospitals Lin...
- Evidence synthesis activities of a hospital eviden...
- Connecting Emergency Department Patients to Primar...
- A Qualitative Study of Vulnerable Patient Views of...
- Journal Supplement Explores Issues Surrounding Phy...
- Patient safety in plastic surgery: identifying are...
- The Incremental Risk of Coronary Stents on Postope...
- Action Planning Tool for the AHRQ Surveys on Patie...
- Surveys on Patient Safety Culture | Agency for Hea...
- New Action Planning Tool Available for AHRQ Safety...
- AHRQ Announces Health Literacy Continuing Educatio...
- ▼ enero (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (300)
- ▼ enero (300)
- New Research and Evidence From AHRQ
- Questions To Ask Your Doctor | Agency for Healthca...
- North Carolina Physicians Use AHRQ Materials to Bo...
- Featured Case Study: N.C. Physicians Use AHRQ Mate...
- 2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- Legal and financial planning for Alzheimer’s—Get s...
- CDRH New Update
- Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Webin...
- La Sociedad Española de Neurología ya tiene nuevo ...
- Denuncian al Sergas por las restricciones al acces...
- Los medicamentos más vendidos en 2016
- El éxito en trasplantes se debe a una óptima coord...
- Drug Shortages Update
- The next Disability and Chronic Disease Management...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fallo ordena a obra social ...
- MercatorNet: Which diversity matters (if any)? ||...
- FDA Law Blog - CDER Launches Clinical Outcomes Ass...
- The next CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum is sched...
- CDC Grand Rounds Presents “Staying Ahead of the Cu...
- CDER New January 12, 2016
- Drug Information Update- Federal judge enters cons...
- Drug Information Update- GDUFA Learning Courses No...
- GDUFA Learning Courses Now Available
- CDER SBIA Update: GDUFA Learning Courses Now Avail...
- Tentative Date for the next Low Income Health Acce...
- Final Recommendation Statement: Screening for Brea...
- Screening for Breast Cancer Final Recommendation I...
- What's New at AHRQ
- NQMC Update Service: January 11, 2016 || Announcem...
- NQMC Update Service: January 11, 2016 || American ...
- NGC Update Service: January 11, 2016 || Society fo...
- NGC Update Service: January 11, 2016 || Eastern As...
- NGC Update Service: January 11, 2016 || Clinical P...
- NGC Update Service: January 11, 2016 || Announceme...
- CDRH New Update
- Friday: Deadline for Coverage Starting Feb. 1
- Health Literacy Resources for Older Adult Caregive...
- Free Health Literacy Continuing Education Credits
- CMS NEWS: New hospitals and health care providers ...
- The SHOP Deadline for February Coverage: January 1...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los honorarios médicos no s...
- FDA Law Blog - Briefing in Appeal Over Colchicine ...
- MercatorNet ► Silicon soul: The vain dream of elec...
- Free All-State Webinar on Improving Medicaid and C...
- A Framework for Assessing the Value of Investments...
- Descriptive Epidemiology of Objectively Measured W...
- Prevalence of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes, by Mater...
- Weight Outcomes of Latino Adults and Children Part...
- Association Between Student Purchases of Beverages...
- Investigating Measures of Social Context on 2 Popu...
- Patterns of Chronic Conditions and Their Associati...
- Promoting Employee Health Through an American Canc...
- Arriving at Results Efficiently: Using the Enhance...
- Engaging Stakeholders From Volunteer-Led Out-of-Sc...
- Factors Associated With Cancer Worry Among People ...
- Telestroke Centers as an Option for Addressing Geo...
- Erratum, Vol. 12, November 5 Release ERRATUM — Vol...
- National and State Attitudes of US Adults Toward T...
- Adherence to Oral Antihyperglycemic Agents Among O...
- Lack of Health Insurance Among Adults Aged 18 to 6...
- FSMA Implementation: The Road is Challenging, but ...
- CMS BLOG: Encouraging Investment in Medicaid Infor...
- Directrices para tratar a los niños con Ébola
- La Sanidad, en el Top 5 de principales problemas p...
- CDRH New Update
- Join us this Friday for a Call to Action for Faith...
- CDER New January 8, 2016
- MercatorNet ► Living longer: a bonus or a burden?...
- MercatorNet ► 2016: The year ahead Sheila Liaugmin...
- FDA Law Blog - HP&M Announces Addition of New Of C...
- Importante: se acerca la fecha límite de la Inscri...
- FDA 2015: A Look Back (and Ahead) – Part 3: Food, ...
- NIST Featured in Media's Top Science Stories of 20...
- Interactive e-counselling for genetics pre-test de...
- FoodMicrobionet: A database for the visualisation ...
- Precision Diagnosis Is a Team Sport.
- Developing Global Norms for Sharing Data and Resul...
- Controlled Access under Review: Improving the Gove...
- PLOS Genetics Data Sharing Policy: In Pursuit of F...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content
- Biobank/Genomic Research in Nigeria: Examining Rel...
- Spanish Regulation of Biobanks.
- Introduction to Bioethics Special Supplement V: Et...
- Whole-Genome Screening of Newborns? The Constituti...
- Genomic Databases and Biobanks in Denmark.
- Potential Psychosocial Risks of Sequencing Newborn...
- Biobanking and Privacy Law in Brazil.
- Biobanking and Privacy Laws in Australia.
- Regulation of Biobanks in France.
- Automatic Placement of Genomic Research Results in...
- International Guidelines for Privacy in Genomic Bi...
- Genomic Databases and Biobanks in Israel.
- Changes to the Genetic Information Nondiscriminati...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan
- Apply Now to Become a PHAP Associate! The Applicat...
- Un comunicado de ProMED-mail || ProMED-mail es un ...
- NIOSH eNews FLASH - January 2016
- AHRQ Evidence-Based Practice Update
- BioEdge: US should stop physician participation in...
- ▼ enero (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (200)
- ▼ enero (200)
- Patient Safety Primers
- WebM&M Cases
- Did You Know?
- Patient and family advisory councils. The Massachu...
- Achieving Safe Health Care: Delivery of Safe Patie...
- Communication relating to family members' involvem...
- Two fatal cases of accidental intrathecal vincrist...
- What happens when healthcare innovations collide? ...
- Interhospital transfer patients discharged by acad...
- Increased appropriateness of customized alert ackn...
- A piece of my mind. From shame to guilt to love. ...
- Effect of patient-centred bedside rounds on hospit...
- Simulation in the executive suite: lessons learned...
- Electronic health record–related events in medical...
- Can patient safety incident reports be used to com...
- Could it be done safely? Pharmacists views on safe...
- Empowering patients in the hospital as a new appro...
- Quality and patient safety teams in the perioperat...
- The effect of a staged, emergency department speci...
- Team training for safer birth. Cornthwaite K, Alv...
- What public health can do now in human genomics to...
- China banks on gene power firms for ‘precision med...
- Changes to the Genetic Information Nondiscriminati...
- CIB: Options for Medicaid Payments in the Implemen...
- CMS Blog: Getting Ready for Tax Season
- CDC draft opioid prescribing guideline additional ...
- Programa Nacional de Prevención de Cáncer Cérvicou...
- Por qué los economistas se ocupan primero de la sa...
- Webinar: Effective Communication and its Impact on...
- Southern Baptist Hospital of Florida v. Charles. ...
- Applied Research Toward Zero Suicide Healthcare Sy...
- 2016 National Patient Safety Goals: What You Need ...
- Regulation Published July 2014 National Patient Sa...
- Grant Recipient Published January 2007 Anesthesia ...
- In simulated cases, leaders presented with patient...
- Study of closed malpractice cases related to healt...
- In NHS England's national incident reporting syste...
- Blood, Vaccines and Other Biologics Advisory Commi...
- What's New at CBER Update
- MercatorNet ► Global ethics challenges for 2016
- CDER New January 8, 2016
- CDRH Industry: Public Workshop - Streamlining Good...
- CDRH New Update
- Cases & Commentaries WebMM Logo Published January...
- Cases & Commentaries WebMM Logo Published January...
- Cases & Commentaries WebMM Logo Published January...
- Perspectives on Safety Published January 2016 Diag...
- Perspectives on Safety Published January 2016 In C...
- Final Research Plan: Screening for Adolescent Idio...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for January 7, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 64 / No. 52
- EHC Updates: Contrast-Induced Nephropathy Final Re...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Buenos Aires: se modifica l...
- FDA Law Blog - FDA Issues Draft Guidance for Notif...
- HHS Partnership Center Newsletter: ACA Faith Weeke...
- CMS Updates to Coverage Pages
- CDER New January 7, 2016
- CORRECTION - Quality of Patient Care Star Rating P...
- CMS National Training Program Webinar Getting Star...
- Accountable Health Communities Model Announced
- CDRH Industry: CDRH Industry Basics Workshop - Uni...
- Quality of Patient Care Star Rating Preview Report...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La Justicia dispuso que una...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Register Now: New AHRQ SHARE Approach Free Trainin...
- CMS News: Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enroll...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog - FDA Broadens Arsenal in Fight Again...
- Andrew’s #GetCovered Story: Insuring a Healthy New...
- MercatorNet: Sperm donor sues to force surrogate m...
- ProMED-mail
- National trends in the use of postcardiac arrest t...
- Cost-utility analysis of chemotherapy regimens in ...
- How Hospitals Reengineer Their Discharge Processes...
- Exposure to prescription opioid analgesics in uter...
- Aging and loss to follow-up among youth living wit...
- Implementation of an audio computer-assisted self-...
- Geographic and facility variation in inpatient str...
- Initial Trends in the Use of the 21-Gene Recurrenc...
- AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, January 5, 2016 || We’...
- AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, January 5, 2016 || AHR...
- Affordable Care Act Produced Little Change in Part...
- AHRQ Study: Medicaid Expansion Did Not Lead to Maj...
- AHRQ Study Examines Quality of Care, Length of Sta...
- AHRQ Researchers Examine How Much Hospitals Are Pa...
- AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, January 5, 2016 || New...
- Featured Case Study: AHRQ Toolkit Supports Develop...
- CMS National Training Program Learning Series Webi...
- CDER New January 6, 2015
- Apply Now for NNEDLearn 2016!
- SAVE THE DATE - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconf...
- Former activist denounces feminism. First impressi...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Blog—AHRQ Views: Changes in Work Hours and Employe...
- CDRH New Update
- Mammography Update: MQSA National Statistics
- Drug Shortages Update
- The NIOSH Science Blog has been updated: New NIOSH...
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- ▼ enero (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (100)
- ▼ enero (100)
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Impulsan que sea obligatori...
- FDA Law Blog - Cannabidiol Research and Mailing Ma...
- Vital Signs: Exposure to Electronic Cigarette Adve...
- New SHOP Marketplace features for 2016:
- Administration Releases 2015 White House Conferenc...
- January 2016 EdNet: The National Food Safety Educa...
- Caregivers—Resolve to take care of your health thi...
- NIOSH eNews - January, 2016 - Version 2
- ESRD QIP: Payment Year 2019 Final Rule Call — Regi...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: The FDA Recomme...
- Correction: Mobile Resources To Support Behavioral...
- What's New in Health IT
- Juan Gómez Gerique, amigo e impulsor
- Indemnizan con 70.000 euros la amputación de una p...
- Aplicar el protocolo no justifica obviar los antec...
- La Inspección de la SS reconoce un ictus como acci...
- Condena tras rectificar en juicio un informe peric...
- Madrid: Amyts reclama incluir la reactivación de l...
- Health Communication Science Digest -- December 20...
- Commission of a Surgeon General's Report on Substa...
- Madrid dejó sin gastar en 2014 un 27% de fondos de...
- Farmacia y gestión de personal, bajo la lupa del T...
- Launch of the National Action Plan to Combat MDR-T...
- NIOSH eNews - January, 2016
- Mobile Resources To Support Behavioral Health
- Open for Public Comment: SAMHSA's NREPP
- CDER New January 5, 2015
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: New men, new rights
- FDA Law Blog - WARNING: GMP Problems No Excuse for...
- FDA-TRACK Update: CBER completes Year 3 of its Int...
- Drug Innovation > Novel New Drugs Summary 2015
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se otorgarán credenciales p...
- Los estudios de biomedicina esconden quién los pag...
- CDER SBIA Update: Novel New Drugs Summary 2015 - w...
- 2015: Another Strong Year for Patients in Need of ...
- NGC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || Announcemen...
- NGC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || National In...
- NGC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || National Co...
- NGC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || National C...
- NGC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || National Cl...
- NQMC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || Announceme...
- NQMC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || National C...
- NQMC Update Service: January 4, 2016 || American P...
- CDC Learning Connection: What's New For January 20...
- Archived Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (PQC) We...
- Public Health Strategies to Prevent Preterm Birth ...
- CDER SBIA Update: Novel New Drugs Summary 2015
- CDER New January 4, 2016
- El SAS convoca licitación de acuerdo marco de homo...
- Nuevas caras sanitarias en el Congreso - DiarioMed...
- ¿Qué le piden al 2016 las sociedades médicas? - Di...
- Medicina de primera para la 'cuarta edad' - Diario...
- Competencia pide mejorar la regulación de producto...
- Los presupuestos para sanidad suben, pero no tanto...
- Apply Now to Become a PHAP Associate!
- Apply Now to Become a PHAP Host Site!
- ProMED-mail
- Almirall ejecutará la opción de compra para hacers...
- FDA Law Blog - The New and Improved 510(k) RTA: Pe...
- CDRH New Update
- Archbishop forces showdown over Belgian euthanasia...
- ACL Seeks Comments on NIDILRR Proposed Rule
- NIOSH Research Rounds - December, 2015
- EHC Updates: EPC Reports Related to Medicines on t...
- CDC - NIOSH Science Blog – The Opioid Overdose Epi...
- Las comorbilidades aumentan el riesgo de muerte en...
- Las guías NICE reconocen a Monoferro como el mejor...
- "En tiempos de crisis nuestra meta ha sido mantene...
- Inexplicable lentitud legislativa en materia de en...
- Cuatro candidaturas se disputarán la presidencia d...
- "El salario de los médicos españoles está todavía ...
- Enfado en la profesión enfermera por la publicació...
- Un modelo sanitario en plena Reestructuración
- Ya está disponible el número 10 de la revista IM M...
- Frente al abuso de Cannabis en jóvenes los hospita...
- AHRQ Provides Evidence on Drugs in CMS Dashboard |...
- ProMED-mail
- Electronic Health Records || Public Health Genomic...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- 365 days: The science events that shaped 2015 : Na...
- Pharmacogenomic Information in FDA-Approved Drug L...
- Genetic counselling in a national referral centre ...
- Undiagnosed Diseases Network International (UDNI):...
- Building International Genomics Collaboration for ...
- Internet-Based Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing:...
- Assessing the Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of Geno...
- Perspectives on Translational Genomics and Public ...
- Direct-to-consumer genetic testing: a revised posi...
- Direct-to-consumer Genetic Testing: Changes in the...
- Integrating electronic health record genotype and ...
- Genomics Databases and Analysis Tools | HSLS
- The Gene Pool: The Ethics of Genetics in Primary C...
- Balancing Benefits and Risks of Immortal Data: Par...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan
- An Introduction to National Health Security
- MMWR Vol. 64 / Nos. 50 & 51
- CDER SBIA Update: User Fee Payment System Maintena...
- CMS Request for Information on Electronically Repo...
- What's New at CBER Update
- ▼ enero (100)


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