miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Keep Us Informed About Your Research Accepted for Publication

AHRQ Newsletter: updated state quality data, blood clot prevention guide

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Keep Us Informed About Your Research Accepted for Publication

AHRQ’s Office of Communications works with grantees and contractors, as well as our own intramural researchers, to promote findings from AHRQ-funded research. We rely on you to alert us when this research is accepted for publication. Here’s how you can help: When a journal manuscript is accepted for publication, either online or in print, send an email to our tracking team at JournalPublishing@ahrq.hhs.gov. To share the details, please complete and attach our fillable PDF,  “Get Recognition for Your AHRQ-Funded Study." We need four to six weeks before publication to review the content for potential outreach. Outreach ranges from a press release to a citation in this newsletter. AHRQ honors all journal embargo dates, so manuscripts sent to the database will remain confidential. Thanks for your cooperation.

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