Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto. Salta, Argentina. 2008 a 2016.
MIÉRCOLES 31 de AGOSTO de 2016
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visitas registradas por Google+ ► 495,5 MILLONES!! [nuestra ecuación indica que son 518,0 MILLONES]
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LECTORES acumulados desde enero 2009 a la fecha: 3.872.687
LECTORES totales conjuntos (todos los blogs: [5]): 17.146.522
Páginas consultadas desde el inicio de los blogs (3): > 414,1 millones
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Documentos EDITADOS durante el mes de AGOSTO de 2016: 1.017+
Documentos acumulados en 2016: 8.682+
Documentos editados desde el inicio del blog (2008/2016): 66.760+
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Páginas vistas en el último mes: 107.657
Universo de páginas visitadas en el último mes (AGOSTO 2016): 337.350
Universo de páginas visitadas en el último mes (AGOSTO 2016): 337.350
Páginas vistas (historial completo): 3.872.687
Documentos totales editados en los blog´s ► 230.842+
Documentos totales editados en los blog´s ► 230.842+
¡Muchas GRACIAS! a todo el universo de habla hispana y de habla no hispana que nos confían sus consultas] MUCHAS GRACIAS a TODAS nuestras fuentes por apoyarnos permitiéndonos difundir ciencia genuina y expresando la necesidad de una administración sanitaria con gestión global. Estamos demostrando, día tras día, que la salud importa y que es prioridad de las personas... no así de los estados políticos.

Gracias por las tuyas concedidas
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8682)
- ▼ agosto (1017)
- Aprobado un extra de 841 millones con cargo al FLA...
- Sánchez, a Rajoy: 'Ha expulsado a 30.000 profesion...
- Novartis reúne a expertos de las nuevas tecnología...
- Un kit basado en tiras reactivas para la detección...
- Crece el número de pacientes con cáncer que contra...
- Cuestionario de la SEQC para analizar la seguridad...
- Presentan en el ESC una calculadora de riesgo que ...
- Tecnología española para el hospital más innovador...
- La Fundación AstraZeneca beca con 80.000 euros a c...
- La Biotecnología lidera las especialidades sanitar...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Annual Report on Children's Health Care: Dental an...
- Using Electronic Health Record Data to Measure Car...
- A National Report of Nursing Home Information Tech...
- Maximizing Team Performance: The Critical Role of ...
- Atopic Dermatitis Is Associated with Less Physical...
- ▼ agosto (1017)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8665)
- ▼ agosto (1000)
- AHRQ Data Identify States That Rank Highest in Hea...
- Health-related quality of life in lung cancer surv...
- Ethical issues in patient-centered outcomes resear...
- Developing the surveillance algorithm for detectio...
- A framework to guide implementation research for c...
- AHRQ Newsletter: updated state quality data, blood...
- Register Now for Fall TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer On...
- Keep Us Informed About Your Research Accepted for ...
- TeamSTEPPS®: Strategies and Tools to Enhance Perfo...
- Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center Uses TeamSTEPPS T...
- Blood Thinner Pills: Your Guide to Using Them Safe...
- Preventing Hospital-Associated Venous Thromboembol...
- AHRQ Releases Updated Guide to Help Clinicians Pre...
- CDRH New Update
- CPACF | Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital ...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Separate Draft Guidance R...
- CDER New August 31, 2016
- MercatorNet: How did UTexas sociologist Mark Regne...
- MercatorNet: Surprising findings about humanity’s ...
- CDRH Industry: REMINDER: FDA Webinar September 1, ...
- Archives of Public Health | Home page: Submit to o...
- Important Notice About the ICID
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: El desafío de formar profes...
- Más médicos reportan casos de padres anti-vacunas ...
- Mosquitos pueden trasmitir el zika a los huevos y ...
- ProMED-mail
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- What's New for Biologics
- − LIVE from Facebook, It’s!...
- Biotecnología y Big Data, las áreas de formación m...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Hearing Loss in Inf...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- NSCI: High-Performance Computing Security Workshop...
- NIST’s Information Security and Privacy Advisory B...
- Drug Shortages Update
- DEA Announces Intent to Schedule Kratom
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Rajoy obvia la Sanidad en su discurso para formar ...
- Bruselas sigue queriendo cerrar el TTIP este año -...
- Francia rechaza continuar con el TTIP - DiarioMedi...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: New on the Web
- View our Agenda for the FDA Small Business REdI Co...
- Save the Date - CDC Grand Rounds Presents “Beyond ...
- MercatorNet: Getting America onto the right track
- MercatorNet: 7 reasons why Australia needs a plebi...
- CDRH New Update
- Updated Agenda: The next CMS Hospital/Quality Init...
- CDER New August 30, 2016
- La app Vitales facilita al médico los datos de sal...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Expomedical 2016: 9no Works...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Rechazo de demanda por mala...
- Military health leaders say that DoD's investment ...
- FDA Law Blog: FSIS Now Allows Use of the Term GMO ...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) CBER's Biolo...
- Ask OWH Director Dr. Nancy Lee about Zika — #AtoZi...
- What's New at CBER Update
- AGENDA - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconference ...
- Medicare Open Enrollment Boot Camp
- CMS NEWS: CMS proposes new standards to strengthen...
- An Important Message About the National Resource D...
- Drug Shortages Update
- FDA Stakeholder Webinar - Potential OTC Monograph ...
- Sept. 8 FDA Grand Rounds: Registration for CE Cred...
- Madrid da 'luz verde' a un nuevo modelo de gestión...
- PP y C's acuerdan un fondo especial para fármacos ...
- Asturias justifica la no inclusión de la vacuna de...
- Activan en Santander el protocolo preventivo tras ...
- Abierto el plazo de inscripciones para formar part...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Comment Period Extensio...
- Knowing who to trust: exploring the role of 'ethic...
- Consent for newborn screening: parents' and health...
- Return of individual genomic research results: wha...
- Informed Consent Should Be a Required Element for ...
- Prodromal Clinical Markers of Parkinson disease in...
- Cerebrospinal fluid total tau concentration predic...
- Ethical governance in biobanks linked to electroni...
- Whole genome analysis on the genetic backgrounds a...
- First application of next-generation sequencing in...
- The effect of referral for genetic counseling on g...
- LRRK2, GBA and SMPD1 Founder Mutations and Parkins...
- Ethics Reporting in Biospecimen and Genetic Resear...
- Why take part in personalised cancer research? Pat...
- Evolution of Hereditary Breast Cancer Genetic Serv...
- A review of consent practices and perspectives for...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Investigates Elevated Lead Levels Linked to To...
- ProMED-mail
- MercatorNet: Youth unemployment high worldwide
- Response to Louisiana Flooding 2016 | Flickr
- After the Flood: Mold-Specific Resources
- Investigation: Pre-October 2015 Flint Water, Sourc...
- HHS funds development of Zika diagnostic test for ...
- HHS awards $7 million to OraSure to speed developm...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues a Significantly Improved ...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. RR-5 ► Prevention and Control o...
- Detection of amino acid substitutions in the GyrA ...
- Influenza Virus Affects Intestinal Microbiota and ...
- IL-7 primes IL-17 in mucosal-associated invariant ...
- ▼ agosto (1000)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8565)
- ▼ agosto (900)
- Genomic and Phenotypic Analyses Reveal the Emergen...
- Phenotypic and genetic changes in the life cycle o...
- Whole Genome DNA Sequence Analysis of Salmonella s...
- Investigating Salmonella Eko from Various Sources ...
- Complete and Closed Genome Sequences of 10 Salmone...
- Turtles as a Possible Reservoir of Nontyphoidal Sa...
- Utility of algorithms for the analysis of integrat...
- Whole-Genome Sequencing for Detecting Antimicrobia...
- Comparison of whole genome sequencing typing resul...
- Whole genome sequencing analysis of Salmonella Ent...
- What's in a Name? Species-Wide Whole-Genome Sequen...
- Distinct Salmonella Enteritidis lineages associate...
- Precision public health
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content :: Publ...
- BioEdge: India may ban all commercial surrogacy
- BioEdge: Marie Stopes abortion services suspended ...
- BioEdge: Legal heads-up on decapitation
- BioEdge: Savulescu calls for ban on doctors’ consc...
- BioEdge: Provocative new study questions the scien...
- BioEdge: Kuwait becomes first country to demand un...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- ASHRM 2016 Annual Conference. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Preventing Overdiagnosis. | AHRQ Patient Safety Ne...
- The Role of Standards in Managing Mitigating Healt...
- Avoiding Unconscious Bias: a Guide for Surgeons. |...
- What price must we pay for safety? Excessive cost ...
- 5 cataract surgeries, 5 people blinded: what went ...
- Headline-grabbing study brings attention back to m...
- Handoffs, safety culture, and practices: evidence ...
- A framework to assess patient-reported adverse out...
- The global burden of diagnostic errors in primary ...
- The role of radio frequency detection system embed...
- A reduced duty hours model for senior internal med...
- JAMA professionalism: disclosure of medical error....
- Healthcare staff wellbeing, burnout, and patient s...
- Pharmacist physician communications in a highly co...
- Automated identification of antibiotic overdoses a...
- Situational awareness what it means for clinicians...
- Lost in translation: impact of language barriers o...
- Using Kotter's change model for implementing bedsi...
- Using simulation to improve first-year pharmacy st...
- Giving voice to quality and safety matters at boar...
- Safe implementation of standard concentration infu...
- Health Literacy and Cultural Competency (Links Fix...
- Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > Cou...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 33
- The next CMS Hospital/Quality Initiative Open Door...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Médicos solicitan replantea...
- Publicada en el 'BOE' la norma que regula la promo...
- Final Research Plan: Intimate Partner Violence, El...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Likely Sexual Trans...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Guillain-Barré Synd...
- ProMED-mail
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Alere Recalls I...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: BD2K Enhancing the Effi...
- Development of an Electronic Medical Record-Integr...
- Primary Care Implementation of After-Visit Summari...
- Patient and clinician perspectives on the outpatie...
- AHRQ Health IT Update
- TEP on IMPACT Act Quality Measures: Nominations du...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- Exploring the Dimensions of Trustworthiness: Chall...
- Join CDC’s Town Hall: How Three States Tackled Sep...
- Press Announcements > FDA advises testing for Zika...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCVAspectos Legales Ideo...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCVRepercusión Educativa...
- Comprender el objetivo de la ideología de género e...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCVLey Transexualidad Ho...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCVIdeología de Género H...
- Clonación reproductiva, ¿es ético su uso? | Observ...
- Using Community Input To Improve Advance Care Plan...
- AHRQ Health Literacy and Cultural Competency Updat...
- EHC Program Update: Assessment Tools for Palliativ...
- Grants to Foster More Secure Online Access to Onli...
- NQF: Improving Population Health by Working with C...
- Webinar on New Handbook For Improving Population H...
- HAN Archive - 00395|Health Alert Network (HAN)
- Reminder - Free CE Webinar: Heater-Cooler Units Pu...
- CMS NEWS: PY 2015 Medicare ACO results
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Lemus expuso en el Senado s...
- FDA Law Blog: Did You Catch That “New” Drug Produc...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New August 26, 2016
- MercatorNet: Can the Pope change Catholic teaching...
- MercatorNet: Thailand’s ageing population
- MercatorNet: Pro-choice puritanism
- Webinar - Regulatory Advice for Investigators and ...
- The direct costs of fatal and non-fatal falls amon...
- New Journal Article on the Cost of Falls
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for August 25, 2016
- Safety Communications > Syringe Pump Problems with...
- NIH names Dr. Diana Bianchi director of the Nation...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Medicaid expansion lowers Marketplace premiums by ...
- Dr. J. Nadine Gracia joins the U.S. Surgeon Genera...
- June 2016 Medicaid & CHIP Eligibility and Enrollme...
- ▼ agosto (900)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8465)
- ▼ agosto (800)
- The Science of Behavior Change Grants Webinar, Sep...
- Pfizer compra parte de la división de antibióticos...
- Mejoran indicadores tras una década de Plan de Edu...
- Valencia: Puig asegura que no habrá más recortes e...
- NIAID Funding News, August 24, 2016
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- FDA Law Blog: Still Not Ready for Prime Time: DEA ...
- Webinar: Innovations in Developing the Workforce
- New analysis shows consumers will still have affor...
- − Updated: Common Patient Assistance...
- Think Sepsis. Time Matters.
- The Surgeon General is Calling on Us to Lead
- MercatorNet: Why Penelope waited for Odysseus
- MercatorNet: Transitioning of children ‘too risky’...
- New Resources for Improving Child Health Quality
- Extra! Extra! Read all about it! New Resource Mate...
- CDRH New Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: INCUCAI: normas para habili...
- CDC Media Advisory: CDC Foundation’s New Business ...
- Register for the Clinical Trials Symposium
- NIH establishes new research program to address he...
- ProMED-mail
- CDC awards $6.8 million to partners to support Zik...
- Register for HCUP Fall Webinar Series and Hands-on...
- Register for HCUP Fall Webinar Series and Hands-on...
- Last Day to Register: Exploring the Dimensions of ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- FDA Is Preparing Guidances that Will Help Food Com...
- MercatorNet: The incalculable cost of assisted sui...
- CDER New August 24, 2016
- CDRH Industry: FDA Issues Final Guidance on Patien...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Where do you get your information? A survey of occ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Announces Grant Awa...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Vital Signs: Epidem...
- CDC Press Release: Saving patients from sepsis is ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Three Guidance Document...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- SAVE THE DATE - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconf...
- CDC Releases New Vital Signs Report on Sepsis
- Starting Tomorrow: SAMHSA National Advisory Counci...
- CDRH New Update
- Precision medicine offers individualized health ca...
- − The Evolution of Ryan White HIV/Ca...
- Public Comment: Mental Health & Substance Use Diso...
- CDRH Industry: REMINDER: FDA Webinar August 25, 20...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA’s Eighth Annual Report to Congre...
- Association Between Hospital Performance on Patien...
- AHRQ Newsletter: Sept. 9 Webinar To Highlight AHRQ...
- Pharmacotherapy for Adults With Alcohol Use Disord...
- Transitional Care Interventions To Prevent Readmis...
- NQF: Improving Population Health by Working with C...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care | The National ...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care | The National ...
- AHRQ Research Summit on Improving Diagnosis in Hea...
- Chartbook on Care Coordination | Agency for Health...
- Rationale and study protocol for a multi-component...
- Testing the use of practice facilitation in a clus...
- Communicating Findings of Delayed Diagnostic Evalu...
- Descriptions and Correlates of Medication Adherenc...
- A Socio-Technical Approach to Preventing, Mitigati...
- A comparative observational study of inpatient cli...
- The number of tracheal intubation attempts matters...
- Style Guide: An Interdisciplinary Communication To...
- Saving patients from sepsis is a race against time...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Extends Certain FSM...
- España se mantiene como líder mundial en trasplant...
- CDER New August 23, 2016
- CDRH New Update
- Create Positive Change—Lead From the Middle | Agen...
- Denver Hospital Uses AHRQ’s TeamSTEPPS Training To...
- Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center Uses TeamSTEPPS T...
- Carilion Clinic Uses TeamSTEPPS To Train Emergency...
- AHRQ Health Literacy Toolkit Supports Better Healt...
- MercatorNet: America's obesity epidemic and what ...
- Director, Division of Genome Sciences
- The CDC Clear Communication Index | The CDC Clear ...
- Education and Community Support for Health Literac...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Modificaciones a la Ley de ...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Prevails in PRADAXA Patent Term ...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Free CE Webinar: Heater-Cooler Units Putting Patie...
- NGC Update Service: August 22, 2016 || National Cl...
- NGC Update Service: August 22, 2016 || Society of ...
- NGC Update Service: August 22, 2016 || World Healt...
- NQMC Update Service: August 22, 2016 || American S...
- Europa regulará más exhaustivamente las sustancias...
- Pfizer compra Medivation por 12.000 millones - Dia...
- Paliativos: del estigma a la mejora de la calidad ...
- Los pensionistas han evitado adelantar 140 millone...
- Cataluña detecta un aumento de la dispensación amb...
- Cifran en 114 millones el impacto de la Orden de P...
- NQS Reports and Annual Update
- National Quality Strategy 5-Year Anniversary Stake...
- Priorities in Action
- 2015 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- National Quality Strategy (NQS) Webinars
- Immunization Recommendations and Guidelines | CDC
- Don't Miss Out: CDC to Release New Vital Signs Rep...
- ▼ agosto (800)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8365)
- ▼ agosto (700)
- Consumer Updates > Contact Lens Solutions With Hyd...
- Total Worker Health in Action! - Webinar, Promisin...
- HHS declares a public health emergency in Puerto R...
- HHS awards $4.1 million to Hologic, Inc. to develo...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: Focus on Finland
- TBI milestone: Research program enrolls 15,000 par...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Calorie Labeling Guidance...
- ProMED-mail
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content :: Publ...
- Preclinical studies and prospective clinical appli...
- Expansion of Microbial Forensics. - PubMed - NCBI
- Pains and Gains from China's Experiences with Emer...
- U.N. Admits Role in Cholera Epidemic in Haiti - Th...
- PLOS Medicine: Make Data Sharing Routine to Prepar...
- Could a rapid-response fund help the US address cr...
- FDA Seeks Input on OTC Infectious Disease Testing ...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan :: Public Healt...
- Pharmacogenetic-guided psychiatric intervention as...
- Towards precision medicine. - PubMed - NCBI
- A Survey of U.S Adults' Opinions about Conduct of ...
- Genetic education, knowledge and experiences betwe...
- Protecting privacy in genomic databases | MIT News...
- US personalized-medicine industry takes hit from S...
- Spiking genomic databases with misinformation coul...
- What can we Learn from Patients' Ethical Thinking ...
- It's Interpersonal: Family Relationships, Genetic ...
- Why take part in personalised cancer research? Pat...
- The Pharmacist's Perspective on Pharmacogenetics I...
- Pharmacogenetic-guided psychiatric intervention as...
- Clinical Utility and Economic Impact of CYP2D6 Gen...
- Gene therapy 2.0: Will CRISPR make expensive treat...
- CDC-Authored Genomics Publication Database: Public...
- Precision Medicine and Population Health: Dealing ...
- Will Precision Medicine Improve Population Health?...
- Baby boomers are clamouring for euthanasia, says U...
- BioEdge: More donating their bodies to science
- BioEdge: Bioethicist alleges “publication bias” at...
- Australia urges Cambodia to crack down on surrogac...
- BioEdge: The pain of Indian surrogate mothers
- BioEdge: Save the date: November 2 is World Right ...
- Book Review – The Ethics of Invention: Technology ...
- BioEdge: More Criticism of Chinese Organ Harvestin...
- BioEdge: Documentary chronicles history of Dutch e...
- Inhibidores de la PCSK9 podrían elevar el gasto sa...
- El intercambio de datos, 'necesario' para mejorar ...
- Los pensionistas han evitado adelantar 140 millone...
- 303.000 mujeres mueren en el embarazo y el parto y...
- Salamanca pide prueba única para evitar suspicacia...
- Valencia trabaja en una red para mejorar el uso ra...
- Médicos del Mundo pide más ayudas económicas ante ...
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: NIAID Resource-Related ...
- NIOSH Research Rounds - August, 2016
- Clinical Investigator Training Course – Registrati...
- HIPAA at 20: A Bipartisan Achievement
- Register for Nov. 7-9 FDA-MCERSI Co-sponsored Clin...
- − On the Horizon
- − #RyanWhite2016: supports ...
- − Patient Benefits Coordinator Helps...
- Final Research Plan: Primary Care Interventions to...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for August 18, 2016
- FDA Investigates Outbreak of Hepatitis A Illnesses...
- The FDA will host a Public Meeting on Next Generat...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Una medida autosatisfactiva...
- PUBLIC HEALTH MATTERS BLOG: One Humanity: Supporti...
- The next CMS Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)/Long...
- HAN Archive - 00394|Health Alert Network (HAN)
- World Mosquito Day 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 32
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. SS-10
- CORRECTION: Summer 2016, Issue 21 Updates from the...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release
- Register for Sept. 8 FDA Grand Rounds CE Credit: R...
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: NIAID Investigator-Init...
- Safety Communications > FDA Recommends Health Care...
- New AHRQ Summary Assesses Evidence on Contrast Med...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Appropriate Use of Medical Resources
- AHRQ Seeking Medical Officers to Support the USPST...
- EHC Program Update: Renal Artery Stenosis Manageme...
- CMS NEWS: Third Party Request for Information (RFI...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Caso de mala praxis en ciru...
- The next Home Health, Hospice & DME Open Door Foru...
- Remembering Bob Perske, Justice Maker – 1928-2016
- Renowned trauma expert highlights improvements in ...
- Caravalho to MHSRS: We need to be more innovative ...
- Updates from the Field…Protecting Health and Build...
- Updates from the Field…Protecting Health and Build...
- CDER New August 19, 2016
- Create Positive Change—Lead From the Middle | Agen...
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Individ...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: The UN admits it played a role in int...
- MercatorNet: Africa’s potential demographic divide...
- Zika diagnostic update | New cross-species immune ...
- FDA Law Blog: The UDI Rule: Are Private Label Dist...
- CDC - August 2016 Edition - Public Health Law News...
- FDA’s Office of Pharmaceutical Quality Publishes G...
- ▼ agosto (700)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8265)
- ▼ agosto (600)
- Coping Tips | SAMHSA
- Disaster-Specific Resources | SAMHSA 3
- Disaster-Specific Resources | SAMHSA 2
- Disaster-Specific Resources | SAMHSA 1
- Types of Trauma and Violence | SAMHSA
- Trauma and Violence | SAMHSA
- Coping With Grief After Community Violence|SAMHSA
- Coping With Grief After Community Violence|SAMHSA
- Coping With Grief After Community Violence|SAMHSA
- Fostering Resilience in Communities Affected by Tr...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Draft Guidance for Indu...
- CMS NEWS: CMS releases new prescription drug cost ...
- CMS NEWS: CMS releases new prescription drug cost ...
- ProMED-mail
- Update on GE mosquitoes | New events & workshops
- Safeguarding Health Information: Building Assuranc...
- Exposure to mosquito-borne infections discussed at...
- Army doctor attends to Olympic athletes behind the...
- Immunization Healthcare Branch website moves to He...
- Physician Leadership Forum - Appropriate Use of Me...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitat...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitativ...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: DEA Policy Expands the Number of Mar...
- MercatorNet: New Zealand’s population boom
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ministerio de Salud: se mod...
- Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities Webinar...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Unit-based incident reporting and root cause analy...
- An acetaminophen icon helps reduce medication deci...
- Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication...
- The impact of major intraoperative adverse events ...
- Challenges in patient safety improvement research ...
- Partnered pharmacist charting on admission in the ...
- A piece of my mind. How many have you done? | AHRQ...
- To the point: integrating patient safety education...
- Fighting MRSA infections in hospital care: how org...
- Pediatric airway management and prehospital patien...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- A better safety net for young doctors. | AHRQ Pati...
- The next wave of hospital innovation to make patie...
- ISMP List of High-Alert Medications in Long-Term C...
- AHRQ National Web Conference on Assessing Safety R...
- AHRQ Research Summit on Improving Diagnosis in Hea...
- Patient Safety Executive Development Program. | AH...
- Creating a Culture of Patient Safety Workshop. | A...
- Improving safety for hospitalized patients: much p...
- Safety of the Manchester Triage System to detect c...
- Boosting medical diagnostics by pooling independen...
- Association of a web-based handoff tool with rates...
- Sept. 13-14: U-VDC Grant Writing Workshop
- One Week Left to Register for the NIST Workshop on...
- New EIRB streamlining Military Health System resea...
- MHSRS attendees discuss how to fight infectious di...
- − Now You Can Message President Obam...
- DEA Announces New Marijuana-Related Actions
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fallo sobre responsabilidad...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- Save the Date: CDC to Release New Vital Signs Repo...
- Innovations to Reduce Non-Urgent Use of Emergency ...
- Convening a Learning Community To Reduce Nonurgent...
- Using Learning Communities To Support Innovation A...
- CDER New August 17, 2016
- Evidence-Based Reports: Renal Artery Stenosis Mana...
- Newly Released Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuber...
- CDER SBIA Pre-recorded Webinar: CDER Direct Electr...
- CDRH Industry: Reminder: FDA Webinar “Principles f...
- FDA Law Blog: International Pharmaceutical and Med...
- FDA Law Blog: OCP’s Pre-RFD Process: Different Pro...
- Drug Shortages Update
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: BD2K Community-based Da...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Sept. 1: Hep B Among African Immigrants: Knowledge...
- Sanidad encomienda a la Fundación Valdecilla el pr...
- Valencia reclama la completa puesta en marcha del ...
- Fátima Báñez asumirá las funciones de Sanidad - Di...
- Aumenta el gasto sanitario, aunque aún está por de...
- The next CMS Physicians, Nurses & Allied Health Pr...
- SMDL: Mechanized Claims Processing and Information...
- Call for Briefs – Submit Yours to PCD
- NGC Update Service: August 15, 2016 :: National Cl...
- NQMC Update Service: August 15, 2016 | American So...
- Updated: MOON draft available for comment / MOON i...
- Reminder: CDC Grand Rounds presents “Primary Preve...
- FDA issues import alert for all drugs produced by ...
- CDER New August 16, 2016
- Public Comment: Collection of Standardized Assessm...
- Casualty simulations prepare medics |
- MHSRS speakers note need to be ready for the futur...
- FDA Law Blog: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: When the...
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease: An...
- CDRH New Update
- MOON draft available for comment / MOON implementa...
- IRF & LTCH Quality Reporting Program: Public Repor...
- MercatorNet: Pennsylvania’s rainbow-coloured Joan ...
- Redesigned Orange Book improves design and functio...
- ▼ agosto (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8165)
- ▼ agosto (500)
- SAMHSA Supports Service Men and Women
- FDA MedWatch - July 2016 Safety Labeling Changes i...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Drug Approvals and Databases > Approved Drug Produ...
- Medical Device Recalls > BioMerieux SA Alerts Cust...
- FDA Issues Safety Information About Heater-Cooler ...
- CDER New August 15, 2016
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Releases Vending Ma...
- Cognitive Overload in the ICU | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Getting the (Right) Doctor, Right Away | AHRQ Pati...
- Falling Between the Cracks in the Software | AHRQ ...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | Did Y...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | Popular Conte...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | WebM&M Cases
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | Did You Know?...
- Sentinel Event Statistics 1995 2016. | AHRQ Patien...
- Speak Up for Patient Safety: Communicating Before,...
- We need to talk: pathologists, patients and diagno...
- ISMP National Vaccine Errors Reporting Program: on...
- Many well-known hospitals fail to score high in Me...
- TeamSTEPPS for health care risk managers: improvin...
- Quantitative analysis of the content of EMS handof...
- Effect of the implementation of barcode technology...
- Patient identification and tube labelling a call f...
- Capturing essential information to achieve safe in...
- Patient safety culture and the second victim pheno...
- Nurse workload and inexperienced medical staff mem...
- Incorporating indications into medication ordering...
- Examining the July Effect: a national survey of ac...
- Potentially preventable 30-day hospital readmissio...
- Adverse inpatient outcomes during the transition t...
- Where are my instruments? Hazards in delivery of s...
- Preventing medication errors. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Medication errors involving the intravenous admini...
- Promoting patient safety with perioperative hand-o...
- CDER SBIA Webinar - Submitting REMS in SPL Format:...
- MercatorNet: Gold medallist paralympian from Belgi...
- Naval Hospital Bremerton hosts MHS GENESIS system ...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Long-Awaited Revised Diet...
- Data sharing NEWS: August 11-18, 2016 || Public H...
- Biobanks NEWS: August 11-18, 2016 || Public Healt...
- Pre-implantation genetic testing in ART: who will ...
- Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Non-Invasive Pre...
- Prevention is the Best Therapy: The Geneticist's A...
- Business and Breakthrough: Framing (Expanded) Gene...
- ProMED-mail
- CDC Releases Data on the Health and Wellbeing of L...
- New CDC Report on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome in ...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- The Virtuous Cycle of a Data Ecosystem. - PubMed -...
- Zika Virus 6 Months Later | JAMA | JAMA Network
- NEJM editorial doubles down on resistance to data ...
- Toward Fairness in Data Sharing — NEJM
- A Step Forward to Empower Global Microbiome Resear...
- CVM Updates > FDA Releases Final Environmental Ass...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content ▲ Publi...
- The Cost of Sequencing a Human Genome
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan ▲ Public Health...
- Using Genetic Technologies To Reduce, Rather Than ...
- Ethics Reporting in Biospecimen and Genetic Resear...
- Is It Desirable that I Must Disclose My Genetic Da...
- Has the biobank bubble burst? Withstanding the cha...
- Protecting privacy in genomic databases | MIT News...
- PLOS Computational Biology: The Virtuous Cycle of ...
- NIH Makes Data Sharing Repositories Publically Vie...
- CDC-Authored Genomics Publication Database: August...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for Augusst 11, 2016
- New Job Opportunity at AHRQ: Senior Scientist
- CDC Media Statement: CDC adds Cayman Islands to in...
- Nigeria registra dos casos de polio tras dos años ...
- Los padres italianos irían a la cárcel por aliment...
- Valencia: El TS suspende cautelarmente la limitaci...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 31
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. SS-9 ► Sexual Identity, Sex of ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Final Rule on GRAS
- EHC Program Update: Omega 3 Fatty Acids and CVD Fi...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La semana que viene se apro...
- FDA Law Blog: DEA Issues a Trifecta of Significant...
- Diversity, disability and eugenics: An interview w...
- BioEdge: Medical paternalism lives on in China
- BioEdge: Is unbearable pain still a reason for eut...
- California grants assisted suicide to disabled, bu...
- Untested stem cell treatments in Australia
- BioEdge: Have embryonic stem cells hit the wall?
- New euthanasia lobby group launched in Australia
- BioEdge: Gold medallist paralympian from Belgian s...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: New on the Web
- Selected HHS Blog Posts page 1 |
- Category: Affordable Care Act |
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDRH Industry: Announcing Two Guidances Regarding ...
- 2016 National Directory of Mental Health Treatment...
- NCSACW - Opioid Use Disorders and Medication-Assis...
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis...
- Approaches in Implementing the Mental Health Parit...
- Shared Decision Making: A process not a program
- ▼ agosto (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8065)
- ▼ agosto (400)
- State Best Practices in Developing and Implementin...
- Turning Point: Criminal Justice to Behavioral Heal...
- New Efforts to Combat Opioid Epidemic
- Proposed Rule: Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hos...
- Register Now for the FDA/UM Clinical Trials Sympos...
- MercatorNet: The rapidly declining practice of int...
- MercatorNet: Abortion as a positive good: How the ...
- Air Force and Navy medical teams integrate at sea ...
- Army prepares to administer 1.6 million flu shots ...
- − The Affordable Care Act: The Essen...
- CMS BLOG: Delivering on the Promise of Better Care...
- A Healthier Nation Thanks to Health Centers
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Para cumplir con la Ley de ...
- CDRH New Update
- American Cancer Society Uses AHRQ Resources to Sup...
- South Carolina Hospital’s Use of AHRQ Patient Safe...
- Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators - A ...
- FDA Law Blog: DC Circuit Affirms MITIGARE 505(b)(2...
- Diversity, disability and eugenics: An interview w...
- Report: Unchanged Medical Costs Show Strength of A...
- New Care Coordination Survey from AHRQ
- Press Announcements > FDA updates draft guidance o...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- Opening Plenary Speaker for The 2016 National Conf...
- MedSun Newsletters
- FDA Updates for Health Professionals
- Working on a Grant Application This Summer? | NCCI...
- Single IRB Policy Will Streamline Multi-Site Clini...
- Federal Register | Opportunity To Apply for Office...
- CMS BLOG: Building on Premium Stabilization for th...
- Final Research Plan: Perinatal Depression: Interve...
- Registration Open for September 28 AHRQ Research S...
- Health Insurance Status May Affect Cancer Patients...
- Obamacare's Medicaid Expansions May Be Improving C...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Camas solares: consenso méd...
- Making Continuous Improvements in the Combination ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Draft Guidance on Prema...
- NIAID Funding Opportunities for Big Data to Knowle...
- SAMHSA Announces New Chief Medical Officer
- NIST’s Rolling Wireless Net Helps Improve First-Re...
- FDA Supports Greater Access to Naloxone to Help Re...
- CDER New August 11, 2016
- MercatorNet : US election survey: how would you vo...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Updates Nursing Home Five-Star Quali...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Por omitir el consentimiend...
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- FDA Law Blog: Assessing the FDA’s Safety Drive
- CDRH New Update
- Upcoming Events on Proposed Data Collection for Gl...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance...
- El Gobierno colombiano convierte a todos los ciuda...
- Valencia prepara una nueva orden para regular los ...
- El Código Infarto reduce un día la estancia hospit...
- CSI-F denuncia la 'inseguridad jurídica' de los sa...
- MercatorNet: Is the world heading for an economic ...
- MercatorNet: Disruptive kids can cost classmates a...
- Call for Technical Experts: Transfer of Informatio...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New August 10, 2016
- The next CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum is sched...
- Beyond Infection: Device Utilization Ratio as a Pe...
- Emergency Department Use in the US-Mexico Border R...
- Sports-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hos...
- Association between atopic dermatitis and extracut...
- Association between AD and attention deficit hyper...
- Morbidity and Mortality of Stevens-Johnson Syndrom...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care | The National ...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care | The National ...
- Registration Open for September 28 AHRQ Research S...
- Hospital Use by Persons With HIV in the 21st Centu...
- Evaluation of the association between Hospital Sur...
- Comorbidities and inpatient mortality for pemphigu...
- Effects of Staffing and Regional Location on Influ...
- NQS Reports and Annual Update
- AHRQ Chartbook: Health Care Became More Affordable...
- Register Now: August 29 Webinar on Assessing Safet...
- An Innovations Exchange Learning Community | AHRQ ...
- An Innovations Exchange Learning Community | AHRQ ...
- Still Time To Register for August 25 AHRQ Webinar ...
- Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) | A...
- Featured Case Study: South Carolina Hospital’s Use...
- Appendix K. Infographic Poster on CAUTI Prevention...
- AHRQ's New Policymaker Research Summaries Address:...
- Workshops, Meetings & Conferences (Biologics) > Pu...
- FDA Law Blog: While NIH Argues with Congress for Z...
- AHRQ to present updated Hospital Guide to Reducing...
- Final Recommendation Statement: Screening for Lipi...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitativ...
- Register Now: Assessing Safety Risks Associated wi...
- Webinar: Finding Local Limb Loss Support Resources...
- Drug Shortages Update
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Series: TIP Series - Treatment Improvement Protoco...
- Series: TIP Series - Treatment Improvement Protoco...
- Series: TIP Series - Treatment Improvement Protoco...
- Series: Evidence-Based Practices KITs | SAMHSA
- Series: Building Bridges | SAMHSA
- ▼ agosto (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (7965)
- ▼ agosto (300)
- Treatment, Prevention, & Recovery>12 Step Programs...
- Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity | ...
- Approaches in Implementing the Mental Health Parit...
- Presidential Memorandum -- Mental Health and Subst...
- Approaches in Implementing the Mental Health Parit...
- Global Health | U.S. Agency for International Deve...
- CMS NEWS: Affordable Care Act payment model contin...
- Seeing Better Care in Ohio, Iowa and Florida | HHS...
- The NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Scienc...
- Public Health Grand Rounds on Tuesday, August 16 a...
- La Verdad y otras Mentiras
- IMED 2016 - Updates
- CDER New August 9, 2016
- CDRH New Update
- CDC and the American Medical Association (AMA) Pre...
- AHRQ reviews updated toolkit for improving hospita...
- Register Today for Sept. 8 FDA Grand Rounds: Now O...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los agentes del seguro de s...
- FDA Law Blog: Device Developments – The Medical De...
- FDA Law Blog: NIH Intends to Open New Manufacturin...
- Patient benefits of an integrated record | Health....
- FDA Working to Keep the U.S. Blood Supply Safe fro...
- Protecting the Public and Especially Kids from the...
- Solicitation for new members to the Medicare Evide...
- NGC Update Service: August 8, 2016 :: Division of ...
- NGC Update Service: August 8, 2016 :: Canadian Ta...
- NGC Update Service: August 8, 2016 :: American Aca...
- Help & About | National Guideline Clearinghouse
- Announcing the FDA Small Business REdI Conference ...
- NQMC Update Service: August 8, 2016 :: Guidelines ...
- NQMC Update Service: August 8, 2016 :: American So...
- NQMC Update Service: August 8, 2016 :: American So...
- Denia: La modificación sustancial de las condicion...
- Sacyl reforzará la Medicina de Familia aumentando ...
- El 8,4 por ciento de los profesionales sanitarios ...
- El Ministerio propone que cinco unidades clínicas ...
- CDER New August 8, 2016
- MercatorNet: promoting human dignity
- Epidemia de zika, aún presente en América Latina |...
- ProMED-mail
- FDA Law Blog: Insanitary Conditions 101: FDA Issue...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitat...
- CDRH New Update
- New documentary on Falun Gong organ harvesting
- BioEdge: Australian doctors dispute IVF regulation...
- BioEdge: IVF doctors issue new ethical guidelines ...
- Doping and Rio#1: artificial enhancement?
- BioEdge: NIH close to new policy on chimera resear...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- 2016 American Hospital Association McKesson Quest ...
- Improving Patient Safety Culture to Provide Safer ...
- Avoid Band-Aid Solutions: Strengthening Adverse Ev...
- Mistakes We Make in Dialysis. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Final Report of the Commission on Care. | AHRQ Pat...
- Guideline implementation: prevention of retained s...
- Emergency medical services provider pediatric adve...
- Prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes of idle int...
- Medical improv: a novel approach to teaching commu...
- Health information technologies: from hazardous to...
- Determinants of patient oncologist prognostic disc...
- Radiologist-initiated double reading of abdominal ...
- Two-year longitudinal assessment of physicians' pe...
- Workarounds and test results follow-up in electron...
- Minding the gaps: assessing communication outcomes...
- Association between hospital performance on patien...
- Saving lives: a meta-analysis of team training in ...
- A concept analysis of undergraduate nursing studen...
- Patient safety: disclosure of medical errors and r...
- Implementing delivery room checklists and communic...
- Using computerized prescriber order entry to limit...
- Farmacéuticos y sanitarios defienden la candidatur...
- FDA temporarily halts blood donation in two Florid...
- PHG Foundation | Introducing the Cloud Infrastruct...
- How to Build Bioinformatic Pipelines Using Galaxy ...
- Microbial bioinformatics 2020. - PubMed - NCBI
- Gene Drives on the Horizon: Advancing Science, Nav...
- PLOS Biology: Ethics Reporting in Biospecimen and ...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Clinical experience of unexpected findings in pren...
- Engaging Implementation Scientists in Precision Me...
- Convergence of Implementation Science, Precision M...
- Intersection of Precision Medicine and Implementat...
- NIH funds precision medicine research with a focus...
- "The Google of Healthcare": enabling the privatiza...
- Genetic Counselling for Psychiatric Disorders: Acc...
- Strengthening Research through Data Sharing — NEJM...
- Precision Medicine > FDA Draft Guidances Designed ...
- Use of Standards in FDA Regulatory Oversight of Ne...
- FDA Issues Draft Guidance To Streamline Regulatory...
- A Duty To Warn Relatives in Clinical Genetics: Arg...
- Toward Fairness in Data Sharing — NEJM
- Toward Better Oversight of NGS Tests. - PubMed - N...
- Distributive justice, diversity, and inclusion in ...
- National Academies Hit the Brakes on Gene Drive-Mo...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- ▼ agosto (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (7865)
- ▼ agosto (200)
- AHRQ Chartbook: Health Care Became More Affordable...
- − The Role of PrEP in HIV Prevention...
- − Lose your health insurance? You ma...
- NIAID Email Alert: K12 Funding Opportunity, Buildi...
- NIAID Email Alert: R01 Funding Opportunity, Unders...
- Mianmar: Mueren al menos 30 niños por enfermedad d...
- ProMED-mail
- Perceived and Objective Measures of Neighborhood E...
- An Intervention to Increase Availability of Health...
- The High Prevalence of Diabetes in a Large Cohort ...
- USDA Snack Policy Implementation: Best Practices F...
- Stuck in Neutral: Stalled Progress in Statewide Co...
- Older American Indians’ Perspectives on Health, Ar...
- History Bias, Study Design, and the Unfulfilled Pr...
- Opportunities for Increased Physical Activity in t...
- Effectiveness of Health Impact Assessments: A Synt...
- Legal Preemption and the Prevention of Chronic Con...
- An Environmental Scan of Recent Initiatives Incorp...
- Using Qualitative Methods to Understand Physical A...
- A Trial of the Efficacy and Cost of Water Delivery...
- New Summary Measures of Population Health and Well...
- Optimizing Stroke Prevention in Patients With Atri...
- A Methodological Approach to Small Area Estimation...
- Adoption of a Tai Chi Intervention, Tai Ji Quan: M...
- Relating Health Locus of Control to Health Care Us...
- State-Level Trends and Correlates for Cross-Sector...
- Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health Behaviors ...
- A Call to Preventive Action by Health Care Provide...
- US States’ Childhood Obesity Surveillance Practice...
- Intervention Costs From Communities Putting Preven...
- Associations Between Cardiovascular Health and Hea...
- Drug Shortages Update
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: El PMO no constituye una li...
- ¿Qué coste económico tendría una pandemia mundial?...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Completes Review and Seeks Feed...
- Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Primary Care Quality ...
- Health and Nutrition Literacy and Adherence to Tre...
- Lessons From the Community-Centered Health Home De...
- Electronic Cigarette Use Among High School Student...
- Del Busto aboga por sumar fuerzas para modular el ...
- Málaga también se postula para acoger la sede de l...
- Los CDC asignan 16 millones de dólares para luchar...
- MHS GENESIS to consolidate several systems togethe...
- Watch for signs of medical identity theft | Health...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Announcing Two Draft Guidance D...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for Augusst 1, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. SS-8 ► Prevalence of Amyotrophi...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 30
- CDER SBIA Update: Fiscal Year 2017 User Fee Rates...
- FDA Finalizes General Wellness Guidance
- FDA’s Flexibility in Subpart H Approvals: Analysis...
- CDER New August 5, 2016
- CDRH Industry: REMINDER: Webinar on “Leveraging Ex...
- CDRH New Update
- Chartbook on Care Affordability | Agency for Healt...
- AHRQ Research Summit on Improving Diagnosis in Hea...
- MercatorNet: Women’s leverage in the mating market...
- MercatorNet: Is social media messing with kids’ mo...
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- Pre-Claim Review Demonstration for Home Health Ser...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- August 2016 CMS National Training Program Update
- AHRQ National Health Care Quality and Disparities ...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare announces participants in effor...
- HHS Office of Minority Health awards $2.4 million ...
- CDC - July 2016 Edition - Public Health Law News -...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: En defensa de la ley de sal...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Invitación a la Jornada Abi...
- MercatorNet: Distinguishing differences in the not...
- CDER New
- CDER New August 3, 2016
- Register Now: August 25 Web Event Will Highlight I...
- Informatics is the new normal in health care deliv...
- Indo-Asia Pacific Partners strive for Global Healt...
- Cooperación internacional, un asunto de vida o mue...
- To Your Health: NLM update transcript - President ...
- United States Health Care Reform: Progress to Dat...
- CDRH New Update
- CMS National Training Program Learning Series Webi...
- New Patient Safety Primer Highlights Learning Thro...
- Insanitary Conditions at Compounding Facilities Gu...
- Pharmacy Compounding: Draft insanitary conditions ...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cuando la Justicia garantiz...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Publishes Industry Resources re ...
- Termina el proceso de compra de Actavis Genéricos ...
- El grupo Ribera Salud renueva su certificado de ca...
- Asturias invierte más de 2 millones de euros en la...
- Alicante visualiza y oficializa su candidatura a s...
- HI-5: Exploring Community-Wide Interventions That ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Provides Informatio...
- Pharmacy Compounding: Draft insanitary conditions ...
- MercatorNet: Why the LGBT community should embrace...
- CDRH New Update
- NIAID Email Alert: Funding Opportunity - Solicitat...
- Consumer Information for Medical Devices Update:
- Chartbook on Care Coordination | Agency for Health...
- Deliberation: obtaining informed input from a dive...
- ▼ agosto (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (7765)
- ▼ agosto (100)
- Treating age-related macular degeneration: compari...
- Differences in severity at admission for heart fai...
- Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Prices in Hospital ...
- Validity of the Delirium Observation Screening Sca...
- Validation of the delirium observation screening s...
- Practice Patterns in Medicaid and Non-Medicaid Ast...
- Utilizing Audiovisual and Gain-Framed Messages to ...
- Learning Through Debriefing | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Eczema Is Associated with Childhood Speech Disorde...
- The Ann Arbor Criteria for Appropriate Urinary Cat...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Home
- HCUP-US Overview: Register Now for September 12-1...
- USHIK: Children's Electronic Health Record Format ...
- eCQI Resource Center | The one-stop shop for the m...
- eCQM Library - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Ser...
- USHIK: United States Health Information Knowledgeb...
- Emerging Infections: A National Patient Safety Cha...
- American Cancer Society Uses AHRQ Resources to Sup...
- AHRQ’s Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curricul...
- Military medical officials say collaboration is ke...
- Global Health Research News - Fogarty Internationa...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release
- CMS NEWS: Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment S...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La ministra de Salud bonaer...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog: ACI’s 28th FDA Boot Camp
- FDA Law Blog: ACI’s Legal, Regulatory and Complian...
- FDA Law Blog: HP&M Announces that Serra J. Schlang...
- ProMED-mail
- NCTR's Research Highlighted in the Quarter Page 3
- NCTR's Research Highlighted in the Quarter Page 2
- NCTR's Research Highlighted in the Quarter Page
- FDA and OHRP Issue Joint Draft Guidance on IRB Wri...
- CDC Awards $16 Million to States and Territories t...
- NIH Names Dr. Joshua Gordon Director of the NIMH
- What’s Happening in Health IT
- Drug Safety and Availability > La FDA actualiza la...
- CDER New August 2, 2016
- Behavioral Health Coverage Under MHPAEA
- Webinar: Developing and Implementing Faith-Related...
- El PSOE critica la gestión sanitaria de Alfonso Al...
- La nueva Orden de Precios crea 28 nuevos conjuntos...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Draft Guidance - Medical X-Ray ...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: New on the Web
- New CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey Results Now Av...
- NIOSH eNews - August, 2016
- Zika Emergency Use Authorizations and blood collec...
- Army mobile training team shares knowledge with Uk...
- CDRH New Update
- − FDA Seeks Public Comment on Blood ...
- Underwater team fends off 'The Bends' at Navy Expe...
- Cyber Awareness Campaign stresses importance of pr...
- MercatorNet: Martyrs in the Gulag. Hate crime agai...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Publishes Fiscal Year 2017 User ...
- CDC Press Release: CDC issues travel guidance rela...
- CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory: CD...
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- Measures of People's Skills and Experiences | Heal...
- FDA-TRACK Update: Track upcoming FDA rules and reg...
- Health Communication Science Digest -- July 2016
- Marijuana Use and Perceived Risk of Harm from Mari...
- SAMHDA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Ar...
- Integrated service settings open doors for youth e...
- The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Su...
- You're Invited to SAMHSA's 2016 Voice Awards!
- Farewell From Kathy Greenlee
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los médicos autorizan el su...
- NSCI: High-Performance Computing Security Workshop...
- ProMED-mail
- CORRECTION - Register Now: August 25 Webinar Will ...
- Catch up on #AIDS2016 with all our Facebook Live c...
- Faith and Community Leaders Play Powerful Roles wi...
- A 100-day challenge to end youth homelessness in t...
- − The White House – New Release: Dat...
- Buscando el liderazgo en Epigenética
- "Nuestra finalidad es poner en valor la sanidad pr...
- CMS NEWS: Final Fiscal Year 2017 Payment and Polic...
- CMS NEWS: CMS announces next phase in largest-ever...
- NGC Update Service: August 1, 2016 || Society for ...
- NGC Update Service: August 1, 2016 || Canadian Tas...
- NGC Update Service: August 1, 2016 || American Aca...
- NQMC Update Service: August 1, 2016 || American S...
- The American Society of Hematology
- Piloting an Improved Intercenter Consult Process |...
- Registration is Open: NIST Cloud Computing Forum a...
- ISCB Annual Conferences - ISCB | International Soc...
- El CEEM considera positivo el aumento de las plaza...
- Sacyl, incapaz de cubrir 60 plazas de médicos en z...
- El Ministerio de Sanidad oferta 6.328 plazas MIR p...
- País Vasco: Alfonso Alonso será el candidato del P...
- Valencia: el Gobierno regional presenta alegacione...
- CDER New August 1, 2016
- Register Now: August 25 Webinar Will Highlight Inn...
- CDC Learning Connection: What's New For August 201...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: It’s official: sexism, racism, povert...
- MercatorNet: The work-family-childcare-life balanc...
- MercatorNet: Romania: 25 years of natural populati...
- FDA Law Blog - FDA Prevails in Otsuka Challenge to...
- ▼ agosto (100)


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