SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN DICIEMBRE de 2016 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (12222)
- ▼ diciembre (200)
- CIB: 2017 Updates to the Child and Adult Core Heal...
- blog.aids.gov − CMS, CDC & HRSA Host State Medicai...
- HHS Announces New Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda
- WHO Declaration Links Health Literacy to Sustainab...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: EMP deberá cubrir gastos de...
- FDA Law Blog: FSIS Publishes Proposal to Amend Nut...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA’s Draft Quality Metrics Guidance...
- FDA TRACK Update: Interested in FDA’s work in biol...
- Warrior Aircraft Program takes flight at WRNMMC | ...
- Nomadic nature of the military necessitates a heal...
- American Society of Clinical Oncology || NGC Updat...
- PA-16-424: Developing Measures of Shared Decision ...
- Puentes entre biología computacional y genómica - ...
- About Multiple Chronic Condition (MCC) Guidelines ...
- Evidence-based Guidelines Affecting Policy, Practi...
- NQMC Update Service: December 5, 2016 || AHRQ Anno...
- Cancer: 30-day unplanned readmission rate for canc...
- Good plan, right materials essential to effective ...
- USS Oklahoma 75 Years later: DNA is not just scien...
- Todos aprecian los IPT pero todos piden mejorarlos...
- Andalucía aprueba su proyecto de ley de garantías ...
- La OMC actuará contra las terapias no convencional...
- Absuelven por un CI que no incluye riesgo nosocomi...
- Indemnización por el retraso diagnóstico de una he...
- Primer estudio sobre satisfacción de pacientes con...
- 'Expulsiones sanitarias' en Podemos Baleares - Dia...
- El gasto social define el apoyo de C's al techo de...
- El control en el traslado intrahospitalario se deb...
- Lista la evaluación de centros para la red de la U...
- El cambio que el sistema necesita: interoperabilid...
- Almost 12 Million Americans Stand to Gain Financia...
- New From AHRQ - Be Prepared to be Engaged: A Patie...
- CDER New December 5, 2016
- CDER SBIA Webinar - What’s New with Forms FDA 3542...
- MercatorNet: Mamma mia! There’s more to Italy’s cr...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog - Breaking Zen: FDA Denies Vanda’s Pe...
- Upcoming Events
- Personalized Medicine in a New Genomic Era: Ethica...
- Ethics knowledge of recent paediatric residency gr...
- Precision medicine? - PubMed - NCBI
- Skepticism in the Genomic Era. - PubMed - NCBI
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan
- Implementing Public Health Genomics in Your State
- Perspectives on Safety | Home | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- WebM&M Cases | Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Types of medication incidents affecting pediatric ...
- Reducing Workplace Violence With TeamSTEPPS. | AHR...
- 28th Annual IHI National Forum on Quality Improvem...
- Pain Management and Prescription Opioid-related Ha...
- Just Bag It. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- ONC Health IT Certification Program: Enhanced Over...
- Is an indication-based prescribing system in our f...
- Sources and magnitude of error in preparing morphi...
- Advancing interprofessional patient safety educati...
- Comparing NICU teamwork and safety climate across ...
- Displaying radiation exposure and cost information...
- Parents' perspectives on "keeping their children s...
- Determining current insulin pen use practices and ...
- Development and preliminary testing of the Coordin...
- Walking a tightrope: balancing the risk of diagnos...
- How to prevent burnout (maybe). | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- Simulation for operational readiness in a new free...
- Feasibility and added value of Executive WalkRound...
- A multilevel analysis of U.S. hospital patient saf...
- Implementation of the World Health Organization Tr...
- BioEdge: Interview: Philip Nitschke on life in the...
- BioEdge: Behind US assisted suicide stats
- BioEdge: The complications and practicalities of c...
- BioEdge: Is there a last-minute hitch with 3-paren...
- BioEdge: Another abortion battle in Texas, this ti...
- BioEdge: Pressure mounts for commercial surrogacy ...
- BioEdge: Tom Price: Trump’s controversial pick as ...
- El Consejo de Ministros aprueba 1,7 millones para ...
- Once iniciativas que reflejan la humanidad de la s...
- Ciudadanos registra una proposición de ley naciona...
- El Gobierno recaudará 200 millones en 2017 con el ...
- El jóven Médico - Luis Landriscina. | HOMENAJE A L...
- La evaluación de tecnología sanitaria necesita may...
- Día de las Personas con Discapacidad: hay que rein...
- Casi 4.700 personas han muerto o desaparecido en e...
- Mejores Hospitales y Clínicas de América Latina en...
- Health Insurance Marketplace and Women | Features ...
- America’s Health Insurance
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for December 2, 2016
- HRSA eNews December 1, 2016
- MQSA Insights > A Message from the Director, Divis...
- Los precios de la insulina se disparan, poniendo a...
- La Cátedra ASISA-Universidad Europea premia con 7....
- Un fármaco ya autorizado para tratar enfermedades ...
- Las compañías de seguros de salud ganan importanci...
- Los profesionales sanitarios, protagonistas de la ...
- La responsabilidad del médico es clave ante el trá...
- El uso masivo de datos de la vida real convertirá ...
- Teva Foro Social premia once iniciativas que human...
- FDA approves new indication for Jardiance (empagli...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Releases 2015 National Health Expend...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ diciembre (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (12122)
- ▼ diciembre (100)
- NHIS Early Release Reports - Updates
- New CDER Conversation: Studying how pathogens caus...
- What's New at CBER
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA to Align Menu Label...
- Products - National Vital Statistics Reports - Hom...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cautelar por la leche medic...
- Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > FDA...
- CIB: 2017 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and S...
- Combination Products Review Program: Progress and ...
- La falsa cura de Nadia, la niña que conmovió a med...
- Blue Ribbon Commission Urges Next President to Str...
- blog.aids.gov − World AIDS Day 2016
- I urgently need your support
- MercatorNet: Acts of humility. Patriarchy is forev...
- SAMHDA Launches NSDUH 2015 Public-Use Files
- Surgeon General Issues Landmark Report on Alcohol,...
- Facing Addiction in America - A National Summit wi...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 47
- September 2016 Medicaid & CHIP Eligibility and Enr...
- President Obama on World AIDS Day 2016
- Guice, DHA director, service surgeons general talk...
- AMSUS session explores ways to have military medic...
- Upcoming Live CE Webinar- Drug Information Update
- CDER New December 2, 2016
- CDRH New Update
- HCUP-US Statistical Briefs Chronological
- Drug Shortages Update
- ProMED-mail
- NOT-HS-17-001: AHRQ Policy Guidance Regarding Infl...
- NOT-HS-17-004: Reminder to AHRQ Grantees that FY20...
- Eduard Vieta, nuevo director científico del CIBERS...
- El Plan de Humanización tiene que generar un cambi...
- “AMIFE quiere ser puente entre todos los que traba...
- SEDISA apoya la creación de un Estatuto del Direct...
- El Parlamento catalán sigue la tramitación del pro...
- Andalucía ha evitado que sus pensionistas hayan te...
- Los sindicatos aragoneses convocarán huelgas y mov...
- El PSOE reclama al Gobierno que recupere la Secret...
- ‘Médicos de Familia, médicos de personas’, un libr...
- PP y Profesión Enfermera retoman las conversacione...
- El modelo de salud centrado en las personas obliga...
- CIB: Coverage of Blood Lead Testing for Children E...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cuestionan la eficacia de l...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- CIB: Opportunities to Improve HIV Prevention and C...
- FDA Law Blog - FDA Law Blog Named to ABA Journal’s...
- Remarks by Andy Slavitt: Keeping Medicare’s Promis...
- Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2015 N...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Salta: es Ley la cobertura ...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: World AIDS Day Letter
- Prisión e inhabilitación por venta ilegal de anabo...
- Comín ve la mediación como salida al 'laberinto ju...
- Madrid plantea modificar el llamamiento único de l...
- País Vasco: un juzgado suspende la instrucción que...
- Asturias elimina la prueba oral de la OPE para gar...
- 'Igual no hacen falta más profesionales, sino medi...
- EEUU: Más de 2.300 científicos, entre ellos 22 Nob...
- Sanidad prepara un estudio para valorar la posible...
- MQSA Insights > MQSA National Statistics
- REMS@FDA: Approved Risk Evaluation and Mitigation ...
- Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement a...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #497: Concentration of Health Ex...
- Improvement in patient-reported physical and menta...
- Operating room to intensive care unit handoffs and...
- Using EHRs and Machine Learning for Heart Failure ...
- Study protocol for "Healthy Hearts Northwest": a 2...
- Predicting inpatient hospital payments in the Unit...
- AHRQ Publications Summarize Evidence on Behavioral...
- Effectiveness of Screening Colonoscopy to Prevent ...
- A national evaluation of a dissemination and imple...
- Advancing heart health in North Carolina primary c...
- AHRQ Announces Funding Opportunity for Developing ...
- AHRQ Schedules Open Forums on Harmonizing Outcome ...
- Strategies for Improving the Lives of Women Aged 4...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network: Perspectives o...
- Featured Case Study: AHRQ Resources Support Public...
- CMS NEWS: Biweekly Enrollment Snapshot
- CDER SBIA Chronicles - FDA's Quality Metrics Repor...
- Trade Alert: FDA Issues New Import Data Requiremen...
- Public Health Law News Announcements December 1, 2...
- CDER New December 1, 2016
- MercatorNet: Frozen stiff: the quackery of cryonic...
- CDRH New Update
- New Compendium of Health Equity-Related Databases ...
- BMC Bioinformatics | Proceedings of the 13th Annua...
- ProMED-mail: Uno de cada siete portadores del VIH ...
- Drug Shortages Update
- El Dr. Jorge Fernández Parra toma posesión como pr...
- El Dr. Antonio Zapatero, nuevo presidente de la SE...
- La oposición evita en Murcia que el PP permita que...
- Cantabria, la comunidad con mayor estancia hospita...
- Sanidad inaugura un taller internacional para form...
- El Ministerio de Sanidad se suma a la campaña mund...
- Planteamos la recuperación de la universalidad del...
- Montserrat destaca que la protección de las famili...
- Sanidad anuncia una nueva Ley para acabar con el c...
- Food regulators seize adulterated milk products fo...
- FDA Law Blog - HP&M-Authored Business Law Today Ar...
- ► septiembre (1109)
- ▼ diciembre (100)


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