SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN ABRIL de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3632)
- ▼ abril (100)
- Digitalización, multidisciplinariedad y precisión ...
- El sistema de patentes debe servir como reconocimi...
- Más de 2.000 gestores sanitarios se dan cita en Se...
- ATRYS Health y CITIC (UDC) presentan eDSalud, una ...
- Best Workplaces 2017 publica la lista de las mejor...
- El VH usa un nuevo protocolo que facilita la recup...
- La GVA anuncia una nueva licitación de vacunas por...
- New clues help doctors cure patients, not diseases...
- Did You Know? | Like granular data? Check out the ...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 12
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Recognizes DUNS Num...
- Annual Report to the Nation, 1975-2014 - National ...
- Annual Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Common computerized provider order entry errors. |...
- AHRQ Impact Case Studies: Patient Safety. | AHRQ P...
- SEIPS Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient S...
- 2017 SGIM Annual Meeting. | AHRQ Patient Safety Ne...
- Patient Safety Quality: Essential Components. | AH...
- Armstrong Institute Diagnostic Excellence Summit. ...
- Proposed requirements of the National Patient Safe...
- Two words can soothe patients who have been harmed...
- Medication errors attributed to health information...
- State of Care in NHS Acute Hospitals: 2014 to 2016...
- Operational failures detected by frontline acute c...
- Pediatric prehospital medication dosing errors: a ...
- Examining the nature of interprofessional interven...
- Educating for the 21st-century health care system:...
- Paediatric early warning systems for detecting and...
- Improving our understanding of multi-tasking in he...
- Improving surgical complications and patient safet...
- Building a high-reliability organization: one syst...
- Clinical perspective: creating an effective practi...
- Do leadership style, unit climate, and safety clim...
- Characteristics of initial prescription episodes a...
- Barriers and facilitators of adverse event reporti...
- Dissecting Leapfrog: how well do Leapfrog Safe Pra...
- Changes in Hospital-Physician Affiliations in U.S....
- Big-Data Based Decision-Support Systems to Improve...
- TeamSTEPPS LMS: Log in to the site
- CAHPS Cancer Care Survey | Agency for Healthcare R...
- Tratamiento del hemangioma infantil en niños: Revi...
- CUSP Toolkit | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qu...
- Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) Toolkit | Agency for...
- Tennessee Hospital Association Uses AHRQ Tools To ...
- Hispanic and Immigrant Paradoxes in U.S. Breast Ca...
- Hospital variation in rates of acid-reducing medic...
- Differences in prevalence of community-associated ...
- Application of Electronic Algorithms to Improve Di...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #500: Out-of-Pocket Health Care ...
- Summary of the Update Session on Clinical Neurotox...
- Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ...
- Palliative Care for Pancreatic and Periampullary C...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Is privacy the price of precision medicine? | OUPb...
- Psychiatric Genomics: Ethical Implications for Pub...
- Psychiatric Genomics and Mental Health Treatment: ...
- A Valuable New Direction in Ethical Analysis of Ps...
- Beyond Genomic Association: Ethical Implications o...
- "Still Rather Hazy at Present": Citizens' and Phys...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan|Genomics & Heal...
- A Novel Pan-Genome Reverse Vaccinology Approach Em...
- Genomics, Health Disparities, and the Nation’s Res...
- Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities — Selec...
- BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing-pitfalls and recom...
- Informed Consent: The Case of “-Omics” Literacy Ex...
- Your Genes, Your Health: The Importance of Genetic...
- Annual Report to the Nation: Cancer Death Rates Co...
- NCI at AACR 2017 - Sunday, April 2nd
- El impacto global de la inmunización está limitado...
- La OMS lanza una campaña para reducir en un 50 por...
- La AECC denuncia la inequidad en la implantación d...
- La incidencia de algunos tipos de cáncer no se cor...
- Eficiencia y verificación de medicamentos centran ...
- El CGCOM expresa su solidaridad con los médicos y ...
- Medicina Genómica: Cómo interpretar la avalancha d...
- La Fundación IDIS propone que los cuidados sociosa...
- Se firma en la Mesa Sectorial gallega el Plan de E...
- Médicos de Primaria piden incremento presupuestari...
- “Hay que sacar a la Sanidad del uso partidista”, s...
- El BOE publica la sentencia del Supremo que anula ...
- La sostenibilidad del SNS pasa por la reinversión ...
- La precariedad laboral del médico se debe a “la in...
- Los resultados en salud y la eficiencia se erigen ...
- BioEdge: Will India ban commercial surrogacy? | Bi...
- BioEdge: Bioethics in the age of Trump | BioEdge ...
- BioEdge: Elon Musk wants us all to become cyborgs ...
- BioEdge: Should psychopaths be morally bioenhanced...
- Assisted suicide goes down in Hawaii | BioEdge | S...
- Is it ethical to Google your patients? | BioEdge |...
- Surrogate ‘slave’ scandal in US | BioEdge | Sunday...
- Dutch health council says human embryos can be cre...
- CDC Announced Call for Innovative Proposals
- Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectiou...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (03/31...
- NCI at AACR 2017 - Saturday, April 1st
- ▼ abril (100)
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