SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN ABRIL de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (4132)
- ▼ abril (600)
- Why England needs an implementation plan for the U...
- Government announces plans to implement the UK Str...
- Webinar: State Solutions in Workforce
- Practicing Recovery: Empowerment and Independence ...
- CMS SPECIAL SESSION: Quality Improvement Organizat...
- Disaster Behavioral Health: Federal Response and A...
- Disaster Distress Helpline | SAMHSA - Substance Ab...
- How forming a neighborhood sports team improved co...
- Kevin Horahan: What are Regional Emergency Coordin...
- El modelo Alzira confirma su eficiencia pero no ac...
- CMS releases quality data showing racial, ethnic a...
- January 2017 Medicaid & CHIP Eligibility and Enrol...
- CDRH Industry: Class I Device Types Exempt from Pr...
- ProMED-mail
- Policy - European Commission
- New! April 2017 CMS National Training Program Upda...
- Register for HCUP 1-Hour Webinars - April 19 and A...
- Register now! The Path to a World Free of Polio, M...
- CDER New April 13, 2017
- TONIGHT: Join our Facebook Chat on National Health...
- CDC Free Continuing Education Webinar for Outpatie...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Centro de salud debe indemn...
- FDA Law Blog: Another False Claims Act Case Dismis...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #491: National Health Care Expen...
- Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare Hospit...
- Electronic Detection of Delayed Test Result Follow...
- HCUP-US Home Page
- HCUP-US Home Page
- Register Now for April 19 and April 26 Webinars on...
- AHRQ Works for Public Health | Agency for Healthca...
- Development of the Learning Health System Research...
- Health Literacy | Agency for Healthcare Research &...
- Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing: Wind at Our ...
- Implementing a Pain Self-Management Protocol in Ho...
- Exploring Variation in Transformation of Primary C...
- Comparison of methods of alert acknowledgement by ...
- Racial disparity in life expectancies and life yea...
- Physician Perception of the Role of the Patient Po...
- Usability evaluation of an emergency department in...
- Interactional Resources for Quality Improvement: L...
- TeamSTEPPS Onboarding Video
- Enroll Now: TeamSTEPPS Office-Based Safety Course ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Requests Comments o...
- CDER New April 12, 2017
- Compliance date extended to May 5, 2018 for submit...
- FDA Law Blog: Congress Seeks a Statutory Fix to St...
- FDA Law Blog: DEA Administrative Decisions Update:...
- Why we should play with our kids | MercatorNet | A...
- No hay que informar del riesgo de infección en iny...
- Madrid: 118 millones para el traslado de pacientes...
- Cinco investigadores detenidos por estafa con una ...
- Castilla y León prepara su 'nueva' red de centros ...
- Auditoría de Manises: Sanidad recuerda sus limitac...
- Valencia: la Sindicatura de Cuentas avala la efici...
- La asistencia en red del infarto de miocardio redu...
- NCCIH’s New Approach to Clinical Trials | NCCIH
- Reminder: Join the OMH #Bridge2Health Twitter Town...
- Privacy Challenge Deadline Approaching
- 5210 campaign fights childhood obesity by encourag...
- NCCIH Staff Transitions & Using CPGs to Direct Res...
- Medical Reserve Corps: Until Help Arrives
- For national health security, local capability is ...
- Connecting Neighbors in Need to Loved Ones: Commun...
- Laura Wolf: What is Critical Infrastructure Prote...
- CARB-X Injects up to $48 Million to Accelerate Fir...
- New Challenge Launching
- Pediatras reclaman a las CCAA que financien las ma...
- Reclaman un registro nacional de diabetes que perm...
- Thursday: Join our Facebook Chat on National Healt...
- Air Liquide, premiado con el Factories of the Futu...
- FontActiv e Inforesidencias entregan los primeros ...
- La SEFH se actualiza en Inmuno-oncología junto con...
- El Laboratorio Europeo de Biología Molecular abrir...
- IDIAP Jordi Gol: Hay que buscar fórmulas para reco...
- La hospitalización aumenta el riesgo de depresión ...
- FDA Recall: Medtronic Announces Voluntary Worldwid...
- CDER New April 11, 2017
- ProMED-mail
- STD Awareness Month: How You Can Get Involved
- AHRQ Works: Building Bridges Between Research and ...
- Imaging efficiency: percentage of patients with ma...
- Domain Framework | National Quality Measures Clear...
- NQMC Update Service: April 10, 2017 | Announcement...
- NGC Update Service: April 10, 2017 - Health Aware...
- Expert Commentaries | National Guideline Clearingh...
- Guideline Syntheses | National Guideline Clearingh...
- NGC Update Service: April 10, 2017 | Congress of N...
- NGC Update Service: April 10, 2017 | American Coll...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: National Youth HIV/AID...
- What's New at CBER Update
- IRF, LTCH, SNF QRP: Registration Open for Review a...
- ‘Always On Call’ Active-Duty, Reserve medevac team...
- Victim Advocates: Critical members of sexual assau...
- CDC ATSDR Public Health Grand Rounds Presents “Nat...
- Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement: ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Researchers to Eval...
- ‘Organs-on-Chips’ Technology: FDA Testing Groundbr...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Inédito fallo: de marihuana...
- Bioética Press alcanza los 17.400 receptores direc...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ abril (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (4032)
- ▼ abril (500)
- En 2015 hubo 134.200 muertes por sarampión, una en...
- Alemania busca más enfermeras españolas
- blog.aids.gov − Protecting Our Nation’s Youth for ...
- blog.aids.gov − Ryan White and National Youth HIV ...
- blog.aids.gov − National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness ...
- La OMS incluye tres antifúngicos en la lista de me...
- El aumento en dependencia da para atender sólo al ...
- Dar voz y voto a los pacientes figura expresamente...
- La inflación se comerá la subida ‘virtual’ en inve...
- El alza en Sanidad no recupera lo perdido - Diario...
- Castilla-La Mancha: un año de la orden de la conse...
- Apuntes sobre la corrupción sanitaria en España (I...
- Apuntes sobre la corrupción sanitaria en España (I...
- “Europa equipara el cese del temporal, laboral o e...
- Andalucía ignora al juez y pone a enfermeros al fr...
- El Grupo Europeo de Ética de las Ciencias incorpor...
- La FDA sigue siendo más ágil y eficaz que la EMA e...
- Castilla y León compromete inversiones de diez mil...
- 'El hospital del futuro será el domicilio” - Diari...
- El Laboratorio Europeo de Biología Molecular abre ...
- Incertidumbre laboral por la reversión de La Riber...
- “El primer nivel debe gestionar sus propios recurs...
- Primaria: suspenso a las autonomías con matices - ...
- Valencia: la reconversión del personal de La Riber...
- NADAC Equivalency Metrics Added to Retail Price Su...
- HHS Office of Minority Health National Minority H...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDER New April 10, 2017
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-effectiveness
- CMS National Training Program Learning Series Webi...
- Amazon refunds parents for kids unauthorised purch...
- An empty chair, a missing Premier: a poignant meta...
- Additional Considerations for the Evaluation and M...
- HRSA eNews April 6, 2017
- NHSC: Elbowoods Memorial Health Center
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: Dysregulation of Immune...
- Lethal Brain Disease Seen in Hawaii (STAT News) | ...
- El sarampión arrasa Europa: por qué estamos perdie...
- Brasil confirma un total de 202 muertes por brote ...
- ProMED-mail
- CDRH New Update
- Chinn to Navy League: Innovations key to medically...
- FDA Law Blog: Griffith Bill Proposes Legislative F...
- Clinical targeted exome-based sequencing in combin...
- Pharmacogenomic aspects of bipolar disorder: An up...
- Economics | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Economics | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome.d...
- Informed consent ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/p...
- Informed consent ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/p...
- Informed consent ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/p...
- Informed consent ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/p...
- Informed consent ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/p...
- Informed consent ► https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/p...
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- Data sharing :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHo...
- Data sharing :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHo...
- Data sharing :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHo...
- Data sharing :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHo...
- Data sharing :: https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHo...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Disparities | https://phgkb.cdc.gov/GAPPKB/phgHome...
- Current|Update|Genomics|CDC
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Cost-effectiveness Analysis for Genotyping before ...
- Public's Views toward Return of Secondary Results ...
- Ethical Legal and Social Issues of Biobanking: Pas...
- Learning from Latino voices: Focus Groups' Insight...
- Ethics complicate clinical interpretation & report...
- Comparative Approaches to Genetic Discrimination: ...
- A qualitative study of adolescents' understanding ...
- Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - Home
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan :: Genomics & H...
- Down syndrome: national conference on patient regi...
- Merging Electronic Health Record Data and Genomics...
- Copy number variation analysis detects novel candi...
- A qualitative study of adolescents' understanding ...
- Public biobanks: calculation and recovery of costs...
- "Still Rather Hazy at Present": Citizens' and Phys...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Explaining the FDA-Stat...
- Advancing Regulatory Science: Will You Join Fellow...
- ‘Indoor GPS’ Apps Closer to Reality With New NIST ...
- Gender identity scientific approach.Organs traspla...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ abril (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3932)
- ▼ abril (400)
- Patient Safety Certificate Program. | AHRQ Patient...
- Implementing CQI Programs: A Roadmap to Quality Im...
- Medication Safety Practitioners: Leading, Innovati...
- High-reliability and the I-PASS communication tool...
- Best Practices in Patient Safety: 2nd Global Minis...
- New Horizons in Patient Safety: Understanding Comm...
- Towards a framework for managing risk associated w...
- Retained lumbar catheter tip. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Healthcare system-wide implementation of opioid-sa...
- A work systems analysis approach to understanding ...
- Significant and sustained reduction in chemotherap...
- Clinical reasoning in the context of active decisi...
- Immersive high fidelity simulation of critically i...
- Use and implementation of standard operating proce...
- Study Published March 2017 Design and reliability ...
- Effect of day of the week on short- and long-term ...
- The role of morbidity and mortality rounds in medi...
- Fundamental Use of Surgical Energy (FUSE): an esse...
- Assessing content validity and user perspectives o...
- Addressing the opioid epidemic in the United State...
- Comparing catheter-associated urinary tract infect...
- Patient mortality during unannounced accreditation...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 13
- A Shocking “Exercize” | FDA Voice
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Common computerized provider order entry errors. |...
- Wrong-side Bedside Paravertebral Block: Preventing...
- Patient Allergies and Electronic Health Records | ...
- Engaging Seriously Ill Older Patients in Advance C...
- In Conversation With… Kathleen Sutcliffe, MSN, PhD...
- In Conversation With… Mark Chassin, MD, MPP, MPH |...
- Headlines: Up to $110 Million Available for Integr...
- Headlines: Up to $110 Million Available for Integr...
- Transitioning from Prison Release to Community
- FDA approves two hepatitis C drugs for pediatric p...
- Recently posted guidance documents on Providing Re...
- New Workshops and Guidances: Antibody Mediated Rej...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Día Mundial de la Salud: Ha...
- BioEdge: Syria’s sarin attack part of the ‘weaponi...
- Parents deserve kids with their own genes – Singap...
- Swedes trade swipe cards for microchip implants | ...
- BioEdge: Sperm bring in ‘serious money’ for London...
- BioEdge: Arkansas rushes to execute 7 in 11 days
- FDA green-lights more 23andMe genetic tests | BioE...
- BioEdge: Dutch doctors oppose plans for ‘completed...
- Maternidad subrogada. Visión actual | Observatorio...
- El estatuto antropológico del embrión humano | Obs...
- El Foro de Médicos de Atención Primaria exige que ...
- Los principales retos de la salud conectada en Esp...
- España, a la cola del ranking europeo en el acceso...
- EPIC Diabetes, la app de AstraZeneca para formar a...
- Fenin traslada a Ana Pastor el compromiso del sect...
- La Agencia Estatal de Investigación destina 40 mil...
- En 2015 hubo 134.200 muertes por sarampión, una en...
- El 21 por ciento de las fundaciones pertenecen al ...
- El Sant Pau albergará Kálida, un centro ideado por...
- Hematólogos y farmacéuticos hospitalarios destacan...
- Cómo, cuánto y en qué crece la partida de Sanidad ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update: FDA to Hold Public Meeti...
- CDER New April 6, 2017
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDRH New Update
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- What Is Patient Experience? | Agency for Healthcar...
- New AHRQ CAHPS Podcast Now Available
- Reports (MQSA) > Mammography Facility Adverse Even...
- FDA Law Blog: The Improving Access to Affordable P...
- CMS NEWS: CMS’ Accountable Health Communities Mode...
- “La industria farmacéutica goza globalmente de bue...
- Osakidetza pierde cada día más de 2.000 consultas ...
- El consejero de Andalucía apuesta por un marco le...
- Jesús Fernández destaca la apuesta por la recupera...
- Vergeles destaca que el reto de los médicos de fam...
- Los médicos de familia tienen ventaja en detectar ...
- Galicia fijará la OPE entre octubre y noviembre pa...
- La formación de los profesionales sanitarios en Me...
- Profesionales, analistas, gestores y líderes de as...
- La Sociedad de Cardiología Pediátrica y Farmaindus...
- Crean el primer documento de consenso en Nutrición...
- El Foro de Médicos de AP lamenta que no se cumplan...
- “La Farmacia Hospitalaria es una gran aliada en la...
- Las fundaciones sociosanitarias aúnan esfuerzos en...
- La nueva Mesa de AP del ICOMEM continuará trabajan...
- El Parlamento insta al Gobierno catalán a recupera...
- Más del 70% de los españoles considera que su esta...
- El Foro de la Profesión pide que la Administración...
- Presupuestos 2017: Las CC.AA. elevan sus cuentas e...
- NCHS Data Briefs
- NCHS Data Briefs Update: Prevalence of HPV in Adul...
- PRISM Identifies Vaccine Safety Issues
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDER New April 7, 2017
- Why millennial men want stay-at-home-wives. May I ...
- EHC Program Updates: Skin Cancer Draft Report; Req...
- Last Chance to Register for MEPS Workshop
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ordenan a hospital arbitre ...
- FDA Law Blog: Is a Challenge to FDA’s “Route-of-Ab...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ abril (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3832)
- ▼ abril (300)
- Consenso político para formalizar la participación...
- Presupuestos 2017: la Agencia Estatal de Investiga...
- Las sociedades científicas advierten de que el gas...
- El TSJ de Madrid niega el traslado de un bebé de m...
- El ICS indemniza el deficiente seguimiento asisten...
- El Foro se une a la petición de que Sanidad regule...
- Polémica por el número de aprobados en la OPE del ...
- Valencia: el personal laboral de La Ribera sería i...
- La Justicia investiga si diez muertes en el Valle ...
- Hay discriminación si no se valoran los riesgos la...
- Los interinos de larga duración tienen derecho a l...
- El Congreso analizará una posible regulación del u...
- Una terapia podría regresar las lesiones del VPH d...
- Andalucía constituye la Red de Medicina Transfusio...
- Investigación: 40 millones para ampliar la red de ...
- El CSIC evalúa sus centros mixtos y trata de homog...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC
- The Prevalence of Tobacco Use at Federally Qualifi...
- Food Policy Council Self-Assessment Tool: Developm...
- Identification of Patients With Diabetes Who Benef...
- Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among 1.3 Million Adu...
- Predicting Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by Using Data o...
- Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence by Race/Ethnicity an...
- Erratum, Vol. 13, December 8 Release
- A Community-Driven Implementation of the Body and ...
- Achieving Health Equity Through Community Engageme...
- Factors in Placement and Enrollment of Primary Car...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / Early Release
- Zika Virus - Protecting Pregnant Women and Babies
- Mammography Update: The MQSA Program in Action: A ...
- La semFYC destaca la prescripción de ejercicio fís...
- Los niños con patología neurológica grave tienen u...
- HM Hospitales y el ICOMEM firman convenio para la ...
- Expertos en Oncología Médica piden más inversión e...
- Sanidad de Canarias pone 124 programas quirúrgicos...
- Múltiples frentes abiertos en diabetes - Sociedade...
- “La Atención Primaria debe de ser la gran gestora ...
- “Los presupuestos no garantizan la sostenibilidad ...
- El 69% de los norteamericanos se declara provida |...
- Justo Aznar: “El objetivo de Bioética Press es dia...
- Is toleration a virtue? | MercatorNet | April 6,...
- A life passionately lived | MercatorNet | April ...
- Technology and addiction: How Big Gaming hacks int...
- Massachusetts Inpatient Medicaid Cost Response to ...
- Spirometric variability in smokers: transitions in...
- Improving Diagnostic Safety | Agency for Healthcar...
- The Coalition to Improve Diagnosis - Society to Im...
- What Time is it? Adherence to Antiretroviral Thera...
- Diagnostic Testing and Hospital Outcomes of Childr...
- Whole-Exome Sequencing to Identify Novel Biologica...
- TeamSTEPPS® Advanced Course | Agency for Healthcar...
- Toolkit for Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals | Agency f...
- New Jersey Hospital Uses AHRQ Toolkit To Reduce Ur...
- Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance Improved Financial Ou...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #501: Children's Usual Source of...
- Impact of Adherence to Quality Measures for Locali...
- Disparities in recommended preventive care usage a...
- Increasing Consumer Engagement by Tailoring a Publ...
- National Health Services Corps FAQ Open Forum
- 2017 NCSP First Technical Call Today
- Register Now for the 2017 Practical Playbook Natio...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Announces Three Wai...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Home Health Quality Reporting Spotlight/Listserv A...
- LTCH QRP Listserv/Spotlight Announcement
- CDER New April 5, 2017
- BMC Bioinformatics | Proceedings of the Symposium ...
- BMC Proceedings | Proceedings from Vaccination eco...
- BMC Bioinformatics | Selected articles from BGRS\S...
- Criminal Justice Month | Springer
- Muslim and Aboriginal marriage customs should be l...
- Europa y el futuro de los Comités de Ética en Inve...
- Curso de Iniciación en Bioética | Máster universi...
- Congreso conjunto EUREC-ANCEI (European Network of...
- Eacme – Justice in Health Care – Values in Conflic...
- bioetica & debat - Libros ► Bioética: un nuevo pa...
- Sanitas aumenta sus ingresos un 6,3% - Sanidad Pri...
- Calidad en la recogida, almacenamiento y conservac...
- Gilead comercializa en España Epclusa, el primer t...
- El CM de Murcia pone en marcha la precolegiación e...
- Las patronales del medicamento y los productos san...
- El SESPA tendrá que realizar una nueva convocatori...
- La neumonía fue la causa de muerte que más se incr...
- Aprobado en Navarra el dictamen de la ley foral pa...
- La contención del gasto solo raciona la gestión de...
- El presupuesto 2017 de Sanidad aumenta un 2,3 por ...
- SAVE THE DATE: CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconfe...
- Development of the Learning Health System Research...
- PA-17-247: Implementation and Evaluation of New He...
- PA-17-246: Health Information Technology (IT) to I...
- Observatorio del Medicamento: El retraso en la ...
- NCI at AACR 2017 - Wednesday, April 5th
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La ONU exhortó a cambiar la...
- FDA Law Blog: Jury Rules on Charges against Owner ...
- Médicos del Mundo advierte sobre la crisis aliment...
- Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cance...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ abril (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3732)
- ▼ abril (200)
- El gasto farmacéutico hospitalario en 2016 se redu...
- La SEFH ultima el programa científico de su 62 Con...
- 1.977 millones de facturación y un 6,3% más de ing...
- Las nuevas tecnologías permitirán al dermatólogo m...
- El Foro de Industrias Biomédicas ya es una realida...
- El Big Data sanitario se alía con la investigación...
- Rafael Bengoa: "Es más recomendable transformar el...
- Cómo, cuánto y en qué crece la partida de Sanidad ...
- Los hospitales sin ánimo de lucro también apuestan...
- El sector Biotecnológico recibe la nueva ley paten...
- CDER New April 4, 2017
- CDC - Continued CDC Funding for States to Detect, ...
- BAA Applied Research to Address Emerging Public He...
- Coalition to Improve Diagnosis Seeks to Identify D...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Marzo ...
- Turning psychopaths into nice guys | MercatorNet ...
- What Yale has become | MercatorNet | April 4, 201...
- FDA/CFSAN's News for Educators – April - June 2017...
- National Autism Awareness Month (see related guide...
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month (see related...
- Oral Cancer Awareness Month (see related guideline...
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month (see rela...
- Alcohol Awareness Month (see related guidelines)
- STI Awareness Month (see related guidelines)
- Nueve de cada diez médicos destacan que los pacien...
- Toledo acogerá el 19 de abril de la celebración de...
- El big data permite anticipar una enfermedad y mej...
- Una consulta única para casos menos graves en Urge...
- “Los R3 representáis el futuro de nuestra profesió...
- La Ley de Patentes refuerza la seguridad jurídica ...
- “El envejecimiento saludable tiene mucho que ver c...
- Gerentes de CC.AA. urgen a un pacto político y soc...
- El Gobierno, la Generalitat y el Ayuntamiento impu...
- Laboratory Medicine Best Practices
- International Association of Providers of AIDS Car...
- College of American Pathologists
- American Physical Therapy Association, Inc., The O...
- American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrod...
- CDER New April 3, 2017
- New Drug Safety Podcasts- Drug Information Update
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- CDRH New Update
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Public Alert – Dream® P...
- CMS NEWS: CMS finalizes 2018 payment and policy up...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: CABA: apuestan por la atenc...
- NCI at AACR 2017 - Tuesday, April 4th
- FDA Law Blog: Is it Scheduling or Rescheduling? DE...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Search | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse: ...
- Home - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- NQMC Update Service: April 3, 2017 | University of...
- La OMC pide un pacto contra la precariedad laboral...
- Un programa piloto muestra que una consulta para c...
- La OMC pide más de 2.200 médicos de familia para a...
- Cada año 6.400 nuevas personas necesitan tratamien...
- Petición en el Congreso para un mayor compromiso c...
- Reflexión sobre la gestación subrogada - DiarioMed...
- La muerte súbita en los lactantes 'escapa' al esta...
- El baremo de daños sanitarios: a la octava puede i...
- La rotura de un aneurisma cerebral puede ser causa...
- Once nombres para idear la futura ley de alcohol y...
- La Separ calcula un 30% menos de ingresos en mayor...
- Las autonomías dedican a sanidad un tercio de su p...
- Cataluña prioriza la economía social y sin ánimo d...
- El acceso a las innovaciones debe ser rápido y equ...
- Asturias: el Sespa ahorra 4,5 millones en fungible...
- Una consulta única para leves en Urgencias reduce ...
- Asociación de Ayuda de Familiares de personas que ...
- FDA: Helping Small Businesses Get Big Results
- Vídeo: Masculino o femenino, ¿Una construcción soc...
- Canadá pierde 262 vidas en siete meses tras la leg...
- El Parlamento Europeo defiende el acceso universal...
- Cambia el perfil de los pacientes que acuden a la ...
- Los médicos italianos se resisten a participar en ...
- Se aprueba la ley de transexualidad en la Comunida...
- Whom should you love more: your spouse or your kid...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | Vector Control for...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | Community Health A...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | You Call the Shots...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC | Hot Training Topic...
- ProMED-mail
- CDRH New Update
- Two NIAID Funding Opportunities: Centers for AIDS ...
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: Nonclinical Services fo...
- 2017 NCSP First Technical Call
- Register Now for TeamSTEPPS Office-Based Care Onli...
- TeamSTEPPS Onboarding Video
- NOT-HS-17-011: Revision: Notice to Extend PA-14-29...
- NCI at AACR 2017 - Monday, April 3rd
- FDA Law Blog: Proposed Changes to the Device Inten...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ abril (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (3632)
- ▼ abril (100)
- Digitalización, multidisciplinariedad y precisión ...
- El sistema de patentes debe servir como reconocimi...
- Más de 2.000 gestores sanitarios se dan cita en Se...
- ATRYS Health y CITIC (UDC) presentan eDSalud, una ...
- Best Workplaces 2017 publica la lista de las mejor...
- El VH usa un nuevo protocolo que facilita la recup...
- La GVA anuncia una nueva licitación de vacunas por...
- New clues help doctors cure patients, not diseases...
- Did You Know? | Like granular data? Check out the ...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 12
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Recognizes DUNS Num...
- Annual Report to the Nation, 1975-2014 - National ...
- Annual Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Common computerized provider order entry errors. |...
- AHRQ Impact Case Studies: Patient Safety. | AHRQ P...
- SEIPS Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient S...
- 2017 SGIM Annual Meeting. | AHRQ Patient Safety Ne...
- Patient Safety Quality: Essential Components. | AH...
- Armstrong Institute Diagnostic Excellence Summit. ...
- Proposed requirements of the National Patient Safe...
- Two words can soothe patients who have been harmed...
- Medication errors attributed to health information...
- State of Care in NHS Acute Hospitals: 2014 to 2016...
- Operational failures detected by frontline acute c...
- Pediatric prehospital medication dosing errors: a ...
- Examining the nature of interprofessional interven...
- Educating for the 21st-century health care system:...
- Paediatric early warning systems for detecting and...
- Improving our understanding of multi-tasking in he...
- Improving surgical complications and patient safet...
- Building a high-reliability organization: one syst...
- Clinical perspective: creating an effective practi...
- Do leadership style, unit climate, and safety clim...
- Characteristics of initial prescription episodes a...
- Barriers and facilitators of adverse event reporti...
- Dissecting Leapfrog: how well do Leapfrog Safe Pra...
- Changes in Hospital-Physician Affiliations in U.S....
- Big-Data Based Decision-Support Systems to Improve...
- TeamSTEPPS LMS: Log in to the site
- CAHPS Cancer Care Survey | Agency for Healthcare R...
- Tratamiento del hemangioma infantil en niños: Revi...
- CUSP Toolkit | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qu...
- Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) Toolkit | Agency for...
- Tennessee Hospital Association Uses AHRQ Tools To ...
- Hispanic and Immigrant Paradoxes in U.S. Breast Ca...
- Hospital variation in rates of acid-reducing medic...
- Differences in prevalence of community-associated ...
- Application of Electronic Algorithms to Improve Di...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #500: Out-of-Pocket Health Care ...
- Summary of the Update Session on Clinical Neurotox...
- Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ...
- Palliative Care for Pancreatic and Periampullary C...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Is privacy the price of precision medicine? | OUPb...
- Psychiatric Genomics: Ethical Implications for Pub...
- Psychiatric Genomics and Mental Health Treatment: ...
- A Valuable New Direction in Ethical Analysis of Ps...
- Beyond Genomic Association: Ethical Implications o...
- "Still Rather Hazy at Present": Citizens' and Phys...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan|Genomics & Heal...
- A Novel Pan-Genome Reverse Vaccinology Approach Em...
- Genomics, Health Disparities, and the Nation’s Res...
- Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities — Selec...
- BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing-pitfalls and recom...
- Informed Consent: The Case of “-Omics” Literacy Ex...
- Your Genes, Your Health: The Importance of Genetic...
- Annual Report to the Nation: Cancer Death Rates Co...
- NCI at AACR 2017 - Sunday, April 2nd
- El impacto global de la inmunización está limitado...
- La OMS lanza una campaña para reducir en un 50 por...
- La AECC denuncia la inequidad en la implantación d...
- La incidencia de algunos tipos de cáncer no se cor...
- Eficiencia y verificación de medicamentos centran ...
- El CGCOM expresa su solidaridad con los médicos y ...
- Medicina Genómica: Cómo interpretar la avalancha d...
- La Fundación IDIS propone que los cuidados sociosa...
- Se firma en la Mesa Sectorial gallega el Plan de E...
- Médicos de Primaria piden incremento presupuestari...
- “Hay que sacar a la Sanidad del uso partidista”, s...
- El BOE publica la sentencia del Supremo que anula ...
- La sostenibilidad del SNS pasa por la reinversión ...
- La precariedad laboral del médico se debe a “la in...
- Los resultados en salud y la eficiencia se erigen ...
- BioEdge: Will India ban commercial surrogacy? | Bi...
- BioEdge: Bioethics in the age of Trump | BioEdge ...
- BioEdge: Elon Musk wants us all to become cyborgs ...
- BioEdge: Should psychopaths be morally bioenhanced...
- Assisted suicide goes down in Hawaii | BioEdge | S...
- Is it ethical to Google your patients? | BioEdge |...
- Surrogate ‘slave’ scandal in US | BioEdge | Sunday...
- Dutch health council says human embryos can be cre...
- CDC Announced Call for Innovative Proposals
- Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectiou...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (03/31...
- NCI at AACR 2017 - Saturday, April 1st
- ▼ abril (100)


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