martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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Latest WebM&M Issue

Expert analysis of medical errors.
Lisa Strate, MD, MPH, and Sophia Swanson, MD, September 2017
An older man with Crohn disease was admitted for abdominal pain and high stool output from his ileostomy. Despite blood passing from his ostomy and a falling hemoglobin level, the patient was not given a timely blood transfusion.
Clinton J. Coil, MD, MPH, and Mallory D. Witt, MD, September 2017
A woman developed sudden nausea and abdominal distension after undergoing inferior mesenteric artery stenting. The overnight intern forgot to follow up on her abdominal radiograph, which resulted in a critical delay in diagnosing acute mesenteric artery dissection and bowel infarction.
Casey A. Cable, MD; David J. Murphy, MD, PhD; and Greg S. Martin, MD, MSc, September 2017
For an older patient presenting with upper back pain and faint bilateral crackles, physicians misinterpreted a negative sepsis screen as a negative infection screen and delayed antibiotic treatment for pneumonia. The patient developed worsened hypoxemia, hypotension, delirium, and progressive organ failure.

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