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SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN MARZO de 2018 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2018. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (2330)
- ▼ marzo (200)
- Challenges and Opportunities in Establishing and M...
- A nationwide cross-sectional survey of pharmacy st...
- Enhancing Autonomy in Biobank Decisions: Too Much ...
- Personalised Medicine: The Promise, the Hype and t...
- Evidence Based Medicine and Big Genomic Data.
- Ask Not What Personalized Medicine Can Do for You ...
- Familial hypercholesterolaemia in children and ado...
- Genetic discrimination and life insurance: a syste...
- Clinical utility and cost of non-invasive prenatal...
- Detection of the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism at...
- Evolution of the "drivers" of translational cancer...
- Will Personalized Medicine Mean Higher Costs for C...
- BioEdge: Should lesbian couples have access to mit...
- BioEdge: Euthanasia performed on Canadian prisoner...
- BioEdge: Germline modification ‘would violate huma...
- Will a code of ethics make researchers ethical?
- The puppy has two faces: Streisand on cloning dogs...
- UK government: Parents should tell their surrogate...
- BioEdge: After 14 years, California’s stem cell ag...
- Work in Progress: Classifying Evidence-based Genom...
- Public health genomics AND (genetic OR genomic) AN...
- PubMed Clinical Queries
- A genome-wide association study of chronic otitis ...
- Public health genomics
- Current state of genomic policies in healthcare am...
- The role of social networking sites in medical gen...
- Translational Genomics in Low- and Middle-Income C...
- Exploring the Effectiveness of Mandatory Premarita...
- Evaluation of state comprehensive cancer control p...
- Impact of Genetic Polymorphisms on Phenytoin Pharm...
- Implementing Public Health Genomics in Your State:...
- Genomics in Public Health: Perspective from the Of...
- Outbreak Breakthrough: Using Whole-Genome Sequenci...
- Public health genomics information is now easily a...
- Annual review 2017 :: Public health genomics
- Precision public health - GTR - NCBI
- Precision public health AND (genetic OR genomic) A...
- PubMed Clinical Queries
- Precision public health
- Precision Public Health: Panacea or Contradiction ...
- Precision Public Health Summit
- PALB2: research reaching to clinical outcomes for ...
- From public health genomics to precision public he...
- 3-Dimensional Facial Analysis—Facing Precision Pub...
- Precision Public Health: Using Malawi Population-B...
- Data can help to end malnutrition across Africa
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Risk stratification, genomic data and the law. - P...
- Enhancing Autonomy in Biobank Decisions: Too Much ...
- Ethical Implications of Rapid Whole-Genome Sequenc...
- Fairness in Precision Medicine || Data & Society
- Key Ethical Issues in Prenatal Genetics: An Overvi...
- La AEPD razona que la norma europea apoya la inves...
- Readout of Secretary Azar’s Visit to Brigid’s Path...
- Continuing the Fight Against Zika | | Blogs | CDC
- CDC Global Health - Infographics - Strengthening P...
- CDC: Protecting Americans through Global Health
- CDC - CGH - A Global Roadmap to End Cholera
- First Human Case of Eye Worm Thelazia Gulosa Found...
- Study: Partial Dose of Yellow Fever Vaccine Provid...
- Fractional doses of yellow fever vaccine provide p...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Types of miscommunication reported by parents and ...
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- 2018 Patient Safety Conference. | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- Introducing TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care Onlin...
- 2018 Quality and Safety in Children's Health Confe...
- Hidden curricula, ethics, and professionalism: cli...
- The STOP Measure. Safe and Transparent Opioid Pres...
- Errors detected in pediatric oral liquid medicatio...
- Implementing electronic health record default sett...
- The relationship between resident burnout and safe...
- Factors associated with hospital admission after o...
- Prospective evaluation of medication-related clini...
- Examining the relationship of an all-cause harm pa...
- Drug calculation ability of qualified paramedics: ...
- Safe care for pediatric patients: a scoping review...
- Special K with no license to kill: accidental keta...
- Identifying what is known about improving operatin...
- Diagnosing crime and diagnosing disease part 1 and...
- Effects of interdisciplinary collaboration in hosp...
- Older adults' awareness of deprescribing: a popula...
- "To err is human" but disclosure must be taught: a...
- Patient safety movement: history and future direct...
- Assessing patients' perceptions of safety culture ...
- Videos|Genomics|CDC
- The Role of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Precisi...
- Busting 5 Myths about Eating Disorders | HHS.gov
- Two Funding Opportunities from HRSA’s Ryan White H...
- Watch Next Week: Key HIV and HCV Research Updates ...
- FDA takes steps to enhance drug supply chain secur...
- TWH in Action! eBlast: Agenda At-A-Glance now Avai...
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents
- Opportunity for Public Comment on Scientific Accep...
- CMS Blog: Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization...
- Press Announcements > FDA warns of fraudulent and ...
- El Foro de las Profesiones Sanitarias, a la espera...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ marzo (200)
SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN MARZO de 2018 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2018. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (2230)
- ▼ marzo (100)
- El Sespa intensificará el apoyo al profesional agr...
- Cómo tramitar la declaración de la renta sin el pr...
- ¿Hay mala praxis por omitir pruebas diagnósticas? ...
- Nace una nueva aceleradora de proyectos innovadore...
- El Mobile World Congress estrena 'salud' - DiarioM...
- Valencia: dos años de 'transición' en la 'internal...
- Año y medio de prisión para uno de los médicos del...
- Luz verde a una PNL para impulsar la asignatura de...
- El 80% de medicamentos en farmacia, en precios de ...
- 'La tecnología mete miedo: el paciente no es sólo ...
- The next CMS Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)/Long...
- El serogrupo B es el tipo más frecuente de meningi...
- Nace la primera Guía de Práctica Clínica en EM
- El 40% de los nuevos medicamentos son para enferme...
- Pharma Mar presenta los resultados de 2017
- La cronicidad, un problema cada vez más frecuente
- Entregados los Premios a la Innovación en el Ámbit...
- La precariedad laboral afecta al 68% de los médico...
- La escasez de tutores hace peligrar la formación M...
- Burdinola se extiende en Benelux
- La SEFH actualiza los conocimientos en oncología
- El ICN2 vuelve al MWC
- El futuro del tratamiento de los pacientes crónico...
- El boom de la FH se debe a la especialización que ...
- La cirugía teleasistida, cada vez más cerca
- GE Healthcare launches most advanced radiology ult...
- Deltex Medical’s ODM system reduces complications ...
- FDA Investigated Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella...
- NCCIH's SBIR/STTR Programs: Funding Small Business...
- Summary of REMS@FDA website updates for January & ...
- eMDR System Update
- News & Events > CDER Conversation: Reducing the Ri...
- In an interview with Ethix, Dr. Collins covers a r...
- Protecting Against the Next Pandemic
- Brain Safety Starts with YOU - Brain Injury Awaren...
- FDA alerts health care professionals and patients ...
- ProMED-mail
- Webinar about Careers in Health Law: A Look at Gov...
- CDC - Public Health Law Academy - Publications by ...
- CDC - State Healthcare Facility Measles, Mumps, an...
- CDER New March 2, 2018
- FDA Issues Final Guidance on Dietary Fiber and Gui...
- CDRH New Update
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Información General
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Información General
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Información General
- FDA alerts health care professionals and patients ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se aprueba la estructura or...
- Recently Approved Device: BD Onclarity HPV Assay
- USNS Mercy deploys in support of Pacific Partnersh...
- MMWR Vol. 67 / No. 8
- Public Health Law News Announcements: March 1, 201...
- Save the Date for Public Health Grand Rounds “Glob...
- Un juez archiva el caso de cobro de comisiones a p...
- Sanidad publica el proyecto de RD de radiaciones i...
- El consentimiento verbal debe constar en la histor...
- El Marañón supera los 4.000 puntos de factor de im...
- Asturias inicia el día 12 de marzo el pilotaje de ...
- El PSOE pide al Gobierno que baje el precio de fár...
- Luz verde a una PNL para impulsar la asignatura de...
- La 'desfusión' hospitalaria de Granada culmina el ...
- Sanidad anula cuatro preguntas del MIR - DiarioMed...
- La AEPD edita dos guías voluntarias sobre análisis...
- El Comité del baremo, lejos de alcanzar un texto d...
- Un juez cuestiona la legalidad del certificado de ...
- Tens of thousands of Medicaid recipients skip payi...
- Leading consultants from the North East putting ra...
- ACA’s popularity grows, even as GOP lauds change t...
- Annual Public Safety Broadband Stakeholder Meeting...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- What’s New for Biologics
- HRSA eNews March 1, 2018
- December 2017 Medicaid & CHIP Eligibility and Enro...
- CDC FY2017 Grant Funding Profiles Now Available - ...
- The next CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum is sched...
- The next CMS Ambulance Open Door Forum scheduled f...
- Recently Approved Device: Impella Ventricular Supp...
- Quality Indicators - Request for Information
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Releases Guidance o...
- FDA Voice Brain Implant for Some Blind People Show...
- Mission Possible: Addressing Health Disparities in...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA is Driving the Manufacture of Drug Products Ou...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Lanzan un registro naci...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Dura negociación entre el G...
- What's New Related to Drugs
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- Surge la primera alianza de control integral para ...
- SESPAS y SEE presentan 29 enmiendas al proyecto de...
- Los gestores sanitarios deben liderar la transform...
- Simex insiste en que la recuperación de las retrib...
- El PSOE quiere que se aumente la inversión en I+D+...
- La digitalización transforma los procesos asistenc...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- CMS National Training Program's Learning Series We...
- OPQ Issues Annual Report for 2017
- ▼ marzo (100)


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