viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

MMWR Vol. 67 / No. 19


MMWR Weekly
Vol. 67, No. 19
May 18, 2018

In this report
The figure is a visual abstract that details illnesses associated with recreational water and recommends how to stay healthy when swimming.
Outbreaks Associated with Treated Recreational Water — United States, 2000–2014
Michele C. Hlavsa, MPH; Bryanna L. Cikesh, MPH; Virginia A. Roberts, MSPH; et al. 
Cholera Epidemic — Lusaka, Zambia, October 2017–May 2018
Nyambe Sinyange, MBChB; Joan M. Brunkard, PhD; Nathan Kapata, MBChB; et al. 

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