sábado, 19 de mayo de 2018



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Published Date: 2018-05-19 15:03:00
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (75): Nepal (Narayani) poultry, HPAI H5N1, OIE
Archive Number: 20180519.5805891
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Fri 18 May 2018
Source: OIE, WAHID [edited]

Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Nepal
Information received on [and dated] 18 May 2018 from Dr Bimal Kumar Nirmal, Doctor, Department of Livestock Services, DGA open RR, Nepal

Report type: immediate notification
Date of start of the event: 3 May 2018
Date of confirmation of the event: 15 May 2018
Reason for notification: recurrence of a listed disease
Date of previous occurrence: 10 Mar 2017
Manifestation of disease: clinical disease
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Serotype: H5N1
Nature of diagnosis: clinical, laboratory (basic and advanced), necropsy
This event pertains to the whole country.

New outbreaks (1)
Summary of outbreaks
Total outbreaks: 1
Outbreak 1: Khairehani-9, Khairehani, Chitwon, Narayani
Date of start of the outbreak: 3 May 2018
Outbreak status: resolved on 15 May 2018
Epidemiological unit: farm
Affected animals:
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered
Birds / 1500/ 1500 / 1500 / 0 / 0
Affected population: Commercial layers of 72 weeks exhibiting symptoms of cyanotic comb, swollen head, mucus discharge from nostril and sudden death.

Outbreak statistics [rates apparent, expressed as percentages]
Species / Morbidity rate / Mortality rate / Case fatality rate / Proportion susceptible animals lost*
Birds / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100
*Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction, and/or slaughter

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: unknown or inconclusive
Epidemiological comments: Commercial layers of 72 weeks, reared by the farmer, started exhibiting symptoms of cyanotic comb, mucus discharge from nostril, swollen head, and sudden death. Loss of egg production and feed consumption were observed. Free ranged local domestic ducks nearby the infected farm started to die 2 weeks earlier. However, this mortality was not reported. Birds in the affected farm died within 2 weeks time. Dead birds were disposed of in the disposal pit nearby the farm with proper disinfection. Stamping out of the birds in the infected zone has started. The number of birds stamped out in the infected zone will be reported in the follow-up reports.

Control measures
Measures applied: movement control inside the country, surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone, screening, quarantine, official destruction of animal products, official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste, stamping out, disinfection, vaccination prohibited, no treatment of affected animals
Measures to be applied: no other measures

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type: Central veterinary laboratory (national laboratory)
Species / Test / Test date / Result
Birds / rapid tests / 15 May 2018 / Positive
Birds / real-time PCR / 15 May 2018 / Positive

Future reporting
The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

[The location of the outbreak can be seen on the interactive map included in the OIE report at the source URL above.]

Communicated by:

[In 2017, Nepal reported 2 events associated with HPAI H5N1 and one event associated with H5N8. The situation for each of these HPAI events is as follows:

1. HPAI H5N1, event started February 2017, 2 outbreaks reported in poultry, the event was resolved on 5 Mar 2017. See event summary and updated map http://www.oie.int/wahis_2/public/wahid.php/Reviewreport/Review/viewsummary?fupser=&dothis=&reportid=23016

2. HPAI H5N1, event started March 2017, 1 outbreak reported in captive birds (zoo), the event was resolved on 10 Mar 2017. See event summary and updated map http://www.oie.int/wahis_2/public/wahid.php/Reviewreport/Review/viewsummary?fupser=&dothis=&reportid=23216

3. HPAI H5N8, event started March 2017, 1 outbreak reported in poultry, the event was resolved on 10 Mar 2017. See event summary and updated map http://www.oie.int/wahis_2/public/wahid.php/Reviewreport/Review/viewsummary?fupser=&dothis=&reportid=23193.

A map of Nepal: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/139. - Mod.CRD]

See Also

Avian influenza (50): Bhutan (SJ) backyard poultry, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20180314.5684767
Avian influenza (75): Nepal (ON) H5N8 poultry, H5N1 captive bird, OIE 20170313.4897992
Avian influenza (45): India (OR) poultry, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20180308.5673915
Avian influenza (41): India (OR) HPAI H5N1, wild bird, OIE 20180305.5667511
Avian influenza (15): India (KA) HPAI H5N8, poultry, OIE 20180117.5564367
Avian influenza (26): India (GJ) HPAI H5N1, poultry, OIE 20170120.4778689
Avian influenza (23): India (GJ) wildfowl, H5N8, OIE 20170119.4775954
Avian influenza (22): India, HPAI H5N1 20170118.4774935
Avian influenza (84): Bhutan (CK) backyard poultry, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20161025.4582388
Avian influenza (83): Delhi, H5N8, birds 20161024.4581750
Avian influenza (82): India, Delhi zoo, H5N8, NOT H5N1 20161021.4576300
Avian influenza (81): H5N1, India, Delhi zoo 20161020.4573601
Avian influenza (80): Laos (LP) HPAI H5N1, poultry, OIE 20161015.4561296
Avian influenza (78): China (GS,HU) HPAI H5N6, poultry 20161009.4547390
Avian influenza (76): Viet Nam (CM) backyard, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20161004.4534319
Avian influenza (73): China (GZ) HPAI H5N6, poultry 20160909.4477222
Avian influenza (59): Viet Nam (QG) poultry, HPAI H5N6, OIE 20160701.4321421
Avian influenza (44): Cambodia (KP) poultry, HPAI H5N1 20160518.4229595
Avian influenza (43): Cambodia (KP) poultry, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20160517.4227842
Avian influenza (42): India (KA) HPAI H5N1, poultry, OIE 20160513.4218976
Avian influenza (41): India (KA) HPAI H5N1, poultry 20160509.4210295
Avian influenza (25): China (JX) HPAI H5N6, poultry 20160319.4106354
Avian influenza (22): Viet Nam (TV) poultry, HPAI H5N1, spread, RFI 20160304.4068066
Avian influenza (21): China (HK) bird, HPAI H5N6, OIE 20160219.4036000
Avian influenza (16): China (HN) HPAI H5N6, poultry, update 20160127.3967939
Avian influenza (13): India (TR) HPAI H5N1, poultry, OIE 20160121.3952808
Avian influenza (06): Viet Nam, poultry, HPAI H5N6, spread 20160115.3940015
Avian influenza (02): China (HK) wild bird, HPAI H5N6, OIE 20160106.3915890
Avian influenza (01): China (HK) wild bird, HPAI H5N6 20160106.3914702
Avian influenza (84): Bhutan (TM) backyard poultry, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20150416.3301702
Avian influenza (78): India (TG) HPAI H5N1, poultry, spread 20150414.3297244
Avian influenza (53): India (Uttar Pradesh) HPAI H5N1, OIE, RFI 20150319.324112
Avian influenza (48): Viet Nam (ST) HPAI H5N1, poultry, spread 20150306.3211783
Avian influenza (46): Myanmar (SA) HPAI H5N1, poultry, OIE, RFI 20150302.3202068
Avian influenza (43): China (GX) tiger, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20150226.3194224
Avian influenza, human (128): India (CH,UP) H5N1, susp 20141223.3051376
Avian influenza (113): India (CH) H5N1, ducks, OIE, RFI 20141219.3043523
Avian influenza (96): India (KL) H5N1, ducks, OIE 20141125.2989239
Avian influenza (95): India (KL) poultry HPAI H5, RFI 20141125.2989067
Avian influenza (27): India (OR) H5N1, crow, OIE 20140221.2293254
Avian influenza (34): Bhutan, poultry 20120504.1122995
Avian influenza (02): world update, India, Bhutan 20120128.1024582

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