sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018



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Published Date: 2018-05-26 14:27:57
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (76): Sweden (SN) poultry, LPAI H5, OIE
Archive Number: 20180526.5820472
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Thu 24 May 2018
Source: OIE, WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database), weekly disease information 2018; 31(22) [edited]

Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Sweden
Information received on [and dated] 24 May 2018 from Dr Ingrid Eilertz, Chief Veterinary Officer Director and Head, Swedish Board of Agriculture Department for Animal Welfare and Health, Ministry for Rural Affairs, Jonkoping, Sweden

Report type: immediate notification
Date of start of the event: 23 May 2018
Date of confirmation of the event: 23 May 2018
Reason for notification: first occurrence of a listed disease
Manifestation of disease: sub-clinical infection
Causal agent: low pathogenic avian influenza [LPAI] virus
Serotype: H5
Nature of diagnosis: laboratory (advanced)
This event pertains to the whole country

New outbreaks (1)
Summary of outbreaks
Total outbreaks: 1
Outbreak 1: Arlov, Arlov, Burlov, Skane Lan
Date of start of the outbreak: 23 May 2018
Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not provided)
Epidemiological unit: farm
Total animals affected
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Destroyed / Slaughtered
Birds / 8600 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Affected population: A detection of LPAI has been done in a breeding farm of pheasants for restocking of game. There have not been clinical signs of disease among the animals. The pheasants were tested in accordance with the Swedish surveillance programme for avian influenza in poultry by routine sampling of blood samples.

Outbreak statistics [rates apparent, expressed as percentages]
Species / Morbidity rate / Mortality rate / Case fatality rate / Proportion susceptible animals lost*
Birds / 0 / 0 / - / 0
*Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction, and/or slaughter

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: unknown or inconclusive
Epidemiological comment: All necessary measures according to EU-Directive 2005/94 are/will be applied including the euthanising and destruction of all birds, cleaning and disinfection of all the premises. A restricted zone of 1 km [approx. 0.6 mi] around the holding is established.

Control measures
Measures applied: zoning; vaccination prohibited; no treatment of affected animals
Measures to be applied: surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone; surveillance within containment and/or protection zone; traceability; official destruction of animal products; official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste; stamping out; disinfection

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type: National Veterinary Institute (national laboratory)
Species / Test / Test date / Result
Birds / virus sequencing / 23 May 2018 / Positive
Birds / real-time PCR / 23 May 2018/ Positive

Future reporting
The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

[The location of the outbreak can be seen on the interactive map included in the OIE report at the source URL above.]

Communicated by:

[The active surveillance program in Sweden shows its effectiveness in detecting AI virus and the importance of such early detection to allow proper preventive and response measures to be implemented.

Avian influenza viruses are divided by subtypes, based on 2 proteins found in the viruses: a hemagglutinin, or "H" protein, and a neuraminidase, or "N" protein. There are 16 H types and 9 N types yielding a total 144 possible combinations.

The H5 and H7 subtypes are of particular concern, given the ability of these 2 H-types to mutate from low pathogenic to highly pathogenic strains. These 2 H-types have been known to cause serious disease and mortality in domestic poultry http://www.inspection.gc.ca/animals/terrestrial-animals/diseases/reportable/ai/fact-sheet/eng/1356193731667/1356193918453.

"Most AI virus strains are low pathogenicity avian influenza (LPAI) and typically cause little or no clinical signs in infected poultry. The LPAI virus is excreted through infected birds' feces and secretions. It spreads primarily through direct contact between healthy and infected birds. It can also be spread through indirect contact with contaminated equipment and materials.

"To prevent cases of LPAI, poultry producers must use special preventative measures and precautions in the farm. If LPAI is detected, farms must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. AI viruses are inactivated by heat and drying. They are also very sensitive to most disinfectants and detergents. To ensure thorough cleaning and disinfection, the area must be clear of organic material."https://goo.gl/cZSuAZ. - Mod.CRD

HealthMap/ProMED-mail map:
Skane, Sweden: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/11081]

See Also

Avian influenza (73): Denmark (MJ) poultry, LPAI H5, OIE 20180508.5789717
Avian influenza (70): Sweden, wild birds, HPAI H5N6 20180427.5770993
Avian influenza (61): France (PL) poultry, LPAI H5N1, H5N5, OIE 20180331.5721140
Avian influenza (54): Sweden (UP) backyard poultry, HPAI H5N6, OIE 20180318.5694477
Avian influenza (53): Sweden (UP) poultry, HPAI H5N6 20180317.5693734
Avian influenza (52): Sweden (BL) wild bird, HPAI H5N6, OIE 20180315.5688942
Avian influenza (34): Sweden (BL) HPAI H5N6, new strain, OIE 20180220.5640445
Avian influenza (161): Germany, poultry, LPAI H5N2, OIE 20171124.5463782
Avian influenza (112): France (CN) poultry, LPAI H7, OIE 20170606.5087664
Avian influenza (33): Germany, poultry, LPAI H5N3, OIE 20170125.4792716
Avian influenza (32): Germany, wildfowl, poultry HPAI H5N5, new strain, OIE 20170125.4791590
Avian influenza (31): Europe, Asia, HPAI H5N8, poultry, wildfowl, spread 20170125.4790548
Avian influenza (145): France (AC) poultry, LPAI H5N8, 1st rep, OIE 20161223.4720809
Avian influenza (139): France (LP) poultry, LPAI H5N9, new strain, OIE 20161219.4708751
Avian influenza (133): France (LP) poultry, LPAI H5N1, OIE 20161213.4693938
Avian influenza (131): UK, prevention, Israel, France, spread, poultry, wild, H5N8 20161209.4687796
Avian influenza (129): Germany (BB) poultry, LPAI H5N1, OIE 20161207.4683468
Avian influenza (87): Netherlands (NB) poultry, LPAI H5, OIE 20161028.4593156
Avian influenza (70): Denmark (ND) poultry, LPAI H5N2 20160808.4402626
Avian influenza (68): Denmark (SD) poultry, H7N7, LPAI, OIE 20160728.4377572
Avian influenza (05): UK (Scotland) poultry, LPAI H5N1, OIE 20160114.3935780
Avian influenza (207): Germany (BY) poultry, LPAI H5N2, OIE 20151209.3849685
Avian influenza (206): Germany (BY) poultry, conf, LPAI H5N2 20151208.38477+61
Avian influenza (205): Germany (BY) poultry, susp, st & path pending 20151206.3844385
Avian influenza (203): France (DD) poultry, HPAI H5N2, new strain, OIE 20151202.3834929
Avian influenza (70): Netherlands (NB) poultry, LPAI H5N2, OIE 20150407.3282420

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