miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018



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Published Date: 2018-05-08 18:26:16
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (23): Europe (Norway) fox, OIE
Archive Number: 20180508.5789777
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Fri 4 May 2018
Source: OIE, WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database), weekly disease information 2018; 31(19) [edited]

Rabies, Norway
Information received on [and dated] 4 May 2018 from Dre Kristina Landsverk, Chief Veterinary Officer, Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Brumunddal, Norway

Report type: immediate notification
Start date: 26 Apr 2018
Date of confirmation of the event: 3 May 2018
Reason for notification: recurrence of a listed disease
Date of previous occurrence: January 2012
Manifestation of disease: clinical disease
Causal agent: Rabies virus
Serotype: RABV
Nature of diagnosis: laboratory (advanced)
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country.

New outbreaks (1)
Summary of outbreaks:
Total outbreaks: 1
Outbreak 1: Hopen research station, Troms and Svalbard department, Region North, Svalbard And Jan Mayen
Date of start of the outbreak: 26 Apr 2018
Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not provided)
Epidemiological unit: other
Total animals affected:
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered
Arctic Fox: _Vulpes lagopus_ (Canidae) / - / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0
Affected population: The fox was a wild animal not on mainland Norway.

Outbreak statistics [rates apparent, expressed as percentages]
Species / Morbidity rate / Mortality rate / Case fatality rate / Proportion susceptible animals lost*
Arctic Fox: _Vulpes lagopus_ (Canidae) / ** / ** / 100 / **
*Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
** Not calculated because of missing information

Source of the outbreaks(s): Contact with wild species
Epidemiological comments: The affected wild fox, not on mainland Norway, was killed by a dog on the station.

Control measures
Measures applied: screening; vaccination permitted (if a vaccine exists); no treatment of affected animals
Measures to be applied: control of wildlife reservoirs

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type / Species / Test / Test date / result
Norwegian Veterinary Institute (National laboratory) / Artic Fox / direct fluorescent antibody (FAT) test / 3 May 2018 / positive
Norwegian Veterinary Institute (National laboratory) / Artic Fox / real-time PCR / 3 May 2018 / positive

Future reporting
The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

[The location of the outbreak can be seen on the interactive map included in the OIE report at the source URL above.]

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[The Arctic fox (_Vulpes lagopus_) is listed as extinct in Finland, endangered in Sweden and critically endangered in Norway. Around the year 2000 there were only 40-60 adult individuals left, prompting the implementation of conservation actions, including a captive breeding programme for wild-caught pups.

Rabies is an important threat for this species. The virus is present in Siberia and Svalbard, whereas mainland Norway and Sweden are rabies free. - Mod.PMB

HealthMap/ProMED-mail map:
Norway: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/107]

See Also

Rabies (15): Asia (Lebanon) canine, OIE 20180314.5687339
Rabies (14): Asia (Kazakhstan) feline, OIE 20180314.5684768
Rabies (12): Africa (S Africa) Asia (Thailand) animal, human 20180228.5655831
Rabies (11): Asia (Kazakhstan) livestock, wolf, OIE 20180221.5643296
Rabies (08): Asia (Malaysia-SK) human, animal 20180127.5589162
Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE 20180110.5550871
Rabies (02): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, spread, control measures 20180109.5548024
Rabies (01): Asia (Israel) wildlife, livestock, human exp, spread: 20180104.5537455
Rabies (43): Africa, Asia, Europe, human, animal 20171013.5379441
Rabies vaccination - research: unexpected benefits 20170930.5350448
World Rabies Day 2017: eradication prospects discussed 20170929.5348929
Rabies (EBLV-2), bat - Norway (02): mainland, Daubenton's bat, conf. 20151112.3787427
Rabies (EBLV-2), bat - Norway: mainland, susp. RFI 20151014.3716306
Rabies (EBLV-2), bats: Switzerland 20101101.3963
Rabies (EBLV-2), human - Finland: retrospective diagnosis 20100922.3419
Rabies (EBLV), Daubenton's bat - Sweden: (SN) OIE 20100318.0867
Rabies (EBLV-2), Daubenton's bat - Finland: (LS) 20090819.2935
Rabies (EBLV-2), Daubenton's bat - UK (02): (England) 20081025.3370
Rabies (EBLV-2), Daubenton's bat - UK (England) 20080509.1585
Rabies (EBLV-2), Daubenton's bat - UK (England) 20061012.2918
Rabies (EBLV-2), bats - UK: seroprevalence 20040325.0832
Rabies (EBLV-2), bats - UK (Scotland) 20031003.2490
Rabies, human - Russia (Mordovia) (03) 20030917.2357
Rabies (EBLV 2), human - UK (Scotland): confirmed 20021124.5889
Rabies (EBLV 2), human - UK (Scotland): susp (04) 20021122.5872
Rabies (EBLV 2), human - UK (Scotland): susp (03) 20021121.5860
Rabies (EBLV 2), human - UK (Scotland): susp (02) 20021120.5852
Rabies, bats - Worldwide 19981026.2102

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