SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2018 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2018. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (11124)
- ▼ octubre (200)
- Premarket Approvals (PMAs) > RECELL Autologous Cel...
- HHS Selects Pilot Projects to Demonstrate Better A...
- Preparedness News Releases - PHE
- New data shows Genentech's potential Spinraza comp...
- At NEJM, change at top offers chance to reshape th...
- I work with sexually assaulted teens. They deserve...
- Chemistry Nobel Prize given to scientists whose wo...
- Memorial Sloan Kettering, you've betrayed my trust...
- Medicare Cost Report e-Filing System Enhancement
- An Exciting Step Forward: New Support for the Next...
- NIAID Funding News, October 3, 2018
- HUD Awards $23 Million to Renew Support to 22 Loca...
- CDRH FY 2019 Proposed Guidance Development and Foc...
- FDA Public Workshop on December 3: Implementation ...
- Register Now for the October 9 MACRA Cost Measures...
- NIOSH eNews - October, 2018
- Registration Now Open: Leveraging Real-World Treat...
- National Child Health Day 2018 | Maternal and Chil...
- Training for Health Professionals: Seminars & Obse...
- NHANES - About the National Health and Nutrition E...
- Using Telemedicine to Combat the Opioid Epidemic |...
- Behavioral Health Virtual Job Fair | Bureau of Hea...
- Domestic Violence Progress Report | Official web s...
- 2018 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & ...
- Remote Pregnancy Monitoring Challenge | Maternal a...
- HRSA awards over $12M for maternal & child mental ...
- HRSA's Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home ...
- National Survey of Children's Health | Maternal an...
- HRSA Administrator Visits Philadelphia | Official ...
- National Health Service Corps - Publicaciones
- Health Workforce Connector - Home Page
- Celebrate NHSC Corps Community Month
- Leveraging Real-World Treatment Experience from Ex...
- IPPE, AWV & Routine Physical: Learn the Difference...
- New book explores unlikely origins of food regulat...
- Australia will soon eradicate cervical cancer
- Working with Next Health World Innovation Forum to...
- Bradford and GE Healthcare collaborate to build ne...
- Wits doctors transplant liver from HIV positive mo...
- Basis announces the launch of new model for mental...
- CMS Accelerates Innovation and Promotes Patient Ac...
- Blog Update: For Beating the Opioid Crisis, Americ...
- Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates
- Overview of Pediatric Emergency Department Visits,...
- RFA-HS-18-002: Screening and Management of Unhealt...
- AHRQ and eGEMs Seek Submissions for New Special Is...
- eGEMs (Generating Evidence & Methods to improve pa...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care - Society to Im...
- Diagnostic Error in Medicine 11th Annual Internati...
- Register Now for Nov. 4–6 Diagnostic Error in Medi...
- AHRQ Grantee Profiles | Agency for Healthcare Rese...
- Simulating the Health Care Environment to Improve ...
- Why are employer-sponsored health insurance premiu...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Annual Conference on Health Information Technology...
- Registration | Robert H. Smith School of Business,...
- HCUP-US KID Overview
- Purchase HCUP Data
- AHRQ Releases 2016 Kids’ Inpatient Database
- Early Head Start, Pediatric Dental Use, and Oral H...
- Sex Differences in rt-PA Utilization at Hospitals ...
- Do Safety Culture Scores in Nursing Homes Depend o...
- Surgical Technical Evidence Review for Colorectal ...
- Failure to Diagnose Hyperparathyroidism in 10,432 ...
- Prescription patterns and costs of acne/rosacea me...
- Associations of Hospice Disenrollment and Hospital...
- Utilization and predictors of expectant management...
- What’s New for Biologics
- October Health Equity Link
- HHS Deputy Secretary Hargan Announces Collaboratio...
- Cancer trials that rely on surrogate endpoints ove...
- Physics Nobel honors discoveries that advanced eye...
- Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Chief Executive Resigns...
- StartUp Health Insights Global Digital Health Fund...
- Hearings | Homeland Security & Governmental Affair...
- Electronic Cigarette Sales in the United States, 2...
- Memorial Sloan Kettering, you've betrayed my trust...
- DHA assumes management, administration of KMC | He...
- Air Force begins transition of hospitals, clinics ...
- Products - Series Reports - Homepage
- Products - NHSR - Homepage
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New October 3, 2018
- FDA/CFSAN's News for Educators – October 2018
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Smal...
- 'Nurse educators' paid by drug companies facing sc...
- African-Americans are overrepresented in studies t...
- Welcome to Q4: A blank slate awaits!
- In rare CAR-T case, a patient's cancer cell went h...
- Secretary Pompeo Launches 2018 PEPFAR Strategy Pro...
- Draft Guidance Explains how Uncertainty should be ...
- FDA Proposes Updates to the Special 510(k) Program...
- SAMHSA partners with NCHS to make Restricted-use N...
- InterSystems launches world's first and only data ...
- New report examines similarities between spacecraf...
- Final Topic Refinement Document: Home Mechanical V...
- Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates
- Coping with Disasters: Behavioral Health Resources...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (200)
SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2018 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2018. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (11024)
- ▼ octubre (100)
- Pharma tries to cash in on migraine market by maki...
- The NIH should follow the NSF's lead on stopping g...
- You have questions about how to analyze clinical t...
- CDRH New Update
- Registration Open for FDA's Clinical Investigator ...
- FDA awards 12 grants to fund new clinical trials t...
- Live CE Webinar sponsored by the Division of Drug ...
- FDA announces new and expanded compounding researc...
- FDA Public Workshop on December 3: Implementation ...
- Más de 600 empleados de Lilly participan en el Día...
- Sanofi vende su división de genéricos a Advent
- NuPharm Group es ahora Neuraxpharm
- La Acreditación en Fisioterapia Respiratoria une S...
- Submitting Your Medicare Part A Cost Report Electr...
- Submitting Your Medicare Part A Cost Report Electr...
- FDA Releases Draft Guidance titled “Contents of a ...
- NIH, DoD to develop Limb Loss and Preservation Reg...
- Upcoming FDA CDER Workshops and Conferences
- ProMED-mail
- Sickle Cell Disease Data Highlight
- CMS Announces New Streamlined User Experience for ...
- CMS announces new streamlined user experience for ...
- FDA Issues New Export Certificates for Certain Foo...
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: RFP, NIH Tetramer Core ...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- FDA In Brief > FDA In Brief: Final results from FD...
- NIAID Funding Opportunities: Vaccine and Treatment...
- Share and Interact | Health Literacy | CDC
- Africa’s health, research workforce gets $26M boos...
- Fogarty International Center
- What’s New for Biologics
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New October 2, 2018
- The Maryland Health Enterprise Zone Initiative Red...
- 'Nurse educators' paid by drug companies facing sc...
- In health care, it’s time to get a second opinion ...
- Stopping the Poison Pills: Combatting the Traffick...
- Virtual Groups Election Period for MIPS 2019 Perfo...
- It’s Everyone’s Job: Digital Communication for NLA...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- CMS Blog: Better Data Will Serve as the Foundation...
- FDA publishes final guidance on packaging terms fo...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: El Gobierno intervino l...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Nacieron unos 25 mil niños ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fallo considera arbitraria ...
- National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2018: Embra...
- Constituent Update: FY 2016 Pesticide Analysis Dem...
- Data Submission Open for AHRQ Community Pharmacy S...
- Announcing the Special 510(k) Program Pilot
- Reminder: Register for AHRQ Webcast - Implementing...
- Exploring approaches to patient safety: the case o...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Common types of medication errors occurring outsid...
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- "Talk About Your Medicines" Month. | AHRQ Patient ...
- Patient Safety Certificate Program. | AHRQ Patient...
- Please, write to me. Writing outpatient clinic let...
- Malnutrition in the hospital: the pharmacist s rol...
- Partnering with pediatric patients and families in...
- Inter- and intra-disciplinary collaboration and pa...
- Pharmacist outpatient prescription review in the e...
- When I say diagnostic error. | AHRQ Patient Safety...
- About politeness, face, and feedback: exploring re...
- Improving pediatric electronic health record usabi...
- The Psychiatry Morbidity and Mortality Incident Re...
- Hospital-acquired infections under pay-for-perform...
- Frequency and nature of potentially harmful preven...
- The quality of hospital work environments and miss...
- Culture of Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- The STEP-up programme: engaging all staff in patie...
- A health system wide initiative to decrease opioid...
- Emotional harm from disrespect: the neglected prev...
- Measurement of Patient Safety | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Conceptual Framework for the International Classif...
- Classification of patient-safety incidents in prim...
- Parent-reported errors and adverse events in hospi...
- Patient Engagement and Safety | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Patient-centered insights: using health care compl...
- Difficult Encounters: A CMO and CNO Respond | AHRQ...
- A survey of the impact of disruptive behaviors and...
- Disruptive and Unprofessional Behavior | AHRQ Pati...
- Health care risk managers' consensus on the manage...
- Missed Nursing Care | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Patient outcomes after the introduction of statewi...
- Burnout and medical errors among American surgeons...
- NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being a...
- Physician Burnout. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Association of clinical specialty with symptoms of...
- Engaging hospital patients in the medication recon...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Lines before dawn, violence and ‘No Trust’: China’...
- DEA Limits Rescheduling of CBD to FDA-Approved Epi...
- CDER New October 1, 2018
- Opinion | He Got Schizophrenia. He Got Cancer. And...
- Pharma tries to cash in on migraine market by maki...
- Funding from the FDA is helping biotech Alkeus fly...
- Sloan Kettering Executive Turns Over Windfall Stak...
- Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to two researchers...
- ► septiembre (1401)
- ▼ octubre (100)


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