viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

CDC - Disability and Health, DHDS - NCBDDD

CDC - Disability and Health, DHDS - NCBDDD: - Enviado mediante la barra Google

Disability and Health Data System

Introducing an Innovative Online Tool to Help States Identify and Compare Health Disparities for People with Disabilities

CDC introduces an online interactive system that helps quickly translate state-level, disability-specific, data into information that can be used by state health departments, national disability and health organizations, and policymakers.  With Disability and Health Data System (DHDS), users can customize how they view disability and health data throughout the country, making it easy to understand health disparity information, identify trends, and support the development of fiscally-responsible, evidence-based programs, services and policies.
For the first time, state-level disability data are housed in a central, online location and include timely, consistent ways to compare data by state or region.  DHDS will help better identify health and wellness opportunities for people with disabilities by allowing users to compare over 70 different health measures, as well as data on psychological distress and disability-associated health care expenditures.  The design of DHDS was based on input from identified users of the system, providing a rich, user-centered experience for people who seek information on health disparities among people with disabilities. 

About Disability and Health

One in five (1 in 5) Americans have a disability and each person is at risk for developing or acquiring one at any point in their lives.  Having a disability does not mean someone is unhealthy; in fact, people with disabilities should have the same opportunity for good health as anyone.   Compared to people without disabilities, however, people with disabilities generally have poorer health.  Research shows they are more likely to be obese, smoke and have more difficulty in accessing preventive health services.
In order to reduce the differences in health, state-based data are needed to guide future research and provide evidence for programs and services that can effectively improve health for people with disabilities.

CDC’s Division of Human Development and Disability works to promote optimal human development in children at risk for a disability and to prevent health problems in people who are living with a disability.

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