miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, February 2, 2016 ► Register Now: February 10 Webinar on TeamSTEPPS® in Small and Rural Hospitals

AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, February 2, 2016

AHRQ Electronic Newsletter banner image

Register Now: February 10 Webinar on TeamSTEPPS® in Small and Rural Hospitals

AHRQ is hosting a webinar February 10 from 1 to 2 p.m. ET on the strategies and lessons learned about how to introduce and train small and rural hospitals in TeamSTEPPS® concepts. The webinar, "How to Introduce TeamSTEPPS in Small and Rural Hospitals: The Yellow Brick Road of Teamwork," will provide insights on engaging hospitals to become interested in TeamSTEPPS, as well as strategies for working to improve teamwork and communication skills within hospital settings with limited resources. There is no cost to participate. Click here to register.

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