domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Old and overmedicated: the real drug problem in nursing homes.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

NPR airs two-part series on the dangers of overuse of antipsychotic medications in nursing homes.Morning Edition. National Public Radio. December 8–9, 2014.

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Old and overmedicated: the real drug problem in nursing homes.
Jaffe I, Renincasa R. Morning Edition. National Public Radio. December 8–9, 2014.
Overprescribing of medications is a common problem in nursing homes. This two-part radio segment reports on the inappropriate use of antipsychotic medications as a chemical restraint for patients with dementia. The first part introduces the issue and includes insights from families that have experienced harm due to the practice. The second segment discusses programs that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has put in place to address the problem through a more patient-centered approach to care and suggests strengthening penalties against organizations that overuse antipsychotics.
Available at: Part 1 icon indicating hyperlink to external website
Available at: Part 2 icon indicating hyperlink to external website
Related Web site icon indicating hyperlink to external website
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Nursing homes cited 1,000 times for medication errors.
Pierrotti A. USA Today. August 18, 2014.
Thousands of doctors practicing despite errors, misconduct.
Eisler P, Hansen B. USA Today. August 20, 2013.
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Agnvall E. AARP. November 16, 2012.
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