viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

MMWR Vol. 64 / No. RR-2 ► Clinical Guidance for Smallpox Vaccine Use in a Postevent Vaccination Program

MMWR Vol. 64 / No. RR-2

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MMWR Recommendations and Reports
Vol. 64, No. RR-2
February 20, 2015
PDFClinical Guidance for Smallpox Vaccine Use in a Postevent Vaccination Program 
Petersen BW, Damon IK, Pertowski CA, et al.
MMWR Recomm Rep 2015;64(No. RR-2)

This report outlines recommendations for the clinical use of the three
smallpox vaccines stored in the U.S. Strategic National Stockpile for
persons who are exposed to smallpox virus or at high risk for smallpox
infection during a postevent vaccination program following an intentional
or accidental release of the virus. These recommendations will be
updated as new data on smallpox vaccines become available and
as further clinical guidance for other medical countermeasures
including antivirals is developed.
Clinical Guidance for Smallpox Vaccine Use in a Postevent Vaccination Program

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