martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

CDC and the American Medical Association (AMA) Present a FREE webinar: Preparing for Zika Transmission in the U.S.

CDC and the American Medical Association (AMA) 

Present a FREE webinar:

Preparing for Zika Transmission in the U.S.


Help ensure that you are prepared for Zika transmission. Please join CDC speakers Susan HillsMBBS, MTH, and Kiran Perkins, MD, MPH, as they present…
  • The epidemiological and clinical aspects of the current Zika outbreak
  • Implications for pregnant women
  • CDC’s updated clinical guidance
A question and answer session will follow.  
Join us
Webinar:            Preparing for Zika Transmission in the U.S. 
Date:                    Wednesday, August 10th, 2016 
Time:                   7–8 p.m. EDT
Sign up:               Pre-register (at no cost) and view more details at
For the latest information from CDC on Zika virus visit

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