SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN FEBRERO de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (1350)
- ▼ febrero (300)
- Chartbook on Health Care for Blacks | Agency for H...
- Chartbook on Patient Safety | Agency for Healthcar...
- Chartbook on Healthy Living | Agency for Healthcar...
- Chartbook on Access to Health Care | Agency for He...
- Chartbook on Care Coordination | Agency for Health...
- Chartbook on Care Affordability | Agency for Healt...
- Chartbook on Effective Treatment | Agency for Heal...
- Priorities in Focus: Person- and Family-Centered C...
- 2015 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- Chartbook on Person- and Family-Centered Care | Ag...
- Modeling and Simulation in the Context of Health T...
- How Physician Perspectives on E-Prescribing Evolve...
- Enhancing the Evidence for Behavioral Counseling: ...
- Morbid Obesity and Use of Second Generation Antips...
- Association Between Hospital Penalty Status Under ...
- Impact of Structured Rounding Tools on Time Alloca...
- Chartbook on Person- and Family-Centered Care | Ag...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (02/07...
- La OMS pide que se tomen medidas para el diagnósti...
- El farmacéutico hospitalario, aliado del médico en...
- El 70% del coste del asma corresponde a un mal con...
- FEDER pide incluir la investigación en ER como act...
- El Sindicato Médico de Andalucía pide refuerzos y ...
- La Sanidad asturiana retoma las peonadas en forma ...
- Existe una crisis de modelo de SNS que requiere ad...
- PSOE registra una Ley de Muerte Digna que garantiz...
- SAVE THE DATE - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconf...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La salud es lo primero
- FDA Law Blog: The FTC Takes Action for Alleged Ant...
- NdP - Chiesi España, empresa Top Employers 2017 po...
- Profesionales sanitarios, pacientes y periodistas ...
- Sterile fantasies | MercatorNet
- Imagining a future with compulsory euthanasia | Me...
- CDER New February 6, 2017
- Humanitarian Paul Farmer discusses global health e...
- Focus: Big data for infectious disease surveillanc...
- Cost of Cancer Registration in Limited Resource Se...
- Infographic: Cancer Registries Cost
- BioEdge: Has the UK reached a tipping point on ass...
- BioEdge: Nearly 100 psychiatric patients die of ne...
- BioEdge: Torture does not work, says trauma expert...
- Leading Adult Stem Cell Researcher named Australia...
- Doctors told not to call pregnant women “mothers” ...
- Should doctors talk about Trump’s mental health? |...
- Trump SCOTUS Nominee is “a bioethicist” | BioEdge
- BioEdge: Struggling woman with dementia euthanised...
- February 2017 CMS National Training Program Update...
- CDER New February 7, 2017
- SemFYC y FEDER se coordinan para mejorar el diagnó...
- FECMA cree necesario agilizar la disponibilidad de...
- Expertos recuerdan la relación que existe entre el...
- España tiene una oferta de cuidados sociosanitario...
- Los precios de medicamentos no podrán indexarse re...
- Pfizer organiza un encuentro para valorar las nuev...
- Los médicos de Ceuta merecen un tratamiento ajusta...
- El PP de Castilla-La Mancha dice que de cada 4 baj...
- La AP de la Región de Murcia realizó cerca de 13 m...
- Informe sobre las opciones de la UE para mejorar e...
- El TC respalda por tercera vez la subasta andaluza...
- Los pediatras celebran que los calendarios vacunal...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los tatuajes, en la mira: a...
- El consumo de medicamentos no recuperará los valor...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: In Last Gasps of the Obama Administr...
- Not safe. Never safe. Victorian panel on assisted ...
- Why you should think twice about swapping online p...
- Battling pornography: strategies for home and clas...
- ProMED-mail
- AB-Biotics refuerza su presencia en Estados Unidos...
- Meses de incertidumbre para los futuros especialis...
- "Es positivo que exista una sanidad privada que co...
- AHRQ Health Care and Prevention Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- 'Marea' de dimisiones andaluzas tras pararse la fu...
- Isabel Entero: una vida de atención integral a los...
- ‘Big data’ para tratamiento y diagnóstico del cánc...
- En vientre de alquiler, el padre tiene derecho a l...
- Libertad de prescripción dentro de un contexto - D...
- “El acceso a fármacos constituye un derecho humano...
- Un salto adelante - DiarioMedico.com
- Dura crítica a la apuesta por la ciencia en España...
- 'Colaboración con CNIO y CNIC, no competencia' - D...
- El modelo Ciber busca más y mejor clínica - Diario...
- Un miembro del tribunal de la OPE de Psiquiatría d...
- Trump admite que derogar 'Obamacare' será 'más dif...
- Cataluña abrirá un nuevo concurso para las terapia...
- Valencia extiende las ayudas frente al copago a lo...
- Indemnización millonaria para un médico por infrav...
- Anulada la adjudicación de un puesto de jefe de se...
- Entra en vigor el protocolo que obliga al MIR a re...
- Amyts insta a Sanidad a cambiar la aplicación de l...
- Las CCAA descartarían reformar el Estatuto Marco p...
- El Tribunal de Cuentas alerta del 'insuficiente' p...
- New MMWR Explores Five Health-Related Behaviors in...
- Free Workshops: Effective Patient Care in Infecti...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA’s 180-Day Exclusivity Q&A Guidan...
- Struggling woman with dementia euthanised in Nethe...
- The large countries shrinking the fastest | Mercat...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ febrero (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (1250)
- ▼ febrero (200)
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- A fast approximate algorithm for mapping long read...
- Consensus statement: Virus taxonomy in the age of ...
- Discovering Novel Antibiotics | The Scientist Maga...
- Improving the selection and development of influen...
- Usefulness of Genetic Testing in Hypertrophic Card...
- New program to offer free genetic testing for Nort...
- Pharmacogenetics and metabolism from science to im...
- Barriers to the use of toxicogenomics data in huma...
- Health Orientation, Knowledge, and Attitudes towar...
- Informed consent for biobanking: consensus-based g...
- Biobanking, consent, and certificates of confident...
- Biobanking :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge Bas...
- Biobanking :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge Bas...
- Whole genome sequencing in children: ethics, choic...
- Economics :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base...
- A public health economic assessment of hospitals' ...
- When is Genomic Testing Cost-Effective? Testing fo...
- Modeling the cost-effectiveness of ilaprazole vers...
- Health economics, genomics and the value of knowin...
- Economics :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base...
- Prospective comparison of the cost-effectiveness o...
- Data Sharing :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge B...
- Data sharing in stem cell translational science: p...
- DATA SHARING IN PRACTICE :: Public Health Genomics...
- Data Sharing :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge B...
- Can Data Sharing Become the Path of Least Resistan...
- Data Sharing :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge B...
- How Big Data Could Transform The Health Care Indus...
- Public health approach to big data in the age of g...
- Planning for the Future of Epidemiology in the Era...
- Expanding Access to Large-Scale Genomic Data While...
- Big Data Smart Socket (BDSS): A System that Abstra...
- The current state of implementation science in gen...
- Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base.
- Implementation Science in Genomic Medicine: Why we...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips :: Public Healt...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan :: Public Healt...
- CMS NEWS: Biweekly Enrollment Snapshot
- Annual Perspectives| AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Errors associated with preventable deaths after em...
- SEIPS Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient S...
- Teams, TeamSTEPPS, and Team Structures: Models for...
- Medication Safety Success Stories: Implementation ...
- 2017 Quality and Safety in Children's Health Confe...
- American College of Surgeons and Surgical Infectio...
- High-risk medications in hospitalized elderly adul...
- Case outcomes in a communication-and-resolution pr...
- International recommendations for national patient...
- National Action Plan for Adverse Drug Event Preven...
- Cognitive biases associated with medical decisions...
- Clinicians' expectations of the benefits and harms...
- Deploying and measuring a risk and patient safety ...
- Parent preferences for medical error disclosure: a...
- Infusion medication error reduction by two-person ...
- Expanded pharmacy technician roles: accepting verb...
- Disruptive behaviour in the perioperative setting:...
- Quality gaps identified through mortality review. ...
- Reevaluation of diagnosis in adults with physician...
- Using harm-based weights for the AHRQ Patient Safe...
- Patient safety incidents involving sick children i...
- Rethinking Root Cause Analysis | AHRQ Patient Safe...
- Patient Safety and Opioid Medications | AHRQ Patie...
- Cataluña lanza una campaña para racionalizar el us...
- En vientre de alquiler, el padre tiene derecho a l...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Neuquén: texto de la ley qu...
- Federal Register :: Generic Drug User Fee Amendmen...
- Out From Under the Bus | Safe Healthcare Blog | Bl...
- HRSA eNews February 2, 2017
- El consejero andaluz reconoce que “algo no hemos h...
- Valencia: insuficiente control y catálogos no unif...
- Fernando Forja, nuevo gerente de los hospitales Pu...
- El Sespa está auditando los servicios con más demo...
- Cataluña lanza una campaña para racionalizar el us...
- Senior Corps RSVP - Notice of Funding Opportunity
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 4
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-5 ► Health-Related Behaviors...
- CDER New February 3, 2017
- Cosmetics News Update: How many cosmetic firms reg...
- China’s two child policy starting to have some imp...
- Science, embryonic autonomy, and the question of w...
- La Eurocámara pide un plan para erradicar la Hepat...
- Lundbeck e IBM Watson Health firman un acuerdo par...
- El CM de Zaragoza aborda las relaciones de los méd...
- Las ventas del Grupo Roche crecieron un 4% a tipos...
- La Sanidad perdió 10.300 empleos en enero, lamenta...
- Castilla-La Mancha cerró el año 2016 con una media...
- Aprobado en la Mesa Sectorial de Aragón el Plan Es...
- El Foro de Médicos de AP plantea la salida de Medi...
- La ministra ve en la prevención y la mayor sensibi...
- CMS National Training Program Monthly Partner Upda...
- Federal Register :: Federal Policy for the Protect...
- What's New for Biologics
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: En casa lo van a cuidar mej...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Six Deferral Decisions fo...
- Communicating During a Crisis: What a Hospital Epi...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ febrero (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (1150)
- ▼ febrero (100)
- Bial vende su área de inmunoterapia alérgica
- Serafín Romero, nuevo presidente del Consejo Gener...
- HM Hospitales y Atrys Health cierran un acuerdo pa...
- La Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas publica el cuad...
- La SEFH lanza su nueva visión de las consultas ext...
- Otsuka y Biocat proponen retos para impulsar apps ...
- Las Organizaciones redoblan esfuerzos para hacer m...
- Formación y cercanía en el trato, lo más valorado ...
- "Es preciso un Pacto de Estado por la Sanidad que ...
- Los modelos innovadores en la compra de medicament...
- ASPE vuelve a la carga contra Comín por su propues...
- Murcia: baja la espera quirúrgica y aumenta la de ...
- El Colegio de Valencia convoca becas para MIR que ...
- Sin cuerpos de asbesto en el pulmón no hay enferme...
- El CEAS de HM hospitales, acreditado por la Comuni...
- Cádiz: 13 detenidos y 250.000 euros defraudados po...
- 'Un SNS sostenible precisa más recursos fiscales' ...
- Pilar Espejo, nueva gerente del Complejo Hospitala...
- Prevenir el cáncer, una realidad posible - DiarioM...
- España lleva varias semanas sin notificar un caso ...
- Products - Data Briefs - Homepage
- Products - Data Briefs - Number 269 - January 2017...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- CDER New January 31, 2017
- February 7-8, 2017 NVAC Meeting | HHS.gov
- Public Health Grand Rounds | CDC
- MQSA Insights > MQSA National Statistics
- CMS National Training Program Learning Series Webi...
- CDER New February 2, 2017
- CDC - January 2017 Edition - Public Health Law New...
- Barmy British doctors deny that only women can get...
- El consejero de Sanidad asturiano niega irregulari...
- Trabajadores del Sergas reclaman a la Xunta recupe...
- Montserrat alaba el Sistema Español de Trasplantes...
- Los pacientes exigirán protagonismo en el SNS dura...
- Expertos proponen afrontar la troncalidad con un d...
- CDRH Industry: REMINDER - Webinar - Final Guidance...
- CDER New February 1, 2017
- Preventing Teen Dating Violence: New Interactive G...
- Drug Shortages Update
- NIOSH eNews - February, 2017
- CDRH New Update
- Native Americans Turning the Tide Against Diabetes...
- CDC Announces New Patient Navigation Manual
- Skilled Nursing Facility 30-Day All Cause Readmiss...
- ProMED-mail
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Empresa de medicina privada...
- FDA Law Blog: The Lower Drug Costs Through Competi...
- Occupational Health Internship Program – Apply Now...
- NGC Update Service: January 30, 2017 ► Internation...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New January 30, 2017
- ICH Reflection on “GCP Renovation”: Modernization ...
- AHRQ's New Medication Management Strategy Provides...
- Federal Register :: Postmarketing Safety Reporting...
- PPJ Submission Reminder
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Muerte digna a los 16 años
- Unfortunate facts versus ‘misogynomics’
- ‘What can language do against the truth of abortio...
- Euthanasia could save Canada millions in healthcar...
- Defense Health Agency medical teams on the job at ...
- High-dimensional propensity score algorithm in com...
- Evaluation of Herbal and Dietary Supplement Resour...
- AHRQ's Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice:...
- Managing Gout: A Review of the Research for Adults...
- Diagnosis and Management of Gout
- Diagnosis and Management of Gout: Current State of...
- Patient Education and Counseling, January 2017, Vo...
- Survey of the methods and reporting practices in p...
- Implementation of a nursing home quality improveme...
- Use of Six Sigma for eliminating missed opportunit...
- Progress at the Intersection of Patient Safety and...
- Modeling and Simulation in the Context of Health T...
- SemFYC-Valencia rechaza la actual baremación de la...
- Hacienda y sindicatos acuerdan la convocatoria inm...
- El Sacyl estudia posibles irregularidades en las o...
- La Rioja oferta 5 plazas de médico para el SERIS y...
- La SEN ve en la reforma de la troncalidad la ocasi...
- El Dr. Serafín Romero, nuevo presidente de la OMC ...
- Montserrat reitera que cambiar el copago no está e...
- 2015 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- Chartbook on Health Care for Blacks | Agency for H...
- Chartbook on Patient Safety | Agency for Healthcar...
- Chartbook on Patient Safety | Agency for Healthcar...
- Chartbook on Healthy Living | Agency for Healthcar...
- Chartbook on Access to Health Care | Agency for He...
- Chartbook on Care Coordination | Agency for Health...
- Chartbook on Care Affordability | Agency for Healt...
- Chartbook on Effective Treatment | Agency for Heal...
- Chartbook on Person- and Family-Centered Care | Ag...
- Trend in Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Rates Bet...
- Determinants of Potentially Inappropriate Medicati...
- Evaluating community health centers' adoption of a...
- We’re Witnessing a Health Data Explosion – NLM Mus...
- CMS NEWS: DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Round 2019 An...
- What's New at CBER Update
- EHC Program Updates: New Gout Summaries for Clinic...
- FDA Law Blog: Some Noteworthy Changes to the 2017 ...
- “Necesitamos una ley para hacer realidad el derech...
- ▼ febrero (100)


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