Opioid & Substance Use Resources

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Implementing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Primary Care: Environmental Scan
In recent years, the misuse of opioids, including prescription pain medications and heroin, has become a threat to the Nation’s public health. Communities in rural areas are among the hardest hit by the opioid epidemic. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is an effective way to treat opioid use disorder (OUD), but access to this treatment is often limited in rural communities.
The purpose of this environmental scan was to build on AHRQ's previous work related to OUD by further exploring the unique factors associated with implementing MAT in rural primary care settings and the availability of tools needed to implement MAT.
This environmental scan describes the significant challenges and barriers that may limit access to MAT services in rural primary care settings, including those related to workforce, stigma, logistics, financing, and policy. The report also highlights essential characteristics of effective MAT practices and identifies three innovative models of care that may help overcome challenges to implementing MAT services in rural primary care settings.
This document includes nearly 250 tools and resources available to providers, patients, and communities to help implement MAT in rural primary care settings. These tools have been categorized by topic and address the full spectrum of needs for patients with or at risk for OUD, including prevention, training and education, treatment, and overdose. Although the tools were not all created specifically for rural primary care practices, they are potentially useful in those and other settings.
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