miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

CFSAN Constituent Update - New Web Page Focuses on the Foods and Veterinary Medicine Program's Science and Research to Support Food and Feed Safety

New Web Page Focuses on the Foods and Veterinary Medicine Program’s Science and Research to Support Food and Feed Safety

May 2, 2018

Scientific expertise and research are key foundations of the work conducted within FDA’s Foods and Veterinary Medicine (FVM) program. Human and animal food safety, animal health and nutritional science are primary drivers of FVM’s research efforts.

FDA has created a new web page that provides a central source of information for scientists and other stakeholders around the world interested in FVM’s research priorities, activities, reporting and tracking.

The page includes information about the Science and Research Steering Committee, an inter-center body that coordinates FVM’s science and research activities to maximize resources and impact and avoid duplication of effort. The work overseen by the SRSC encompasses a wide range of food and feed research objectives across the scientific disciplines of chemistry, microbiology, toxicology and nanotechnology.

These research objectives support FDA’s public health mission, including outbreak investigations, surveillance activities and compliance actions.

The SRSC is chaired by FVM’s Chief Science Officer and Research Director and includes FVM science and research leaders from the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, the Center for Veterinary Medicine, the Office of Regulatory Affairs and the National Center for Toxicological Research. It also includes representatives from FDA’s Office of the Chief Scientist and the Office of International Programs.

Among the many resources also found on this page are links to FDA’s analytical laboratory methods used for regulatory food and feed testing. This information is designed to provide stakeholders with access to the analytical methods that FDA uses in such areas as microbial pathogen isolation and detection, allergens, food and color additives, dietary supplements, toxic elements, identification of fish species and shellfish sanitation.

The web page also shines a light on high-impact success stories based on FVM research. These are the domain of FVM’s Research Impact Group, which analyses and communicates how the program’s scientific research truly supports the agency’s foods and veterinary medicine mission  and public health.

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