domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

Million Hearts - About Heart Disease & Stroke

Million Hearts - About Heart Disease & Stroke

Million Hearts logo.

Overview More

Understand the differences between heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

Risk Factors More

We're all at risk for heart disease and stroke. Do the right thing for your heart and your family by understanding the risks.

Prevention More

Many major risk factors–including blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, and obesity–are controllable.

Consequences & Costs More

Heart disease and stroke can be fatal, but they can also result in serious illness, disability, and decreased quality of life. As a nation, one in every six health care dollars is spent treating these and other cardiovascular diseases.

Spotlight: Blood Pressure ControlMore

Million Hearts® strives to make meaningful progress toward prevention and control of a major contributor to heart disease and stroke: high blood pressure.

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