viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Missed diagnosis of stroke in the emergency department: a cross-sectional analysis of a large population-based sample.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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Missed diagnosis of stroke in the emergency department: a cross-sectional analysis of a large population-based sample.

Newman-Toker DE, Moy E, Valente E, Coffey R, Hines AL. Diagnosis. 2014;1:155-166.

This observational study identified patients who visited the emergency department within 30 days prior to astroke diagnosis. Nearly 13% of patients had a potential missed diagnosis, and more than 1% had a probable missed diagnosis of stroke. This study illustrates a novel approach to characterizing the incidence of missed diagnosis, an important and understudied patient safety problem.

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