sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► The non-technical skills used by anaesthetic technicians in critical incidents reported to the Australian Incident Monitoring System between 2002 and 2008.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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The non-technical skills used by anaesthetic technicians in critical incidents reported to the Australian Incident Monitoring System between 2002 and 2008.

Rutherford JS, Flin R, Irwin A. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2015;43:512-517.

This review of operating room incident reports found that anesthetic technicians' situational awareness,teamwork, and task management affected adverse events. The presence of these skills played a role in ameliorating these events, while lack of these skills exacerbated incidents, emphasizing their importance across roles and settings.

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