martes, 14 de junio de 2016

2015 and 2016 eCQMs Updates and Children’s EHR Format Enhancements are Now Available in USHIK

2015 and 2016 eCQMs Updates and Children’s EHR Format Enhancements are Now Available in USHIK

AHRQ--Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Advancing Excellence in Health Care

2015 and 2016 eCQMs Updates and Children’s EHR Format Enhancements are Now Available in USHIK

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is excited to announce that the United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK) website has been updated with electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) for health care professionals and eligible hospitals. USHIK is an on-line, publicly accessible registry and repository of healthcare-related data, metadata, and standards. The updated 2016 measure specifications include 29 updated measures for eligible hospitals and 64 updated measures for eligible professionals. CMS will maintain previously published specifications for the 2014 eCQMs for eligible hospitals and eligible professionals on the CMS website’s eCQM Library page and the eCQI Resource Center.
Children's EHR Format Enhancements
In addition to the 2015 and 2016 electronic Clinical Quality Measures, USHIK has also been updated with enhancements to the Children's EHR Format.  These enhancements were the result of a recent effort by AHRQ to improve the Children’s EHR Format by making its requirements clearer, more actionable, and better supported with additional context.  The enhancements include the grouping of 47 items onto a Priority List, which has been integrated into the updated Children's EHR Portal in USHIK.

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