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Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (6400)
- ▼ junio (1100)
- Un biosimilar no triunfará 'si no es intercambiabl...
- Trabajar en red y continuidad de niveles, ejes del...
- 'La buena prescripción exige un uso limitado de ci...
- Más suicidios y peor salud por el desempleo - Diar...
- Más propensión a tomar fármacos tras jubilarse - D...
- Absolución a pesar de valorar erróneamente una erg...
- 'Debes ponerte en el lugar del paciente' - DiarioM...
- El SVS-O, obligado a implantar un plan preventivo ...
- El copago empeoró la adherencia y la crisis elevó ...
- Grifols publica las transferencias de valor a prof...
- Murcia: CESM, CCOO y UGT 'plantan' a la Administra...
- Tres vías: congelar el cadáver, la técnica de Thie...
- '7.000 nuevos estudiantes de Medicina cada año es ...
- País líder en donar cuerpos a la ciencia pide una ...
- Madrid: 235 médicos de los nuevos hospitales pasar...
- La Sanidad, de nuevo expectante ante complejos pac...
- Una decena de médicos se sentarán en el Congreso d...
- CESM espera que el nuevo mapa político aliente el ...
- SMD: Mechanized Claims Processing and Information ...
- CDER New June 27, 2016
- CFSAN Constituent Update - GenomeTrakr Transformin...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: For some Canadian women surrogacy is ...
- MercatorNet: What’s wrong with the web and do we n...
- MercatorNet: Families lack time and money
- MercatorNet: Homosexuality, Marriage and Society
- Preparing for the 2016 AcademyHealth Annual Resear...
- El ‘brexit’ deja sin sede a la Agencia Europea del...
- España, camino de convertirse en un foco de atracc...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Releases Final Guidance Regardin...
- Family Centered Patient Advocacy Training. | AHRQ ...
- PHSO Review: Quality of NHS Complaints Investigati...
- Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety,...
- FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names With R...
- Physician transition of care: benefits of I-PASS a...
- The impact of implementation of family-initiated e...
- Partial codes when "less" may not be "more." | AHR...
- Medication sharing, storage, and disposal practice...
- Weekly variation in health-care quality by day and...
- Adverse events and near misses relating to informa...
- Reliability of verbal handoff assessment and hando...
- Strengthening leadership as a catalyst for enhance...
- The impact of surgical safety checklists on theatr...
- Hospitals that mess up are urged to confess. | AHR...
- Measuring patient safety events: opportunities and...
- Safety for all: integrated design for inpatient un...
- Improving safety for hospitalized patients: much p...
- Evaluation of the association between Hospital Sur...
- Investigating adverse event free admissions in Med...
- 6-PACK programme to decrease fall injuries in acut...
- Final Research Plan: Vitamin D, Calcium, or Combin...
- Communication With Consultants | AHRQ Patient Safe...
- July Syndrome | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- The Case of Mistaken Intubation | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- Becoming a Certified Professional in Patient Safet...
- Becoming a Certified Professional in Patient Safet...
- In Conversation With… Gregg S. Meyer, MD, MSc | AH...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips || Public Healt...
- Precision public health: June 23-30, 2016 | Publi...
- Precision Public Health: Reconciling Biological an...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Guideline on good pharmacogenomic practice, Europ...
- Consent for newborn screening: parents' and health...
- Responding to the increased genetic risk associate...
- Effect of Public Deliberation on Attitudes toward ...
- Legal approaches regarding health-care decisions i...
- PHG Foundation | Ethics committee gives nod for CR...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan ► Public Health...
- BioEdge: Interview: Dissecting the age of ‘do harm...
- BioEdge: Who’s telling the truth about China’s bio...
- BioEdge: Facing a moral dilemma over driverless ca...
- The 'joy' of fathering 22 donor kids
- British Parliamentary Inquiry Into Freedom of Cons...
- BioEdge: For some Canadian women, surrogacy is sac...
- The bioethics of Australia’s immigration detention...
- BioEdge: Getting down and dirty with bioethics
- BioEdge: British doctors reject neutrality on assi...
- What does Brexit mean for bioethics?
- Sanidad asegura que unos 170.000 británicos con ta...
- “La Troncalidad supone una participación progresiv...
- Usuarios y profesionales de la Comunidad Valencian...
- El Foro Vasco por la Salud propone aumentar el 1% ...
- Madrid podrá hacer reconocimientos de méritos en c...
- La lucha contra el tráfico de seres humanos y el P...
- Las estrategias digitales son prometedoras para la...
- La tecnología RedEye podría proporcionar a los ord...
- Postdoctoral or Research Fellow/Staff Scientist po...
- Job Opening: NIH Program Director for Research on ...
- HHS Awards more than $742,000 to Health Centers in...
- CDC Press Release: Southeastern states not protect...
- Game Corrects Children’s Misreading of Emotional F...
- Headlines: SAMHSA Releases New Quality Measurement...
- Headlines: State Estimates of Past-Year Serious Th...
- Headlines: A Practitioner's Resource Guide: Helpin...
- Headlines: New Quality Measurement Tools Released ...
- blog.aids.gov − Medicaid expansion under the Affor...
- blog.aids.gov − HIV Among Issues Examined During W...
- HHS Awards more than $742,000 to Health Centers in...
- Vector Control Tools and Resources for Environment...
- ▼ junio (1100)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (6300)
- ▼ junio (1000)
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for June 23, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Blood Lead Levels A...
- CDC investigation: Blood lead levels higher after ...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: National HIV Testing D...
- EHC Program Updates: Draft Report on Registries Ou...
- National Quality Strategy Priorities in Focus - He...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Empresa de medicina prepaga...
- What's New at CBER Update
- ProMED-mail
- CMS NEWS: CMS Proposed Updates to Policies and Pay...
- New Health, United States Spotlight Infographic, S...
- Conocé nuestra propuesta académica
- blog.aids.gov − CMS, CDC, & HRSA Launch HIV Health...
- TIP 60: Using Technology-Based Therapeutic Tools i...
- CIB: Federal public notice and public process requ...
- FREE CDC Webinar: Setting Goals for Antibiotic Pre...
- Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Ta...
- NCTR Publications > NCTR Research Highlights
- CDER New June 24, 2016
- MercatorNet: Regret Isn’t Rare: The Dangerous Lie ...
- MercatorNet: Resilience coach bullied by media for...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDRH New Update
- Por primera vez muere más gente de la que nace en ...
- El CatSalut refuerza con 366 profesionales la Aten...
- Navarra trabaja para eximir del copago farmacéutic...
- CESM pide que los médicos del Sescam sean partícip...
- Expertos ofrecen recomendaciones para la financiac...
- Mitosyl renueva su web de consultas directas con e...
- Transparencia, ética y gestión responsable, claves...
- El ICOMEM imparte un taller sobre cómo trabajar de...
- Autorizaciones condicionales, licencias de adaptac...
- LifeScan, de Johnson&Johnson :: El Médico Interact...
- REMS@FDA: Approved Risk Evaluation and Mitigation ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los payamédicos ya inundan ...
- What's New At CBER
- CMS NEWS: Adjustments to Fee Schedule Amounts for ...
- News & Events > The Generic Drug Approval Process
- FDA Law Blog: The PRICED Act Takes a Stab at Reduc...
- FDA: A Great Place for Science…and for Scientists ...
- Los sindicatos urgen al Sergas a aclarar la prórro...
- CatSalut reforzará su plantilla estival con 366 pr...
- El Sergas asegura que el Meixoeiro ha multiplicado...
- UCI abiertas y transversales para ser más eficient...
- Polémica en Madrid por la sanción disciplinaria de...
- La OMC insiste en mejorar las numerosas deficienci...
- Condena por falsificar la firma de un paciente en ...
- El óbito tras una cirugía sencilla no se considera...
- Prorrogada la investigación en el Sergas sobre dis...
- Condena por un 'claro e inexcusable' retraso en di...
- El desarrollo de innovaciones biotecnológicas sigu...
- Biosimilares: ante el reto de la intercambiabilida...
- Apoyo político para mejorar precio y transparencia...
- Las muertes superan a los nacimientos por primera ...
- Primaria arrastra el doble de recorte que los hosp...
- CDER New June 22, 2016
- 2016 CAHPS® Health Plan Survey Database Submission...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare Trustees Report Shows Continued...
- Free AHRQ webinar on June 30
- New FDA Drug Info Rounds Video on REMS@FDA - Drug ...
- Upcoming Live CE Webinar Sponsored by the Division...
- FDA Celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the Medical...
- Olmstead Ownership for Older Adults
- La competitividad entre hospitales privados motiva...
- Los trabajadores de Roche juntan fondos para ayuda...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Introducing the CDER SBIA LinkedIn Showcase Page!
- CDER New June 23, 2016
- Diálogo y alinear criterios entre regulador y fina...
- El Círculo de la Sanidad propone que haya que insc...
- Andalucía publica los listados de 9.362 profesiona...
- El Defensor del Pueblo pone en marcha una campaña ...
- Los pacientes reclaman más participación en la pró...
- La plataforma No es sano pregunta a los partidos s...
- MercatorNet: Blind faith in DNA
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: HP&M Seeks Junior to Mid-Level Assoc...
- FDA Law Blog: HHS OIG’s Odd Take on Food Recalls
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Holanda practicó 5.516 euta...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Draft Guidance Describing...
- Un hospital argentino consigue por segunda vez una...
- CMS Special Open Door Forum:Pre-Claim Review Demon...
- CMS NEWS: Updates to Moratoria Provider Services a...
- Para Ciudadanos, lo primero es revertir el descens...
- El objetivo del PP es garantizar una Sanidad públi...
- Janssen, con la formación en Dermatología en el VI...
- Chiesi impulsa el programa ADAGIO para formar sobr...
- Los expertos analizan en MBIT School los beneficio...
- Expertos analizan las nuevas tendencias en la regu...
- Proponen que las empresas tengan que inscribirse e...
- Health.mil - New regulation may open doors for mot...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Continuing Medical Educ...
- Prevalence of chronic kidney disease among individ...
- Comparison of Socio-Demographic Characteristics of...
- A patient-centered symptom monitoring and reportin...
- Management of Infantile Hemangioma - Policymaker S...
- Treating Infantile Hemangiomas in Children - Consu...
- Home | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program
- New Information Tools From AHRQ Summarize Treatmen...
- ▼ junio (1000)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (6200)
- ▼ junio (900)
- Multimorbidity redefined: prospective health outco...
- Half of 30-Day Hospital Readmissions Among HIV-Inf...
- Beyond the physical: a qualitative assessment of t...
- Living a Healthy Lifestyle | Agency for Healthcare...
- Chartbook on Healthy Living | Agency for Healthcar...
- Priorities in Focus: Healthy Living, March 2016
- Nursing home 5-star rating system exacerbates disp...
- Evaluation of smoking-specific and generic quality...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #490: Uninsurance and Insurance ...
- Spots Available for Summer TeamSTEPPS Master Train...
- Home - Electronic Data Methods (EDM) Forum
- Home - Concordium 2016
- BioEdge: interview with author of " Culture of Dea...
- La Comisión Central de Deontología de la OMC elabo...
- El Defensor del Pueblo apoya la petición de los mé...
- SERMAS y SEDISA ponen en marcha el programa avanza...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Q and A with Dr Alain Beaudet of the Canadian Inst...
- Americans spent $30.2 billion out-of-pocket on com...
- MercatorNet: Surrogacy has something to offend eve...
- Health.mil - DHA director outlines agency’s role i...
- Health.mil - New coding system gives military heal...
- Health.mil - How is the U.S. Military Dealing with...
- An Update on What We're Doing to Keep Guns Out of ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: 7 de cada 10 médicos sufren...
- CDRH New Update
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- Important steps toward streamlining access to inve...
- CBER Laboratories in the Life Sciences-Biodefense ...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act l...
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- CMS NEWS: Strengthening the Marketplace by Coverin...
- New Information Tools From AHRQ Summarize Treatmen...
- CDER New June 21, 2016
- Llega un nuevo paquete de soluciones de Toshiba pa...
- Digitalización y Marketing Online, las tendencias ...
- La Fundación Lilly rinde homenaje al doctor López-...
- Podemos pretende que la Salud no sólo esté present...
- Register your trial with an ISRCTN, today!
- Pediatric Clinical Investigator Training Public Wo...
- AHRQ invites you to join Webinar on QI Toolkit on ...
- CDRH Industry: Announcing FDA Final Guidance and W...
- 2016 Annual Research Meeting
- NQMC Update Service: June 20, 2016 ► Announcements...
- NQMC Update Service: June 20, 2016 ► Pharmacy Qua...
- NQMC Update Service: June 20, 2016 ► National Comm...
- National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Expert C...
- NGC Update Service: June 20, 2016 ► National Colla...
- NGC Update Service: June 20, 2016►Announcements
- KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Hemodialysis...
- Practice Guidelines for the Prevention, Detection,...
- Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Anesthesia: An U...
- Drug Shortages Update
- #RefugeesWelcome: From Civil War to Success
- blog.aids.gov − Webinar with the White House: Lear...
- La OMC creará un Grupo de Tutores MIR con voz dent...
- José María Abellán, nuevo presidente de la Asociac...
- CC.OO. propone una norma para impulsar 94.000 plaz...
- Impacto negativo del copago en la adherencia a los...
- Aumenta un 22% la demanda de profesionales en el s...
- Las autoridades deberían prestar atención a la def...
- MercatorNet: ‘To kill or not to kill, that is the ...
- MercatorNet: Is technology making us dumber or sma...
- CMS NEWS: Proposed Changes To The Payment Error Ra...
- FDA Law Blog: A New and Improved (Updated) List of...
- CDRH New Update
- Hospice Quality Reporting: Annual Payment Update
- Emerging concepts of data integration in pathogen ...
- Advancing microbial sciences by individual-based m...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- Long-term experiences with genetic consultation in...
- The Clinical Utility of Next Generation Sequencing...
- The financial hazard of personalized medicine and ...
- Time to Invest in Sickle Cell Anemia as a Global H...
- Promising gene therapies pose million-dollar conun...
- Genomethics - GA4GH survey
- Survey Launch on Public Attitudes Toward Genomic D...
- Sharing genomic, clinical data < Press releases < ...
- Preventing Mitochondrial DNA Diseases: One Step Fo...
- ACLU v. Myriad Genetics, Round 2: The Problem of G...
- Risk for Patient Harm in Canadian Genetic Counseli...
- Sequenom, the U.S. Supreme Court, and Personalized...
- Will Precision Medicine Move Us beyond Race? - Pub...
- GENOMICS. A federated ecosystem for sharing genomi...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || June 16-23, ...
- NTIS.gov - Commerce Secretary Appoints Avi Bender ...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Publishes Final “Interim Policy”...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: A universal basic income won’t do eve...
- About Science & Research at FDA > FDA Grand Rounds...
- FDA Grand Rounds Presents FDA Research into 3D Pri...
- 27 de FEBRERO de 1812 - 20 de JULIO de 1816 - 20 d...
- China detecta tres casos humanos de gripe aviar H7...
- Más del 50% de las consultas en Atención Primaria ...
- El correcto uso de los biosimilares podría favorec...
- Un estudio estima el umbral de coste de los tratam...
- El CM de Barcelona propone un plan de choque por l...
- ▼ junio (900)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (6100)
- ▼ junio (800)
- Cataluña aboga por una reforma de la Atención Prim...
- El SIMPA impugnará las últimas convocatorias de mé...
- El Gobierno repartirá 3.575.000 euros entre la Red...
- La Ortobiología, nuevo puntal de la Traumatología ...
- El Gobierno destina más de 3,5 millones para evalu...
- GEICAM lanza un gran registro de subtipos tumorale...
- CDC - June 2016 Edition - Public Health Law News -...
- Responding to the Orlando Community Tragedy
- SHO: Medicaid Family Planning Services and Supplie...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- blog.aids.gov − Learn How to Increase Health Care ...
- Tools to Promote Gender Responsiveness in HIV Prev...
- Now Available: Slides and Transcript from May 17 N...
- NIAID Funding News, June 15, 2016
- New Webinar Series: Fighting Hepatitis and HIV in ...
- CDC Press Release: More Men Using Family Planning ...
- CDC Safe Healthcare Blog: How Our Legionella Exper...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Parenting with a Disability: A New Frontier of Dis...
- BioEdge: Bioethicists clash over death of 5-year-o...
- BioEdge: Chinese surgeon is planning a body transp...
- BioEdge: Chinese clinics advertise for sperm donor...
- BioEdge: Hype and honours
- BioEdge: A surprising ethical conversion
- ProMED-mail
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- CUSP Implementation Workshop. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Hospital Reporting Program: Annual Summary. | AHRQ...
- An Anesthesia Perspective: Tackling Medication Saf...
- Leveraging the Principles of High Reliability to A...
- Society of Interventional Radiology IR Pre-Procedu...
- Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005...
- Advancing Patient Safety in Cataract Surgery: A Be...
- Patient and Family Engagement in Primary Care: Cas...
- Is technology the best medicine? Three practice th...
- Medication reconciliation in oncological patients:...
- Impact of errors in paper-based and computerized d...
- Unprofessional behaviors among tomorrow's physicia...
- When doctors share visit notes with patients: a st...
- A case of transfusion error in a trauma patient wi...
- Drug-related harms in hospitalized Medicare benefi...
- A cross-sectional analysis investigating organizat...
- Towards safer transitions: a curriculum to teach a...
- Vaccination errors in general practice: creation o...
- Opioid abuse in chronic pain misconceptions and mi...
- Performance of the Global Assessment of Pediatric ...
- Increased risk of burnout for physicians and nurse...
- Public Comment on Draft Research Plan: Screening f...
- Upcoming Webinar on Overview of MEPS-Insurance Com...
- Final Recommendation Statement: Screening for Colo...
- The National Quality Strategy: Guiding Efforts To ...
- 2015 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- Priorities in Action
- CDC Job Announcement: Economist GS14 Position Open...
- CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory: Be...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare Will Use Private Payor Prices t...
- Staff scientist (core laboratory) position in the ...
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- A Look Back at WEAAD 2016
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: Act Against AIDS Newsl...
- Testing Makes Us Stronger RHOA and Fashion Queens ...
- Let's Stop HIV Together: How are you stopping HIV?...
- CDC's Let's Stop HIV Together
- Announcing a Medicare Learning Network Connects® N...
- Final Research Plan: Screening for Peripheral Arte...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for June 16, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 23
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Screening of Blood ...
- AHRQ’s Safety Program for Nursing Homes: On-Time P...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA to Hold Webinar on ...
- ACL Seeks Comments on Draft SILC Indicators of Min...
- Aprobados 3,5 millones para la red de agencias de ...
- José María Abellán, nombrado nuevo presidente de l...
- El ICS da soporte telemático al barco 'Astral' de ...
- Valentín Fuster asegura que aún se desconocen todo...
- Morín, condenado a año y medio de prisión por prac...
- Especialistas de diferentes ámbitos médicos crean ...
- Un estudio sitúa el rango de coste-efectividad de ...
- La Asociación Española de Biosimilares constituye ...
- Médicos, gestores y políticos sanitarios evocan la...
- FDA Releases “Evaluation and Reporting of Age, Rac...
- CDER New June 17, 2016
- Se calcula que 80 millones de personas padecerán g...
- El Foro Premios AlbertJovell galardona 18 proyecto...
- La cifra de pacientes no programables que han rech...
- Los médicos de Atención Primaria, los más desmotiv...
- Expertos de la AES lamentan el “poco espacio” que ...
- El Foro de la Profesión Médica reclamará al futuro...
- Debate político sanitario: La financiación, evalua...
- Drug Shortages Update
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Condenan al PAMI a cubrir a...
- NQF Seeks Comments on HCBS Quality Measures Report...
- FDA Law Blog: The CREATES Act Would Create a Cause...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: Rendering the sexed body legally invi...
- MercatorNet: Moral revolutions in Silicon Valley
- ▼ junio (800)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (6000)
- ▼ junio (700)
- Buen acceso, calidad y seguridad vuelven a ser las...
- Calidad asistencial y racionalización de los recur...
- HHS awards $156 million to health centers to expan...
- CDC Grand Rounds Presents “Tracking Environmental ...
- FREE CDC Webinar: Setting Goals for Antibiotic Pre...
- Consumer Information for Medical Devices Update: F...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Issues Draft Guidance on Factor...
- CMS Announces $22 Million in Affordable Care Act F...
- Drug Shortages Update
- A Tale of 3 Countries: Applying FSMA Standards Glo...
- Nace el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Hiperbárica...
- La base de datos de MEDES incorpora las primeras r...
- La sanidad privada ofrecería mejores resultados qu...
- Grifols suscribe las reglas de transparencia de la...
- Presentan la primera guía turística para pacientes...
- Infarco invertirá 30 millones de euros en una nuev...
- 'Big data' para pasar de unas TIC eficaces a efect...
- Montoro reclama a Valencia que pague la multa de l...
- 'Nature' augura consecuencias negativas del 'Brexi...
- Agredir a un médico en sede judicial es delito de ...
- 'Queremos que el 40 por ciento de los colegiados d...
- El 37% de los colegiados barceloneses tienen un co...
- El último gerente de Castellón en la etapa del PP ...
- #MiPrioridadEnSanidad. María José Más: dejen de mi...
- #MiPrioridadEnSanidad. José Francisco Ávila: cinco...
- 'Modificaremos el copago con más exenciones a crón...
- España, el país de la UE donde más ha crecido el c...
- Announcing Final Guidance on Use of International ...
- CMS Issues RFI Regarding Availability and Pre-Appr...
- Consumer Updates > The Facts on the FDA's New Toba...
- CMS BLOG: Better Outcomes for Dually Eligible Olde...
- Register Now: June 30 AHRQ Webinar on Health Infor...
- CDER New June 16, 2016
- Guidances (Drugs) > Product-Specific Recommendatio...
- FDA Law Blog: Reminder: International Pharmaceutic...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Final Rule Permitting Use...
- CDRH New Update
- El tiempo de espera para pruebas y cirugías no urg...
- El CM de Madrid propone al consejero un estudio de...
- Expertos inciden en que la vacunación del adulto e...
- La Comunidad Valenciana contrata a 615 médicos par...
- Castilla y León lideró en 2015 los informes de AP ...
- Acuerdo entre CGCOM y SEPD para la validación y re...
- El Dr. Arjona defiende la cobertura sanitaria univ...
- SEMES y la Fundación Ad Qualitatem renuevan su com...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ordenan entregar audífonos ...
- MercatorNet: Dissecting the age of ‘do harm’ medic...
- CFSAN Constituent Update: IFSAC Analysis Improves ...
- El Comité de Bioética pide el CI escrito para el u...
- #MiPrioridadEnSanidad. Jaime del Barrio: hartazgo ...
- 'Derogaremos el RD de 'receta' enfermera y modific...
- El Gobierno valenciano lleva a la Fiscalía las irr...
- El Foro pedirá al próximo Gobierno priorizar el em...
- Commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2016...
- Advancing Basic Behavioral and Social Research on ...
- Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement a...
- AHRQ EMR Tool Helps Improve Pressure Ulcer Healing...
- The SHOP Marketplace - No Time Like the Present
- CDER New June 15, 2016
- Chartbook on Healthy Living | Agency for Healthcar...
- Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates at Community Hea...
- A randomized, home-based, childhood obesity interv...
- Short-term improvements in disability mediate pati...
- JAMA Network | JAMA | Improving Safety for Hospita...
- Trajectories of symptoms and function in older adu...
- Exploring perceptions and use of the electronic he...
- A Data Mining Approach for Examining Predictors of...
- AHRQ’s Safety Program for Nursing Homes: On-Time P...
- Treatment of ankyloglossia for reasons other than ...
- Transforming Patient-Centered Care: Development of...
- National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Res...
- CAHPS home page | Agency for Healthcare Research &...
- Patient Self-Management Support of Chronic Conditi...
- PA-16-283: Scaling Established Clinical Decision S...
- PA-16-282: Developing New Clinical Decision Suppor...
- Guide to Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care ...
- Patient and Family Engagement in Primary Care | Ag...
- Corea del Sur aumenta las normas de seguridad para...
- Debate bioético sobre ensayos con células madre pa...
- Continua el debate sobre los trasplantes de tráque...
- La falta de cuidados paliativos en España afecta e...
- MercatorNet: This Brexit leader thinks the UK’s tr...
- El Colegio de Cádiz entrega el certificado de Vali...
- Consumer Information for Medical Devices Update: F...
- SEMERGEN lanza la actualización de las recomendaci...
- El nuevo presidente de semFYC quiere revitalizar l...
- El PP vuelve a impulsar una propuesta para que el ...
- SEDISA insta a administraciones y partidos polític...
- Humanizar la Medicina requiere del tiempo personal...
- Health.mil - Walter Reed announces pilot program a...
- Fogarty awards $5.3M in research ethics training g...
- A Call for Developing—and Using—Consensus Standard...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Las prepagas tienen su cast...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Draft Guidance Regarding ...
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- Safe Healthcare Blog: This 5-Part Program Helped U...
- ▼ junio (700)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (5900)
- ▼ junio (600)
- Alertan de que el 75% de la población se sobremedi...
- El 6% de los trasplantes pulmonares en todo el mun...
- Las sociedades médicas investigan la calidad de la...
- T-Systems implementa en la nube la plataforma para...
- EIZO se hace con la División de Monitores de Endos...
- FIPSE busca contratar un Servicio de Aceleración y...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- National HIV Testing Day | Awareness Days | Resour...
- NGC Update Service: June 13, 2016 || National Inst...
- NGC Update Service: June 13, 2016
- National Guideline Clearinghouse | Guideline Synth...
- Nonpharmacologic Versus Pharmacologic Treatment of...
- Be A Champion for Clinical Trial Diversity | FDA V...
- Condena por no informar de los riesgos para estabi...
- Condena por suplir una matrona al ginecólogo en un...
- Uno de cada cuatro ingresados en hospitales europe...
- Valencia: detectados más de 7.900 contratos irregu...
- Alicante y Barcelona, las mejores universidades en...
- El Foro hace suyo el impulso de la relación médico...
- Los diez compromisos del PSOE en Sanidad - DiarioM...
- #MiprioridadEnSanidad. Pedro Soriano: trabaja con ...
- #Debate13J: Sánchez y Rivera, más peso sanitario q...
- ProMED-mail
- CDRH Industry: FDA issues Final Rule: “Use of Symb...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Public Workshops on Men...
- Precision Medicine: Using Genomic Data to Predict ...
- CDER New June 14, 2016
- MercatorNet: Who owns the horror?
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 22
- Last call! Apply by June 17th to Combating Zika an...
- 2015 and 2016 eCQMs Updates and Children’s EHR For...
- XXXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina...
- "La Administración pública tiene que promover la d...
- Debería ampliarse la cobertura farmacéutica en los...
- El Dr. José Antonio López Trigo, reelegido preside...
- El personal del Servicio Navarro de Salud está sat...
- 271 egresados de la Facultad de Medicina de Zarago...
- Cecilia Taieb, nueva directora general de la Funda...
- Funding Available for Projects Incorporating Patie...
- A Neglected Epidemic
- NIAID Email Alert: Fiscal Year Payline for STTR Ph...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: TRHA: consentimiento inform...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog: FSIS Receives Petition to Amend Safe...
- Proposed CMS rule on infection control and inappro...
- FDA Implements Administrative Changes for Modular ...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Proposes Rule to Improve Health Equi...
- HAN Archive - 00390|Health Alert Network (HAN)
- AGENDA - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconference ...
- Semfyc quiere situar la AP en la agenda de todos l...
- La mesa de Aragón aprueba una OPE con 514 plazas m...
- Más pruebas en AP para reducir el uso de antibióti...
- Transición al CIE-10: tendrá que convivir con el a...
- Dispensar los fármacos de DH en hospital apenas ge...
- El CEEM retoma su categórico rechazo a la troncali...
- #MiPrioridadEnSanidad. Enrique Gavilán: ¿Qué le pe...
- #MiPrioridadEnSanidad. Pilar Barral: seis propuest...
- 'El Gobierno central no debe recuperar competencia...
- Anulada la orden que daba cobertura universal a lo...
- Expertos critican que el paciente pueda ocultar da...
- El error debería enjuiciarse por sus causas y no p...
- Falta cultura para aprender de las equivocaciones ...
- Compañías de inversión y startups se reunirán en I...
- Fenin se une al sector europeo de Tecnología Sanit...
- NQMC Update Service: June 13, 2016 || National Com...
- Measuring Patient Safety Events: Opportunities and...
- NQMC Update Service: June 13, 2016 || Announcement...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Using Small-Area Estimation to Calculate the Preva...
- A Qualitative Study of Adolescent Views of Sugar-S...
- Multiple Chronic Conditions and Use of Complementa...
- Longitudinal Trends in Tobacco Availability, Tobac...
- Connecting Kids to Coverage Outreach and Enrollmen...
- DEA Warning to Police and Public: Fentanyl Exposur...
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) ...
- FDA Law Blog: Health Science Funding Case – A Less...
- CDER New
- MercatorNet: Good news on three-parent embryos … o...
- MercatorNet: Will Belgium grant euthanasia for unw...
- Inversores y startups en salud se darán cita en la...
- CDRH New Update
- La Mesa Sectorial aprueba la OPE 2016, que CC.OO v...
- ONUSIDA propone reducir a la mitad las muertes por...
- AstraZeneca, el COMZ y la Universidad de Zaragoza ...
- El Sescam completa la implantación de la historia ...
- El 75% de la población se sobremedica :: El Médico...
- El SNS atiende 240 millones de consultas médicas e...
- School Factors Associated With the Percentage of S...
- A Mismatch Between Patient Education Materials Abo...
- Erratum, Vol. 13, February 25 Release
- Snacking on Television: A Content Analysis of Adol...
- Who Would Pay for State Alcohol Tax Increases in t...
- A Qualitative Study of Vape Shop Operators' Percep...
- Agent-Based Modeling of Chronic Diseases: A Narrat...
- Clustering of Five Health-Related Behaviors for Ch...
- Clinical and Economic Burden of Mental Disorders A...
- ▼ junio (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (5800)
- ▼ junio (500)
- Flexible Roles for American Indian Elders in Commu...
- Community Interagency Connections for Immigrant Wo...
- Trends in Early Childhood Obesity in a Large Urban...
- Erratum, Vol. 13, May 26 Release
- Perceived and Objective Measures of Neighborhood E...
- An Intervention to Increase Availability of Health...
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance — United States, ...
- ProMED-mail
- States Selected for Financing Policy Academy
- Precision Medicine Initiative: Data Security Polic...
- Gene Drive Research in Non-Human Organisms: Recomm...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan :: Public Healt...
- Plan to synthesize human genome triggers mixed res...
- Genomic Testing in The Paediatric Population: Ethi...
- Contrasting Medical and Legal Standards of Evidenc...
- Biobank Report: United Kingdom. - PubMed - NCBI
- Genomic Test Results and the Courtroom: The Roles ...
- Myriad Genetics Embroiled in Breast-Cancer Data Fi...
- DATA SHARING :: Current|Update|Genomics|CDC
- White House and Gates Foundation to Convene Precis...
- Strict new regulations following IVF deception
- UN challenges Ireland’s abortion law
- BioEdge: 3-person babies may not be as close as me...
- BioEdge: Victorian report recommends assisted suic...
- BioEdge: Unless we act quickly, humans will be hou...
- BioEdge: Let’s increase organ transplant rates by ...
- BioEdge: Will Belgium grant euthanasia for unwante...
- Interview with Nelson L. Michael (Presidential Com...
- Spike in New Visitor Traffic on saludequitativa.bl...
- blog.aids.gov − Addressing HIV with Digital Resour...
- Celebrating a Year of the Expedited Access Pathway...
- Reducing Sodium in the Food Supply
- NIOSH eNews - June, 2016
- blog.aids.gov − Strengthening Federal Efforts on P...
- blog.aids.gov − Global Effort to End AIDS Would Sa...
- CIB: Federal Financial Participation for Managed C...
- FDA finalizes interim policy on compounding using ...
- Compounding/ Charging for Investigational Drugs/ G...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- EHC Program Update: Draft Reports on Diabetic Neur...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network: Popular Conten...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network: WebM&M Cases
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network: Perspectives o...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Resident Safety Practices in Nursing Home Settings...
- Medication Safety Collaborative. | AHRQ Patient Sa...
- National Time Out Day. | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- Using a Patient Safety Organization to Build an Ev...
- Mean girls of the ER: the alarming nurse culture o...
- Safety in Medication Use. | AHRQ Patient Safety Ne...
- When less is better, but physicians are afraid not...
- Safety risks associated with physical interactions...
- Evidence summary and recommendations for improved ...
- Department of Veterans Affairs Chief Resident in Q...
- Impact of hospital-acquired conditions on financia...
- Effect of pharmacist counseling intervention on he...
- Adverse events in robotic surgery: a retrospective...
- The real malady of Marcel Proust and what it revea...
- Towards international consensus on patient harm: p...
- An observational study to evaluate the usability a...
- Implementing a distraction-free practice with the ...
- Clinical outcomes and mortality associated with we...
- Patient complaints about hospital services: applyi...
- Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2...
- Cognitive tests predict real-world errors: the rel...
- Ambulatory computerized prescribing and preventabl...
- A program to prevent catheter-associated urinary t...
- New on AHRQ’s CAHPS Web Site
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- Helpful Links from the Hospital Open Door Forum, 6...
- Drug Shortages Update
- HCUP Quarterly eNews, Summer 2016
- HCUP Quarterly eNews, Summer 2016
- HCUP Quarterly eNews, Summer 2016
- FDA MedWatch - May 2016 Safety Labeling Changes po...
- Parity for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorde...
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- What's New at CBER Update
- Spike in New Visitor Traffic on saludequitativa.bl...
- CDC - Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation(F...
- June 22 Webinar: Health Information Technology To ...
- CMS Provides Additional Resources to Improve Care ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Webinar on Guidance for...
- Las organizaciones colegiales están dominadas por ...
- La Sociedad Española de Farmacogenética y Farmacog...
- Implantar una prótesis de cadera sale más barato e...
- Fenin, presente en la II European MedTech Week
- Una herramienta que utiliza la AP y prevé el riesg...
- La voz del paciente, clave en las enfermedades onc...
- Are you concerned a tobacco product you used made ...
- Coverage to Care Webinar: Help Your Community Make...
- CMS, Special Open Door Forum: Pre-Claim Review Dem...
- Supporting Summer Youth Work
- Corrected Link - Webinar: HRSA's Geriatric Workfor...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for June 9, 2016
- EURORDIS - The Voice of Rare Disease Patients in E...
- La burocracia de los estudios posautorización será...
- El nuevo acuerdo marco de Atención Temprana en And...
- ▼ junio (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (5700)
- ▼ junio (400)
- Sanidad constituye el Consejo Español de Drogodepe...
- Colegios de médicos y sociedades científicas, “en ...
- El consejero de Castilla y León cree que “hay much...
- Alfonso Alonso anuncia más inversiones y médicos e...
- Helping you help your patients: Visit CDC’s booth ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los trabajadores del Piñero...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Avances en la institucional...
- CMS Blog: Remarks of CMS Acting Administrator Andy...
- CDER New June 10, 2016
- The Stakeholders Have Spoken: NIST to Refine Cyber...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Clinical Pharmacology Corner: FDA Collaborates on ...
- AHRQ Primary Care Practice-Based Research Networks...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA, CMS, IDEs, an IA, and an MOU…Ho...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: An argument for free speech and civil...
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- Spike in New Visitor Traffic on saludequitativa.bl...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- Almirall acerca Industria a resultados en Salud en...
- EULAR 2016 pone de manifiesto la importancia de en...
- Los españoles realizan 5,2 visitas de media anual ...
- LG y Zerintia explorarán el uso de smartwatches pa...
- Ulls del Món, Hospital de Nens, AFANIC y Obertamen...
- ASEBIO publica su pipeline de biotecnología sanita...
- Un artículo examina la "gestión fantasma" del proc...
- CMS NEWS: Strengthening the Marketplace – Actions ...
- Genomic Data Commons launches - National Cancer In...
- CMS BLOG: Marketplace Success Stories
- CMS News: Pre-Claim Review Demonstration of Home H...
- FDA Announces Draft Guidance on Dissemination of P...
- FDA targets unlawful internet sales of illegal pre...
- Our Goal in Enforcing Food Safety: A Rapid, Scienc...
- En inmunoterapia: la comunicación médico-paciente ...
- Un análisis revela amplias diferencias geográficas...
- Crean iniciativa para fomentar la cardioprotección...
- El CM de Madrid creará una comisión de Sociedades ...
- El número de proyectos en Biotecnología sanitaria ...
- Andalucía defiende un modelo horizontal de informa...
- Más de 60 médicos de Navarra acogen el ciclo "Salu...
- Castilla-La Mancha realizará 3.500 intervenciones ...
- CSIF recurre la Orden de la Consejería madrileña p...
- SEMES arranca su Congreso Nacional más multitudina...
- CDER New June 9, 2016
- Belén Crespo: “Las innovaciones deben añadir valor...
- Javier Urzay: “Nuestro sistema de salud debe recon...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Aumento de tarifas eléctric...
- Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back I...
- FDA Law Blog: Just When FDA Thought It Was Out, Th...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: Reality check: gender diversity is dr...
- MercatorNet: A sugar coated poison pill for Victor...
- MercatorNet: How work can be made meaningful
- 8 millones de españolas necesitan atención persona...
- Spike in New Visitor Traffic on saludequitativa.bl...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- National Inpatient Hospital Costs: The Most Expens...
- Development and Validation of Prognostic Indices f...
- Recognizing Differences in Hospital Quality Perfor...
- Software Prototyping: A Case Report of Refining Us...
- Healthcare Coverage for HIV Provider Visits before...
- CUSP Toolkit | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qu...
- A Program to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary T...
- About the Toolkit Development | Agency for Healthc...
- AHRQ Program Reduces Urinary Tract Infections in H...
- Historical Matching Strategies in Kidney Paired Do...
- Perceptions of Culture of Safety in Hemodialysis C...
- Risk-Adjustment Simulation: Plans May Have Incenti...
- Access To Mental Health Care Increased But Not For...
- Building The Mental Health Workforce Capacity Need...
- Rapid Growth Of Antipsychotic Prescriptions For Ch...
- The Role of Severe Dementia in Nursing Home Report...
- Outcomes of clinical decision support (CDS) and co...
- Register Now: June 30 AHRQ Webinar on Health Infor...
- Evaluation of the AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning...
- Resident Patient Safety Practices in Nursing Home ...
- Core-Needle Biopsy for Breast Abnormalities - Clin...
- Having a Breast Biopsy: A Review of the Research f...
- 2015 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- Chartbook on Healthy Living | Agency for Healthcar...
- About the National Quality Strategy (NQS)
- Priorities in Focus: Healthy Living, March 2016
- Working for Quality: National Quality Strategy Rel...
- CMS National Training Program Understanding Medica...
- Cinco empresas del Clúster de Salud de Aragón acud...
- Doctoralia se une a DocPlanner para formar uno de ...
- La SEPD redefine nuevos escenarios y retos para lo...
- Gabriel Baertschi será el próximo CEO de Grünentha...
- Comín anuncia el nuevo Plan de Salud de la General...
- Los contratos fijos escasean entre los farmacéutic...
- Ibermática e InterSystems desarrollarán soluciones...
- El Colegio de Médicos de Madrid (Icomem) inicia su...
- Interview with Nelson L. Michael (Presidential Com...
- Gestores sanitarios buscan analizar cómo mejorar l...
- SEPD (Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva) ::...
- MercatorNet: Our Reading Matters blog. T comes rig...
- What Can Be Done to Help Prevent Legionnaires’ Dis...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Rolls Out Sodium Reduction Initi...
- CDRH New Update
- ▼ junio (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (5600)
- ▼ junio (300)
- El Servicio Vasco de Salud tendrá que devolver los...
- El FIEM advierte de la desigualdad en el acceso a ...
- Las cúpulas de la OMC y del Commurcia abordan con ...
- Las vocalías de AP de la OMC reclaman "la consider...
- Renovado el acuerdo con la CUN para prestar asiste...
- Drug Shortages Update
- SAVE THE DATE - CDC Vital Signs Town Hall Teleconf...
- The SHOP Marketplace Deadline for July Coverage: J...
- CMS Blog: The Proof is in the Numbers: DMEPOS and ...
- Measuring Progress on Mental Health and Substance ...
- Final Update Summary: Syphilis Infection in Nonpre...
- CDC Press Release-Better water system maintenance ...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release
- NGC Update Service: June 6, 2016
- NGC Update Service: June 6, 2016 || World Health O...
- The Society of Thoracic Surgeons, The Society of C...
- AASLD guidelines for treatment of chronic hepatiti...
- Practice guideline: Idiopathic normal pressure hyd...
- Practice guideline update summary: Corticosteroid ...
- Madrid: Ciudadanos pide promocionar la psicología ...
- La falta de un Plan de RRHH no permite denegar pró...
- El Virgen del Rocío aplica la realidad aumentada p...
- Cataluña presenta su plan de I+D+i en salud - Diar...
- Comín apuesta por reforzar el carácter público del...
- PSOE, Podemos y C's, contra la ACE de Infecciosas;...
- CSI-F recurre la orden de integración del personal...
- El Parlamento balear pide una comisión de seguimie...
- Baleares y la Comunidad valenciana, las CCAA con m...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Globalization and FDA’s New Partnerships to Ensure...
- El Dr. Alfredo Avellaneda, nuevo presidente de SEM...
- Constituidos los ocho Consejos de Salud del Sector...
- Los médicos andaluces piden ampliar su jornada lab...
- Aportaciones a un modelo de costes y beneficios de...
- NQMC Update Service: June 6, 2016 ► National Commi...
- NQMC Update Service: June 6, 2016 ► University of ...
- NQMC Update Service: June 6, 2016 ► Announcements
- ProMED-mail
- Nominations for upcoming Technical Expert Panel fo...
- FREE CDC Webinar for Outpatient Oncology Providers...
- Rural Health Open Door Forum - June 14 at 3:30 pm ...
- Global Health Research News - Fogarty Internationa...
- MercatorNet: The rights and wrongs of the Human Ge...
- FDA Law Blog - FDA, Sandoz Prevail at D.C. Circuit...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- blog.aids.gov − 35th Anniversary of AIDS: Federal ...
- blog.aids.gov − Statement by the President on the ...
- Staff Scientist and Staff Scientist (Core) Positio...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Sólo cuatro hospitales port...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare Makes Enhancements to the Share...
- Niños sin fármacos y fármacos sin niños - DiarioMe...
- La paraplejia por cifoplastia se considera daño de...
- 'Es necesaria mayor conciencia para informar a pac...
- Condena por un CI genérico, sin fecha ni firma del...
- Hacienda desbloquea el FLA de Valencia - DiarioMed...
- Las clínicas privadas denuncian 'abusos' de las as...
- La Cosce pide recuperar el Ministerio de Ciencia y...
- Madrid: Amyts recurrirá la integración del persona...
- Asturias: el Sespa abre el acceso al nivel I de la...
- La OMC analizará la 'motivación laboral' del médic...
- 17 Years of Olmstead in Action: Celebrate Communit...
- TOMORROW: Attend the Move Health Data Forward Chal...
- OTC Monograph User Fees Public Meeting – June 10th...
- Marking the Beginning of a New Era in Food Safety ...
- 2016 CAHPS® Health Plan Survey Database Submission...
- La Enfermería debe formar al paciente de EM en asp...
- El doctor Jesús Porta-Etessam dirigirá la Fundació...
- June 8, 2016, Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- CDER New June 6, 2016
- MercatorNet: A sad tale of dodgy statistics
- MercatorNet: What will happen when antibiotics sto...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: Join Our Team - HP&M Seeks Junior to...
- FDA Law Blog: Vermont Responds to Drug Price Incre...
- DKV pone en marcha el mayor programa de prevención...
- Se presenta una obra para identificar la técnica d...
- Los pediatras exigen que se reconozcan las especia...
- Las sociedades médicas de primaria crean la Academ...
- El SNS ha proporcionado ya los nuevos fármacos de ...
- Valencia pide que se desbloquee su FLA del primer ...
- Madrid: Sanidad estudiará implantar 'una gestión p...
- Cataluña ofertará 1.219 plazas de formación sanita...
- La SEHH califica a Pethema como 'ejemplo de invest...
- El representante del paciente sobreestima las opci...
- Absolución porque el proceso asistencial evidencia...
- Transformar el modelo sanitario para por la partic...
- La gestión sanitaria debe desarrollar estrategias ...
- Los pediatras de AP demandan más plazas para super...
- La OMC se suma a la recomendación de la OMS de no ...
- "La Unión Europea es la responsable de las muertes...
- Events|Genomics|CDC :: Public Health Genomics Know...
- Blog|Genomics|CDC ► Genomics and Health Impact Blo...
- Precision Public Health for the Era of Precision M...
- E.U. Pushes for Open Access by 2020 | The Scientis...
- Review on Antimicrobial Resistance. Tackling Drug-...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- Benefits and risks preferences for new medicines i...
- Quantifying benefit-risk preferences for new medic...
- Direct-to-consumer genetic testing: Perspectives o...
- ▼ junio (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (5500)
- ▼ junio (200)
- Opportunities and Challenges for Health Disparitie...
- Money back guarantees for non-reproducible results...
- Chronic Kidney Disease - A Window into Understandi...
- MEDICINE. Paying for future success in gene therap...
- Using Newborn Screening Bloodspots for Research: P...
- The risk of re-identification versus the need to i...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- BioEdge: Disability backlash to pro-euthanasia fil...
- French court green lights export of sperm to circu...
- Enhancing the disadvantaged - new edition of the A...
- BioEdge: Should happy demented people be euthanize...
- BioEdge: Dutch euthanasia guidelines now in Englis...
- Australian IVF under fire for conflict of interest...
- IVF boom in China following one-child backflip
- BioEdge: IVF expert complains about unjustifiable ...
- ProMED-mail
- TeamSTEPPS National Conference. | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- 16th Biennial European Conference: Special Focus o...
- Innovations to improve patient safety. | AHRQ Pati...
- Reporting and second-order problem solving can tur...
- Rating hospitals by the stars: the feds' latest pl...
- Transforming Health Care: A Compendium of Reports ...
- Institute for Patient Safety. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Measuring patient safety in primary care: the deve...
- The effects of power, leadership and psychological...
- Simulation techniques for teaching time-outs: a co...
- Strategies for developing and recognizing faculty ...
- Effect of using the same vs different order for se...
- Design of an evidence-based "second victim" curric...
- The Ask Me to Explain campaign: a 90-day intervent...
- Transformational leadership in nursing and medicat...
- Chemotherapy errors: a call for a standardized app...
- Implementing situation-background-assessment-recom...
- Patient safety events and harms during medical and...
- Quantifying the burden of opioid medication errors...
- Biases in detection of apparent "weekend effect" o...
- Choice, transparency, coordination, and quality am...
- 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Playbook, Videos and More...
- June 30 | Webinar: The National CLAS Standards in ...
- blog.aids.gov − Statement From Ambassador Deborah ...
- Public Comment on two candidate Long-Term Care Hos...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 21
- Special Open Door Forum: Inpatient Rehabilitation ...
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: #NiUnaMenos
- FDA Guidance Documents Update
- June 2016 CMS National Training Program Monthly Up...
- MQSA Insights > Mammography Quality Standards Act ...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Investigates Low Le...
- Using your Marketplace insurance to keep you healt...
- Chartbook on Healthy Living | Agency for Healthcar...
- AHRQ Tools Help Patients and Clinicians Manage Bin...
- Management and Outcomes of Binge-Eating Disorder -...
- CME/CE Activities | AHRQ Effective Health Care Pro...
- Treating Binge-Eating Disorder: A Review of Eviden...
- Management and Outcomes of Binge-Eating Disorder i...
- Special Issue of Health Services Research Examines...
- EvidenceNOW: Advancing Heart Health in Primary Car...
- Medical Office User Comparative Database Reports |...
- Disparities Within Serious Mental Illness - Techni...
- AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, May 31, 2016 ► • Newer...
- Hospital Guide to Reducing Medicaid Readmissions |...
- Blue Shield of California Foundation Uses AHRQ Gui...
- How does geographic access affect in-hospital mort...
- Treatment of ankyloglossia for reasons other than ...
- Reliable implementation of evidence: a qualitative...
- The Effect of Health Information Technology on Hea...
- Changes in Medication Management After a Diagnosis...
- Medical legal partnership and health informatics i...
- Impact of single-incision laparoscopic cholecystec...
- Healthcare Coverage for HIV Provider Visits before...
- El Congreso anual de la American Society of Clinic...
- Los nuevos sensores de alta precisión S-250 de Eps...
- La gran mayoría de hospitales europeos todavía usa...
- Grifols anuncia un plan de inversión de 1.200 mill...
- Enfermería defiende el derecho de sus profesionale...
- CDC - NIOSH Science Blog – National Safety Month
- TWH in Action! Newsflash: Recommendations for Adva...
- IMED 2016 Abstract Deadline is July 1
- What's New at AHRQ
- Drug Shortages Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Empresa de medicina prepaga...
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- What's New at CBER Update
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New June 3, 2016
- Más cirujanos plásticos y potenciar la reconstrucc...
- Giuseppe Chiericatti, nuevo director general de Ch...
- Grupo SANED, reconocido por la Fundación Bamberg :...
- La Fundación Farmaindustria convoca la segunda edi...
- El actual modelo que garantiza que los niños sean ...
- "Conseguir día a día la cuadratura del círculo, re...
- El PP defiende el copago; Podemos y PSOE increment...
- Nace la Academia de Medicina de Familia de España ...
- INVITACIÓN | Mayor iniciativa contra la obesidad i...
- MercatorNet: IVF pregnancies for the elderly
- “El 95% de las medicinas no está disponible en Ven...
- FDA Law Blog: International Pharmaceutical Supply ...
- ▼ junio (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (5400)
- ▼ junio (100)
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- Drug Information Update- FDA finalizes a streamlin...
- AHRQ Toolkit to Improve Communication When Patient...
- NIAID Email Alert: Parent Announcement PAs for Typ...
- ProMED-mail
- A New Partnership with Canada on Food Safety | FDA...
- New Article on Implementing AHRQ Health Literacy U...
- The next CMS Hospital/Quality Initiative Open Door...
- Expanded Access: Streamlined options for request, ...
- REMS@FDA: Approved Risk Evaluation and Mitigation ...
- CMS National Training Program Learning Series Webi...
- AHRQ Program Reduces Urinary Tract Infections in H...
- Free Maintenance of Certification Part IV & Perfor...
- Save the Date - CDC Grand Rounds Presents “Trackin...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- New Report: The National CLAS Standards State by S...
- Consumer Videos, Patient Engagement Playbook Annou...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - An Interview with FDA’s...
- La Salud en Jaque: Conflictos, Respuestas y Decisi...
- PP, PSOE, Podemos y Ciudadanos debaten sobre la so...
- En marcha el curso online de SEFH-Servier para for...
- La Asamblea Nacional de Hemofilia reivindica que n...
- El doctor Joan Palou, miembro de la American Assoc...
- La investigación en Pediatría sale de su letargo
- CDC - May 2016 Edition - Public Health Law News - ...
- CDER New June 2, 2016
- MercatorNet: Sunrise in Kibera slum. Delayed marri...
- La ecocardiografía, herramienta básica del diagnós...
- I Simposio Nacional en Centros Penitenciarios :: E...
- Los nuevos objetivos de Naciones Unidas para el tr...
- "Queremos que las compañías internacionales invier...
- El Colegio de Álava da la bienvenida a los 40 nuev...
- La OMS insta a los países a implantar los paquetes...
- Mónica Palomanes, nueva directora de Regional Acce...
- MSD quiere ofrecer “información médica de calidad”...
- SEMERGEN, semFYC y SEMG presentan la Academia de M...
- El Sescam realizó en el primer trimestre de este a...
- Asturias devolverá más de 500.000 euros a los usua...
- Sáez Aguado confía en extender este verano la rece...
- Al menos 6.800 personas murieron en la UE por sobr...
- En el año 2040 alrededor de 642 millones de person...
- Navarra renovará en tres años 615.000 tarjetas san...
- Los laboratorios adheridos a Farmaindustria public...
- CDRH New Update
- Health.mil - MHS Patient Safety Spotlight
- Health.mil - Feature The MHS as a Learning Organiz...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Día Mundial Sin Tabaco
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Rechazo de demanda por cobe...
- FDA Law Blog: First the Courts, Now Congress… Hous...
- Los partidos políticos destacan la eficacia y efic...
- Valencia: las universidades privadas, a la espera ...
- El IDIS critica que se impida a las universidades ...
- CESM-CV denuncia la 'deriva centralista' de la Eje...
- Condena por no derivar un aneurisma creciente al s...
- La verificación de un riesgo descrito en el CI no ...
- Andalucía no puede determinar qué fármacos son de ...
- 'Medicina en español II', presentado en la Real Ac...
- La política farmacéutica necesita otro modelo de f...
- La respuesta al Ébola, hito de la 'Marca España', ...
- Cuenta atrás para conocer cuánto da la industria a...
- Expertos plantean una evaluación económica en proc...
- Los neumólogos abren la puerta a que el tabaquismo...
- La SEGM pide atención para las personas que se hal...
- Los médicos españoles insisten en acabar con el de...
- La búsqueda en Google de 'varicela' revela un gran...
- El CNPT y la FEC reclaman al Gobierno la aplicació...
- La SEFH aboga por colaborar con la farmacia comuni...
- CIB: Medicaid Benefits Available for the Preventio...
- FDA Categorization of Investigational Device Exemp...
- Los médicos detectan nuevos problemas de la vista ...
- ProMED-mail
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Con PAMI alcanza y sobra
- The next CMS Hospital/Quality Initiative Open Door...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Measurement of Patient Safety | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Adverse Events, Near Misses, and Errors | AHRQ Pat...
- Reducing the Safety Hazards of Monitor Alert and A...
- In Conversation With... Barbara Drew, RN, PhD | AH...
- Greenlee on The New Look of Old Age
- Interim Guidance for Interpretation of Zika Virus ...
- Updated 2016 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) an...
- Research Fellow/Staff Scientist Position in Comput...
- Mammography Update: MQSA National Statistics
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Mycobacterium c...
- Federal Register | National Cybersecurity Center o...
- FDA publishes draft guidance for industry, Assessi...
- Five New Success Stories: Preventive Health and He...
- CDER New June 1, 2016
- Global Health Research News - Fogarty Internationa...
- Advancing research on alcohol abuse and dependence...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- MercatorNet: Obama at Hiroshima. Getting teens to ...
- Reducing Sodium in the Food Supply | FDA Voice
- Transparency Info for Certified Health IT; ONC Ann...
- Summary of AHRQ-Supported Health Literacy and Pall...
- Announcing the CDER SBIA REdI Pharmaceutical Quali...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- FDA Law Blog: It’s Finally Here! FDA’s VASCEPA Exc...
- Los wearables y el Internet de las cosas multiplic...
- CDRH New Update
- ▼ junio (100)


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