viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

AHRQ Tools Help Patients and Clinicians Manage Binge-Eating Disorder

AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, May 31, 2016

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AHRQ Tools Help Patients and Clinicians Manage Binge-Eating Disorder

binge eating

New evidence-based tools from AHRQ are available to help adult patients work with their health care providers to make informed treatment decisions for binge-eating disorder. A research summary for clinicians and a companion plain-languagebrochure for patients outline the benefits and harms of various treatment options, including psychotherapy and medications. To enhance shared decision-making, the clinician publication includes talking points, and the consumer brochure offers sample questions to ask clinicians. In addition, a new continuing medical education module is available at no cost and provides health care providers with information and skills to support shared decision-making. The new tools are based on a systematic review that evaluated the evidence on the effectiveness, comparative effectiveness and adverse effects of treatment options for patients with binge-eating disorder. 

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