miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

The SHOP Marketplace - No Time Like the Present

shop marketplace health insurance for small business healthcare.gov

Small employers with 1-50 employees can apply and enroll in health insurance through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace at any time. There’s no limited enrollment period in the SHOP Marketplace – it is open year round
Whether you apply online or use an agent or broker, you can apply, pick a plan, and enroll employees any time of year. Also, coverage can start in any month you choose. 
HCGOV Enroll Now
Need Assistance?:  Call the SHOP Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-706-7893 (TTY:711) Monday through Friday from 9am to 7pm ET or visitHealthCare.gov/small-businesses.  For in-person assistance, find a SHOP Marketplace-registered agent or broker in your area. 

Thank you,
The SHOP Marketplace Team

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