viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Free, Online Trainings in Health Literacy

Free, Online Trainings in Health Literacy


Free, Online Trainings in Health Literacy

Even people who read well and are comfortable using numbers can face health literacy issues when they aren’t familiar with medical terms or how their bodies work, when they have to interpret statistics and evaluate risks and benefits that affect their health and safety, or when they are voting on an issue affecting the community’s health and relying on unfamiliar technical information.
Trainings in health literacy, plain language, and culture and communication are essential for anyone working in health information and services. To make information more accessible and understandable to your audiences—and to celebrate October as Health Literacy Month—consider taking online CDC trainings. (Continuing education credits and certificates are available.)
Choose from Five Different Trainings
Whether you are new to these topics, need a refresher, or want to train your entire staff, these courses are a good place to start:
  1. Health Literacy for Public Health Professionals (free continuing education)
  2. Writing for the Public (printable completion certificate)
  3. Using Numbers and Explaining Risk (printable completion certificate)
  4. Creating Easier to Understand Lists, Charts, and Graphs (printable completion certificate)
  5. Speaking with the Public (printable completion certificate)

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