SALUD EQUITATIVA: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2016 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA. 31 de OCTUBRE de 2016.
Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto. Salta, Argentina. 2008 a 2016.
LUNES 31 de OCTUBRE de 2016
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Universo de páginas visitadas en el último mes (OCTUBRE 2016): 359.412
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Documentos totales editados en los blog´s ► 236.580+
¡Muchas GRACIAS! a todo el universo de habla hispana y de habla no hispana que nos confían sus consultas] MUCHAS GRACIAS a TODAS nuestras fuentes por apoyarnos permitiéndonos difundir la necesidad de contar con una gestión sanitaria acorde a los tiempos que corren, sumado ello a una ciencia también genuina, y expresando la necesidad de una administración sanitaria con gestión global, con características inclusivas. Estamos demostrando, día tras día, que la salud importa y que es prioridad de las personas... no así de los estados políticos.
SALUD EQUITATIVA: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2016 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA. 31 de OCTUBRE de 2016.
SALUD EQUITATIVA: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2016 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA. 31 de OCTUBRE de 2016.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10962)
- ▼ octubre (1170)
- Sizing Up the NIST Cybersecurity Framework - NIST ...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- CDER New October 31, 2016
- Condena por omitir una mamografía en un cáncer de ...
- El error, tras una patología dudosa, no se indemni...
- Respaldo judicial al médico de Madrid que permite ...
- Profesionalizar la cooperación eleva la seguridad ...
- Epónimos, un reflejo de la historia de la Medicina...
- Familia cree que el contenido del tronco médico es...
- Combatir la temporalidad médica, objetivo priorita...
- Los pacientes sociosanitarios están ocupando ya 4....
- La OMS teme no poder cumplir el presupuesto 2016-2...
- Sánchez Martos: 'No sé si en lo económico, pero la...
- EAMC recognized for high surgical quality for seco...
- VA, MHS & international visitors talk relationship...
- VA, MHS & international visitors talk relationship...
- Expertos multidisciplinares insisten en que los AC...
- Baleares alarga la jubilación de los médicos de AP...
- Los pacientes reclaman al nuevo Gobierno su partic...
- “Las listas de espera son un indicador y una herra...
- “La AMFE llega para impulsar la Medicina de Famili...
- Consejeros de Salud lamentan la falta de consenso,...
- Designing and Delivering Whole-Person Transitional...
- National Advisory Council (NAC) Meeting: Agenda | ...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 42
- ProMED-mail
- MercatorNet: Euthanasia tyranny expands in Canada
- FDA Law Blog: Draft Guidance Addresses Suppliers’ ...
- CDRH New Update
- Implementing Public Health Genomics in Your State:...
- Computational pan-genomics: status, promises and c...
- Impact of Delays between the Clinical and Laborato...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips ► Public Health...
- Pioneering Geneticist Explains Ambitious Plan to "...
- Advances in Sequencing Technologies for Understand...
- A database of human exposomes and phenomes from th...
- The impact of access to health services on prediab...
- Precision engagement: the PMI's success will depen...
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Persona...
- The Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Field of Ge...
- "This lifetime commitment": Public conceptions of ...
- PHG Foundation | The ethics of genome editing: whe...
- Approving a Problematic Muscular Dystrophy Drug: I...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan :: Public Healt...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Cancer Moonshot Blog Post
- HHS Takes Steps to Improve Transparency with New F...
- Nurse charged with eight counts of murder
- Power to the patient: New UK consent regulations
- BioEdge: A woman on borrowed time opposes Californ...
- BioEdge: Fighting over Brittany’s legacy
- BioEdge: Steep increase in Swiss assisted suicide
- BioEdge: WHO to create universal right to a child
- BioEdge: New head of World Medical Association sti...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitat...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | Perspectives ...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | WebM&M Cases
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Source of medication errors during medical-surgica...
- Applied Research Toward Zero Suicide Healthcare Sy...
- Diagnostic Error in Medicine 9th International Con...
- Using Just Culture to Improve Results on the AHRQ ...
- Funding Announcement for Projects Targeting the Re...
- Preventing Patient Falls: A Systematic Approach Fr...
- More than half a million heart surgery patients at...
- Unprofessional workplace conduct...defining and de...
- Targeted implementation of the Comprehensive Unit-...
- Inpatient notes: reducing diagnostic error a new h...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot....
- Implementing the RISE second victim support progra...
- Reduction in hospital-wide clinical laboratory spe...
- A national physician survey of diagnostic error in...
- Ethical considerations in the development of the f...
- The application of the Global Trigger Tool: a syst...
- Time-out: the professional and organizational ethi...
- Core principles of quality improvement and patient...
- Evaluation of electronic health record implementat...
- On the relationship between safety climate and occ...
- Errors, omissions, and outliers in hourly vital si...
- Estimating deaths due to medical error: the ongoin...
- Mandatory provider review and pain clinic laws red...
- FDA Guidance Document Update
- Americans Flock to National Drug Take Back Day
- Drug Shortages Update
- Implement, Monitor, and Sustain an Antimicrobial S...
- Toolkits | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qualit...
- About the Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship G...
- AHRQ's Healthcare-Associated Infections Program | ...
- Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship Guide | Age...
- Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship Guide | Age...
- Ambulatory Care and Federally Qualified Health Cen...
- The beginning of a conversation:
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Por ley, los porteños podrá...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Updates to Policies and Payment Rate...
- What's New at CBER Update
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for October 28, 2016
- Parity Task Force Announces New Actions and Recomm...
- CMS Blog: CMS Announces Updates to Dialysis Facili...
- ▼ octubre (1170)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10892)
- ▼ octubre (1100)
- Implementing the RISE second victim support progra...
- Reduction in hospital-wide clinical laboratory spe...
- A national physician survey of diagnostic error in...
- Ethical considerations in the development of the f...
- The application of the Global Trigger Tool: a syst...
- Time-out: the professional and organizational ethi...
- Core principles of quality improvement and patient...
- Evaluation of electronic health record implementat...
- On the relationship between safety climate and occ...
- Errors, omissions, and outliers in hourly vital si...
- Estimating deaths due to medical error: the ongoin...
- Mandatory provider review and pain clinic laws red...
- FDA Guidance Document Update
- Americans Flock to National Drug Take Back Day
- Drug Shortages Update
- Implement, Monitor, and Sustain an Antimicrobial S...
- Toolkits | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qualit...
- About the Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship G...
- AHRQ's Healthcare-Associated Infections Program | ...
- Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship Guide | Age...
- Nursing Home Antimicrobial Stewardship Guide | Age...
- Ambulatory Care and Federally Qualified Health Cen...
- The beginning of a conversation:
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Por ley, los porteños podrá...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Updates to Policies and Payment Rate...
- What's New at CBER Update
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for October 28, 2016
- Parity Task Force Announces New Actions and Recomm...
- CMS Blog: CMS Announces Updates to Dialysis Facili...
- Join the HHS Office of Minority Health at APHA 201...
- Key Facts about “Abuse-Deterrent” Opioids | FDA Vo...
- Integrated, competitive employment: Good for emplo...
- MercatorNet: Breast cancer awareness: errors of co...
- Jorge Sierra, nuevo presidente de la SEHH - Socied...
- Bruselas asigna 45 millones de euros a la lucha co...
- La SECPRE reclama que se incremente el número de c...
- El consejero de Sanidad de Aragón señala a los sin...
- Los médicos de familia destacan lo “injusto” de n...
- El presupuesto andaluz para Salud vuelve a crecer ...
- García Vargas pide para el SNS un régimen de perso...
- El Congreso SEMERGEN nace con un mensaje optimista...
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- MACRA’s Final Rule: Updates to CMS’s Quality Payme...
- Event: Pre-Application Webinar for Garrett Lee Smi...
- Risk and Protective Factors and Estimates of Subst...
- Headlines: $9.6 Million Available for Transitional...
- Our Report to the President on Mental Health and S...
- National Library of Medicine Announces Updating of...
- CDER New October 28, 2016
- National Cyber Security Awareness Month: Understan...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Impulsan ley que garantice ...
- It’s Prime Time for Nursing Homes: New AHRQ Antimi...
- TeamSTEPPS National Conference | Agency for Health...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog: The Update Continues: FDA’s List of ...
- FDA Grand Rounds
- CDER SBIA Webinar - Tomorrow - Overview of GDUFA I...
- MercatorNet: Aren’t four legal parents too much of...
- MercatorNet: Real insights about porn and marriage...
- Aragón ultima un plan de paliativos infantil con f...
- CMS Coverage
- AP y especializada necesitan herramientas para pre...
- Los pacientes creen que el autocuidado es importan...
- Intervención activa y segura ante las caídas de es...
- La importancia del saneamiento universal, subestim...
- La ética debe regir la diagnosis génica de enferme...
- Apenas el 2% de los más de 104.000 nuevos casos de...
- Cardiología: reducir inequidad, mejorar organizaci...
- Recomienda a los Estados prohibir las pruebas gené...
- CCOO propone una nueva figura para cubrir jubilaci...
- Largas y dispares esperas para reconstruir la mama...
- Andalucía promueve la primera ley autonómica 'anti...
- Sistemas de retención infantil inadecuados, fallo ...
- Iasist estudia premiar a los que mejor se adapten ...
- Llisterri critica que Hacienda limite la asistenci...
- Rajoy: 'La sanidad española no ha estado en funcio...
- El Gobierno podría transferir las competencias de ...
- Los médicos se comprometen a desterrar toda discri...
- La nueva edición de Hospitales TOP 20 de Iasist an...
- Los médicos de Atención Primaria alertan sobre los...
- El éxito de la VIII edición de Biospain 2016 en da...
- CDRH New Update
- Fernández dice que Castilla-La Mancha tendrá más p...
- La FFOMC forma en habilidades y competencias pedag...
- Feijóo reafirma su meta de que en 2020 los gallego...
- Congreso SEOM2016: la medicina de precisión cobra ...
- Los sindicatos piden eliminar la tasa de reposició...
- Castrodeza defiende la generación de sinergias en ...
- Upcoming Meetings and Events
- Got time for a call with the President?
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitat...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Buenos Aires no adherirá al...
- Las Comunidades Autónomas deberían establecer lími...
- FDA Law Blog: DEA Administrative Hearings: “Open t...
- CMS NEWS: Vermont All-Payer ACO Model joins growin...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot....
- ▼ octubre (1100)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10792)
- ▼ octubre (1000)
- Conference Call With President Obama About ACA Enr...
- FDA’s Opioids Action Plan: A Midyear Checkup | FDA...
- ProMED-mail
- AHRQ Technical Brief Recommends New Research in Am...
- HCUP Fast Stats
- Save the Date - CDC Grand Rounds Presents "Improvi...
- Los farmacólogos clínicos defienden el papel de lo...
- Risk-Adjustment Simulation: Plans May Have Incenti...
- Building The Mental Health Workforce Capacity Need...
- Measuring Patient Safety: The Medicare Patient Saf...
- AHRQ Teach-Back Strategies Help Primary Care Provi...
- Rates and consequences of posttraumatic distress a...
- Engaging hospitalized patients in clinical care: S...
- Using the NIATx Model to Implement User-Centered D...
- Patient Safety in Ambulatory Settings - Technical ...
- Impact of Adherence to Quality Measures for Locali...
- Teen Hospital Stays for Childbirth, 2004-2013 #208...
- Challenges in patient safety improvement research ...
- Resolving Rivalries and Realigning Goals: Challeng...
- Recommendations for the Conduct and Reporting of M...
- Applying mathematical models to predict resident p...
- HCUP-US Home Page
- HCUP-US Statistical Briefs Chronological
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Patient and Family Engagement in Primary Care | Ag...
- New System Aims To Improve Patient Safety Monitori...
- MercatorNet: Conflict in Congo. A Patriarch's plea...
- Las mejores iniciativas de innovación tecnológica ...
- New National Quality Strategy Priority in Action: ...
- CDER New October 26, 2016
- One Week Left to Register: Forenscis@NIST Conferen...
- National Cyber Security Awareness Month | Homeland...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: DEA Administrative Decisions Update:...
- Recoge tu BONO 50% de descuento para el Congreso N...
- DEA, Discovery Education Launch Operation Preventi...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Condenan a una farmacéutica...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitat...
- Final Recommendation Statement: Primary Care Inter...
- Se amplia la manipulación y destrucción de embrion...
- Las cifras globales del aborto del 2010 y 2014 sug...
- Abbott presenta la aplicación LibreLinkUp, para co...
- La UEMS determina que el periodo de formación post...
- Garantizar la sostenibilidad del sistema sanitario...
- Navarra incrementa un 5,4% el presupuesto sanitari...
- El presidente de la OMC anima a los médicos rurale...
- Más de 2.500 sanitarios de Osakidetza atienden pac...
- La indemnización por despido a los trabajadores ev...
- El Big Data Sanitario: una herramienta (aún) desco...
- Sanidad y CC.AA. acuerdan crear un grupo de trabaj...
- CDRH Industry: Public Workshop - The Role of Hospi...
- El uso de la telemedicina supone un ahorro a largo...
- SEOR aboga por incluir a los profesionales del dol...
- NQMC Update Service: October 24, 2016
- Cervical cancer screening: number of days at which...
- NGC Update Service: October 24, 2016 ► Topic Nomin...
- NGC Update Service: October 24, 2016 || The Endocr...
- NGC Update Service: October 24, 2016 || National I...
- NGC Update Service: October 24, 2016 || American C...
- Low Sexual Desire, Interest or Arousal in Women Dr...
- Draft Guidance on Developing Drugs for Treatment o...
- CMS NEWS: CMS announces additional opportunities f...
- SCORE at Six Months: Meeting the Challenge of Comp...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - SCORE Hits the Ground R...
- CDER New October 25, 2016
- Meet the President’s newest (kid) advisors:
- BMC Medical Ethics | Home page
- Translation in healthcare: ethical, legal, and soc...
- Attitudes towards assisted dying are influenced by...
- Dying well with reduced agency: a scoping review a...
- Citizen science or scientific citizenship? Disenta...
- BMC Medical Ethics | Home page
- MercatorNet: Transgender tots? ‘Recovered memories...
- MercatorNet: Words matter in assisted suicide
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Aprobaron proyecto para la ...
- Job Openings | NLM Announcements
- FDA Law Blog: In a Veloxis-Like Analysis, FDA Rule...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA is working with hospitals to modernize data co...
- CDRH Industry: The FDA Launches New Webpage for Re...
- 2015 STD Surveillance Report: Reported STDs at Unp...
- CIINC | Current Issues in Immunization Netconferen...
- CDC, The Pew Charitable Trusts: Sets Goals to Impr...
- Expertos discrepan sobre la responsabilidad penal ...
- Condena por retrasar el diagnóstico y tratamiento ...
- La esencia en el arte de curar: sigilo, confianza ...
- Deber ético: cuidarlo mientras esté vivo - DiarioM...
- Expertos reclaman impulsar la cultura de mediación...
- 'La apertura de más facultades supone una agresión...
- Evaluación 2011-2016 del plan de la Comisión Europ...
- Estrategia europea contra resistencias antibiótica...
- España, sobresaliente en reducir la previsión de a...
- Podemos aviva las peticiones para una mejor sanida...
- España, segundo país de la UE con más reembolsos p...
- Sanidad universal, petición del PSOE en su resoluc...
- CDER New October 24, 2016
- Organizaciones de médicos y de derechos humanos pi...
- CESM propone un plan de todas las CC.AA. para acab...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot....
- ▼ octubre (1000)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10692)
- ▼ octubre (900)
- Crescendo Biologics y Takeda firman un acuerdo par...
- “El vacío político está afectando a la eficiencia ...
- SEMERGEN presenta su plataforma DPC-AP a la OMC y ...
- #20CNF: La práctica colaborativa mejora la calidad...
- REMS@FDA: Approved Risk Evaluation and Mitigation ...
- A Mobile App To Support Medication-Assisted Treatm...
- Andalucía crea el IV Máster Internacional en Fabri...
- The Defense Health Agency makes additional laborat...
- MercatorNet: How should we teach our kids to use d...
- MercatorNet: Rediscovering the origin of the sexua...
- CDRH New Update
- Ghostbusters song
- FDA Law Blog: Who you Gonna Call . . . . to Resolv...
- Tres de cada cuatro españoles valora nuestro siste...
- Atellica Solution, la última innovación en laborat...
- El Código BP de Farmaindustria crea "expectación e...
- Teleconsultas en Hematología, Endocrinología, Fert...
- #20CNF: La digitalización de la Salud abrirá su ac...
- La actual legislación permite encausar a las empre...
- Rafael Bengoa: "No se puede hacer una sanidad del ...
- Protecting Businesses and Consumers from Email Sca...
- CMS National Training Program Monthly Partner Upda...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (10/21...
- Biobanks || Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base ...
- Health disparities || Public Health Genomics Knowl...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- Will Precision Medicine Improve Population Health?...
- The Cancer Moonshot, Hereditary Cancers and Popula...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Improving biobank consent comprehension: a nationa...
- Biobank attributes associated with higher patient ...
- Advanced Big Data Analytics for -Omic Data and Ele...
- Progress lies in precision. - PubMed - NCBI
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- Combating Racial Health Disparities Through Medica...
- "It's all about trust": reflections of researchers...
- Implementing Public Health Genomics in Your State:...
- Tim Talks Webinar
- Date Added: Tim Talks Webinar, Tuesday, October 25...
- Warning Letters > Warning Letters Address Drug Cla...
- BioEdge: Words matter in assisted suicide
- Does IVF actually work for women over 40?
- European regulator to release all data from clinic...
- BioEdge: No Chinese baby boom after new two-child ...
- BioEdge: More couples crowd-funding IVF
- BioEdge: Norway to allow foetal reduction of multi...
- BioEdge: Indonesian President adamant on chemical ...
- What if we could make eggs and sperm from skin cel...
- EHC Program Updates: ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment ...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | Perspectives ...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network | WebM&M Cases
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award...
- Drive the Difference: Leading Innovation in Patien...
- National Patient Safety Goals on Health Care Assoc...
- Improving Diagnostic Accuracy Project 2016 2017. |...
- Pediatric Quality and Safety. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Reducing diagnostic errors. | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Partnership for Patients (PfP) Hospital Engagement...
- Do pharmacist-led medication reviews in hospitals ...
- Computer-assisted process modeling to enhance intr...
- Comparison of physician and computer diagnostic ac...
- Receipt of antibiotics in hospitalized patients an...
- Using a change model to reduce the risk of surgica...
- Learning from excellence in healthcare: a new appr...
- As a critical behavior to improve quality and pati...
- Using human factors design principles and industri...
- How to perform a root cause analysis for workup an...
- How to monitor patient safety in primary care? Hea...
- Attitudes and opinions of doctors of chiropractic ...
- Investigating teamwork in the operating room: enga...
- Computerized prescriber order entry related patien...
- Variations in GPs' decisions to investigate suspec...
- Injuries before and after diagnosis of cancer: nat...
- ProMED-mail
- The next CMS Long-Term Services and Supports Open ...
- Home | ACA Planning Tool: Updated Leading Through ...
- HRSA eNews October 20, 2016
- Reports and Case Studies | Agency for Healthcare R...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for October 20,2016
- ACL Releases New Brief on Importance of Oral Healt...
- CMS NEWS: Hospital Compare is updated with VA hosp...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CMS National Training Program 2016 Health Insuranc...
- FDA Guidance Document Update
- MQSA Insights > EQUIP: Enhancing Quality Using the...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Aprobaron la ley que proteg...
- Programs | APhA Foundation
- AHRQ National Scorecard on Rates of Hospital-Acqui...
- CDER New October 21, 2016
- MercatorNet: Is 115 the longest life we can hope f...
- Pharmacists Association Recognizes Federal Effort ...
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Special ...
- Final Research Plan: Screening for Drug Use in Ado...
- Final Research Plan: Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Adol...
- IRF and LTCH Public Reporting Update - CDC & NHSN ...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 41
- El 75% de los españoles rechaza la gestión del gob...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot....
- ▼ octubre (900)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10592)
- ▼ octubre (800)
- HHS Partnership Center Newsletter: Open Enrollment...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Con y sin copago
- What’s New for Biologics
- DEA and Partners Hold Prescription Drug Take Back ...
- Invitación Especial desde Silicon Valley by doinGl...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: Promoting Your 510(k)-Pending Device...
- La falta de control sobre puestos de trabajo de al...
- Jesús Acebillo, presidente de Farmaindustria para ...
- El paciente conectado y la e-Salud configuran un n...
- Sanidad de Murcia apuesta por un pacto regional ca...
- La gestión clínica está aquí y ha venido para qued...
- El tiempo de espera para operarse en Baleares dism...
- El Gobierno regional inicia los trabajos prelimina...
- El plazo para iniciar un ensayo se ha reducido un ...
- Formación médica, pautas para superar la desmotiva...
- NIOSH Research Rounds October 2016
- Free, Online Trainings in Health Literacy
- CDC - October 2016 Edition - Public Health Law New...
- CDRH New Update
- Conduct Research at the National Center for Health...
- Patient Safety in Ambulatory Settings - Technical ...
- Taking Steps To Protect Safety in Ambulatory Care ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Condenan a clínica y médico...
- CMS BLOG: CMS Awards Special Innovation Projects t...
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage
- GDUFA Reauthorization Public Meeting / PAS Submiss...
- The letter the President carried:
- CORRECTION: ONC Health IT Certification Program Up...
- IEEE/NIST Timing Challenges in the Smart Grid Work...
- Rescheduled - The Hospital Open Door Forum has bee...
- Introducing FDA’s Emerging Sciences Idea Portal: P...
- España acorta en un mes el tiempo para poner en ma...
- Una de cada cinco visitas a urgencias son prevenib...
- El SERGAS registra más de 130.000 solicitudes de l...
- El PSOE ve retrógrado que se vete su proposición d...
- Sanidad convoca el Pleno de la Comisión de RR.HH. ...
- Ser médico: los salarios de los españoles, entre l...
- Los enfermeros: la Directiva Europea abre la puert...
- La gestión clínica, a debate en Córdoba - Sociedad...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Patient and Family Engagement in Primary Care: Cas...
- ISQua's 33rd International Conference. | AHRQ Pati...
- Partnership for Patients and the Hospital Improvem...
- Insulin Pens Devices. | AHRQ Patient Safety Networ...
- Characterising the nature of primary care patient ...
- Effectiveness of continuous or intermittent vital ...
- Hospital nurses' work environment characteristics ...
- Deriving ICD-10 codes for patient safety indicator...
- Patient experience must move beyond bad apples. | ...
- Accuracy of laboratory data communication on ICU d...
- Consumer rankings and health care: toward validati...
- Fostering transparency in outcomes, quality, safet...
- Preventing diagnostic errors in primary care. | AH...
- Detection of adverse drug events using an electron...
- Medical students raising concerns. | AHRQ Patient ...
- Maths anxiety and medication dosage calculation er...
- Recognising and responding to 'cutting corners' wh...
- Can you multitask? Evidence and limitations of tas...
- Viewing prevention of catheter-associated urinary ...
- National trends in safety performance of electroni...
- MercatorNet: Neither a ‘neighbour’ nor a ‘helpful ...
- NTIS Announces Selection of 35 Joint Venture Partn...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitativ...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Clears Blood Collection Tube Th...
- FDA Law Blog: FSIS Issues Update to Guideline Rega...
- Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test Payment System...
- CDRH Industry: FDA issues recommendations to impro...
- Gebro Pharma destina un 1 millón de euros al nuevo...
- Barcelona acoge hasta el viernes el XXIX Congreso ...
- Fujifilm presenta en Viena sus avances en la mejor...
- La automatización de los servicios de farmacia hos...
- Los programas solidarios de medicamentos encuentra...
- En pocos años será considerado negligencia que un ...
- MercatorNet: The power of a powerless addict
- CDER SBIA Webinar - Overview of GDUFA II and Imple...
- October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month:...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Vital Signs: Dental...
- Navy Shock Trauma Platoon rehearses pediatric care...
- Bono to women surgeons: Leadership means helping e...
- Effective Date for Use of Form-CMS 10280 (HHCCN)
- Register for AHRQ Webcast: Using Just Culture to I...
- Geographic Variation in Hospital Inpatient List Pr...
- Systematic Review of Surgical Treatments for Fecal...
- A national report of nursing home information tech...
- Improving Health Outcomes | Agency for Healthcare ...
- Improving Risk Adjustment Above Current Centers fo...
- Achieving Coordinated Care for Patients With Compl...
- Increase in Cancer Center Staff Effort Related to ...
- Inpatient Notes: Reducing Diagnostic Error | Annal...
- Predicting the Risk of Readmission in Pneumonia. A...
- Changes in Hospital-Physician Affiliations in U.S....
- Insurance Churning Rates For Low-Income Adults Und...
- Reducing Readmissions among Heart Failure Patients...
- Pinnacle Awards 2016 - United States Department of...
- Pharmacists Association Recognizes Federal Effort ...
- Workshops - WHITE | Robert H. Smith School of Busi...
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Maternal and Child Health:...
- Webinar for industry, people affected by diabetes,...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot....
- ▼ octubre (800)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10492)
- ▼ octubre (700)
- La OPE del Servicio Murciano de Salud reducirá cas...
- Sáez Aguado dice que las listas de espera tienen m...
- Sanidad convoca el Pleno de la Comisión de Recurso...
- CSIF exige al Sergas una solución ya para los inte...
- Navarra practica pruebas diagnósticas los fines de...
- AHRQ Tips for Grant Applicants | Agency for Health...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: As the Patient-Focused Drug Developm...
- El Big Data será el mejor aliado del médico para d...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La paciente debe operarse d...
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announc...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- La Comisión de Sanidad, pospuesta en espera de nue...
- Más de 200.000 gallegos han elegido hospital y per...
- El Gobierno prevé que las CCAA recorten 550 millon...
- DEA Kicks Off Red Ribbon Campaign
- New FDA/EMA rare diseases and patient engagement c...
- CDER New October 18, 2016
- Microcefalia irrumpe en Venezuela ante silencio of...
- CDER New October 17, 2016
- Home -
- NQMC Update Service: October 17, 2016 || Centers f...
- NGC Update Service: October 17, 2016 || American C...
- Expert Commentaries | National Guideline Clearingh...
- FDA publishes guidance for industry: ANDA Submissi...
- CMS BLOG: Medicare’s investment in primary care sh...
- DEA and Partners Hold Prescription Drug Take Back ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se crea el Observatorio Fed...
- What's New at CBER Update
- CDRH New Update
- Drug Shortages Update
- Register today for the Nov. 10 FDA Grand Rounds, 1...
- State Drug Utlization Data available on Medicaid.g...
- [Compounding Proposed Rule]: Drug Products Withdra...
- MercatorNet: America’s ghost legions of idle men
- MercatorNet: Planned Parenthood’s century and the ...
- Los médicos defienden la sedación paliativa y defi...
- La Asamblea General del CEEM debatirá en Pamplona ...
- La candidatura liderada por Joaquín Estévez es pro...
- CC.OO asegura que el Sescam ha garantizado que hay...
- Merck inaugura la ampliación de su nueva planta bi...
- SEDISA reivindica la toma de decisiones basada en ...
- Novartis continúa su apuesta por fármacos a un dól...
- FDA Law Blog: A Phoenix Rising from The Ashes: FDA...
- La mitad de los médicos de AP evitaría reconocer u...
- Un fraude de ley 'de libro' en la lectura que las ...
- El directivo del SES también debe cobrar por coord...
- 'Conviene adecuar los tratamientos a las fases de ...
- La sedación en la agonía es un imperativo ético y ...
- Condena por administrar suero salino en vez de glu...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC :...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC :...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Erratum, Vol. 13, July 14 Release
- A Novel Strategy to Increase Identification of Afr...
- Chronic Disease Disparities by County Economic Sta...
- Improving Adjuvant Hormone Therapy Use in Medicaid...
- Promoting Sleep Health Among Families of Young Chi...
- A Community Health Record: Improving Health Throug...
- Ecological Analysis of Parking Prices and Active C...
- Diabetes Screening in US Women With a History of G...
- Erratum, Vol. 13, August 4 Release
- Erratum, Vol. 13, June 16 Release
- Differences in Receipt of Three Preventive Health ...
- Integrating Social Determinants of Health With Tre...
- Developing High-Resolution Descriptions of Urban H...
- Casting a Wider Net: Engaging Community Health Wor...
- Physical Activity, Screen-Based Sedentary Behavior...
- Polypharmacy and Health-Related Quality of Life Am...
- A Tool for Assessing a Community’s Capacity for Su...
- Ever-Use and Curiosity About Cigarettes, Cigars, S...
- Walking to Work: Trends in the United States, 2005...
- Comparing 2 National Organization-Level Workplace ...
- Association of Material Deprivation Status, Access...
- Age-Associated Perceptions of Physical Activity Fa...
- A Content Analysis of Vaping Advertisements on Twi...
- Products - Data Briefs - Homepage
- NCHS Data Briefs Update
- Directivos de Salud piden continuidad y profesiona...
- Un nuevo paradigma de la atención para dar respues...
- Military health cybersecurity officials warn of do...
- Bono to AFCEA: New electronic health record is key...
- PA-17-008: Large Research Projects for Prevention ...
- PA-17-007: Large Health Services Research Demonstr...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: We will help you die of boredom: Dutc...
- MercatorNet: Why supporters of same-sex marriage c...
- MercatorNet: Migration can prop up population but ...
- FDA Law Blog: Ut Oh ... Not So Fast ... DEA Withdr...
- Divergent Perceptions of Barriers to Diabetic Reti...
- Absenteeism and Employer Costs Associated With Chr...
- Disparities in Who Receives Weight-Loss Advice Fro...
- Who Is Food Insecure? Implications for Targeted Re...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot....
- ▼ octubre (700)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10392)
- ▼ octubre (600)
- Perspectives of Urban Corner Store Owners and Mana...
- Hospitalizations for Substance Abuse Disorders Bef...
- ProMED-mail
- BioEdge: Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu backs assiste...
- Echoes of California in Australian euthanasia camp...
- Desperate times call for … rationing conscience
- Abortion debate continues in Poland
- BioEdge: The CRISPR cartoon
- BioEdge: Ethics ignored in ‘3-person embryo’ techn...
- BioEdge: Gin and bear it
- BioEdge: Could it become too expensive to ask for ...
- BioEdge: Dutch will probably legalise assisted dyi...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- What Is Stopping the Use of Genetically Modified I...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips :: Public Healt...
- A knowledge base for tracking the impact of genomi...
- CDC - SUID and SDY Case Registries - SIDS and SUID...
- Genomics is failing on diversity : Nature News & C...
- Training Genetic Counsellors to Deliver an Innovat...
- Genetic Counselor Workforce Issues: a Survey of Ge...
- The ethics of sustainable genomic research in Afri...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan :: Public Healt...
- Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD) and Response to...
- Pathogen|Genomics|CDC
- CDC public health grand rounds, Tuesday October 18...
- Supplemental Grant Award for the National Ombudsma...
- − REALLY: Get Tested
- FDA and CDC find direct link of contaminated water...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Updated Safety ...
- Meeting Registration: OCTOBER 18, 2016 - 10:00am t...
- APIC | Home
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: NLADD Dear Colleague l...
- National Health Services Blood & Transplant pone a...
- Boehringer Ingelheim y el Sarah Cannon Research In...
- La OMC apuesta por la fórmula de la "paridad de co...
- ASPE muestra su desacuerdo con el Informe "Contrat...
- La OMS aconseja aumentar en un 20 por ciento los i...
- La SEHH y AEAL aúnan fuerzas en favor de la atenci...
- Entre un 30 y 40% de los órganos extraídos para se...
- El Sindicato Médico de Cataluña insta al Gobierno ...
- El Sindicato Médico Andaluz considera “una burla” ...
- Amyts insiste en la vía europea para luchar contra...
- FEFE: la Orden de Precios de Referencia tendrá un ...
- El Foro de la Profesión se siente ignorado por el ...
- FDA to hold a public meeting on GDUFA reauthorizat...
- MercatorNet: Some thoughts on marriage from young ...
- MercatorNet: Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize. 1066 and al...
- Multiagency Funding To Assist With Opioid Crisis i...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Products - NHSR - Homepage
- National Health Statistics Reports Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ciudad: aseguran que la his...
- HHS finalizes streamlined Medicare payment system ...
- DEADLINE: Register for the CMS Rural Health Soluti...
- Centro de Alta Formación Internacional Sonora
- CDRH Industry: FDA issues Electronic Submission of...
- CDRH Industry: JOIN the Experts for live Q&A at th...
- CORRECTION: Date Added – Free CE Webinar: Preventi...
- La Sociedad Española de Patología Dual presenta un...
- MMWR Vol. 63 / No. 55
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for October 13, 2016
- Summary of Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Cond...
- Contaminated Devices Putting Open-Heart Surgery Pa...
- ProMED-mail
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 40
- Study IDs Effective Rx for Burned-Out Doctors: Med...
- NIOSH’s State-of-the-Art Facility in Morgantown Ce...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Details Outreach Campaign Strategy f...
- FDA Law Blog: DOJ Weighs in on Discount Safe Harbo...
- CMS NEWS: MACRA Quality Payment Program Final Rule...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New
- World Thrombosis Day: An Ideal Time to Use AHRQ To...
- − This Open Enrollment, don’t forget...
- Headlines: New Mobile App To Treat Opioid Use Diso...
- MATx: A Mobile App to Support the Treatment of Opi...
- SAMHSA report shows higher rates of substance use ...
- New Mobile App Will Provide Instant, Vital Informa...
- Insight from States on Parity
- MHS GENESIS to launch in February 2017 | Health.mi...
- Organized chaos: Corpsmen conduct hands-on trainin...
- CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory: CD...
- CDC - Contaminated Heater-Cooler Devices - HAI
- Heater-Cooler Devices
- CDC Press Release: Contaminated Devices Putting Op...
- What's New for Biologics
- Focus on Big Data – Celebrating Biology Week 2016
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: EMP debe ortorgar cobertura...
- FECMA presenta su Manifiesto 2016, donde defiende ...
- Cataluña aprueba la ley de acceso universal a la S...
- CSI·F, que se levanta de la Mesa Sectorial, y CC.O...
- “Si sigue aumentado su precio, habrá medicamentos ...
- Los profesionales sanitarios, los que mejor salud ...
- La industria deberá invertir unos 200 mill. para a...
- Jubilación voluntaria a partir de los 60 años, pri...
- Near Miss With Neonate | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- Lapse in Antibiotics Leads to Sepsis | AHRQ Patien...
- Unintended Consequences of CPOE | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- ▼ octubre (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10292)
- ▼ octubre (500)
- Health Care Data Science for Quality Improvement a...
- In Conversation With… Richard Platt, MD, MSc | AHR...
- Save the Date: Break the Chain of Infection! Suppo...
- Final Research Plan: Elevated Blood Lead Levels in...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - What to Expect Now that...
- CMS NEWS: CMS announces new initiative to increase...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Issues International Medical De...
- Creating a Smart, Skilled Cybersecurity Workforce ...
- Last day to register for the Safeguarding Health I...
- Quality by Design and Single-Use Air Sampling Appr...
- Register now for Forensics@NIST 2016 to be held on...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Public Health Matters: A Safe Community Starts wit...
- Expertos prevén un impacto limitado de la nueva Or...
- Department of Defense continues commitment to Glob...
- CDER New October 13, 2016
- Convenio entre Almirall y el Colegio Oficial de Mé...
- La AEMN pedirá integrar la medicina naturista con ...
- Diferencias en el coste de distintos tipos de quim...
- What's New at CBER Update
- MercatorNet: Longevity. Modern girls and their car...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Finalizes Two Guidances Concerni...
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Maternal and Child Health ...
- CDRH New Update
- A Path to Global Health Security
- CMS National Training Program Marketplace Webinar ...
- CDER New October 12, 2016
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La salud es nacional
- Steep Rise in Price of Older Cancer Drugs: Medline...
- CMS BLOG: 2017 Star Ratings
- CDRH New Update
- CMS NEWS: @CMSgovPress Twitter Account Launch
- Se abre la puerta a la disolución del consorcio de...
- Andalucía aprueba la jornada de 35 horas para los ...
- Indemnizan el síndrome de intestino corto de un ne...
- Sanidad abordará en el Interterritorial la 'excesi...
- Médicos de cinco hospitales catalanes piden crear ...
- Las sociedades científicas urgen al Gobierno a imp...
- Los pediatras denuncian que su modelo de atención ...
- MercatorNet: Japan’s cure for the heartache of chi...
- Webcast Option: Lightweight Cryptography Workshop,...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: National Latinx AIDS A...
- Register Now: Oct. 28 Webinar on “Lean” Redesigns ...
- Tackling Tough Issues Together: The CMS Rural Heal...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Announces a Public Meeting on W...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Variation in the Rate of Cesarean Section Across U...
- Vital Signs Are Still Vital: Instability on Discha...
- Design and rationale of the STRIVE trial to improv...
- Quality Measures to Assess Care Transitions for Ho...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Publication Detai...
- In Medicaid Expansion States, Uninsured Adults’ Sh...
- Volume-Outcome Relationships in Pediatric Acute Ly...
- The inpatient burden of psoriasis in the United St...
- In Low-Income Latino Patients, Post-Affordable Car...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Fatigue, Sleep Deprivation, and Patient Safety | A...
- Primary Care Providers' Views of Patient Portals: ...
- Clinical Complexity in Medicine: A Measurement Mod...
- Diagnostic Error in Medicine 9th International Con...
- Improving Diagnosis: Patient Safety’s Next Great F...
- Register Now: Oct. 28 Webinar on “Lean” Redesigns ...
- Sudan Teaching Hospitals Use AHRQ’s Patient Safety...
- Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture | Agency...
- TeamSTEPPS®: Strategies and Tools to Enhance Perfo...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Plantean reformas a la Ley ...
- NCTR Publications > NCTR Research Highlights
- AHRQ Acknowledges 50 Years of Accomplishments by t...
- FDA Law Blog: FDAAA Asked & NIH Answered: The Fina...
- FDA Medication Guides Page (updated)
- “Poner a los clínicos en gestión es el mejor model...
- El Sindicato Médico de Navarra critica que bajo la...
- Cerca de 60.000 personas recibieron, entre enero y...
- El Plan MAS del Sescam cierra el verano con un 5% ...
- El Sindicato Médico de Murcia insta por escrito al...
- Sesión sobre Ética y Cuidados Paliativos en el CM ...
- ONT y SEDAR firman un convenio de colaboración par...
- Olga Insua, nueva directora general de Novo Nordis...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- ACL 2016 Alzheimer's Disease Initiative: Specializ...
- Where We Are/What We Have Done – Two Years After R...
- FDA Guidance Document Update
- La OMS pide más impuestos a bebidas azucaradas par...
- Encuentro Virtual CiberSalud | Comunicación de sit...
- Congreso Nacional de eSalud (03-04/11/2016) - Madr...
- Public Health Grand Rounds on Tuesday, October 18,...
- La AEMN pedirá integrar la medicina naturista con ...
- Autocrítica de psiquiatras y neurólogos en el Día ...
- CMS National Training Program- Medicare and the Ma...
- MercatorNet: The real story about safeguards aroun...
- MercatorNet: Can we trust ‘breakthrough’ science?
- CDER New October 11, 2016
- NGC Update Service: October 10, 2016 | U.S. Food a...
- Submit a Suggestion for Research | AHRQ Effective ...
- NGC Update Service: October 10, 2016 | Guideline S...
- NGC Update Service: October 10, 2016 || Congress o...
- New Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)...
- ▼ octubre (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10192)
- ▼ octubre (400)
- Inclusion Criteria | National Quality Measures Cle...
- Domain Definitions | National Quality Measures Cle...
- Domain Framework | National Quality Measures Clear...
- NQMC Update Service: October 10, 2016 || Canadian ...
- CDRH New Update
- Alonso destaca: la Sanidad andaluza es reflejo de ...
- El 64% de los donantes de trasplante renal de vivo...
- El Plan Director de Salud Mental catalán se basará...
- El consejero de Sanidad niega recortes en el Sesca...
- La Asamblea de Médicos de Hospitales de la OMC ale...
- Nuria Soler, nueva directora de Onco-Hematología d...
- España, el tercer país que más producción científi...
- FDA Law Blog: Court Rejects Prosecution of Pharmac...
- El diagnóstico facultativo sigue siendo superior a...
- Madrid elige cinco hospitales para atender a 23 re...
- El 75% de los pacientes en paliativos muere con do...
- ¿Qué implicaría cambiar el cribado actual? - Diari...
- Castilla-La Mancha: marco normativo para ampliar e...
- En marcha el nuevo Plan de Salud Mental de La Rioj...
- Europa tiene que redefinir los ensayos clínicos de...
- La buena praxis, contraria a solicitar muchas prue...
- Expertos piden definir qué es el interés del menor...
- Dañar el nervio ciático en una cesárea es daño des...
- Valencia: aprobado el decreto que crea y regula el...
- 'La única vía para eliminar el VHC es tratar a tod...
- Las guías de práctica clínica, poco útiles en aten...
- Hacia un modelo europeo de evaluación de tecnologí...
- No a cribar con mamografías a los 35 pero sí a amp...
- Las guías de práctica clínica, poco útiles en aten...
- Un CMBD de valor incalculable... pero no este año ...
- Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2016 | NIST
- Now Available: New Public-use Data Analysis System...
- CDC - What's New on the NIOSH Website
- NIAID Funding News, October 5, 2016
- CMS Issues New Guidance to States
- Incertidumbre en la plantilla del Hospital de la R...
- ProMED-mail
- MercatorNet: Help us in our mission | MercatorNet
- MercatorNet: Anonymous sperm donor opponent answer...
- MercatorNet: A social care crisis
- Los recursos de las unidades clínicas deben estar ...
- Los sindicatos piden convocar la Mesa Sectorial de...
- La Mesa Sectorial de Sanidad de Galicia analiza la...
- Vergeles asegura que el SES hace todo lo posible p...
- País Vasco baraja un proyecto para que las farmaci...
- La habitación ‘Siente la Hipertensión Arterial Pul...
- Chiesi remite a la EMA la primera solicitud de com...
- HM Hospitales crea la Unidad de Cáncer y Embarazo ...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Updates List of Drugs that May N...
- OBSERVATORIO DE BIOÉTICA ▲ ¿Sexo y género? - Medic...
- The Netherlands, Compulsory Contraception, and Rev...
- BioEdge: A speed hump on the road to evidence-base...
- BioEdge: Controversy swirls around AIDS drug in UK...
- The District debates euthanasia
- BioEdge: Oderberg on contraceptives, abortion and ...
- BioEdge: Argentina a new destination for fertility...
- HOT TOPICS OF THE DAY ► Public Health Genomics Kno...
- Biospecimen Sharing Among Hispanic Women in a Safe...
- Opportunities and Challenges for Health Disparitie...
- Chronic Kidney Disease - A Window into Understandi...
- Test Pricing and Reimbursement in Genomic Medicine...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Newborn screening and the era of medical genomics....
- Test Pricing and Reimbursement in Genomic Medicine...
- Experiences and attitudes of residents regarding a...
- The Precise–and Wild–Genomics Revolution - IEEE PU...
- Predicting the Future - Big Data, Machine Learning...
- Why big pharma wants to collect 2 million genomes ...
- Big Data, Big Research: Implementing Population He...
- Biospecimen Sharing Among Hispanic Women in a Safe...
- The Life Course Perspective: a Guide for Genetic C...
- Ethical issues and best practice in clinically bas...
- Next generation sequencing: Coping with rare genet...
- Current state of genomic policies in healthcare am...
- Genome privacy: challenges, technical approaches t...
- Predictive Genetic Testing of Children for Adult-O...
- Comparison of Informed Consent Preferences for Mul...
- "Not Tied Up Neatly with a Bow": Professionals' Ch...
- Perspective for the development of companion diagn...
- The limits of traditional approaches to informed c...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Heal...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- A knowledge base for tracking the impact of genomi...
- PHG Foundation | Precision Public Health: a conver...
- Precision Public Health: Beyond Genomics|Events|Ge...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- ISMP Guidelines for Safe Preparation of Compounded...
- "Talk About Your Medicines" Month. | AHRQ Patient ...
- A Multifaceted Approach to Health Care Quality and...
- How to Improve Electronic Health Record Usability ...
- Bipartisan Consensus: The Public Wants Well-Rested...
- When doctors get the wrong patient. | AHRQ Patient...
- Prescribing errors that cause harm. | AHRQ Patient...
- Sick children face potentially deadly danger: medi...
- Healthcare professional and patient codesign and v...
- Patient safety incidents and adverse events in amb...
- ▼ octubre (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (10092)
- ▼ octubre (300)
- Using standardized OR checklists and creating exte...
- An embedded checklist in the Anesthesia Informatio...
- Surgical specimen management: a descriptive study ...
- Provider risk factors for medication administratio...
- In support of the medical apology: the nonlegal ar...
- Defining excellence: next steps for practicing cli...
- Promoting safety through well-being: an experience...
- Inter-professional clinical handover in post-anaes...
- Patient safety and workplace bullying: an integrat...
- Liquid medication errors and dosing tools: a rando...
- Clinician-identified problems and solutions for de...
- Cluster randomized trial to evaluate the impact of...
- 61CongresoSEFH: El papel del técnico de farmacia, ...
- 61CongresoSEFH: El Plan Nacional de Resistencia a ...
- 61CongresoSEFH: Los técnicos de farmacia insisten ...
- El 61 Congreso de Farmacia Hospitalaria cierra sus...
- State Policies Reduce Opioid Overdoses
- New NIST Test Bed Makes the 'Digital Thread' Acces...
- ¿Es cierto que existen vacunas procedentes de feto...
- Small Cybersecurity Steps You Should Take. Today. ...
- Las sociedades científicas urgen al Gobierno a imp...
- Médicos de cinco hospitales catalanes piden crear ...
- La microgestión sanitaria es cosa de médicos
- El Colegio de Médicos de Madrid celebrará en dos s...
- 61CongresoSEFH: La relación farmacéutico-paciente ...
- 61CongresoSEFH: El Hospital Metodista de Nueva Yor...
- 61CongresoSEFH: "El farmacéutico hospitalario debe...
- 61CongresoSEFH: La robotización farmacéutica garan...
- 61CongresoSEFH: "Las personas más innovadoras son ...
- CDC funds innovations to combat antibiotic resista...
- Government as a Platform for Progress: HHS’s Open ...
- Capturing Work-related Injuries from Emergency Dep...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Compliance Dates for Nu...
- CDER New October 7, 2016
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for October 6, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 39
- MercatorNet: A world without Down’s?
- Space is limited for IMED 2016
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dr. Collins co-authors a Viewpoint in JAMA with Dr...
- CMS NEWS: CMS releases new data to increase transp...
- Chartbook on Person- and Family-Centered Care | Ag...
- Improving Diagnosis: Patient Safety’s Next Great F...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Resolución 1653 MSAL: "Prog...
- FDA Law Blog: Update on the DeCoster Criminal Case...
- FDA Law Blog: Say Cheese! FDA Issues Warning Lette...
- CDRH New Update
- NIAID Email Alert: R01 Funding Opportunity, Partne...
- ANDAs and 505(b)2 Applications/ Head Lice Infestat...
- FDA Meeting on Pre-Market Evaluation of Abuse-Dete...
- ‘Security Fatigue’ Can Cause Computer Users to Fee...
- ‘Security Fatigue’ Can Cause Computer Users to Fee...
- HRSA eNews October 6, 2016 | Health Resources and ...
- Finaliza la alerta por fiebre hemorrágica Crimea-C...
- María Dolores del Pino y Pino seguirá al frente de...
- El profesor José A. Obeso, elegido académico de nú...
- El Congreso insta al Gobierno a rebajar tasa de te...
- Cuatro CC.AA. pueden ofrecer la prescripción elect...
- El nuevo Plan de Salud Mental andaluz prioriza la ...
- State Policies Reduce Opioid Overdoses
- Barcelona priorizará los 18 barrios más vulnerable...
- Dilemas bioético-legales en reproducción humana as...
- 61CongresoSEFH: Modelos innovadores de gestión par...
- La atención farmacéutica hospitalaria mejora la ef...
- 61CongresoSEFH: Claves de la actividad farmacéutic...
- La patente de Gilead para Sofosbuvir se mantiene s...
- 61CongresoSEFH: SEFAP, SEFH y SEFAC se mantienen u...
- Produo abre una plataforma online para profesional...
- Fenin traslada al Consejo de Estado el compromiso ...
- 61CongresoSEFH: La adherencia al tratamiento, clav...
- Experiencias de éxito hospitalario en el primer Fo...
- ACL Announces Voluntary Guidelines, Funding to Boo...
- CDER New October 6, 2016
- AHRQ Webinar on MEPS-HC Health Care Utilization an...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Final Hatch-Waxman Regula...
- ProMED-mail
- New Grant Opportunities
- MercatorNet: Abortion protests mark a black day fo...
- MercatorNet: PrEP: a flawed prevention strategy fo...
- CDRH New Update
- One week left to register: Lightweight Cryptograph...
- Our 20th Patient-Focused Drug Development meeting:...
- CDER New October 5, 2016
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La “Ley de Dislexia” dio un...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Sánchez Martos: 'La industria farmacéutica debe of...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Manufactured Food Regul...
- NIOSH eNews - October, 2016
- CFSAN Constituent Update - National Food Safety Ed...
- IEEE/NIST Timing Challenges in the Smart Grid Work...
- SEMERGEN y FEDE, juntas en la detección precoz y p...
- La AP andaluza cumple 30 años garantizando la prot...
- SEMG-Castilla y León forma a residentes en técnica...
- CCOO de Aragón reclamará los atrasos de la carrera...
- El CM de Navarra pone en marcha un plan para futur...
- El Consejo de Colegios de Médicos de Castilla-La M...
- La falta de pediatras especialistas pone en peligr...
- 38º Congreso de SEMERGEN: reunirá a 4.000 médicos ...
- ▼ octubre (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (9992)
- ▼ octubre (200)
- Puigdemont anuncia una OPE de 2.500 plazas para mé...
- Las cifras de empleo en el sector sanitario se est...
- What's New at CBER Update
- MercatorNet: Euthanasia: learn from Canada’s mista...
- A Patient-Centered Prescription Drug Label to Prom...
- Changes in Utilization and Health Among Low-Income...
- Pediatric Quality Measures Program | Agency for He...
- Patient and clinician perspectives on the outpatie...
- Agitation, Delirium, and Cognitive Outcomes in Int...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Publication Searc...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Compone...
- Access To Care Improved For People Who Gained Medi...
- Gaining Coverage In 2014: New Estimates Of Marketp...
- Working To Prevent and Eliminate MRSA Infections |...
- Comparing Health Systems: AHRQ’s Signature Effort ...
- Perceived health competence predicts health behavi...
- User-centered design of multi-gene sequencing pane...
- AHRQ News Now: New Children's Quality Measures, Di...
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Home
- Harvard Used AHRQ Data to Develop Tool to Analyze ...
- Interprofessional team interactions about complex ...
- Health Care Use and Spending for Medicaid Enrollee...
- 2015 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities R...
- EHC Product Updates: Youth Suicide Prevention Fina...
- Announcement: MONAHRQ 7 Build 2 Is Available for D...
- What's New at AHRQ
- Data Linkage Strategies To Advance Youth Suicide P...
- CDRH New Update
- Upcoming Webinar—AHRQ Quality Indicators (QI): ICD...
- Safeguarding Health Information: Building Assuranc...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cambio de paradigma en salu...
- FDA Law Blog: HP&M Offers Discount on FDA Deskbook...
- FDA Law Blog: Pediatric Priority Review Vouchers S...
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: HIV Web Updates
- El ECDC pide a los países europeos un mejor aborda...
- Los pacientes cada vez opinan más sobre sus médico...
- Europa definirá un modelo común de evaluación de t...
- Fedea: preocupan gasto, esperas, obesidad, salud m...
- La decisión médica prevalece a la del Comité para ...
- CMS NEWS: CMS selects Quality Improvement Organiza...
- Protecting Against Cyber Threats
- Addressing Cancer Disparities Among American India...
- NIH Common Fund announces 2016 High-Risk, High-Rew...
- Guidances (Drugs) > FDA seeks input on product-spe...
- New analysis shows 2.5 million Americans currently...
- DEA Reduces Opioid Drug Manufacturing in 2017
- NCCIH Natural Products Technical Assistance Webina...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 ► Topic Nomina...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- NGC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Congress of...
- AHRQ, CMS Award $13 Million to Test and Implement ...
- ProMED-mail
- CDER New October 4, 2016
- Clinical Pharmacology Corner: FDA Approves EPCLUSA...
- Se estancan las infecciones por virus del zika con...
- La ideología política de los médicos influye en la...
- La agencia de la UE para la prevención de enfermed...
- GHSP Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3
- TRICARE publications gets redesign, new look | Hea...
- Women can maintain good health with Well Woman vis...
- CDRH New Update
- Share and Interact | Health Literacy | CDC
- MercatorNet: A visit to a baby market in Brussels
- El incierto futuro de la Atención Primaria - Tribu...
- La Salud Digital en España, una asignatura pendien...
- “La Troncalidad supondrá el espaldarazo a la figur...
- Yoshinori Ohsumi, galardonado con el Nobel de Medi...
- Se acuerda adelanto a cuenta del complemento de ca...
- UGT, CC.OO, FSES y CSI-F exigen convocar el Ámbito...
- El consejero de Aragón espera que salgan a concurs...
- Las cargas de trabajo desmesuradas y la falta de s...
- Los pacientes piden en Biospain 2016 una participa...
- Comienza el curso online SEOM-Instituto Roche en C...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA to Revisit the Nutrient Content ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se rechaza demanda por mala...
- Convocados los Premios eSalud 2016 a las mejores i...
- FDA-TRACK Update: FDA looking to recruit Consumer ...
- AHRQ, CMS Award $13 Million to Test and Implement ...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Awards $300,000 to the Greater Flint...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CMS NEWS: Participants Selected for Part D Enhance...
- CMS NEWS: Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance...
- CDER Drug Safety Priorities 2015-2016 Report- Drug...
- 2016 Corps Community Month!
- Corps Community Month
- NQMC Update Service: October 3, 2016 || Washington...
- Deepwater Horizon | NIOSH Science Blog | Blogs | C...
- MQSA Insights > MQSA National Statistics
- CDER New October 3, 2016
- 'Más garantías para el paciente en información clí...
- Castilla y León abre sus datos sanitarios a la pob...
- Cataluña: Comín advierte del peso 'inaceptable' de...
- El COMB impugnará los estatutos del Consejo de la ...
- En busca de homogeneidad en la evaluación de los M...
- Los sindicatos del Ámbito piden la revisión inmedi...
- CMS NEWS: AHRQ, CMS Award $13 Million to Test and ...
- Libro de cabecera para tomar el pulso a la respons...
- ▼ octubre (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (9892)
- ▼ octubre (100)
- La técnica CRISPR reta a la bioética mundial - Dia...
- Perforar la cava al reimplantar un DAI es daño des...
- FY 2017 User Fees for Priority Disease Review Vouc...
- precisionFDA’s Next Challenge? Conduct an App-a-Th...
- CDC TRAIN - LMS Software by KMI Learning
- CDC TRAIN - LMS Software by KMI Learning
- CDC TRAIN - LMS Software by KMI Learning
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: Leading Australian journalist decries...
- MercatorNet: Is freedom of conscience a fundamenta...
- FDA Law Blog: Court Rules that FDA's FOIA Expedite...
- U.N. International Day of Older Persons
- Check out the new mobile-friendly NIAID Careers we...
- FAFSA information: Help us spread the word!
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Update: Interim Gui...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Characteristics of ...
- Safe Healthcare Blog | Blogs | CDC
- Safeguarding Health Information: Building Assuranc...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award...
- Patient Safety Project 2015 2017. | AHRQ Patient S...
- Understanding human over-reliance on technology. |...
- Surviving a bad diagnosis. | AHRQ Patient Safety N...
- All CLEAR? Preparing for IT downtime. | AHRQ Patie...
- Performing the wrong procedure. | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- Improving incident reporting among physician train...
- Impact of pharmacist-provided medication therapy m...
- A model for the departmental quality management in...
- PIPc study: development of indicators of potential...
- Structure and outcomes of interdisciplinary rounds...
- Prevention by design: construction and renovation ...
- Measurement of patient safety: a systematic review...
- Overuse of medical imaging and its radiation expos...
- Understanding and responding when things go wrong:...
- Incorporating quality and safety values into a CLA...
- Getting it right for patient safety: specimen coll...
- Medication errors in outpatient pediatrics. | AHRQ...
- Is there evidence for a better health care for can...
- Computerized triggers of big data to detect delays...
- Do work condition interventions affect quality and...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content
- All About Genetic Counselors From the National So...
- A knowledge base for tracking the impact of genomi...
- Big Data in Health: a Literature Review from the Y...
- Big Data, Big Research: Implementing Population He...
- Predicting the Future — Big Data, Machine Learning...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- From "Personalized" to "Precision" Medicine: The E...
- A missing link in the bench-to-bedside paradigm: e...
- Ethical considerations for genetic testing in the ...
- Participants' Role Expectations in Genetics Resear...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- ProMED-mail
- BioEdge: Are tribunals the solution to disruptive ...
- BioEdge: Towards ethical standards in surrogacy
- BioEdge: Canada moves toward legal surrogacy
- BioEdge: How well are Indian surrogates treated?
- FDA approves first automated insulin delivery devi...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Privacy Twitter Chat and a Bill You Can Understand...
- Combatting Senior Malnutrition
- Using Symbols to Convey Information in Medical Dev...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates - Sept...
- Register Today for Nov. 18 FDA Johns Hopkins CERSI...
- Health Communication Science Digest -- September ...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- El acceso indebido a la HC puede acarrear penas de...
- Sanidad plantea una 'autoacreditación' provisional...
- Los servicios de Oncología Médica tienden a la tra...
- La mediación puede evitar la judicialización del 5...
- Pediatría de AP responde a las críticas por colabo...
- La Aemps pide 'no forzar' con los biosimilares; Bi...
- Los fármacos falsificados mueven casi 1.200 millon...
- La Comisión exige a España y otros 13 Estados que ...
- Valencia: CSI-F reclama que se amplíe el plazo de ...
- El Constitucional 'tumba' la jornada de 35 horas e...
- New rule helps finalize move to provide more medic...
- HHS awards more than $44.5 million to expand the n...
- Insight from States on Parity
- Los costes anuales globales de los pacientes con a...
- Los Premios Nutrisenior premiarán las buenas práct...
- Drug Shortages Update
- The next CMS Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)/Long...
- EHC Program Update: Outcomes Measures Framework; N...
- Hospitales navarros se suman a la iniciativa Poció...
- Innovación, tipo de producto y protección industri...
- El CM de Madrid convoca ayudas por más de 385.000 ...
- CCOO pide un calendario de recuperación de derecho...
- El incierto futuro de la Atención Primaria - Tribu...
- El avance del Genoma probará la capacidad de almac...
- Preventing Suicide Takes a Public Health Approach
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Polémico caso: sancionan a ...
- Now Available: ICD-9-CM Version 6.0 AHRQ QI SAS So...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Guidance Document Update
- ► septiembre (1109)
- ▼ octubre (100)
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