viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

CDC Special Journal: “Catalyzing State Public Health Agency Actions to Prevent Injuries and Violence”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your online source for credible health information.
CDC Special Journal: “Catalyzing State Public Health Agency Actions to Prevent Injuries and Violence”
I am pleased to announce the release of a special issue of the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice titled “Catalyzing State Public Health Agency Actions to Prevent Injuries and Violence.”
This special issue includes eight articles highlighting programs within CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. These articles illustrate the relationship between science and practice as mutually reinforcing pieces of a systems approach to injury and violence prevention. The journal articles are:
  • "Mind the Gap: New Approaches to Addressing the Research to Practice Chasm"
  • "Research to Practice Integration: The power of academic-practitioner collaboration"
  • "Innovative Methods for Designing Actionable Program Evaluations"
  • "Core VIPP’s Role in Increasing States’ Readiness to Respond to the Opioid Epidemic"
  • "Connecting the Dots: State Health Department Approaches to Addressing Shared Risk and Protective Factors across Multiple Forms of Violence"
  • "Community Indicators for Evaluating Violence Prevention Programs"
  • "The Use of the Data-to-Action Framework in the Evaluation of CDC’s DELTA FOCUS Program"
  • "Development of a Comprehensive and Interactive Tool for States to Use When Developing Violence and Injury Prevention Plans"
Through the lens of a systems approach, this collection of articles builds on the foundation for program success and sustainability offered in the 2014 American Journal of Public Health article, "Six Components Necessary for Effective Public Health Program Implementation." Each article addresses one or more of the six components outlined in this article, and each one provides actionable key findings or lessons learned that may help you implement more comprehensive systems support for your injury and violence prevention efforts.
Thank you for your continued commitment to public health and the prevention and control of injury and violence. I hope the articles presented in this special journal edition inform and inspire your efforts.
Judith R. Qualters, PhD
Director, Division of Analysis, Research, and Practice Integration
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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