SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN DICIEMBRE de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12832)
- ▼ diciembre (400)
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Food Advisory Commi...
- Latest FDLI Update Magazine Article Explains DEA P...
- CDER New December 13, 2017
- Press Announcements > FDA launches new tool for sh...
- CMS NEWS: Weekly Enrollment Snapshot: Week Six
- FDA Voice Treating Infections - FDA is Forging a M...
- Invasive Cancer Incidence, 2004–2013, and Deaths, ...
- Home - American College of Chest Physicians
- The AGREE Ecosystem — Tools to Support Guideline D...
- Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortiu...
- La SEE pide un análisis crítico de los programas d...
- Asebio reclama una financiación más racional para ...
- AEMPS y Universidad de Murcia apuestan por el proy...
- Applied Clinical Informatics - ACI: An Analysis of...
- Differences in mental workload between traditional...
- Quantifying the impact of chronic conditions on a ...
- BMT Roadmap: A User-Centered Design Health Informa...
- Guiding Lay Navigation in Geriatric Patients With ...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Purchase HCUP Data
- Checklist for Working with the NIS
- NRD Overview: 2015 Nationwide Readmissions Databas...
- HCUP-US NIS Overview: 2015 National Inpatient Samp...
- Closing the Loop: A Guide to Safer Ambulatory Refe...
- Major Insurance Company Offers Discount to Custome...
- Public And Private Payments For Physician Office V...
- Longitudinal Investigation of Rehospitalization Pa...
- Dosing of Intravenous Tocilizumab in a Real-World ...
- Screening for Abnormal Blood Glucose and Type 2 Di...
- Changes in Rates of Ventilator-Associated Pneumoni...
- Transforming Hospitals | Agency for Healthcare Res...
- Final Update Summary: Hormone Therapy in Postmenop...
- Toolkit to Engage High-Risk Patients In Safe Trans...
- Gaining Clinician Support for Health IT to Improve...
- Register for AHRQ Webcast - Understanding CAHPS Su...
- Se presume subregistro alarmante de VIH-Sida en Ve...
- ICOMV calcula que habrá una jubilación del 20% en ...
- El Plan de Control de Medicamentos 2018 incluirá u...
- "Hay que cambiar el modelo de Atención Primaria" -...
- La participación del paciente en la toma de decisi...
- Enrique Ruiz: “La carrera profesional tendrá un re...
- La Fundación Humans propone fomentar la formación ...
- Los médicos acuerdan iniciar movilizaciones durant...
- Expertos abogan por reconocer el dolor infantil co...
- Nuevo Documento de Posición de EURORDIS: “Breaking...
- New EURORDIS Position Paper: Breaking the Access D...
- Two years of euthanasia in Quebec: the facts |Merc...
- MercatorNet: promoting the family and human dignit...
- Join CDC’s Facebook #AskTheExperts Event on Child ...
- Bringing Early Feasibility Studies for Medical Dev...
- FDA issued draft guidance: Gluten in Drug Products...
- FDA warns companies for promoting alternatives to ...
- Primera reunión de trabajo entre el Ministerio de ...
- El Gobierno destinará 5,5 millones a servicios san...
- En Marea considera que la reforma sanitaria galleg...
- Presupuesto austero en Salud para 2018 - El médico...
- Madrid sacará una OPE histórica de 13.200 plazas s...
- El Gobierno destinará 5,5 millones a servicios san...
- CESM rechaza que se obligue a los MIR a seguir un ...
- La SEFH presenta su modelo de integración del farm...
- Las pruebas de la OPE de Valencia para 19 especial...
- Formación e información son imprescindibles para a...
- Más muertes que nacimientos en España en el primer...
- Sanidad reduce el número de pacientes de UCI con i...
- ASEBIO pide al Gobierno que impulse las subvencion...
- Evaluación de tecnologías, ¿qué falta por hacer? -...
- Los médicos piden aumentar las plantillas de los c...
- Masters of Public Administration Online | Masters ...
- Discover Criminal Justice Programs Online | 2018 G...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Rubinstein ratificó que se ...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Vía libre para el canna...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Crece el peso del secto...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Informático en salud, la es...
- FDA Law Blog - GAO Report on Sunscreen Innovation...
- The need for a next-generation public health respo...
- A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 2 Susce...
- Genomic medicine - OMIM - NCBI
- Genomic medicine AND (genetic OR genomic) AND revi...
- Mutations in fetal genes involved in innate immuni...
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Persona...
- Return of incidental findings in genomic medicine:...
- Measuring the Utility of Genomic Medicine
- Identifying Health Information Technology Needs of...
- Stakeholder assessment of the evidence for cancer ...
- Genetic Testing Awareness and Attitudes among Lati...
- Spectrum of CFTR gene mutations in Ecuadorian cyst...
- The current state of funded NIH grants in implemen...
- The current state of implementation science in gen...
- Implementation Science in Genomic Medicine: Why we...
- How Health IT Advancements Make Genomic Medicine a...
- How Does Global Health Security Save Lives?
- Two New Draft Guidances Helping to Implement The C...
- The next CMS Ambulance Open Door Forum scheduled f...
- Merck y la APC sumarán fuerzas para mejorar la cal...
- La SEFH diseña el futuro de la profesión en España...
- Roche presenta nuevos datos de su programa de desa...
- Quirónprevención se une a la Fundación Española de...
- Miles de casos anuales de cáncer por VPH podrían s...
- La Sanidad privada es aliada estratégica del siste...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ diciembre (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12732)
- ▼ diciembre (300)
- Profesionales y pacientes piden un Plan de Cribado...
- AEMPS y Universidad de Murcia apuestan por el proy...
- eMDR Adverse Event Codes Change
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New December 11, 2017
- FDA launches public education campaign to encourag...
- FDA announces final guidance on Product Name Place...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - What Do We Mean by "Ref...
- Absolución por el abordaje de un ictus no apto par...
- Condena por lesionar el nervio del codo en una ext...
- Familia e Interna amenazan con abandonar el proyec...
- Darpón admite que más de 34.000 niños vascos carec...
- Asturias propone aumentar un 1,83% la partida sani...
- Los aumentos moderados en gasto sanitario se conso...
- Asebio, sobre I+D+i: 'Nos hacemos trampas al solit...
- Juan José Montes, nuevo director de Cigna España -...
- Información sanitaria: un ‘caramelo’ para los ‘cib...
- La usabilidad y factibilidad, claves para el éxito...
- Hospice Compare Search Function Alert
- Register for the 10th Annual Sentinel Initiative P...
- Public Health Law News Announcements
- Call for Abstracts: BRFSS 2018 Training Workshop
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents on Devices, Adm...
- PEPFAR: FDA Approves 200th HIV/AIDS Therapy | FDA ...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Final Guidance on Investigational Device Exemp...
- FDA Generic Drugs Program posts first GDUFA II mon...
- New Workshops: IND Safety Reporting/ Oncology Prec...
- Announcing Final Guidance and Webinar for: Technic...
- New from FDA: Protect Patients from Contaminated M...
- Mark Your Calendars!
- Communication, Breaking Down Walls, and a Huge Ste...
- New! December 2017 CMS National Training Program U...
- Recently Approved Devices
- Use of Serological Tests to Reduce the Risk of Tra...
- CDRH New Update
- DEA large-scale operation targets 26 pharmacies in...
- Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Tempora...
- FDA draft guidance facilitates pediatric rare dise...
- CMS NEWS: Weekly Enrollment Snapshot: Week Five
- FDA draft guidance proposes collaborative approach...
- NIAID Funding News, December 6, 2017
- FDA Webinar - Regulatory Overview for Developers a...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Network Takes a New...
- CMS Office of the Actuary Releases 2016 National H...
- You have until December 15 to sign up for 2018 hea...
- BioEdge: Help us turbocharge bioethics debates
- BioEdge: If you get a ‘do not resuscitate’ tattoo,...
- BioEdge: Rohingya face population control pressure...
- BioEdge: Some Canadian doctors are refusing to tre...
- BioEdge: Should doctors comply with all patient re...
- BioEdge: This is what happens when no one says No ...
- BioEdge: South Korea debates the privacy of a pati...
- BioEdge: India outlawed commercial surrogacy – cli...
- BioEdge: Bioethics on Capitol Hill: a $5 million s...
- BioEdge: Hormonal contraception boosts risk for br...
- BioEdge: Ethical standards urgently needed for neu...
- BioEdge: Euthanasia is only for doctors, say Dutch...
- BioEdge: How long should women’s eggs remain froze...
- BioEdge: After 70 years, lessons from the Nurember...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- The World Health Organization's Response to Emergi...
- Data, data everywhere: the challenges of personali...
- Insurance for broad genomic tests in oncology. - P...
- Applications of pharmacogenomics in regulatory sci...
- One small edit for humans, one giant edit for huma...
- Press Announcements > FDA announces approval, CMS ...
- Genome | A Comprehensive Cancer Gene Test Gets the...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- La FADSP reclama un cambio en el modelo de financi...
- El 85% de las víctimas de agresiones a profesional...
- Expertos del INER prevén que la Influenza H3N2 lle...
- Médicos de Navarra alertan de la mala gestión del ...
- Entre el 15 y el 25% de la población puede sufrir ...
- El PP propone que un organismo independiente reali...
- CSIF denuncia discriminaciones entre los trabajado...
- Cantabria abre en enero la carrera profesional a l...
- ONT y la SEMICYUC elaboran una guía para intensivi...
- La nueva ley de salud gallega facilitará el concur...
- La Sanidad hace frente a la llegada del frío con m...
- The correlation between reading and mathematics ab...
- Associations of APOE ?4 With Health and Financial ...
- Autism in our DNA? Slew of studies points to genet...
- Cancer genetic counseling communication with low-i...
- informed consent ethics - PubMed - NCBI
- Biobanks AND (genetic OR genomic) AND review - Pub...
- Genetic Analysis of Venous Thromboembolism in UK B...
- Fair Shares and Sharing Fairly: A Survey of Public...
- The International Rare Diseases Research Consortiu...
- Genetics and biobanks converge to resolve a vexing...
- Introduction to Bioethics Special Supplement V: Et...
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Persona...
- A Comprehensive Cancer Gene Test Gets the Go-Ahead...
- PAP assays in newborn screening for cystic fibrosi...
- NIH Request for Comment on Proposed Update to the ...
- Epidemiology in the Age of Genomics and Precision ...
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ diciembre (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12632)
- ▼ diciembre (200)
- Clinicians' recommended solutions for delayed diag...
- Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) Grant ...
- IHI National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healt...
- Focus On: Health Care Policy and Quality. | AHRQ P...
- Improved Policies and Oversight Needed for Reviewi...
- A randomised controlled trial assessing the effica...
- Pragmatic insights on patient safety priorities an...
- Interventions for the reduction of prescribed opio...
- Measuring patient safety in real time: an essentia...
- Effect of health information exchange on recogniti...
- Are parents who feel the need to watch over their ...
- The effects of crew resource management on teamwor...
- Trainee autonomy and patient safety. | AHRQ Patien...
- Elevated mortality among weekend hospital admissio...
- Instituting vincristine minibag administration: an...
- White paper on recommendation for systems-based pr...
- Alterations in Spanish language interpretation dur...
- Can the aviation industry be useful in teaching on...
- Blind obedience and an unnecessary workup for hypo...
- Reducing delay in diagnosis: multistage recommenda...
- Same behavior, different provider: American medica...
- Defining the critical role of nurses in diagnostic...
- Development of a medication safety and quality sur...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- FDA-Required Studies of Approved Drugs Make a Big ...
- FDA Launches Predictive Toxicology Roadmap to Enab...
- New FDA Guidances and Public Workshop on Digital H...
- Summary of REMS@FDA website for November, 2017
- Press Announcements > Remarks from FDA Commissione...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Protecting the Food Sup...
- CDER New December 7, 2017
- Testimony on the Implementation of the 21st Centur...
- CDRHNew - News and Updates
- Call for Papers: Monitoring Disparities in Prevent...
- HRSA eNews December 7, 2017
- Save the Date: December 14 ISMICC Press Conference...
- ProMED-mail
- Important: Time is running out for 2018 health cov...
- CDRHNew - News and Updates
- CDER New December 8, 2017
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los países donde los extran...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Responsabilidad médica por ...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: La farmacia móvil llega...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: PAMI debe otorgar cober...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se aprueba la Campaña Nacio...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - IFSAC Publishes Paper o...
- FDA Law Blog - FDA Issues Draft Guidance Documents...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Final Guidance Documents ...
- FDA Opens A Door For Consumer Genetic Tests
- The Opioid Abuse Deterrence Act and DOJ Initiative...
- FDA Requesting Public Comment on: proposal to recl...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 48
- Special Open Door Forum: The IMPACT Act and Improv...
- Proposed Removal of Influenza Vaccination Measure ...
- Inscribite al 1º Encuentro Salud Para Todos
- Condena por un 'protocolo hospitalario deficiente'...
- Priorizar el manejo de comorbilidades - DiarioMedi...
- Incertidumbre en el abordaje político sanitario de...
- Quien tiene un teléfono móvil, tiene un gestor de ...
- El Virgen Macarena pide al PCT soluciones técnicas...
- El PSOE pide que España vuelva a donar al Fondo co...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- Seventh Annual Report to Congress on High-Priority...
- Family behaviors and type 2 diabetes: What to targ...
- Risks of developing breast and colorectal cancer i...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- AHRQ’s Safety Program for Nursing Homes: On-Time P...
- An electronic trigger based on care escalation to ...
- Geographic Diffusion and Implementation of Acute C...
- Methods to model and predict the ViewRay treatment...
- Factors affecting willingness to share electronic ...
- Persistence of atopic dermatitis (AD): A systemati...
- Medicaid Expansion And Marketplace Eligibility Bot...
- Acute Renal Failure Hospitalizations, 2005-2014 #2...
- Evaluation of a Sickle Cell Disease Educational We...
- Primary Interventions to Support Breastfeeding. - ...
- The Effect of Physician and Hospital Market Struct...
- WebM&M | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- TeamSTEPPS 2.0 for Long-Term Care. | AHRQ Patient ...
- Enhancing Patient Engagement Using TeamSTEPPS Tool...
- Themed Issue on the Opioid Epidemic. | AHRQ Patien...
- ISMP survey shows provider text messaging often ru...
- Eliminating vincristine administration events. | A...
- Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance i...
- Association between opioid prescribing patterns an...
- The effects of hospital safety scores, total price...
- Framework for direct observation of performance an...
- Diagnostic accuracy of pediatric teledermatology u...
- Diagnostic errors in primary care pediatrics: Proj...
- Electronic triggers to identify delays in follow-u...
- A narrative review of the safety concerns of depre...
- A qualitative study of patient involvement in medi...
- Enhancing pediatric perioperative patient safety. ...
- Empowerment failure: how shortcomings in physician...
- Where should patient safety be installed? | AHRQ P...
- Fall risk and prevention agreement: engaging patie...
- Fatigue and risk: are train drivers safer than doc...
- An evaluation of shared mental models and mutual t...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ diciembre (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (12532)
- ▼ diciembre (100)
- Information for Industry (Drugs) > Phonetic and Or...
- EHC Program Update: Final Report on Management of ...
- Over-the-Counter Oversight | AHRQ Patient Safety N...
- Miscommunication in the OR Leads to Anticoagulatio...
- Dying in the Hospital With Advanced Dementia | AHR...
- The Evolution of Patient Safety in Surgery | AHRQ ...
- In Conversation With… Karl Bilimoria, MD, MS | AHR...
- Now Available: New CAHPS Cancer Care Survey Materi...
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Screening and Treatment of ...
- Gestational diabetes mellitus evidence-based nutri...
- (1) Potentially curable pancreatic cancer: America...
- Parkinson's disease in adults. | National Guidelin...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Screening and Treatment of ...
- La Deontológica de la OMC, enredada en cierta 'amb...
- La Audiencia de Baleares reabre el 'caso Minerval'...
- 'Los jueces y fiscales suspenden en Psiquiatría fo...
- Interna se descuelga de la troncalidad a la espera...
- Ceuta y Melilla, ¿posible modelo de atención socio...
- Los presupuestos murcianos de 2018 buscan más prev...
- Tres comunidades piden un tramo en la financiación...
- Aragón: el 'anillo radiológico' ha reducido la dem...
- Los intensivistas andaluces preparan su plan estra...
- Éxito de la primera convocatoria de la incubadora ...
- Correction: FDA Public workshop on “Safety Assessm...
- Immunization: percent of acute care hospitalized i...
- Measure Summaries | National Quality Measures Clea...
- About Core Quality Measures | National Quality Mea...
- NQMC Update Service: Centers for Medicare & Medica...
- NQMC Introduction to Search (Official Tutorial, 20...
- Health Awareness Topics: December 2017
- Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortiu...
- National Guideline Alliance | National Guideline C...
- Program in Evidence-based Care. | National Guideli...
- University of Michigan Health System. | National G...
- Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCCs) Feature
- World AIDS Day 2017 Statement: Department of Justi...
- RTC: Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstr...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Vidal desplaza a D'Abat...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: El ministro Rubinstein inau...
- Safety Alerts and Consumer Advisories
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Información General
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Información General 3
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Información General 2
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Información General 1
- Webinar: Understanding Pain and Prescription Drug ...
- La OMS espera revisar la vacuna contra el dengue d...
- Testimony on Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Ameri...
- Treatment Strategies for Patients with Lower Extre...
- CDRHNew - News and Updates
- Reconciling ethical and economic conceptions of va...
- Psychosocial issues of a population approach to hi...
- Physicians' duty to recontact and update genetic a...
- FDA treads carefully on molecular diagnostics - Me...
- Improved ethical guidance for the return of result...
- First-In-Human Phase 1 CRISPR Gene Editing Cancer ...
- Direct to consumer genetic testing-law and policy ...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Genomic Implementation|Genomics|CDC
- The current state of funded NIH grants in implemen...
- The current state of implementation science in gen...
- If You Build It Will They Come? The Urgent Need fo...
- World AIDS Day Message from the U.S. Surgeon Gener...
- Dear Colleagues: World AIDS Day 2017
- X-rays and Children: FDA Issues Guidance to Minimi...
- What’s New for Biologics
- Webinar 1/8/2018: CLIA Waiver Applications Draft G...
- Need Help Securing Unclassified Government Info? N...
- FDA Law Blog
- NCHS Data Briefs Update
- CDRH New Update
- Management of Suspected Opioid Overdose with Nalox...
- Weekly Enrollment Snapshot: Week Four
- CDC Special Journal: “Catalyzing State Public Heal...
- Surveillance Manual | Home | Vaccine Preventable D...
- FDA Issues Proposed Order to Reclassify and Rename...
- NIH Statement on World AIDS Day 2017 | National In...
- FDA/CDER Site Visit Training Program for Office of...
- Live CE Webinar Sponsored by the Division of Drug ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - IFSAC Webinar on Update...
- The Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits Have ...
- Lot Release (Biologics) > Influenza Virus Vaccine ...
- Recalls (Biologics) > Product Information Advisory...
- CDER New November 30, 2017
- CMS BLOG: CMS releases its Measures Under Consider...
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Barajar y afiliar de nuevo
- Press Announcements > Statement by FDA Commissione...
- Press Announcements > FDA announces approval, CMS ...
- FDA announces approval, CMS proposes coverage of f...
- CDRH New Update
- CDRH Issues Final Guidance on De Novo Classificati...
- ProMED-mail
- Press Announcements > FDA approves first once-mont...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- CDC Global HIV and TB News: World AIDS Day 2017
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: HIV Testing Vital Sign...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 47
- Vital Signs: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing ...
- ► septiembre (1132)
- ▼ diciembre (100)


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