AHRQ's Dissemination and Implementation Initiative
AHRQ is seeking nominations of promising patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) findings with the potential to improve patient health outcomes for future dissemination and implementation activities.
PCOR compares the impact of two or more preventive, diagnostic, treatment, or health care delivery approaches on health outcomes, including those that are meaningful to patients.
AHRQ will prioritize and fund the most promising projects for wide dissemination and implementation in clinical practice. Researchers, PCOR funders, professional societies, health care providers, and others may submit nominations. Nominations already submitted are publicly available on the PCOR Findings Nominated for Consideration page.
The purpose of this nomination process is not to propose new topics for research. For more information on AHRQ’s current priorities and funding available for research, please go to AHRQ’s funding and grants page. For questions on the PCOR selection process, go to Frequently Asked Questions.
The Nomination Assessment Process
Step 1: Receive Nominations
- Anyone can submit a nomination, including researchers, consumers, or organizations.
- Submit nominations here.
- Read the list of nominations that have been submitted here.
- For questions, contact ahrqimplements@ahrq.hhs.gov.
Step 2: Review Against Minimum Criteria
Each nomination must:
- Fit the definition for PCOR:
Patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) compares the impact of two or more preventive, diagnostic, treatment, or health care delivery approaches on health outcomes, including those that are meaningful to patients.
- Be supported by peer-reviewed research.
Step 3: Assess Evidence and Impact
Each nomination that meets minimum criteria is assessed for:
- Strength of evidence:
- Evidence quality (such as study design and risk of bias).
- Consistency with body of evidence.
- Potential impact on patient-centered outcomes:
- Consistency with (or difference from) current practice.
- Degree of impact on health outcomes and health care delivery.
- Impact on disparities or subgroups.
Step 4: Assess Feasibility
Each nomination with good evidence and impact is assessed for feasibility.
- Considerations:
- Evidence supporting implementation.
- Generalizability, adaptability, and ease of achieving fidelity to intervention.
- Acceptability to the implementers/organizations and fit with organizational capabilities.
- Aligned with AHRQ’s mission.
Step 5: Explore Implementation Approaches
- AHRQ staff convenes stakeholders to assess current implementation issues, relevant approaches, and strategies, settings, and populations.
- Considerations:
- Potential to complement and not duplicate other D&I investments.
- Preferred strategies for implementing the nomination:
- Comprehensive, multi-pronged approaches as opposed to
- Targeted, systems-level approaches.
- Range of dissemination and implementation activities possible.
Step 6: Support Investment
- AHRQ selects PCOR initiatives for investment through grants and contracts.
- Considerations:
- Available funding.
- Agency priorities.
- Potential for implementation support by other partners.
Step 7: Evaluate Projects
- Each funded project must include an evaluation plan to:
- Measure change in practice.
- Measure health outcomes.
- The project should add to the knowledge and science of implementation.
- Evaluation will provide feedback on AHRQ investments.
Page last reviewed May 2017
Page originally created October 2016
Page originally created October 2016
Internet Citation: AHRQ's Dissemination and Implementation Initiative. Content last reviewed May 2017. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/pcor/ahrq-dissemination-and-implementation-initiative/index.html
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