domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

Partnerships to Advance Patient Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Research - Drug Information Association

Registration Open for OWH/DIA Patient Recruitment Conference

OWH and the Drug Information Association are sponsoring a joint conference entitled “Partnerships and Collaborations to Advance Patient Recruitment in Clinical Research” on October 14-15, 2010 at the Hilton Rockville Hotel. The conference will address strategies for recruiting and retaining women and minorities in drug trials.

Conference Registration

Partnerships to Advance Patient Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Research

Date(s) And Time(s):
Oct 14 2010 8:00AM - Oct 15 2010 4:30PM

Hilton Rockville Hotel
1750 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852

Interest Area(s):
Clinical Research,Outsourcing,Project Management,Regulatory Affairs,Research & Development,Public Policy/Law/Corp. Compliance


DIA and FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) Host First Patient Recruitment and Retention Conference.

DIA and FDA Office of Women’s Health OWH) are pleased to announce the first FDA-cosponsored patient recruitment and retention conference to broaden the understanding and solution-driven discussion for:
• FDA, industry and academia collaborate and dialogue on challenges and solutions for adequate patient demographics in clinical research through enhanced recruitment and retention strategies
• Reach consensus on issues, potential solutions and accountable resources
• Increase awareness and educate stakeholders on the critical need to include diversity and sub group populations in clinical trials
• Summarize major obstacles that can be overcome, solutions that can be adopted and demonstrate tools of success
• Identify who is doing what in the area of recruitment and retention and explore partnerships and collaborations between organizations
• Discuss future plans to revisit recruitment and retention issues in clinical research
• Generate a white paper

Joshua M. Sharfstein, MD
Vivian W. Pinn, MD
(Click "Highlights" for more information on the Keynote Presenters)

Recruiting adequate numbers of clinical trial participants has always been difficult across diverse populations particularly in women, children, ethnic minorities and the aging sub-group populations. It is well-known and scientifically documented that different medicines affect these populations differently. Therefore, more inclusive protocols, plans and strategies are imperative in order to address known barriers and uncover others in order to facilitate and expedite enrollment of underrepresented populations.

This conference will allow key stakeholders including pharmaceutical companies, CROs, principal investigators, physicians, government, research institutions, and IRBs to engage in shared discussions and establish action plans eliminating disparities and advancing representation of sub-populations in clinical drug trials. The conference will focus on multi-factorial issues including:
1. Recruitment and retention barriers and motivations for different subgroup populations in clinical trials;
2. Regulatory and public health impact of under-representation of women, elderly and minority groups in clinical trials;
3. Current industry, CROs, principal investigators and research institutions practices to ensure adequate recruitment and retention of patients in clinical trials;
4. Innovative and successful solutions/strategies for recruiting and retaining diverse populations in clinical trials.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this conference participants will be able to:
1. Describe the dilemmas of FDA, industry, academia, physicians and patients related to recruitment and retention of all subgroup populations in clinical drug trials
2. Discuss the impact of under-representation of certain patient populations in clinical drug trials on regulatory decision making and public health
3. Recognize that various demographic subpopulations of women may need different strategies for successful recruitment and retention
4. Apply the solutions/strategies that have been shown to be successful for recruitment and retention of all subgroup populations in clinical trials.

Target Audience:
The conference audience will consist of regulators, academia, medical centers, research scientists, patient advocacy groups, reimbursement agencies, principal investigators, clinical research managers and decision makers who have influence in patient recruitment planning and implementation. The program will cover some of the trends and new approaches conceptually and how they are unfolding and their implications for managers and decision makers.

Event Code:

Contact Information:

Constance Burnett, Program Developer
Phone 215.293.5800
Fax 215.442.6199

open here please:
Partnerships to Advance Patient Recruitment and Retention in Clinical Research - Drug Information Association

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