domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

CAHPS Clinician & Group Surveys


New Surveys Evaluate Culturally Competent and Health Literate Care

A series of new AHRQ-funded studies focus on the development and evaluation of new questions, or "item sets," that have been added to the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) surveys to assess culturally competent and health literate care. The goal of the CAHPS surveys is to provide patients with a way of reporting on their experiences with health care services. These surveys go beyond standard patient satisfaction ratings by asking patients to provide specific and actionable feedback. The CAHPS Cultural Competence item set was developed to measure whether care is provided in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. Patients are asked to share their experiences on issues such as language access, trust, complementary and alternative medicine, communication, and discrimination. Other studies cover the development and evaluation of two supplemental CAHPS item sets – one for the Clinician/Group CAHPS and one for Hospital CAHPS – that evaluate how well providers address health literacy. Both supplements to the Clinician/Group CAHPS have been endorsed by the National Quality Forum. The studies were published August 16 in a special supplement to Medical Care.
CAHPS Clinician & Group Surveys

September 2012 - Volume 50 - Issue : Medical Care

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CAHPS Clinician & Group Surveys

NOTE: The contract that supports the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) program expired on June 27, 2012. This will result in a delay in updating the data that compose the CAHPS Database for the SECOND HALF OF CALENDAR YEAR 2012. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is now working to award a new CAHPS contract, and when it is in place, the benchmarking database will be updated with the latest data available, including data collected in 2012.

The Visit Survey, which is one of the Clinician & Group Surveys, asks patients to report on their experiences with providers and office staff at their most recent visit to a doctor's office. This instrument addresses feedback from many users regarding the need for a CAHPS survey that focuses on experiences during a single visit rather than over a period of time. More targeted feedback about a visit can provide medical practices with valuable information for monitoring and improvement. Also, many physicians are accustomed to seeing survey results for a visit, which they sometimes perceive as more valid and credible.
The Visit Survey includes a standardized questionnaire for adults and children; an adapted set of supplemental items that specifically ask about the most recent visit is in development.
Languages. All questionnaires and supplemental items will be provided in English and Spanish; however, only the Adult Spanish questionnaire is available at this time. For help in producing questionnaires in other languages, please go to Translating Surveys and Other Materials.
All documents are in PDF format and can be accessed using a free Adobe® Reader® viewer (Plugin Software Help).

Clinician & Group Survey

The CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey (CG-CAHPS) Database is the newest component of the CAHPS Database. It was developed in response to the growing demand for comparative results for the various versions of the Clinician & Group Survey, including the 12-month and Visit versions.
2012 Clinician & Group Survey Results
Clinician Group Survey Report (PDF, 770 KB: Plugin Software Help)
Adult 12-Month 4-pt Scale Results:
Bar Charts
Top Box Scores
Adult 12-Month 6-pt Scale Results:
Bar Charts
Top Box Scores
Adult Visit Survey Results:
Bar Charts
Top Box Scores

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