martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

NGC Update Service: February 2, 2015 ► Summary Guides

NGC Update Service: February 2, 2015

National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC)

NGC Spotlight

New research review added! Visit the AHRQ Evidence Reports page for a listing of reports produced under AHRQ'sEvidence-based Practice Program and Effective Health Care Program.

Summary Guides

These short, plain-language guides — tailored to clinicians, consumers, or policymakers — summarize research reviews' findings on the benefits and harms of different treatment options. Consumer guides provide useful background on health conditions. Clinician and policymaker guides rate the strength of evidence behind a report's conclusions. The guides on medications also contain basic wholesale price information. Some guides are also available in Spanish. Reports are listed starting with the most recent.

Research Reviews

These comprehensive reports draw on completed scientific studies to make head-to-head comparisons of different health care interventions. They also show where more research is needed.There are two types of research reviews: (1) Comparative effectiveness and effectiveness reviews outline the effectiveness — or benefits and harms — of treatment options and (2)Technical briefs explain what is known — and what is not known — about new or emerging health care tests or treatments. Final reports are listed below by health condition.
Brain and Nerve Conditions
Breathing Conditions
Dermatologic Conditions
Developmental Delays, ADHD, Autism
Dietary Supplements
Digestive System Conditions
Endocrine and Metabolism
Functional Limitations and Physical Disabilities
Genitourinary Conditions
Heart and Blood Vessel Conditions
Infectious Diseases and HIV/AIDS
Mental Health
Muscle, Bone, and Joint Conditions
Nonclinical Topics
Otolaryngologic Conditions
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Renal Disease

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