aportes a la gestión necesaria para la sustentabilidad de la SALUD PÚBLICA como figura esencial de los servicios sociales básicos para la sociedad humana, para la familia y para la persona como individuo que participa de la vida ciudadana.
CDC’s Safe Healthcare Blog: EMS Can Help Identify Pediatric Sepsis
EMS Can Help Identify Pediatric Sepsis
Today, on CDC’s Safe Healthcare Blog, Rommie Duckworth, founder and director of the New England Center for Rescue & Emergency Medicine, explains why robust education and sepsis alert programs are needed among EMS systems. Rommie shares the story of Anya Coronel, a baby girl who succumbed to sepsis, and offers simple, straightforward tools to make it easier for EMS and healthcare providers to identify sepsis.
Guest Author: Rommie L. Duckworth, LP Founder, Director New England Center for Rescue & Emergency Medicine, LLC Anya Coronel was born on April 18, 2009. A beautiful baby girl, Anya was born with spina bifida, a birth defect that, while corrected by surgery, would leave her prone to infections as well as a condition known Read More >
Guest Author: Orlaith Staunton Do you know that it is possible to prevent sepsis by the simple act of providing antibiotics and fluids when it is suspected? We didn’t know this when our beautiful son Rory Staunton died at just 12 years of age when emergency room physicians and his pediatrician failed to recognize the Read More >
Guest Author: Pamela L. Popp MA JD DFASHRM CPHRM AIM DSA Executive Vice President/Chief Risk Officer Western Litigation In January of 2008, I joined the ranks of sepsis survivors. I too was placed on a ventilator, given months of antibiotic and antifungal treatments, suffered from memory loss and was financially devastated by the medical bills. Read More >
Guest Author: Susan A. Irick, MS, RN, ACNP-C Disease Manager for Pneumonia and Sepsis Northeast Georgia Medical Center Sepsis is a term I have heard my entire nursing career. It never had quantifiable significance to me until the past 3 years. Now, sepsis has become an up close and personal demon that I have thankfully Read More >
Guest Author: Steven Q. Simpson, MD University of Kansas and Sepsis Alliance What severe sepsis needs is the equivalent of an American Heart Association. An organization that exists to teach the general public, as well as physicians, how to save lives. Thanks, in large part, to the heart association, Americans are well versed in the Read More >
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weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/UM_Informe_Autoevaluacion_FyB.pdf - //
weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/0216_Admin_FarmEcon.pdf - //
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