SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN OCTUBRE de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11366)
- ▼ octubre (800)
- Saying goodbye. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Implementing the Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety P...
- Comparison of clinical diagnoses and autopsy findi...
- The emotional fallout from the culture of blame an...
- Development of a trigger tool to identify adverse ...
- Professional, structural and organisational interv...
- Defining optimal length of opioid pain medication ...
- Medical team training improves team performance: A...
- Effect of sleep deprivation after a night shift du...
- CVS taps a design legend to reinvent the prescript...
- Surgical Patient Safety: A Case-Based Approach. | ...
- The Role of Clinical Learning Environments in Prep...
- Opioid addiction is the biggest drug epidemic in U...
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Communication methods for end-of-rotation handoffs...
- John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award...
- Second Victim Train-the-Trainer Workshop. | AHRQ P...
- AAMI Foundation Annual Forum: Hot Topics in Patien...
- RxAwareness. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Severe hyperglycemia in patients incorrectly using...
- Inpatient notes: diagnostic excellence starts with...
- Telehealth. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Progress in interoperability: measuring US hospita...
- Effect of a hospital-wide measure on the readmissi...
- A qualitative study of speaking out about patient ...
- Safety culture and mortality after acute myocardia...
- Providing feedback following Leadership WalkRounds...
- Incorporating nursing complexity in reimbursement ...
- Effect of promoting high-quality staff interaction...
- The power of regret. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network...
- Association of health literacy with postoperative ...
- Risk factors for adverse events in emergency depar...
- Impact of out-of-hours admission on patient mortal...
- Opioid prescribing for opioid-naive patients in em...
- Curing our diagnostic disorder. | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- Creating a culture of caregiver support. | AHRQ Pa...
- The Case for Investing in Patient Safety in Canada...
- ProMED-mail
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- Trends in Emergency Department Visits, 2006-2014 #...
- The myth of standardized workflow in primary care....
- Management of diabetes mellitus in older people wi...
- Adverse Events and Resource Utilization After Spin...
- Association Between Hospitals' Engagement in Value...
- Inter-facility transfer of pediatric burn patients...
- Transitional care interventions and hospital readm...
- Identifying unmet informational needs in the inpat...
- Facilitative Components of Collaborative Learning:...
- Diagnostic colonoscopy following a positive fecal ...
- New AHRQ Views Blog Posts
- Implementing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opi...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- High-Alert Medication Safety Self-Assessment Launc...
- Pressure Injury Prevention Program Implementation ...
- Pressure Injury Prevention in Hospitals Training P...
- Understanding Health-Systems’ Use of and Need for ...
- EHC Program Update: Draft Report on Lower Limb Pro...
- Final Research Plan: Cognitive Impairment in Older...
- NGC Update Service: October 23, 2017
- “Guideline Summaries” 4 | National Guideline Clear...
- “Guideline Summaries” 3 | National Guideline Clear...
- “Guideline Summaries” 2 | National Guideline Clear...
- “Guideline Summaries” | National Guideline Clearin...
- Use of adjuvant bisphosphonates and other bone-mod...
- Clinical practice guideline (update): earwax (ceru...
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons appropria...
- NOT-HS-18-002: Notice of Clarification: Research S...
- NOT-HS-18-001: Notice of Clarification: Research S...
- Free CME/CEU for Webinar on AHRQ Health Literacy I...
- Funding the Next Generation of Learning-Health-Sys...
- What's New at HCUP User Support
- AHRQ Views Blog Post: Funding the Next Generation ...
- Now Available: New CAHPS Health Plan Survey Result...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 42
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- FDA qualifies first tool under Medical Device Deve...
- CDC Awards 9 Project Areas to Combat Congenital Sy...
- MMWR News Synopsis for October 26, 2017
- President Roosevelt's 1940 Dedication of the First...
- Dr. Collins shares his idea for improving American...
- Generic Drug User Fee Amendments > GDUFA II Videos...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: La ANMAT reformula el I...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Se aprueban las directrices...
- Statement from the NIH Director on Combating the O...
- Statement from the NIH Director on Combating the O...
- Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory ...
- Turning Cybersecurity Awareness into a Cybersecuri...
- October 15, 2017 Approval Letter - Anti-Human Glob...
- FDA Law Blog: DC District Court Says FDA’s Resciss...
- El I Congreso de la SEGRA, CIMER17, tratará la rad...
- Wireless Medical Devices
- Nace la asociación #FFPaciente, para dar voz a los...
- Manufacturers Sharing Patient-Specific Information...
- About the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Rese...
- Register now: January 2018 SHEA/CDC Outbreak Respo...
- Blog Series to Highlight Musculoskeletal Health Re...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (800)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11266)
- ▼ octubre (700)
- Product Labeling for Certain Ultrasonic Surgical A...
- CDER New October 27, 2017
- De Novo Classification Process (Evaluation of Auto...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / Early Release
- Federal Register :: Public Inspection: Meetings: V...
- The Mammography Quality Standards Act – a 25-year ...
- New Guidance on Developing Drugs for Treatment of ...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (10/27...
- DEA and local law enforcement partners take back u...
- Rx Awareness | CDC Injury Center
- DEA establishes six new heroin enforcement teams
- Big Pharma versus Mother Teresa | MercatorNet |Oct...
- The dark past of mental health care | MercatorNet ...
- Why marking essays by algorithm risks rewarding th...
- Growing old and kinless in America | MercatorNet |...
- The myth of the coat hanger abortion | MercatorNet...
- Complexity, uncertainty and potentiality in the eu...
- ‘Yes’ to euthanasia no longer certain in Victoria ...
- News & Events > CDER Conversation: Evaluating the ...
- Workshops & Conferences (Medical Devices) > CDRH I...
- Trends in Emergency Department Visits, 2006-2014 #...
- Postoperative Bleeding and Associated Utilization ...
- Leveraging user's performance in reporting patient...
- The Shifting Landscape in Utilization of Inpatient...
- Disparities in TKA Outcomes: Census Tract Data Sho...
- Perpetuating stigma or reducing risk? Perspectives...
- Participatory design of ehealth solutions for wome...
- Detecting naloxone prejudices in the pharmacy sett...
- Chiari malformation Type I surgery in pediatric pa...
- Periodic Screening Pelvic Examination: Evidence Re...
- Customizing Health IT to Support Physician Workflo...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Estimating the Costs of Primary Care Transformatio...
- Costs of Transforming Established Primary Care Pra...
- TeamSTEPPS LMS: TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care ...
- Joy In Medical Practice: Clinician Satisfaction In...
- Health Awareness Topics: October 2017
- American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck S...
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- American Gastroenterological Association Institute...
- NGC Update Service: Multiple Chronic Conditions: T...
- Getting Ready for Your Ambulatory Surgery | Agency...
- AHRQ 2.0: Strategies for Creating Value in the Dig...
- TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care Online Course: No...
- CDC Viral Hepatitis Updates – Archived NFID Webina...
- Illicit Drug Use, Illicit Drug Use Disorders, and ...
- MMWR Summary for October 20, 2017
- Illicit Drug Use, Illicit Drug Use Disorders, and ...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 41
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 40
- Immunization-related MMWRs | CDC
- CDER New October 20, 2017
- FDA seeks input on product-specific guidances to f...
- AHRQ's Ongoing Support for the Fight Against Breas...
- Cascade of costs could push new gene therapy above...
- Families stop donation of organs from deceased rel...
- California slaps surcharge on ACA plans as Trump r...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Para que primero sea la sal...
- Spike in Traffic from bing.com on saludequitativa....
- CDRHNew - News and Updates
- FDA Drug Shortages
- How euthanasia affects nurses | MercatorNet |Octo...
- Los centros sanitarios deben trabajar para adaptar...
- FDA Law Blog: Let’s Play a Game: What’s Missing fr...
- Pilar Nos, nueva presidenta de GETECCU - El médico...
- El Colegio de Médicos de Toledo toma medidas contr...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Aumenta la capacitación...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Salud creó Red de Estableci...
- El 25% de las muertes por paro cardiaco podría evi...
- SEMICYUC reclama una mayor implantación de desfibr...
- Médicos extremeños piden medidas para la sobrecarg...
- “Al sistema sanitario hay que pedirle que se gesti...
- Una buena relación entre Cardiología y Atención Pr...
- La consejera valenciana cree que la reforma consti...
- Jóvenes con síndrome de down formarán en el uso de...
- Se aprueba una correduría de seguros del ICOMEM pa...
- El 62º Congreso de la SEFH analiza la farmacoterap...
- Los médicos piden una mayor coordinación entre San...
- “La ausencia de la especialidad de Genética Clínic...
- Pérez Raya respalda el desarrollo pleno de las esp...
- Castrodeza anuncia que el Portal de Transparencia ...
- La insuficiencia cardiaca necesita una mayor coord...
- Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) > REMS Inte...
- Breaking the golden thread | MercatorNet |October ...
- The UK must be stopped from pushing transgenderism...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: VI Jornadas Marplatense...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ordenan reafiliación de pac...
- CONVOCATORIA | Inauguración Oficial del XXIV Congr...
- FDA Law Blog: 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover and 56 W...
- Implementation of Best Practices in Obesity Preven...
- Differences Between Younger and Older US Adults Wi...
- Aspirin for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Public Health 3.0: A Call to Action for Public Hea...
- A Method for Evaluating Physical Activity Programs...
- Concordance Between Common Hypertension Control Al...
- Construction of a North American Cancer Survival I...
- Longitudinal Analysis of Nut-Inclusive Diets and B...
- Could EBT Machines Increase Fruit and Vegetable Pu...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (700)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11166)
- ▼ octubre (600)
- Direct Marketing Promotion and Electronic Cigarett...
- Working to Increase Vaccination for Human Papillom...
- US Consumers’ Understanding of Nutrition Labels in...
- The Influence of Parental Health Literacy Status o...
- A Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Program and Risks o...
- Emergency Department–Initiated Tobacco Control: Up...
- Examining the Food Retail Choice Context in Urban ...
- Using Geographical Convergence of Obesity, Cardiov...
- Compañeros: High School Students Mentor Middle Sch...
- Early Onset Obesity and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome...
- Marketing Strategies to Encourage Rural Residents ...
- A Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Tool for Low-Inco...
- Shaping Future Generations of Public Health Resear...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Progress and Achieveme...
- CDER New October 11, 2017
- New Guidances for Industry: Emerging Technology/ C...
- FDA Law Blog: Flurry of New Guidances from CDRH an...
- CDRH New Update
- International Infection Prevention Week: Learn how...
- HCUP-US Statistical Briefs Chronological
- Justice Department announces first ever indictment...
- Generic Drug User Fees Reauthorization: A Victory ...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (10/16...
- HealthIT.gov | the official site for Health IT inf...
- La expresión 'infección' en un CI no puede ser 'un...
- Madrid: toma de contacto entre el nuevo consejero ...
- CESM, un sindicato entre la individualidad y el es...
- Renovar la tecnología sanitaria exigirá algo más q...
- Galicia: escaso impacto asistencial en la oleada d...
- Florentino Pérez Raya, nuevo presidente de Enferme...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Reasons providers overrode drug allergy alerts in ...
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award...
- Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality Improvement ...
- Creating a Culture of Safety and Quality Through A...
- Center for Health Care Human Factors. | AHRQ Patie...
- Diagnostic Excellence. | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- Americans' Experiences With Medical Errors and Vie...
- Getting Ahead of Harm Before It Happens: A Guide A...
- What can physicians do to help curb the opioid cri...
- Care transitions know-how not just for clinicians....
- Outcomes of concurrent operations: results from th...
- The weekend effect in hospitalized patients: a met...
- Outcomes in two Massachusetts hospital systems giv...
- Wide variation and overprescription of opioids aft...
- An electronic trigger based on care escalation to ...
- Lessons learned for reducing the negative impact o...
- Simulation training in obstetrics. | AHRQ Patient ...
- Intervening in interruptions: what exactly is the ...
- Team-based care: the changing face of cardiothorac...
- Increasing compliance with the World Health Organi...
- Identification and characterization of adverse dru...
- A communication training program to encourage spea...
- Recognition and prevention of nosocomial malnutrit...
- Reporting of perioperative adverse events by pedia...
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents on User fees, G...
- Press Announcements > FDA clears new robotically-a...
- What’s New for Biologics
- JOIN US THIS WEDNESDAY: New Webinar on Opioid Epid...
- ProMED-mail
- Public Health Grand Rounds Presents “Global Preven...
- FDA Law Blog: Judicial Efficiency: DEA’s Expanding...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New October 16, 2017
- Register for the Nov. 9 FDA Grand Rounds and find ...
- FDA publishes Draft Guidance for Industry: Post-Co...
- Live CE Webinar Sponsored by the Division of Drug ...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Comparison of HapMap and 1000 Genomes Reference Pa...
- Implementation of a study to examine the persisten...
- KRAS mutation testing in borderline ovarian tumors...
- Molecular and clinical profile of von Willebrand d...
- Tier Table Database
- No. 261-Prenatal Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy in...
- INGITE Network SPARK Toolbox (Supporting Practice ...
- PulseNet International: Vision for the implementat...
- Approaches to Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations: T...
- Implementation Science in Genomic Medicine: Why we...
- "My Plate is Full": Reasons for Declining a Geneti...
- Cost-effectiveness AND (genetic OR genomic) AND re...
- A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Multiplex PCR wit...
- Cost effectiveness analysis of HLA-B*58:01 genotyp...
- Detection of EGFR mutations in patients with non-s...
- Genomic newborn screening: public health policy co...
- Showing Value in Newborn Screening: Challenges in ...
- Cost-Effectiveness/Cost-Benefit Analysis of Newbor...
- Cost Effectiveness of Age-specific Screening Inter...
- BioEdge: Trump’s health department takes a pro-lif...
- BioEdge: ‘Human dignity’ is not ‘useless’
- BioEdge: If Trump moves on bioethics, what kind of...
- BioEdge: The emerging technology of ‘synthetic emb...
- BioEdge: Gene of the week: divorce
- Michigan mother jailed for refusing to vaccinate c...
- Nine out of ten Quebec caregivers support MAiD for...
- El jardín de un artífice de la estética con formas...
- Del quirófano al misterioso Egipto de los faraones...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (600)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (11066)
- ▼ octubre (500)
- 'Receta' enfermera: las graduadas no necesitarían ...
- Valencia: publicados los traslados de once especia...
- Galicia: Sanidad dice que los acuerdos dependen de...
- ¡Apártense, que vuelan drones! - DiarioMedico.com
- Reparar sin destruir - DiarioMedico.com
- ¿Cuánto dura un preoperatorio? - DiarioMedico.com
- Nadie nace enseñado - DiarioMedico.com
- EEUU: nuevo movimiento de Trump contra 'Obamacare'...
- El Gobierno recurre la ley catalana de asociacione...
- Sanidad actualizará las guías para la calidad de l...
- Primera reunión para revisar las 160 enmiendas a l...
- Un preoperatorio deficiente, causa de óbito en art...
- Condena por retrasar varios años el diagnóstico de...
- Álvarez responde a las denuncias de 'nombramientos...
- “Con un buen equipo sanitario al final de la vida,...
- Press Announcements > FDA clears new robotically-a...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Reminds Public that...
- Konica Minolta se hace con Ambry Genetics y avanza...
- CESIF convoca la II edición PAE sobre el Profesion...
- Nace Biotech Service, la nueva plataforma de inves...
- Baxter lanza la hemodiálisis extendida gracias a s...
- Todo a punto para el Congreso Nacional de Hematolo...
- El perfil del paciente 3.0 en España: Mujer, urban...
- La CEOE presenta el pacto que une a 12 organizacio...
- El SERGAS reduce los tiempos de diagnóstico de cán...
- Summary of REMS@FDA website updates for August and...
- Explore 1000+ Positions Nationwide! Where do you F...
- Press Announcements > FDA clears first 7T magnetic...
- Final Research Plan: Tobacco and Nicotine Use Prev...
- Health Literacy | Agency for Healthcare Research &...
- Supporting Learning Health Systems | Agency for He...
- The Imperative for Learning Health Systems to Addr...
- CDER New October 12, 2017
- Discerning the Perception and Impact of Patients I...
- How FDA ‘Triers’ and Food Sampling Have Prevented ...
- New AHRQ Training Program Helps Hospital Leaders, ...
- Requests for Reconsideration at the Division Level...
- What's New at CBER
- CIB: Annual Reassignments for Certain Low-Income S...
- MMWR Summary for October 13, 2017
- Oficina de Prensa | Comunicados de Prensa
- Determining Whether to Submit an ANDA or a 505(b)(...
- CDRH New Update
- Pressure Injury Prevention in Hospitals Training P...
- Conciliar la medicación del hospital y las nuevas ...
- Los sindicatos gallegos convocan el 2 y 3 de novie...
- El Sistema Europeo de Verificación de Medicamentos...
- El futuro de la contratación pública sanitaria. Lo...
- El PSOE pide un presupuesto finalista para la depe...
- Castilla y León aumenta su presupuesto sanitario -...
- CESM estudia llevar a cabo movilizaciones para pro...
- La OPE extraordinaria de Sanidad saldrá con 20.000...
- Paciente seguro, reto de los agentes sanitarios - ...
- Deep Genomics receives $13 million investment to c...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Tras apelar la medida, ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Asistencia las 24 horas
- FDA Law Blog: A Spark Points the Way Forward on Ge...
- FDA Law Blog: California Enacts Law to Increase Dr...
- Padres de niños con cáncer piden a la RAE que reco...
- Indukern se traslada de Barcelona a Madrid - Diari...
- El nuevo Hospital de Día Oncohematológico del Virg...
- New network of Parliamentary Advocates for Rare Di...
- Overlooked by ACA: Many people paying full price f...
- Despite boost in social security, rising Medicare ...
- First High-Alert Medication Safety Self Assessment...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #504: Differences in Payments fo...
- Primary Care Clinic Re-Design for Prescription Opi...
- Trends over time in enrollment in non-group health...
- Graduating Pediatric Residents Entering the Hospit...
- Querying stakeholders to inform comparative effect...
- Breast Reconstruction Surgeries After Mastectomies...
- Breast Reconstruction Surgery for Mastectomy in Ho...
- Querying stakeholders to inform comparative effect...
- The Project Protect Infection Prevention Fellowshi...
- Are You Paying Attention? Related Guidance on How ...
- Incidence, Predictors, and Outcomes of Hospital-Ac...
- Quantifying Antimicrobial Exposure: Hazards in Pop...
- Opioid Abuse And Poisoning: Trends In Inpatient An...
- Combatting Recurrent C diff and Other HAIs Through...
- Racial Disparities in Sepsis-Related In-Hospital M...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use |...
- CUSP Toolkit | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qu...
- Upcoming Webinars To Encourage Hospital Participat...
- Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) Tool...
- CANDOR Helped Significantly Reduce Patient Safety ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Announces Two Publi...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Derecho al agua
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Con una inversión de 10...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: El gobierno volverá a insis...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: No debe primar el exceso de...
- CDRH New Update
- Developing and Responding to Deficiencies in Accor...
- America’s abortion extremism | MercatorNet |Octob...
- NGC Update Service: October 9, 2017
- New American Gastroenterological Association Insti...
- The Endocrine Society
- Program in Evidence-based Care
- Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (10966)
- ▼ octubre (400)
- Rare Diseases Public Workshop
- CDER New October 10, 2017
- CDRH New Update
- Three Examples of Instagram in Action (Partner Spo...
- Upcoming Webinars for Hospitals Interested in AHRQ...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- Home - US Preventive Services Task Force
- Home - US Preventive Services Task Force
- Home - US Preventive Services Task Force
- Share Your Service - NHSC
- How to Score your next Primary Care Career.
- Webinar: State Solutions In Workforce
- Reminder: First meeting of FDA’s Patient Engagemen...
- Chartbook on Patient Safety | Agency for Healthcar...
- Chartbook on Rural Health Care | Agency for Health...
- Pressure Injury Prevention in Hospitals Training P...
- Breast Reconstruction Surgeries After Mastectomies...
- HCUP-US Home Page
- HCUP-US Home Page
- Time is Running Out! We Still Need Your Support!
- What’s New for Biologics
- “La gran innovación de la Medicina va a venir de l...
- Se publica la ‘Guía de Tumores Neuroendocrinos’ - ...
- Se crea un observatorio para analizar la situación...
- Navarra establece los requisitos para las ayudas d...
- La receta electrónica, que se completará durante 2...
- Vázquez Almuíña anuncia una reforma para evitar “l...
- “Los internistas reivindicamos ser el referente es...
- La equidad en el acceso a la innovación, asignatur...
- La ELA podría estar causada por hongos en el cereb...
- La S.E.N. pone el foco en el aumento de la prevale...
- “Las autoridades sanitarias continúan dándole prio...
- El Colegio de Médico de Burgos denuncia las condic...
- La salud sexual como clave en la Salud Mental : El...
- Aumenta el número de pacientes que recibe un trata...
- Nuevo acuerdo de colaboración entre la SEMG y la A...
- Encarna Cruz visita el Centro Global de Excelencia...
- Una de cada cuatro personas muere a causa de tromb...
- “Es fundamental certificar la sangre como medicame...
- Expertos reclaman una Estrategia Nacional de Medic...
- El Servicio Navarro de Salud aumenta su inversión ...
- La CEOE busca potenciar la colaboración público-pr...
- Los pacientes piden el fin de la subasta de medica...
- Innovaciones sanitarias, hacia un entorno sostenib...
- Elena Andradas: “La realidad sociodemográfica cond...
- “La OMC quiere que la formación se desligue totalm...
- IoT Cybersecurity Colloquium | NIST: Register now ...
- Get Ready for a Showdown! – The Secure API Server ...
- FDA Law Blog: CMS Abandons Pilot Program to Test A...
- FDA Law Blog: OIG Report on FDA’s Inspections of D...
- Prevención y actuación rápida para afrontar la mue...
- Un sistema de monitorización fetal de Philips faci...
- Las enfermedades cardiovasculares causan un tercio...
- Europa no debe imitar a EEUU en la orientación eco...
- Nefralia inicia un programa piloto para formar a p...
- El sector sanitario y farmacéutico aborda en Astur...
- Solo 4 de cada 10 empleados españoles cuenta con p...
- AULA FIR: 25 años formando a más de 2.500 farmacéu...
- Los pacientes tachan de muy graves las diferencias...
- Medicina de precisión para cambiar la historia del...
- El mayor peso de la dependencia debida a la cronic...
- October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement: New Survey L...
- FDA simplifies Institutional Review Board review r...
- CDER New October 3, 2017
- CFSAN Constituent Update: Taking a Look at the Rea...
- Clinical Pharmacology Corner: FDA Announces CDER L...
- FDA warns of risk of legal blindness with eye inje...
- FDA publishes two revised final guidances for indu...
- Un comité externo evaluará los dilemas éticos del ...
- Confirman la prisión por falsificar recetas con el...
- Un preoperatorio deficiente, causa de óbito en art...
- 'La evaluación de la formación continuada es muy c...
- Los factores socioeconómicos marcan diferencias en...
- Las autonomías se vacunan contra la guerra de la p...
- Cataluña: ¿qué pasaría si...? - DiarioMedico.com
- El 15 por ciento de las consultas médicas son excl...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Obras sociales provinci...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Coberturas médicas: los pac...
- Potentially blinding complication following intrao...
- Announcement: Special CDC-NIH Collaborative Webina...
- Job Complexity, Race, and Socioeconomic Status: Ex...
- Welcome to Corps Community Month 2017
- MQSA Insights > Good News for Public Health: Most ...
- ProMED-mail
- SaludOnNet - Bienvenido a la Healthvolution
- FDA Law Blog: FDA’s Getting a Complex
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Finalizes Guidance on Evaluation...
- Ensuring the Cybersecurity of Manufacturing System...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Data sharing - GTR - NCBI
- Data sharing - OMIM - NCBI
- Data sharing - PharmGKB
- Data sharing AND (genetic OR genomic) AND review -...
- Empty rhetoric over data sharing slows science
- Genomic medicine and data sharing
- BRCA Share: A Collection of Clinical BRCA Gene Var...
- Laboratory and clinical genomic data sharing is cr...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (10866)
- ▼ octubre (300)
- The Ohio Plan to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke ...
- NIH Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy
- Sharing genetic information
- BioEdge: An AI alternative to organised religion
- BioEdge: Embryo gene-editing in Canada: Ethicists ...
- BioEdge: Your genes for sale: shouldn’t you get a ...
- BioEdge: Children can write their own advance care...
- BioEdge: Cosmetic surgery clowning to be discourag...
- BioEdge: British man with motor neurone disease lo...
- BioEdge: Religions and embryos
- BioEdge: Bioethics in Nobel for Literature
- BioEdge: Sperm bank to add criminal check and thor...
- BioEdge: Will assisted suicide always provide a qu...
- ONC Annual Meeting 2017 | Newsroom | HealthIT.gov
- What's New at CBER
- Combatting Recurrent C diff and Other HAIs Through...
- Customizing Health IT to Support Physician Workflo...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA ► Los dolores de cabeza ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Aldo Neri ¿Por qué el siste...
- Precision Medicine and Health Disparities: Webinar...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Communication methods for end-of-rotation handoffs...
- Patient Safety Indicators Overview. | AHRQ Patient...
- Board Engagement in Quality Improvement and Patien...
- ISMP Medication Safety Self Assessment for High-Al...
- Handoff Communication. | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- Fall Prevention in Hospitals Training Program. | A...
- First, Do No Harm: Marshaling Clinician Leadership...
- Managing the Costs of Clinical Negligence in Trust...
- Promote a culture of safety with good catch report...
- Clinician perspectives on the management of abnorm...
- The effectiveness of nurse education and training ...
- The impact of electronic health records on diagnos...
- Improving reconciliation following medical injury:...
- Readiness of US general surgery residents for inde...
- Effectively leading for quality. | AHRQ Patient Sa...
- Evaluation of patient and family outpatient compla...
- Using a Delphi method to identify human factors co...
- Do safety culture scores in nursing homes depend o...
- Incidence and severity of prescribing errors in pa...
- Medication errors and trainees: advice for learner...
- Making patient safety event data actionable: under...
- 2nd National Patient Safety Office Conference. | A...
- Hyperbilirubinemia Refractory to Phototherapy | AH...
- High-Risk Medications, High-Risk Transfers | AHRQ ...
- Translating From Normal to Abnormal | AHRQ Patient...
- Health Care Worker Presenteeism: A Challenge for P...
- In Conversation With… Jeffrey Starke, MD | AHRQ Pa...
- New Study Describes Suicide Trends Among and Withi...
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents on Drugs, ICH-M...
- New Platform to Request pre-ANDA meetings
- FDA awards 15 grants for clinical trials to stimul...
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- CDER New October 5, 2017
- CFSAN Constituent Update - IFSAC Hosts a Webinar o...
- MMWR News Synopsis for October 5, 2017
- Qué órganismo valenciano protege al inmigrante en ...
- El informe del psicólogo no prueba el estado de sa...
- ¿Tributan los intereses de las acciones preferente...
- Novedades policiales frente a las agresiones al pe...
- Pacientes: Motor del cambio en el manejo óptimo de...
- Enfermería convoca elecciones para el 31 de octubr...
- CESM no descarta que Médicos de Cataluña reconside...
- 'Latidos que suman' kilómetros a cambio de desfibr...
- Yemen: los profesionales sanitarios llevan 1 año s...
- AXA compra el 33 por ciento de SaludOnNet - Diario...
- Herramienta para calcular las dosis de citostático...
- La inteligencia artificial triunfa en el South Sum...
- Romero: “La ley permitía descentralizar la sanidad...
- Valencia: aprobado el anteproyecto de ley de acomp...
- Sólo uno de cada tres nuevos fármacos oncológicos ...
- National Breast Cancer Awareness Month 3/3
- National Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2/3
- National Breast Cancer Awareness Month 1/3
- National Dental Hygiene Month
- National Down Syndrome
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Domestic Violence
- American Cancer Society
- American Optometric Association
- Society of Critical Care Medicine
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 39
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-18 ► Suicide Trends Among an...
- AHRQ Releases Two New Grantee Profiles: Susan Huan...
- Communicating Abbreviated New Drug Application Rev...
- NIH to fund Centers of Excellence on Minority Heal...
- New AHRQ report reviews promising strategies for i...
- Reminder to Register for AHRQ Webcast - CAHPS Movi...
- Epidemiology of Salmonella enterica Serotype Dubli...
- CDC - Podcasts
- Final Version of MONAHRQ 7 and New Data Files Avai...
- NEW! October CMS National Training Program Update
- CDRH New Update
- Reminder: FDA Webinar - Use of Real-World Evidence...
- FDA Drug Shortages (New and Updated)
- Reports (MQSA) > Mammography Facility Adverse Even...
- MercatorNet: 'Love is love' - the vacuous slogan o...
- FDA Law Blog: Join Our Team: HP&M Seeks Drug Devel...
- FDA Law Blog: Could The Delaney Clause Rear Its He...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (10766)
- ▼ octubre (200)
- News Release - PHE: HHS sponsors development of tw...
- News Release - PHE: HHS pursues reusable respirato...
- La Farmacia Hospitalaria aporta su músculo grupal ...
- Biogen cuenta con un nuevo director comercial en E...
- El Hospital Delfos y la aceleradora IncubHealth es...
- ZEISS muestra en Berlín el Futuro de la Optica
- La evolución de los comparadores de seguros médico...
- La Clínica Universidad de Navarra instala en su se...
- En 10 años no tendremos suficientes médicos para c...
- El Círculo de la Sanidad pide aumentar la profesio...
- Gynea, protagonista en el XVI Congreso de la Feder...
- MPS España celebra el XIII Congreso Internacional ...
- Los pacientes tachan de muy graves las diferencias...
- PP y PSOE exponen su compromiso por trabajar en el...
- Los grandes partidos descartan cualquier tipo de c...
- Testimony on the Federal Response to the Opioid Cr...
- Hospice Quality Reporting Program: New and Updated...
- Priority Review Vouchers/ Opioid Policy Steering C...
- Color Certification Reports > Report on the Certif...
- CMS National Training Program's Learning Series We...
- New Network Security Standards Will Protect Intern...
- New HECAT E-Learning Module Now Available
- The Tools You Need to Make Your Organization Healt...
- Newly Funded CDC Awards Advance Injury Prevention ...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Septie...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Septie...
- Newsletter Mensual de Derecho de la Salud - Septie...
- "III Jornadas Nacionales de Derecho de la Salud" "...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Por primera vez, el Hos...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Realizan la primera cirugía...
- FDA Law Blog: USDA Inspector General Determines Th...
- Recalls (Biologics) > CBER FY 2017 Recall Postings...
- CDC - September 2017 Edition - Public Health Law N...
- AHLA Distance Learning: Hot Topics at the Intersec...
- APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo (Nov. 4 - Nov. 8)
- FDA Drug Shortages (Updated)
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New October 3, 2017
- NLM VSAC Publishes 2018 Electronic Clinical Qualit...
- FDA Law Blog: Drug Manufacturers Shed No Tears Ove...
- In Ireland, David and Goliath meet again | Mercato...
- Defenders of the Unborn: the virtue of steadfastne...
- Trends in Opioid-related Inpatient Stays Shifted A...
- AHRQ Grantee Profiles | Agency for Healthcare Rese...
- Advancing Academic and Practical Knowledge To Prev...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- New Survey Looks at Patient Experiences with Medic...
- CAHPS home page | Agency for Healthcare Research &...
- Widening the Circle of Support for Learning Health...
- Next Steps to Improving Diagnostic Safety | Agency...
- Measuring the Cost of the Patient-Centered Medical...
- Treatment and Prevention of Depression and Anxiety...
- Stakeholders apply the GRADE evidence-to-decision ...
- Incorporating Patients' Social Determinants of Hea...
- The association of postoperative glycemic control ...
- Identifying Barriers to Delivering the Awakening a...
- The impact of home care nurses' numeracy and graph...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #504: Differences in Payments fo...
- CDRH New Update
- Se pone en marcha una encuesta mundial para concie...
- El 50 por ciento de los cuidadores de pacientes co...
- “Hemos superado los 340.000 donantes de médula óse...
- Expertos debaten sobre la aplicabilidad de la Medi...
- Expertos reclaman que el jefe de estudios tenga má...
- ICOMEM, AMYTS y AFEM en contra de que el gobierno ...
- La consejera andaluza aumentará los recursos de la...
- El PSOE pide aumentar las plazas MIR de las especi...
- El RD de precios y financiación será revisado en l...
- 40 años del Ministerio de Sanidad : El médico inte...
- Ministerio y Comunidades siguen sin pactar la fech...
- Elena Andradas: “No somos capaces de reconocer la ...
- Robert Patterson named DEA acting administrator
- FDA Law Blog: Commissioner Gottlieb’s Statement: “...
- Men Selling Babies @ the Brussels Hilton | Mercato...
- 2016 STD Surveillance Report: STDs Tighten Grip on...
- National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a Good T...
- TOMORROW! Getting Data Right — and Righteous to Im...
- NIMH » RDoC Webinar - Using the RDoC Framework in ...
- Drug Safety and Availability > Medication Guides
- MMWR Vol. 66 / Early Release
- Advisory Council 64th Meeting Agenda—October 6, 20...
- President Trump's statement on Down Syndrome Aware...
- Meet your Future Employer Without Leaving your Cou...
- CDER SBIA REdI Conference: Prescription Drug Label...
- FDA simplifies Institutional Review Board review r...
- It's National Health IT Week
- ¿Será más yatrogénica la medicina del futuro? - Di...
- Indemnizan por una 'exploración insuficiente' en u...
- Aval judicial a la praxis que no detectó el síndro...
- La candidata española para la vacuna contra la TB ...
- 'Harmony' ya tiene ecosistema y 'software' - Diari...
- La biotecnológica Oryzon se traslada de Barcelona ...
- La tetravalente contra el meningococo pasa de hosp...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: “III Jornadas Nacionale...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Al desamparo de la salud
- Public Comment Opportunity: Draft guideline and sy...
- Expanded Access: FDA Describes Efforts to Ease App...
- FDA Publishes Two New Draft Guidances for Industry...
- Executive Summary Available: Human Abuse Liability...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ octubre (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (10666)
- ▼ octubre (100)
- Important Recent FDA Actions to Support Complex Ge...
- NetConference Registration
- Register now! Understanding Parent Questions about...
- New Publication from the National Evaluation
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Jornada "Bioética y su ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: El Gobierno y la CGT buscan...
- President Trump Continues PACHA | HIV.gov
- Don Wright Designated Acting Secretary of the U.S....
- Advancing Academic and Practical Knowledge To Prev...
- Widening the Circle of Support for Learning Health...
- CDER New October 3, 2017
- Obstinación terapéutica y Eutanasia | Observatorio...
- Aspectos económicos de la donación de ovocitos y e...
- La batalla legal del aborto en Estados Unidos | Ob...
- Legislar contra el menor y contra el sentido común...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- FDA Law Blog: HHS Will Delay 340B Final Rule Imple...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Finalizes Product Classification...
- Reducing the Hurdles for Complex Generic Drug Deve...
- China’s regional fertility | MercatorNet |October ...
- La farmacopea del Nuevo Mundo que cambió la Medici...
- El CEEM urge a Sanidad a ratificar la elección úni...
- La evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias mejora, pe...
- Cantabria, Valencia y Murcia, las que más tardan e...
- El futuro del seguro de la RC sanitaria está en la...
- Publicada la condena por eutanasia a miembros de D...
- Icomem, Amyts y AFEM, contra la propuesta del IDIS...
- Andalucía promete una mejor primaria y 'mayor resp...
- Todos los hospitales madrileños incluirán asistenc...
- Sanidad actualiza el Fondo de Cohesión Sanitaria -...
- Proyecto 'Indica + Pro': el farmacéutico comunitar...
- 'Hay docentes que se sienten solos cuando tratan c...
- Médicos de Cataluña se suma a la huelga general de...
- Paros en Cataluña: los servicios mínimos sanitario...
- National Cyber Security Awareness Month | NIST
- DOJ Webinar: Justice and Compassion: Empowering Fa...
- Latest Perspectives | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Latest WebM&M Issue | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Common computerized provider order entry errors. |...
- The development and implementation of checklists i...
- Errors in diagnosis of spinal epidural abscesses i...
- Nil per os orders for imaging: a teachable moment....
- Incidence and trends of sepsis in US hospitals usi...
- A systematic review of the effectiveness of interr...
- An appeal for evidence-based resident duty hours r...
- Overtreatment in the United States. | AHRQ Patient...
- Can residents detect errors in technique while obs...
- Nature of blame in patient safety incident reports...
- Using simulation to improve systems. | AHRQ Patien...
- Development of the barriers to error disclosure as...
- Learning from incidents in health care: critique f...
- Risk factors for patient-reported errors during ca...
- Medication errors in injured patients. | AHRQ Pati...
- Hospital safety climate and safety behavior: a soc...
- Improving Diagnostic Quality and Safety Final Repo...
- Simulation in Otolaryngology. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- Health Care Facility Design Safety Risk Assessment...
- VA hospitals flooded with complaints about care. |...
- IHI National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healt...
- Diagnostic Error in Medicine 10th International Co...
- ISQua's 34rd International Conference. | AHRQ Pati...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New October 2, 2017
- FDA Drug Shortages (New)
- A este ritmo, la tuberculosis seguirá matando hast...
- Un error legal deja con un pie en la calle a decen...
- ProMED-mail
- FDA Law Blog: FDLI’s Introduction to U.S. Food Law...
- FDA Law Blog: ACI's Food Law Regulation Boot Camp
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Proposes Jan. 1, 2020 as New Com...
- Public Health Surveillance
- CDC - Bring Your Brave - Health Care Provider Educ...
- Nursing & Genomic Medicine
- Nursing & Genomic Medicine
- Nursing & Genomic Medicine
- Nursing & Genomic Medicine
- Nursing & Genomic Medicine
- Advances in the diagnosis of hereditary kidney can...
- Committee Opinion No. 716 Summary: The Role of the...
- A Pilot Study of Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of...
- NIH seeks comment on proposal to update data manag...
- Trends and Factors Affecting Utilization of BRCA T...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Our genes, our selves: hereditary breast cancer an...
- The ethics of genome editing in the clinic: A dose...
- Exploring the potential duty of care in clinical g...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- BioEdge: US Congress ponders assisted suicide
- Organ donation and recipient information
- BioEdge: Medical staff punished after privacy brea...
- BioEdge: 40 years after, Scottish mother still mou...
- BioEdge: Costa Rica becoming hub for global organ ...
- Coma victims, PVS patients, and waking the dead
- Ireland to vote on abortion in 2018
- BioEdge: Are drug addicts responsible or helpless ...
- Medical and humanitarian aid in Myanmar
- BioEdge: When a ‘good death’ was often painful
- ► septiembre (1132)
- ▼ octubre (100)


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