miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Articles of Interest, January 4, 2013

Articles of Interest, January 4, 2013

Articles of Interest

January 4, 2013

This weekly compilation of articles appearing in recently released journals and newsletters includes:
  • Articles funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) or authored by AHRQ researchers.
  • Articles mentioning or discussing AHRQ staff, activities, and publications/products.
  • Articles related to AHRQ-funded Evidence-based Practice Centers.
  • Articles related to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force or Put Prevention into Practice program.
  • Articles mentioning the National Healthcare Disparities Report and National Healthcare Quality Report.
  • Other research using AHRQ data or products.

AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles

AJNR. American Journal of Neuroradiology
Souza LC, Yoo AJ, Chaudhry ZA, et al. Malignant CTA collateral profile is highly specific for large admission DWI infarct core and poor outcome in acute stroke. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2012 Aug; 33(7):1331-6. [Supported in part by grant R01 HS11392.] Select to access the abstract.
American Journal of Surgery
Altom LK, Deierhoi RJ, Grams J, et al. Association between Surgical Care Improvement Program venous thromboembolism measures and postoperative events. Am J Surg 2012 Nov; 204(5):591-7. [Supported in part by grant T32 HS13852.] Select to access the abstract.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Downs JA, van Dam GJ, Changalucha JM, et al. Association of schistosomiasis and HIV infection in Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012 Nov; 87(5):868-73. [Supported in part by grant T32 HS00066.] Select to access the abstract.
Archives of Internal Medicine
Kesselheim AS, Misono AS, Shrank WH, et al. Variations in pill appearance of antiepileptic drugs and the risk of nonadherence. Arch Intern Med 2012 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print. Supported in part by grant K08 HS18465-01 (to first author); refer to comments by Covinsky and by Yu and Geba (both in Arch Intern Med, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.
Arthritis Care and Research
Curtis JR, Xie F, Chen L, et al. Use of a disease risk score to compare serious infections associated with anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy among high- versus lower-risk rheumatoid arthritis patients. Arthritis Care Res 2012 Oct; 64(10):1480-9. [Supported in part by grant R01 HS18517.] Select to access the abstract.
Goode AP, Marshall SW, Renner JB, et al. Lumbar spine radiographic features and demographic, clinical, and radiographic knee, hip, and hand osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res 2012 Oct; 64(10):1536-44. [Supported in part by Comparative Effectiveness Career Development Award grant K12 HS19479-01.] Select to access the abstract.
Palmsten K, Hernández-Díaz S, Kuriya B, Solomon DH, Setoguchi S. Use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs during pregnancy and risk of preeclampsia. Arthritis Care Res 2012 Nov; 64(11):1730-8. [Supported in part by Mid-career Development Award grant K02 HS17731 and grant R01 HS18533 (to last author).] Select to access the abstract.
Behavior Modification
Ellard KK, Deckersbach T, Sylvia LG, Nierenberg AA, et al. Transdiagnostic treatment of bipolar disorder and comorbid anxiety with the Unified Protocol: a clinical replication series. Behav Modif 2012 Jul; 36(4):482-508. [Supported by in part by grant 1 R01 HS193710 (to fourth author, attributed to NIMH); acknowledges receipt of previous AHRQ funding by fourth author.] Select to access the abstract.
Pollack CE, Platz EA, Bhavsar NA, et al. Primary care providers' perspectives on discontinuing prostate cancer screening. Cancer 2012 Nov 15; 118(22):5518-24. [Supported in part by training grant T32 HS19488 (to third author); discusses USPSTF 2011 draft recommendations and earlier 2008 recommendations on screening for prostate cancer and possible impacts of the study's conduct relative to release of the later USPSTF recommendations" citing AHRQ-funded/authored article by Wilt et al. (last author is Steven Fox, a former AHRQ researcher) (Contemp Clin Trials, 2009) on the PIVOT VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program 407 and related articles by Chou and LeFevre (co-chair of the USPSTF) (JAMA, 2011), Hall et al. (J Gen Intern Med, 2011, and Lewis et al. (Med Decis Making, 2008); cites AHRQ publication, Defining the PCMH, as published on AHRQ"s Patient Centered Medical Home Resource Center Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Genetics in Medicine
Wallace BC, Small K, Brodley CE, Lau J, Schmid CH, Bertram L, Lill CM, Cohen JT, Trikalinos TA. Toward modernizing the systematic review pipeline in genetics: efficient updating via data mining. Genet Med 2012 Jul; 14(7):663-9. [Supported by grant R01 HS18494 (to first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and last authors); discusses time requirements for  AHRQ comparative effectiveness reviews and guidance on systematic review conduct, citing several AHRQ-authored and other articles on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program; cites USPSTF-sponsored article by Harris et al. (Am J Prev Med, 2001); all on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program.] Select to access the abstract.
Health Care for Women International
Padden DL, Connors RA, Posey SM, Ricciardi R, et al. Factors influencing a health promoting lifestyle in spouses of active duty military. Health Care Women Int 2012 Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print. Fourth author is a researcher in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships.]
Health Psychology
Keller A, Litzelman K, Wisk LE, Maddox T, Cheng ER, Creswell PD, et al. Does the perception that stress affects health matter? The association with health and mortality. Health Psychol 2012 Sep; 31(5):677-84. [Supported in part by pre-doctoral National Research Service Award (NRSA) training grant T32 HS00083 (to third and sixth authors, principal investigator is Smith).] Select to access the abstract.
International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine
Paczynski RP, Alexander GC, Chinchilli VM, et al. Quality of evidence in drug compendia supporting off-label use of typical and atypical antipsychotic medications. Int J Risk Saf Med 2012 Jan 1; 24(3):137-46. [Supported by grant R01 HS189960 (to second author); notes AHRQ's support of "studies examining the status of medical compendia regarding off-label therapies used to treat cancers," citing AHRQ technology assessment/white paper Potential Conflict of Interest in the Production of Drug Compendia, 2009.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Adolescent Health
Woodward JF, Swigonski NL, Ciccarelli MR. Assessing the health, functional characteristics, and health needs of youth attending a noncategorical transition support program. J Adolesc Health 2012 Sep; 51(3):272-8. [Supported in part by training grant T32 HS17588-02 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Jones WS, Patel MR, Dai D, et al. Temporal trends and geographic variation of lower-extremity amputation in patients with peripheral artery disease: results from U.S. Medicare 2000-2008. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012 Nov 20; 60(21):2230-6. [Supported in part by cooperative agreement grant U19 HS21092; uses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
Anderson JB, Czosek RJ, Knilans TK, et al. Postoperative heart block in children with common forms of congenital heart disease: results from the KID database. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2012 Dec; 23(12):1349-54. [Supported by grant U18 HS16957-03; uses 2000-2009 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) data, citing HCUP KID Database Documentation, 2009, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Healthcare Management
Pine M, Sonneborn M, Schindler J, et al. Harnessing the power of enhanced data for healthcare quality improvement: lessons from a Minnesota Hospital Association pilot project. J Healthc Manag 2012 Nov-Dec; 57(6):406-18; discussion 419-20. [Supported by contracts HHSA 290-2006-00009-C (to Healthcare Business of Thomas Reuters, now Truven Health Analytics) and HHSA 290-2007-10080 (to the Minnesota Hospital Association); describes the background, goals,  conduct, and outcomes of the AHRQ-funded Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA) Pilot Project, citing MHA press release, MHA and AHRQ Contract to Enhance Data for Quality Studies, 2007, as published on the MHA Web site, and AHRQ publication, Enhancing the Clinical Content of Administrative Data—Laboratory Data Toolkit: Background, 2010, and AHRQ-sponsored report, Adding Clinical Data to Statewide Administrative Data: Pilot Project, 2010, both published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; mentions MHA's participation in the HCUP Partnership, citing the user support landing page of AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and its offer of "access to severity-adjusted AHRQ Quality Indicators and some evaluation of the quality of POA Indicators" as participant incentives.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
Memtsoudis SG, Bombardieri AM, Ma Y, et al. Mortality of patients with respiratory insufficiency and adult respiratory distress syndrome after surgery: the obesity paradox. J Intensive Care Med 2012 Sep-Oct; 27(5):306-11. [Supported in part by Centers for Education and Research in Therapeutics (CERTs) grant RFA HS00514; uses HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS), citing, respectively, Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2006, HCUP Publications Search, 2008, and Clinical Classifications Software for Services and Procedures, 2009, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses the Charlson comorbidity index as described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992), and methodologies described in AHRQ-funded article by Memtsoudis et al. (Anesthesiology, 2009), which uses HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics
Kaplan C, Zhang Y. Assessing the comparative-effectiveness of antidepressants commonly prescribed for depression in the US Medicare population. J Ment Health Policy Econ 2012 Dec; 15(4):171-8. [Supported in part by grant R01 HS18657.]
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs
Wilt TJ. The Prostate Cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial: VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program #407 (PIVOT): Design and Baseline Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Radical Prostatectomy With Watchful Waiting for Men With Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):184-90. [Supported in part by AHRQ, grant number not given; describes study methodologies of Prostate Cancer Intervention versus Observation Trial (PIVOT), VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program 407 enrollees, and compares this study to men declining enrollment or participating in a recent Scandinavia study; cites AHRQ-authored article by Wilt et al. (Contemp Clin Trials, 2009) on the PIVOT program; gives data on number of radical prostatectomies performed annually as accessed from the HCUP landing page on the AHRQ Web site; cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Wilt et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2008) by on the comparative effectiveness and harms of treatments for clinically localized prostate cancer, prepared by the Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract 290-02-0009.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Clancy CM. New hospital readmission policy links financial and quality incentives. J Nurs Care Qual 2013 Jan-Mar; 28(1):1-4. [Author is AHRQ director; mentions that AHRQ's development of tools and resources related to factors leading to frequent readmissions; discusses the AHRQ-funded initiatives Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) (citing AHRQ-funded article by Jack et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2009) and the Project RED Training Program, 2011, as published on the AHRQ Web site), Project BOOST (Better Outcomes for Older adults through Safe Transitions), AHRQ's Patient Safety Organizations (citing Geographic Directory of Listed Patient Safety Organizations, as published on AHRQ's Patient Safety Organizations (PSO) Web site), Common Formats (citing Common Formats, as published on AHRQ's PSO Web site), and Common Format for Readmissions, citing Comments on the Common Formats Readmissions Version 0.1 Beta and Version 1.2 (Hospitals), 2012, as published on the National Quality Forum Web site.]
Journal of Psychopharmacology
West JC, Rae DS, Mojtabai R, et al. Clinically unintended medication switches and inability to prescribe preferred medications under Medicare Part D. J Psychopharmacol 2012 Jun; 26(6):784-93. [Supported in part by grant U18 HS16097 (under subcontract to Rutgers University's Center for Education and Research on Mental Health Therapeutics).] Select to access the abstract.
Medical Care
Rubinson L, Mutter R, Viboud C, Hupert N, Uyeki T, Creanga A, Finelli L, Iwashyna TJ, Carr B, Merchant R, Katikineni D, Vaughn F, Clancy C, et al. Impact of the Fall 2009 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic on U.S. hospitals. Med Care 2013 Jan 3. [Epub ahead of print. Second and thirteenth authors are a researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets and the AHRQ director, respectively; links 2009 HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) and State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD) data (both accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site) with the CDC's Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Program data, citing HCUP Databases, 2003-2009, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses the Elixhauser version of the HCUP Comorbidity Software Version 3.5, 2010, and the State Inpatient Quality Indicator module of the AHRQ Quality Indicator Software, Version 4.2, citing AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998), "Table 2, "Definitions of Comorbidities, Comorbidity Software version 3.5 / 2010" in Comorbidity Software, Version 3.5, 2010 (as published on the AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and "IQI #15: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Mortality Rate" in AHRQ Quality Indicators: Inpatient Quality Indicators, Technical Specifications, Version 4.2, 2010, as published on AHRQ's Quality Indicators Web site; also uses the All Patient Refined DRG (APR-DRG) severity of illness subclass, citing NIS Description of Data Elements, as published on the AHRQ's HCUP Web site; cites AHRQ publication, Frequency and Costs of Hospital Admissions for Injury, 2004, HCUP Statistical Brief 18, 2006 (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site).] Select to access the abstract.
Medical Physics
Kim HS, Park SB, Lo SS, et al. Bidirectional local distance measure for comparing segmentations. Med Phys 2012 Nov; 39(11):6779-90. [Supported in part by grant 5 R18 HS17424.] Select to access the abstract.
Medicare and Medicaid Research Review
Bernard D, Cowan C, Selden T, et al. Reconciling medical expenditure estimates from the MEPS and NHEA, 2007. Medicare Medicaid Res Rev 2012; 2(4):E1-E20. [First and third authors are researchers in AHRQ's Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends; compares 2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data to 2007 National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) data, citing MEPS HC-118A: 2008 Prescribed Medicines, 2010, MEPS HC-113: 2007 Full Year Consolidated Data File, 2009, and AHRQ publication, Design, Methods, and Field Results of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Medical Provider Component (MEPS MPC)—2006 Calendar Year Data, MEPS Methodology Report 23, 2008, (all published on AHRQ's MEPS Web site), and Sample Design of the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component, MEPS Methodology Report 2, 1997; cites AHRQ working papers Validity of Household Reports of Medicare-covered Home Health Agency Use, 2009, Medicare-MEPS Validation Study: A Comparison of Hospital and Physician Expenditures, 2008, Validating the Collection of Separately Billed Doctor Expenditures for Hospital Services: Results from the Medicare-MEPS Validation Study, 2008, and How Medicaid Enrollment Estimates from MEPS Compare with Administrative Totals, 2006.]
Pediatric Clinics of North America
Griswold S, Ponnuru S, Nishisaki A, et al. The emerging role of simulation education to achieve patient safety: translating deliberate practice and debriefing to save lives. Pediatr Clin North Am 2012 Dec; 59(6):1329-40. [Supported in part by grant R03 1 HS21583-01 (Evaluating Safety and Quality of Tracheal Intubation in Pediatric ICUs, to first author); describes the use of AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS training program as presented in AHRQ-funded article by Riley et al. (Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf, 2011) and article by Capella et al. (J Surg Educ, 2010); cites AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS®: National Implementation Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
PLoS One
Lasky T, Greenspan J, Ernst FR, et al. Pediatric vancomycin use in 421 hospitals in the United States, 2008. PLoS One 2012; 7(8):e43258. [Supported by grant R03 HS17998 (Measuring Pediatric Inpatient Use, to first author, also the principal investigator); uses 2006 HCUP KID data to validate and compare "the Premier sample of hospitalizations", and uses 3M™ All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR-DRG).] Select to access the abstract.
Progress in Transplantation
Moore DR, Feurer ID, Zaydfudim V, et al. Evaluation of living kidney donors: variables that affect donation. Prog Transplant 2012 Dec; 22(4):385-92. [Supported by Institutional National Research Service Award grant T32 HS13833.] Select to access the abstract.
Dorflinger L, Auerbach SM, Siminoff LA. The interpersonal process in tissue donation requests with "undecided" next of kin. Prog Transplant 2012 Dec; 22(4):427-35. [Supported by grant R01 HS13152 (Understanding Consent to Tissue Donation).] Select to access the abstract.
Qualitative Health Research
Sandelowski M, Leeman J. Writing usable qualitative health research findings. Qual Health Res 2012 Oct; 22(10):1404-13. [Supported by grant K12 HS19468 (to second author, for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Mentored Career Development Program in Comparative Effectiveness).] Select to access the abstract.
Quality in Primary Care
Shaikh U, Nettiksimmons J, Joseph JG, et al. Clinical practice and variation in care for childhood obesity at seven clinics in California. Qual Prim Care 2012; 20(5):335-44. [Supported by Career Development Award grant K08 HS18567 (to first author); uses items from the Promoting Health Development Survey designed by the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, citing Child Health Care Quality Toolbox: Established Child Health Care Quality Measures—Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative: Promoting Healthy Development Survey, 2006, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Graves JM, Fulton-Kehoe D, Martin DP, et al. Factors associated with early magnetic resonance imaging utilization for acute occupational low back pain: a population-based study from Washington State workers' compensation. Spine 2012 Sep 1; 37(19):1708-18. [Supported in part by grant R01 HS19222-01.] Select to access the abstract.
Southern Medical Journal
Carvajal DN, Burrell L, Duggan AK, et al. Repeat pregnancy prevention self-efficacy in adolescents: associations with provider communication, provider type, and depression. South Med J 2012 Nov; 105(11):591-7. [Supported in part by grant T32 HS17596 (to first author); notes the close similarity of the Ambulatory Care Experiences Survey communication questions with those in AHRQ's Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) survey, citing AHRQ's CAHPS Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

AHRQ-Related Articles

American Journal of Public Health
Holl JL, Oh EH, Yoo J, et al. Effects of welfare and maternal work on recommended preventive care utilization among low-income children. Am J Public Health 2012 Dec; 102(12):2274-9. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Selden (Pediatrics, 2006), which uses 2000-2002 MEPS data.] Select to access the abstract.
DuBois JM, Beskow L, Campbell J, et al. Restoring balance: a consensus statement on the protection of vulnerable research participants. Am J Public Health 2012 Dec; 102(12):2220-5. [Briefly discusses AHRQ's  Researcher's Certification of Consent and Authorization in AHRQ publication The AHRQ Informed Consent and Authorization Toolkit for Minimal Risk Research, 2009, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Archives of Internal Medicine
Naik AD. On the road to patient centeredness. Arch Intern Med 2012 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print. Comments on article by Ratanawongsa et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2012) cited in Research by Others Using AHRQ Data or Products.]
Covinsky KE. Debating effect sizes. Arch Intern Med 2012 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print. Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Kesselheim et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.]
Yu LX, Geba GP. Generic pills from the patient perspective: dressed for success? Arch Intern Med 2012 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print. Comments on AHRQ-funded articles by Kesselheim et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles and Greene and Kesselheim (N Engl J Med, 2011).]
GAO Reports
Kohn L. CMS Innovation Center: early implementation efforts suggest need for additional actions to help ensure coordination with other CMS offices. GAO Reports 2012 Nov; GAO-13-12. [Mentions the CMS Innovation Center's selection of cost and quality measures that were developed or endorsed by AHRQ and other national organizations.]
Health Data Management
Goedert J. Mobile apps help providers tackle health consumerism: mobile consumer apps have exploded in popularity, and providers are trying to ride the wave. Health Data Manag 2013 Jan; 21(1):18-24. [Describes an AHRQ-funded clinical trial conducted by the Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group to assess the impact of mobile device utilization on outcomes in patients with uncontrolled diabetes, citing AHRQ-funded article by Tang et al. (J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2012), and quotes the third author of this study, Chan A.]
Journal of Healthcare Management
Rosenau PV, Lal LS, Lako C. Managing pay for performance: aligning social science research with budget predictability. J Healthc Manag 2012 Nov-Dec; 57(6):391-404; discussion 404-5. [Gives AHRQ's definition of pay-for-performance payment systems, citing Pay for Performance (P4P): AHRQ Resources, 2012, as published on the AHRQ Web site; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Blustein et al. (Health Aff, 2011) and Werner et al. (Health Aff, 2011).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs
Carter HB. Active surveillance for prostate cancer: an underutilized opportunity for reducing harm. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):175-83. [Cites AHRQ-funded/authored article by Wilt et al. (last author is Steven Fox, a former AHRQ researcher) (Contemp Clin Trials, 2009) on the PIVOT VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program 407.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Dellefield ME, Kelly A, Schnelle JF. Quality assurance and performance improvement in nursing homes: using evidence-based protocols to observe nursing care processes in real time. J Nurs Care Qual 2013 Jan-Mar; 28(1):43-51. [Discusses "process observation" as defined by AHRQ, citing The CAHPS® Quality Improvement Guide: Tools and Techniques for Diagnosing Performance Problems, as published on AHRQ's CAHPS Web site; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Werner and Konetzka (Health Aff, 2010) and Resnick et al. (Nurs Res, 2007).] Select to access the abstract.
Paixão Nunes CF, Andreoli PB, Ferracini FT, et al. A survey of medication error prevalence in a Brazilian health center. J Nurs Care Qual 2013 Jan-Mar; 28(1):92-7. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Pronovost et al. (Crit Care Clin, 2005) and Rothschild et al. (Crit Care Med, 2005).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Women's Health
Stevens L, Nolan M, Greenberger P. Sequestration is a women's health issue. J Womens Health 2012 Dec; 21(12):1219-21. [Discusses 2013 budgetary impacts to AHRQ and other federal agencies from sequestration, citing Budget Estimates for Appropriations Committees, Fiscal Year 2012: Performance Budget Submission for Congressional Justification, 2011, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Rehabilitation Nursing
Dossa A, Bokhour B, Hoenig H. Care transitions from the hospital to home for patients with mobility impairments: patient and family caregiver experiences. Rehabil Nurs 2012 Nov-Dec; 37(6):277-85. [Cites AHRQ publication, Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation, Volume 1: Research Findings, 2005; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Arora et al. (J Hosp Med, 2010), Bayliss et al. (Fam Pract, 2008), and Naylor et al. (J Healthc Qual, 2006).] Select to access the abstract.
Simulation in Healthcare
Huang GC, Sacks H, Devita M, et al. Characteristics of simulation activities at North American medical schools and teaching hospitals: an AAMC-SSH-ASPE-AACN collaboration. Simul Healthc 2012 Dec; 7(6):329-33. [Mentions AHRQ's allocation of more than $9 million in two grant cycles to support simulation research, citing AHRQ press release "AHRQ Awards More Than $5 Million To Study the Safe Delivery of Health Care Through Medical Simulation," 2006 (as published on the AHRQ Archive Web site), and AHRQ Request for Applications (RFA) Improving Patient Safety through Simulation Research (R18), 2010, as published on the National Institutes of Health Office of Extramural Research Grants Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Townsend Letter
Tano B. Effects of hormones in adult-onset allergies. Townsend Letter 2012 Dec; (353):78-84. [Mentions HCUP data on adult-onset allergic rhinitis, asthma, and urticaria in women and men.]

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles

American Family Physician
Nguyen GT, Cronholm PF. The annual pelvic examination: preventive time not well spent. Am Fam Physician 2013 Jan 1; 87(1):8-9. [Cites USPSTF reaffirmation recommendations on screening for ovarian cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2012) and recommendations on screening for cervical cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2012, and Obstet Gynecol, 2012).]
Ewald E, Kiesel E. Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip in newborns. Am Fam Physician 2013 Jan 1; 87(1):10-11. [Discusses USPSTF recommendations on screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (Pediatrics, 2006).]
Riley M, Dobson M, Jones E, et al. Health maintenance in women. Am Fam Physician 2013 Jan 1; 87(1):30-7. [Reviews and summarizes USPSTF recommendations on services promoting health in asymptomatic women, including USPSTF recommendation statements, Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse, 2012, Screening for HIV, 2012, Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adults, 2012, Screening for and Management of Obesity in Adults, 2012, Screening for Cervical Cancer, 2012, Screening for Ovarian Cancer, 2012, Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation to Prevent Cancer and Osteoporotic Fractures, 2012, Screening for Osteoporosis, 2011, Counseling and Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use and Tobacco-Caused Disease in Adults and Pregnant Women, 2009, Screening for Depression in Adults, 2009, Folic Acid for the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects, 2009, Aspirin for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, 2009, Screening for Breast Cancer, 2009 (which is also listed as an information source for eTable A, "Summary of Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines for Average-Risk Women"), Screening for Illicit Drug Use, 2008, Behavioral Counseling to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2008, Screening for Colorectal Cancer, 2008, Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults, 2008, Screening for Lipid Disorders in Adults, 2008, Screening for High Blood Pressure in Adults, 2007, Screening for Chlamydial Infection, 2007, Screening for Gonorrhea, 2005, and Screening for Syphilis Infection, 2004, all published on the USPSTF Web site; cites USPSTF-sponsored systematic review on screening women for intimate partner violence (Ann Intern Med, 2012) and updated meta-analysis on vitamin D with or without calcium supplementation for prevention of cancer and fractures (Ann Intern Med, 2011); cites article by Committee on Practice Bulletins—Gynecology (Obstet Gynecol, 2012) cited below in this section; cites AHRQ-funded meta-analysis by Pignone, Phillips, and Mulrow (BMJ, 2000) on the use of lipid lowering drugs for primary prevention of coronary heart disease, prepared by the RTI-University of North Carolina EPC under contract 290-97-0011.] Select to access the abstract.
Walker JJ, Cleveland LM, Davis JL, et al. Audiometry screening and interpretation. Am Fam Physician 2013 Jan 1; 87(1):41-7. [Briefly discusses USPSTF recommendation statement Screening for Hearing Loss in Older Adults, 2012, as published on the USPSTF Web site; uses AHRQ evidence reports and National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) as data sources.] Select to access the abstract.
American Journal of Public Health
Chatterjee NA, He Y, Keating NL. Racial differences in breast cancer stage at diagnosis in the mammography era. Am J Public Health 2013 Jan; 103(1):170-6. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for breast cancer and associated evidence update by Nelson et al. (both in Ann Intern Med, 2012).] Select to access the abstract.
Annals of Internal Medicine
Moyer VA; on behalf of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force*. Menopausal hormone therapy for the primary prevention of chronic conditions: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med 2012 Jan 1; 158(1):47-54. [Updates 2005 USPSTF recommendation statement on hormone therapy for the prevention of chronic conditions in postmenopausal women, citing USPSTF-sponsored systematic review update on menopausal hormone therapy for the primary prevention of chronic conditions (Ann Intern Med, 2012); cites findings from USPSTF-sponsored evidence synthesis, Menopausal Hormone Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Chronic Conditions: Systematic Review to Update the 2002 and 2005 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations, 2012, and USPSTF recommendations on screening for osteoporosis (Ann Intern Med, 2011) and chemoprevention of breast cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2002); responds to public comments on the draft version of this recommendation; cites findings from AHRQ comparative effectiveness review, Nonsurgical Treatments for Urinary Incontinence in Adult Women: Diagnosis and Comparative Effectiveness, 2012, as published on the National Library of Medicine's NCBI Bookshelf; lists USPSTF grade definitions in Appendix Table 1, What the USPSTF Grades Mean and Suggestions for Practice, and USPSTF levels of certainty regarding net benefit in Appendix Table 2, Levels of Certainty Regarding Net Benefit.] Select to access the abstract.
Baker DW, Qaseem A, Reynolds PP, et al. Design and use of performance measures to decrease low-value services and achieve cost-conscious care. Ann Intern Med 2012 Jan 1; 158(1):55-9. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for colorectal cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2008); cites articles by Owens et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2011, which mentions AHRQ-funded EPCs and systematic reviews), and Chou et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2011, which cites findings from the before mentioned article); cites AHRQ technical review, Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies: Volume 4—Antibiotic Prescribing Behavior.] Select to access the abstract.
Kaplan HG, Malmgren JA. The breast cancer overdiagnosis conundrum: an oncologist's viewpoint. Ann Intern Med 2013 Jan 1; 158(1):60-1. [Briefly discusses USPSTF recommendations on screening for breast cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2009).]
Guallar E, Manson JE, Laine C, et al. Postmenopausal hormone therapy: the heart of the matter. Ann Intern Med 2013 Jan 1; 158(1):69-70. [Comments on updated USPSTF recommendations on menopausal hormone therapy for the primary prevention of chronic conditions cited above in this section; cites USPSTF-sponsored systematic review update on menopausal hormone therapy for the primary prevention of chronic conditions (Ann Intern Med, 2012).]
Summaries for Patients. Menopausal hormone therapy to prevent chronic conditions: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med 2013 Jan 1; 158(1):I-34. [Summarizes updated USPSTF recommendations on menopausal hormone therapy for the primary prevention of chronic conditions cited above in this section.]
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Pringsheim T, Gorman D. Second-generation antipsychotics for the treatment of disruptive behaviour disorders in children: a systematic review. Can J Psychiatry 2012 Dec; 57(12):722-7. [Uses USPSTF quality of evidence criteria for evaluating the methodological quality of selected studies, citing USPSTF-sponsored article by Harris et al. (Am J Prev Med, 2001).]
Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Hezelgrave NL, Rajasingham D, Shennan AH, et al. Mild gestational diabetes: towards a redefined threshold? Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab 2012 Nov; 7(6):669-76. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for gestational diabetes mellitus and associated systematic review by Hillier et al. (both in Ann Intern Med, 2008).]
Integrative Medicine Alert
Quick M, Kiefer D. Do multivitamins prevent cancer in men? Integr Med Alert 2012 Dec; Online. [Cites USPSTF recommendation statement Routine Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease, 2003.]
International Journal of Health Services
Dubay LC, Lebrun LA. Health, behavior, and health care disparities: disentangling the effects of income and race in the United States. Int J Health Serv 2012; 42(4):607-25. [Examines study respondents' receipt of timely cancer screenings as recommended by the USPSTF and others, citing USPSTF recommendations in Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2008; cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2007.]
McGrae McDermott M, Livingston EH. Introducing JAMA Clinical Evidence Synopsis: from systematic reviews to clinical practice. JAMA 2013 Jan 2; 309(1):89. [Discusses new feature that will summarize high-quality systematic reviews from the USPSTF and other entities.]
Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
Ng JH, Scholle SH, Kong VW, et al. Multiple risk factors and the likelihood of patient-physician communication and health maintenance services in Medicare health plans. J Ambul Care Manage 2013 Jan; 36(1):50-60. [Uses dependent variables based on screening services recommended by the USPSTF and other organizations, citing USPSTF recommendation statement Screening for Osteoporosis, 2011 (as published on the USPSTF Web site), and comments on findings involving these USPSTF recommendations; cites AHRQ's National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR), 2011.] Select to access the abstract.
Grace SC, Elliott MN, Giordano LA, et al. Health-related quality of life and quality of care in specialized Medicare-managed care plans. J Ambul Care Manage 2013 Jan; 36(1):72-84. [Cites AHRQ publication, Physical Activity and Older Americans: Benefits and Strategies, 2002 (as published on the AHRQ Web site), which includes in its review USPSTF recommendations in Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd edition, 1996; cites articles by Scott et al. (Med Care, 2005, which uses these USPTF recommendations and by Klein et al. (Gerontologist, 2011), which uses the 2007 Medicare CAHPS survey.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs
Sandhu GS, Andriole GL. Overdiagnosis of prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):146-51. [Mentions USPSTF findings of adverse effects resulting from false positives associated with screening, citing USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening for prostate cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2011); cites American Urological Association (AUA) National Meeting presentation, The VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program #407: Prostate Cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial (PIVOT): Main Results From a Randomized Trial Comparing Radical Prostatectomy to Watchful Waiting in Men With Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer, 2011.] Select to access the abstract.
Donovan JL. Presenting treatment options to men with clinically localized prostate cancer: the acceptability of active surveillance/monitoring. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):191-6. [Briefly discusses USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening for prostate cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2011); cites AHRQ-funded/authored article by Wilt et al. (last author is Steven Fox, a former AHRQ researcher) (Contemp Clin Trials, 2009) on the PIVOT VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program 407; cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Wilt et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2008) on the comparative effectiveness and harms of treatments for clinically localized prostate cancer, prepared by the Minnesota EPC under contract 290-02-0009.] Select to access the abstract.
Glass AS, Cooperberg MR, Meng MV, et al. Role of active surveillance in the management of localized prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):202-6. [Comments on updated 2012 USPSTF recommendations on prostate cancer screening, citing article by Andriole et al. (N Engl J Med, 2009), which validates earlier USPSTF recommendations on prostate cancer screening (Ann Intern Med, 2008).] Select to access the abstract.
Hamilton AS, Wu XC, Lipscomb J, et al. Regional, provider, and economic factors associated with the choice of active surveillance in the treatment of men with localized prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):213-20. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening for prostate cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2011).] Select to access the abstract.
Roach M 3rd, Thomas K. Overview of randomized controlled treatment trials for clinically localized prostate cancer: implications for active surveillance and the United States Preventative Task Force report on screening? J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):221-9. [Uses the third question from the analytic framework described in USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening for prostate cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2011) as the rationale for inclusion of selected clinical trials on clinically localized prostate cancer.] Select to access the abstract.
Bergman J, Litwin MS. Quality of life in men undergoing active surveillance for localized prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):242-9. [Cites article by Schroder et al. (N Engl J Med, 2011), which discusses risk stratification in USPSTF recommendations on prostate cancer screening.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Women's Health
Decker MR, Frattaroli S, McCaw B, et al. Transforming the healthcare response to intimate partner violence and taking best practices to scale. J Womens Health 2012 Dec; 21(12):1222-9. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored systematic review update on screening women for intimate partner violence (Ann Intern Med, 2012).] Select to access the abstract.
Hamrick I, Cao Q, Agbafe-Mosley D, et al. Osteoporosis healthcare disparities in postmenopausal women. J Womens Health 2012 Dec; 21(12):1232-6. [Discusses USPSTF recommendations on screening for osteoporosis (Ann Intern Med, 2011); cites USPSTF recommendation statement Screening for Osteoporosis, 2002 (as published on the AHRQ Web site), and associated evidence review on screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis by Nelson et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2002).] Select to access the abstract.
MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cervical cancer screening among women aged 18-30 years—United States, 2000-2010. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2013 Jan 4; 61(51 & 52):1038-42. [Discusses the consensus between screening recommendations on cervical cancer by the USPSTF and other organizations in 2012, citing USPSTF recommendations on screening for cervical cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2012); includes earlier 2003 USPSTF recommendations in Figure, "Prevalence of Pap testing among women aged 18-30 years, by age group—Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2000–2010."] Select to access the abstract.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cervical cancer screening among women by hysterectomy status and among women aged =65 years—United States, 2000-2010. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2013 Jan 4; 61(51 & 52):1043-7. [Compares past and current USPSTF recommendations with those from other organizations, citing 2002 and 2003 USPSTF recommendations in Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd edition, 1996,  and Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 3rd edition, 2003, and recommendation statement, Screening for Cervical Cancer, 2012, published on the USPSTF Web site; cites AHRQ-funded article by Yabroff et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2009), which describes the specialty differences in primary care physician reports of cervical cancer screening and Papanicolaou test screening practices.] Select to access the abstract.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Committee on Practice Bulletins—Gynecology. ACOG Practice Bulletin Number 131: Screening for cervical cancer. Obstet Gynecol 2012 Nov; 120(5):1222-38. [Uses USPSTF quality rating criteria and grade definitions, and reviews updated USPSTF recommendations on cervical cancer screening (Ann Intern Med, 2012); cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence syntheses, Screening for Cervical Cancer: A Systematic Evidence Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2011, and Screening for Cervical Cancer: A Decision Analysis for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2011, both published on the USPSTF Web site. Also refer to AHRQ-funded article by Wallace et al. (Genet Med, 2012) and Pollack et al. (Cancer, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles and article by Hall and Richardson (J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr, 2012) cited in Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles

American Journal of Public Health
Ruiz Y, Matos S, Kapadia S, et al. Lessons learned from a community-academic initiative: the development of a core competency-based training for community-academic initiative community health workers. Am J Public Health 2012 Dec; 102(12):2372-9. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Outcomes of Community Health Worker Interventions, 2009.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
Khatutsky G, Walsh EG, Brown DW. Urinary incontinence, functional status, and health-related quality of life among Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in the program for all-inclusive care for the elderly and dual eligible demonstration special needs plans. J Ambul Care Manage 2013 Jan; 36(1):35-49. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Prevention of Fecal and Urinary Incontinence in Adults, 2007.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs
Hall IJ, Richardson LC. Commentary on the State-of-the-Science Conference on the Role of Active Surveillance in the Management of Men With Localized Prostate Cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):135-9. [Summarizes NIH State-of-the-Science Conference: Role of Active Surveillance in the Management of Men With Localized Prostate Cancer, 2011, which is based on AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer, 2011 (as prepared by the Tufts EPC under contract 290-2007-10055-I, task order 10); cites articles by Ganz et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2012), which is based on the before mentioned publication), and Andriole et al. (N Engl J Med, 2009), which validates earlier USPSTF recommendations on prostate cancer screening (Ann Intern Med, 2008).]
Hoffman RM. Improving the communication of benefits and harms of treatment strategies: decision AIDS for localized prostate cancer treatment decisions. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012 Dec; 2012(45):197-201. [Cites AHRQ decision aid, Knowing Your Options: A Decision Aid for Men with Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer (as published on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program Web site), which is based on AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer, 2011 (am I correct?); cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Wilt et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2008) by on the comparative effectiveness and harms of treatments for clinically localized prostate cancer, prepared by the Minnesota EPC under contract 290-02-0009; cites AHRQ-funded/authored articles by Wilt et al. (sixth author is Steven Fox, former AHRQ researcher) (N Engl J Med, 2012) and Wilt et al. (last author is Steven Fox) (Contemp Clin Trials, 2009), both on the PIVOT VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program 407.] Select to access the abstract.
Maternal and Child Health Journal
Ahluwalia IB, Li R, Morrow B. Breastfeeding practices: does method of delivery matter? Matern Child Health J 2012 Dec; 16(Suppl 2):S231-S237. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries, 2007.] Select to access the abstract.
Mayo Clinical Proceedings
West CP, Tan AD, Shanafelt TD. Association of resident fatigue and distress with occupational blood and body fluid exposures and motor vehicle incidents. Mayo Clin Proc 2012 Dec; 87(12):1138-44. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Making Health Care Safer: A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices, 2001; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Lockley et al. (Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf, 2007), Barger et al. (BMJ, 2008, PLoS Med, 2006, and N Engl J Med, 2005), Landrigan et al. (N Engl J Med, 2004), and others.] Select to access the abstract.
Rehabilitation Nursing
Peden-McAlpine C, Bliss D, Becker B, et al. The experience of community-living men managing fecal incontinence. Rehabil Nurs 2012 Nov-Dec; 37(6):298-306. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Prevention of Fecal and Urinary Incontinence in Adults, 2007, as published on the AHRQ Archive Web site. Also refer to AHRQ-funded article by Wilt et al. (J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles above, and articles by Riley et al. (Am Fam Physician, 2013), Baker et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2013), and Donovan et al. (J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr, 2012) cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR)/National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR)-Related Articles

Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
Lebrun LA, Shi L, Zhu J, et al. Racial/ethnic differences in clinical quality performance among health centers. J Ambul Care Manage 2013 Jan; 36(1):24-34. [Cites AHRQ's NHQR/NHDR, 2011; cites National Committee for Quality Assurance measure summary "Controlling high blood pressure: percentage of members 18 to 85 years of age who had a diagnosis of hypertension (HTN) and whose BP was adequately controlled (less than 140/90) during the measurement year," 2011, as posted on AHRQ's National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ (NQMC) Web site; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Birkmeyer et al. (N Engl J Med, 2002) and others.] Select to access the abstract.
Maternal and Child Health Journal
Bennett AC, Rankin KM, Rosenberg D. Does a medical home mediate racial disparities in unmet healthcare needs among children with special healthcare needs? Matern Child Health J 2012 Dec; 16(Suppl 2):S330-S338. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2010. Also refer to articles by Dubay and Lebrun (Int J Health Serv, 2012) and Ng et al. (J Ambul Care Manage 2013) cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles.]

Research by Others Using AHRQ Data or Products

American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
Mendiratta P, Tilford JM, Prodhan P, et al. Trends in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement in the elderly from 1993 to 2003. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2012 Dec; 27(8):609-13. [Uses 1993-2003 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2005 (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and 2002 Nationwide Inpatient Sample Technical Documentation, 2004; cites AHRQ-authored article by Holman, Curns, Belay, Steiner (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets) et al. (Pediatrics, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.
American Journal of Human Genetics
Asselbergs FW, Guo Y, van Iperen EP, et al. Large-scale gene-centric meta-analysis across 32 studies identifies multiple lipid loci. Am J Hum Genet 2012 Nov 2; 91(5):823-38. [Uses study cohort data from the Whitehall II study, previously funded by AHRQ.] Select to access the abstract.
American Journal of Surgery
Kang CY, Chaudhry OO, Halabi WJ, Nguyen V, Carmichael JC, Stamos MJ, et al. Outcomes of laparoscopic colorectal surgery: data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample 2009. Am J Surg 2012 Dec; 204(6):952-7. [Uses 2009 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2012, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; cites article by Lu et al. (Am J Surg, 2011), which uses HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.
Amini A, Patanwala AE, Maegawa FB, et al. Effect of epidural analgesia on postoperative complications following pancreaticoduodenectomy. Am J Surg 2012 Dec; 204(6):1000-6. [Uses 2009 HCUP NIS data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2009, 2011, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index as described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.
Annals of Internal Medicine
Hussey PS, Wertheimer S, Mehrotra A. The association between health care quality and cost: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med 2013 Jan 1; 158(1):27-34. [Uses five categories from AHRQ's NQMC to classify selected quality measures, citing AHRQ's NQMC Web site; cites AHRQ-authored articles by Cohen and Spector (respectively, researchers in AHRQ's Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends and Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets) (J Health Econ, 1996) and Mukamel and Spector (Med Care, 2000); cites AHRQ-funded articles by Glance et al. (Ann Surg, 2010), Auerbach et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2010), Grabowski (J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 2001, and J Health Econ, 2001), and others.] Select to access the abstract.
Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology
Jung D, Bhattacharyya N. Association of hearing loss with decreased employment and income among adults in the United States. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2012 Dec; 121(12):771-5. [Uses 2006 and 2008 MEPS linked Household Component (MEPS HC) data and MEPS medical condition files, citing AHRQ-authored article by Cohen, Cohen, and Banthin (respectively, AHRQ researcher and AHRQ director in AHRQ's Center for Financial, Access, and Cost Trends, and former AHRQ researcher) (Med Care, 2009).]
Arthritis Care and Research
Kawatkar AA, Jacobsen SJ, Levy GD, et al. Direct medical expenditure associated with rheumatoid arthritis in a nationally representative sample from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Arthritis Care Res 2012 Nov; 64(11):1649-56. [Uses 2008 MEPS HC data, citing MEPS HC-120: 2008 Medical Conditions, 2010, and MEPS HC-121: 2008 Full Year Consolidated Data File, 2010, and AHRQ publications Trends in Health Care Expenditures by Body Mass Index (BMI) Category for Adults in the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2001 and 2006, MEPS Statistical Brief 247, 2009, and Sample Design of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component, 1998-2007, MEPS Methodology Report 22, 2008 (all published on AHRQ's MEPS Web site), and Research in Action: The High Concentration of U.S. Health Care Expenditures, 2006; also uses the "clinical classification code observed in the MEPS medical condition" files, citing Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD-9-CM, 2011 (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in article by Li et al. (BMC Health Serv Res, 2008); compares findings to to those in articles by Cisternas et al. (J Rheumatol, 2009) and Yelin et al. (Arthritis Rheum, 2007), which use various MEPS datasets).] Select to access the abstract.
Archives of Internal Medicine
Ratanawongsa N, Karter AJ, Parker MM, et al. Communication and medication refill adherence: the Diabetes Study of Northern California. Arch Intern Med 2012 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print. Uses four items the from the CAHPS survey to score communication, citing CAHPS Clinician & Group 12-Month Survey, 2011, as published on AHRQ's CAHPS Web site, and scoring methodologies described in AHRQ-funded article by Fongwa et al. (J Health Care Poor Underserved, 2008), and articles by Morales et al. (Health Serv Res, 2001) and Hays et al. (Med Care, 1999); also uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.
Archives of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery
Johnson CM, Brigger MT. The public health impact of pediatric caustic ingestion injuries. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012 Dec; 138(12):1111-15. [Uses 2009 HCUP KID data, citing Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 2009, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Child's Nervous System
Vasan R, Patel J, Sweeney JM, et al. Pediatric intracranial aneurysms: current national trends in patient management and treatment. Childs Nerv Syst 2013 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print. Uses 2000-2009 HCUP KID data as generated on AHRQ's HCUPnet Web site, citing Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS); cites article by Andaluz and Zuccarello (J Neurosurg, 2008), which uses HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.
Digestive Surgery
Masoomi H, Stamos MJ, Carmichael JC, et al. Does primary anastomosis with diversion have any advantages over Hartmann's procedure in acute diverticulitis? Dig Surg 2012;29(4):315-20. [Uses 2002-2007 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.
Allareddy V, Nalliah RP, Rampa S, et al. Firearm related injuries amongst children: estimates from the nationwide emergency department sample. Injury 2012 Dec; 43(12):2051-4. [Uses 2008 HCUP Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) data, citing NEDS Description of Data Elements, 2007, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
Malinoff RL, Elliott MN, Giordano LA, et al. Obesity utilization and health-related quality of life in Medicare enrollees. J Ambul Care Manage 2013 Jan; 36(1):61-71. [Uses 2007 Medicare Advantage CAHPS (MA-CAHPS) Survey responses; mentions AHRQ reports that "20% of the population incurs 80% of total health care expenses," citing article by Weinberg (Providence J, 2009); cites AHRQ-authored article by Finkelstein, Trogdon, Cohen (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends) et al. (Health Aff, 2009), which uses 1998-2006 MEPS data.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Arthroplasty
Gonzalez Della Valle A, Chiu YL, Ma Y, et al. The metabolic syndrome in patients undergoing knee and hip arthroplasty: trends and in-hospital outcomes in the United States. J Arthroplasty 2012 Dec; 27(10):1743-9. [Uses 2000-2008 HCUP NIS data, HCUP Comorbidity Software, and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for Services and Procedures, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2008, Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2006, 2008, Comorbidity Software, Version 3.4, 2009; also uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.
Rajaee SS, Trofa D, Matzkin E, et al. National trends in primary total hip arthroplasty in extremely young patients: a focus on bearing surface usage. J Arthroplasty 2012 Dec; 27(10):1870-8. [Uses 2006-2009 HCUP NIS data accessed on AHRQ's HCUPnet Web site, and AHRQ's HCUP NIS definition of hospital bed size, citing HCUP Databases, 2006-2009, Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2008, and "HOSP_BEDSIZE—Bedsize of hospital" in NIS Description of Data Elements, 2008, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; cites Comparative Analysis of HCUP and NHDS Inpatient Discharge Data, Technical Supplement 13, NIS Release 5, 1996, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Emergency Medicine
Tadros A, Shaver E, Davis SM, et al. Hospitalizations of older patients with human immunodeficiency virus in the United States. J Emerg Med 2012 Dec; 43(6):1138-44. [Uses 2000-2006 HCUP NIS data and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology
Datar M, Khanna R. Inpatient burden of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the United States. J Gastrointest Oncol 2012 Dec; 3(4):335-41. [Uses 2009 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Anderson JE, Hemming AW, Chang DC, et al. Surgical management trends for cholangiocarcinoma in the USA 1998-2009. J Gastrointest Surg 2012 Dec; 16(12):2225-32. [Uses 1998-2009 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Romano, Roos, and Jollis (J Clin Epidemiol, 1993).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Healthcare Management
Shin DY, Menachemi N, Diana M, et al. Payer mix and EHR adoption in hospitals. J Healthc Manag 2012 Nov-Dec; 57(6):435-48; discussion 449-450. [Uses 2007 HCUP NIS data, citing articles by LaPar et al. (Ann Surg, 2010), Russell et al. (Neurology, 2006), and Boxer et al. (Surgery, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Mills AC, Gillespie KN. Effect of Magnet hospital recognition on 2 patient outcomes. J Nurs Care Qual 2013 Jan-Mar; 28(1):17-23. [Uses 2001-2005 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; briefly discusses the validity and reliability of the pressure ulcer quality measure, citing  AHRQ Quality Indicators: Guide to Patient Safety Indicators, Version 3.1, 2007, and AHRQ Quality Indicators: Guide to Inpatient Quality Indicators, 2006, as published on AHRQ's Quality Indicators Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Li AT. Teamwork climate and patient safety attitudes: associations among nurses and comparison with physicians in Taiwan. J Nurs Care Qual 2013 Jan-Mar; 28(1):60-7. [Uses TeamSTEPPS, citing TeamSTEPPS Curriculum Tools and Materials, and TeamSTEPPS™ Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire Manual, 2008 (both published on AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS®: National Implementation Web site), AHRQ publication, Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches, Volume 3: Performance and Tools Assessment, 2008; cites article by Chen and Li (BMC Health Serv Res, 2010), which uses AHRQ's Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC).] Select to access the abstract.
Journal of Surgical Research
Davis JS, Ryan ML, Perez EA, et al. ECMO hospital volume and survival in congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair. J Surg Res 2012 Dec; 178(2):791-6. [Uses 2000, 2003, and 2006 HCUP KID data, citing Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and Kids' Inpatient Database, 2000, 2003, and 2006 (CD-ROMs), 2003, 2005, and 2008, respectively.] Select to access the abstract.
Ward BK, Francis HW, Best SR, et al. National prevalence and impact of perioperative vagus nerve injury in vestibular schwannoma. Laryngoscope 2012 Dec; 122(12):2824-31. [Uses 2003-2008 HCUP NIS data, HCUP Comorbidity Software, Version 3.5, and HCUP Cost-to-Charge Ratio Files, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), "Table 2, Definitions of Comorbidities, Comorbidity Software version 3.5 / 2010 in Comorbidity Software, Version 3.5, 2010, and Cost-to-Charge Ratio Files, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses the Romano adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Romano, Roos, and Jollis (J Clin Epidemiol, 1993) and article by Liu et al. (JAMA, 2006).] Select to access the abstract.
Neurocritical Care
Nuño M, Patil CG, Lyden P, et al. The effect of transfer and hospital volume in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients. Neurocrit Care 2012 Dec; 17(3):312-23. [Uses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998), and 2002-2007 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2007, as published on AHRQ's HCUP NIS Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery
Vashishta R, Mahalingam-Dhingra A, Lander L, et al. Thyroidectomy outcomes: a national perspective. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012 Dec; 147(6):1027-34. [Uses 2009 HCUP NIS data and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS), citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) and Nationwide Inpatient Sample Data Use Agreement, both published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
PLoS One
Loddenkemper T, Syed TU, Ramgopal S, et al. Risk factors associated with death in in-hospital pediatric convulsive status epilepticus. PLoS One 2012; 7(10):e47474. [Uses 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2006 HCUP KID data, citing Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 2011, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.
Social Science and Medicine
Dinwiddie GY, Gaskin DJ, Chan KS, et al. Residential segregation, geographic proximity and type of services used: evidence for racial/ethnic disparities in mental health. Soc Sci Med 2012 Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print. Combines 2006 MEPS HC and MEPS Medical Provider Components (MEPS-MPC) data with American Medical Association Master File and 2000 Census Summary File 1 and 3, citing MEPS HC-105: 2006 Full Year Consolidated Data File, 2008.] Select to access the abstract.
Peterson AC, Curtis LH, Shea AM, et al. Urinary diversion in patients with spinal cord injury in the United States. Urology 2012 Dec; 80(6):1247-51. [Uses 1998-2005 HCUP NIS data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2005, 2007, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site. Also refer to AHRQ-funded articles by Jones et al. (J Am Coll Cardiol, 2012), Anderson et al. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 2012), Memtsoudis et al. (J Intensive Care Med, 2012), Rubinson, Mutter et al. (Med Care, 2012), Bernard, Cowan, Selden et al. (Medicare Medicaid Res Rev, 2012), and Lasky et al. (PLoS One, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles, and article by Walker et al. (Am Fam Physician, 2013) cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.
Current as of January 2013

Internet Citation:
Articles of Interest, January 4, 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/news/articles/art010413.htm

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