viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Million Hearts - Risk Factors - About Heart Disease & Stroke

Million Hearts - Risk Factors - About Heart Disease & Stroke

Did You Know?

Million Hearts - Recipes & Lifestyle - Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Resource Center

Picture of fruits and vegetables with Million Hearts logo

Vital Signs: Preventable Deaths from Heart Disease and Stroke|DHDSP|CDC

  • Almost half of American adults have at least one major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
  • Each year, nearly 1 in 3 deaths in the US is caused by heart disease and stroke, but at least 200,000 of these deaths can be prevented through healthy habits like regular physical activity and eating right.
  • You can help others improve their eating habits by promoting the Million Hearts® initiative's Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Resource Center.

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