domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► Improving medication administration safety in a community hospital setting using Lean methodology.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

Improving medication administration safety in a community hospital setting using Lean methodology.

Critchley S. J Nurs Care Qual. 2015 Feb 6; [Epub ahead of print].

The Toyota production system and Lean methodologies have been used to improve quality and drive process improvement in health care. This commentary discusses how one hospital applied Lean methodology in an interdisciplinary effort to enhance medication administration safety.

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The Role of the Patient in Improving Patient Safety
Gibson R. AHRQ WebM&M [serial online]. March 2007.
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Pathways for Medication Safety Tool #1. Chicago, IL: American Hospital Association; 2003.
Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; February 2005. AHRQ Publication Nos. 050021 (1-4).
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