miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Abstracts Due by June 3 for 2015 AHRQ Research Conference

Abstracts Due by June 3 for 2015 AHRQ Research Conference

AHRQ--Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Advancing Excellence in Health Care

Details about the 2015 AHRQ Research Conference, as well as a call for abstracts, with the theme “Producing Evidence and Engaging Partners to Improve Health Care,” scheduled for October 4-6 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Crystal City, Virginia, are now available online. AHRQ and cohost AcademyHealth are seeking abstracts that showcase the breadth and depth of AHRQ-sponsored work and highlight the many ways that AHRQ research, data and tools contribute to measurable improvements in health care. AHRQ grantees and contractors who have received funding since 2012 are invited to submit original research, including implementation research and evaluation projects. Abstracts are due June 3 at 5:30 p.m. ET in the following thematic areas: improving health care quality; making health care safer; increasing accessibility to health care; improving health care affordability, efficiency and cost transparency; eliminating racial and ethnic disparities; and conducting research on dissemination and implementation science. Priority will be given to abstracts that address the theme of the conference, demonstrate measurable improvement in policy or practice, reflect rigorous methodological approach and show innovation in advancing the field.

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