viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

MMWR Vol. 64 / Supplement / No. 1 ► Competency Guidelines for Public Health Laboratory Professionals: CDC and the Association of Public Health Laboratories

MMWR Vol. 64 / Supplement / No. 1

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MMWR Supplements
Vol. 64, Supplement, No. 1
May 15, 2015

Competency Guidelines for Public Health Laboratory Professionals: CDC and the Association of Public Health Laboratories
Renée Ned-Sykes, PhD, Catherine Johnson, MA,John C. Ridderhof, DrPH, et al.
MMWR 2015;64(No. Suppl 1).

These competency guidelines outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for public health laboratory (PHL) professionals to deliver the core services of PHLs efficiently and effectively. These competency guidelines are targeted to scientists working in PHLs, defined as governmental public health, environmental, and agricultural laboratories that provide analytic biological and/or chemical testing and testing-related services that protect human populations against infectious diseases, foodborne and waterborne diseases, environmental hazards, treatable hereditary disorders, and natural and human-made public health emergencies.

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