Register Now: August 5 Webinar Highlights New MONAHRQ Software That Allows Development of Consumer Web Pages
AHRQ is hosting a webinar August 5 from 4 to 5 p.m. ET to provide an overview of updated MONAHRQ software that allows organizations to create Web pages for consumers to access comparative health care quality information about hospitals and nursing homes, and profile pages for doctors. The software, available from AHRQ at no cost, is designed for use by hospitals, hospital systems, hospital associations, nursing homes, public health departments, business and community alliances, and other organizations involved in health care quality improvement. MONAHRQ 6.0-Build 2, which will be available for download from theAHRQ website August 3, allows users to create new consumer websites with fresh layouts and improved navigation. Users looking for hospital information, for example, may search by hospital location, health condition (such as childbirth of heart failure) or health topic (such as nursing care or patient survey results). One notable new feature is a side-by-side comparison of cost and quality information for hip replacements. Registration is open.
What's New?
July 24 - Announcing the soon-to-be released MONAHRQ 6.0 Build 2, featuring a newly designed consumer website. Register here
to attend the release webinar on August 5th.
July 24 – MONAHRQ Open Source Framework now available for use! View the recent webinar video recording andpresentation
PDF version - 1.27 MB .
April 1 – Announcing the release of MONAHRQ 6.0! MONAHRQ® 6.0 is available for download! View the updated Release Notes 6.0 [
- 266.76 KB] to see the new measures, data refreshes and features in this build. Visit the MONAHRQ 6.0 demo site(Note: demo site displays simulated data).
March 16 – Announcing the soon-to-be released MONAHRQ 6.0, featuring new reports on nursing home quality, physician profiles, and trending of hospital utilization. Register here
to attend the demonstration webinar on April 8th.
August 18 – MONAHRQ® 5.0 Build #2 is available for download! View the updated Release Notes 5.0 Build #2 [
- 204.32 KB] to see the new measures, data refreshes and features in this build.Visit the MONAHRQ demo site (Note: demo site displays simulated data).
May 22 – MONAHRQ® 5.0 is now available for download! View the updated Release Notes 5.0 [
- 299.08 KB] .
November 13 – MONAHRQ® 4.1 Build #3 is available for download! View the updated Release Notes [
- 704.4 KB]to see the issues resolved in this build. Visit the MONAHRQ demo site. (Note: demo site displays simulated data).
August 7 – MONAHRQ® 4.1 Build #2 is available for download! View the updated Release Notes [
- 704.4 KB]to see the issues resolved in this build.
May 7 – MONAHRQ® 4.1 is available for download! Version 4.1 includes many new features and updates.
August 7 – MONAHRQ® 4.1 Build #2 is available for download! View the updated Release Notes [
May 7 – MONAHRQ® 4.1 is available for download! Version 4.1 includes many new features and updates.
My Own Network, Powered by AHRQ
- NEW! - Quality of care (Nursing Homes)
- NEW! - Physician data
- Quality of care (at the Hospital level)
- Health care utilization (at the Hospital level and Emergency Department level)
- Preventable hospitalizations (at the Area level)
- Rates of conditions and procedures (at the Area level), and
- Estimated costs and cost-savings (related to the quality of care)
MONAHRQ® lets you create a Website using your own inpatient discharge data, emergency department data, pre-calculated AHRQ Quality Indicators results, inpatient and outpatient measures from CMS Nursing Home and Hospital Compare, and/or HCAHPS survey measures.
Any organization can use MONAHRQ® to generate a reporting Website. You simply:
Any organization can use MONAHRQ® to generate a reporting Website. You simply:
- Download MONAHRQ® software
- Load your data
- Select Website options
- Generate the Website on your own computer
- Host the Website yourself
For a full demonstration Website generated by MONAHRQ, visit theMONAHRQ® 6.0 demo site.
For links to live reporting Websites generated using MONAHRQ, visit the MONAHRQ® Websites page.
For detailed documentation on measures and methods used by MONAHRQ® download the Host User Guide 6.0 [
- 10.35 MB] . For information on how toimprove health care quality in key areas, visit the My Quality Improvementpage.
For links to live reporting Websites generated using MONAHRQ, visit the MONAHRQ® Websites page.
For detailed documentation on measures and methods used by MONAHRQ® download the Host User Guide 6.0 [
Page last reviewed March 2015
Internet Citation: MONAHRQ. March 2015. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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