jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

bioetica & debat - Artículos ► Vejez y Final de la vida : [Bioethical reflections on ill-considered care due to an early diagnosis of Alzh

bioetica & debat - Artículos

Bioètica - Debat

Vejez y Final de la vida : [Bioethical reflections on ill-considered care due to an early diagnosis of Alzh
Enviado por Biblio on 4/7/2016 8:20:00 (56 Lecturas)
Buxó MJ, Casado M. Bioethical reflections on ill-considered care due to an early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. Gac Sanit. 2014 Sep-Oct;28(5):426-8.

Consultar en: http://www.gacetasanitaria.org/es/reflexiones-bioeticas-sobre-el-cuidado/articulo/S0213911114000995/

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease raises important bioethical issues. In the interval between early disease detection and symptom onset, there is a time in which the patient's autonomy, privacy, and dignity may be undermined by certain healthcare measures or by family care and support. These measures may eventually turn patients into an object of care, preventing them from accepting the disease, developing an identity, and rearranging their living spaces. Every effort should be made to ensure that care does not become compassionate harassment or an invasive act, annulling the patient's autonomy, identity, and self-determination.

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