lunes, 12 de junio de 2017



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Published Date: 2017-06-11 21:29:44
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - Pakistan (02): (TA) livestock vaccinated
Archive Number: 20170611.5098784
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Sat 10 Jun 2017
Source: The Express Tribune [edited]

The political administration and Livestock Department, FATA [Federally Administered Tribal Areas] taking notice of a suspected anthrax outbreak in Toda Cheena area of central Kurram Agency dispatched a team of vaccinators to the affected area.

Livestock Department Assistant Director Fazle Elahi said a 2-member team of veterinary doctors visited the area on [Thu 8 Jun 2017] and provided vaccine and other medicines to afflicted cattle, a private news channel reported.on [Fri 9 Jun 2017].

The doctors said the cattle [died] due to anthrax disease and the vaccination would control the disease. "We visited the affected area and administered vaccine to the cattle. We are hopeful that the disease will be controlled after vaccination," Dr Daud, a member of the team said.

Locals thanked the Livestock Department for sending the team. Earlier it was reported that at least 40 cows and goats had died last week [week of 28 May - 3 Jun 2017] in the area due to anthrax. Anthrax is a serious, usually fatal disease caused by the bacterium _Bacillus anthracis_. It occurs world-wide and can infect a wide range of domestic and wild animal species as well as humans.

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[Excellent. As vaccination can take 6-8 days to kick in, it is necessary to check one's livestock at least twice a day for any animals developing a temperature. Any such animals should be treated with a long acting antibiotic, and revaccinated 10-15 days later.

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See Also

Anthrax - Pakistan: (TA) livestock, anthrax susp 20170609.5095066
Anthrax - Pakistan: (TA) bovine, human susp. 20160828.4447928
Anthrax - Pakistan (02): (KP) nilgai 20140331.2370342
Anthrax - Pakistan: (KP) nilgai 20140319.2342304
Anthrax parcel - Pakistan (06): (IS) additional comments 20120327.1081186
Anthrax parcel - Pakistan (05): (IS) 20120210.1038448
Anthrax parcel - Pakistan (04): (IS) 20120203.1032182
Anthrax parcel - Pakistan (03): (IS) 20120202.1031206
Anthrax parcel - Pakistan (02): (IS) 20120202.1029144
Anthrax parcel - Pakistan (IS) 20120201.1028807
Anthrax, lion - Pakistan: (SD) zoo, corr. 20100426.1344
Anthrax, letters - Pakistan & India 20011104.2729
Anthrax, livestock - Pakistan (NWFP) 20011031.2692
Anthrax, letters - Pakistan: RFI 20011024.2622

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