sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Community Events | SAMHSA

Community Events | SAMHSA

 National Prevention Week 2015, May 17-23, Save the Date

Community Events

Learn about community events around the country to inspire your own efforts for National Prevention Week.

Communities in Action Yearbook

There are many ways to get involved in SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week. Get inspiration from organizations and communities that have held successful, creative prevention events to support the health and well-being of their communities through the Communities in Action yearbook (PDF 1.8 MB)!

SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week 2015 Events

Check out the list of events below to learn more about SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week activities happening across the nation in 2015.

Tell SAMHSA about your event!

To feature your community event on this page, please provide the following information to SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week Coordinator, David Wilson, at david.wilson@samhsa.hhs.gov:
  • Your organization’s name and website address
  • A brief description of your event(s)
  • Topics addressed by the event
  • Target audiences
  • Date and time
  • Venue name and address
one purple and one white NPW USB wristbands
All organizations publicizing their event information on this page are eligible to order a set of 40 free National Prevention Week USB drive wristbands to promote their event. The USB drive contains a wealth of prevention tools and materials for National Prevention Week 2015, print and video PSAs for SAMHSA’s Underage Drinking Prevention Campaign “Talk. They Hear You.,” and many other prevention resources. Order requests should be sent todavid.wilson@samhsa.hhs.gov.

Community Events


May 1820: Anchorage Youth Development Coalition will host a kickoff event open to the Anchorage, Alaska community in collaboration with a local hospital. The event will include speakers, a book fair, and information sharing. The coalition will also host a lunch presentation with authors of a new trend study about ways to mitigate risk factors that can lead to drug abuse.


Monday, May 18: Cheaha Regional Mental Health Center will hold a banquet-style Town Hall Meeting on underage and binge drinking in Sylacauga. The Town Hall Meeting will also discuss issues related to not wearing a seatbelt, driving under the influence of alcohol, and smoking. The keynote speaker is Mr. Michael Lutzenkirchen, father of the late Auburn tight end Philip Lutzenkirchen.


May 18–23: Terros will conduct educational workshops about underage drinking throughout the week for parents and students in Phoenix, Arizona. They will hold a closing event for student participants on May 23.
May 25–29: The Pascua Yaqui Tribe’s youth group will interview elders on mental health issues and use “I strengthen my nation” posters. The youth group will also have a craft day to create posters about the dangers of tobacco use and e-cigarettes and post them in locations throughout the Pascua Yaqui community. There will also be a community movie night.


May 20: Quapaw House, Inc. will host an educational health fair and organizational open house focused on the prevention of opioid use and prescription drug abuse in Hot Springs, Arkansas.


May 7: California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) is hosting an event in conjunction with Mental Health Month. CSUSM students will be invited to participate in a fun, interactive day about mental health promotion and education. Young adult peer educators will engage college students with the “I Choose…” activity and encourage students to take the Prevention Pledge. Community partners will participate in a health fair, while campus partners and student groups will distribute information.
May 21: The Riverside County Department of Mental Health is hosting a Mental Health Fair from 1:00-6:00 pm. The event will feature children’s activities, free health screenings, community information, information on mental health, music and entertainment, substance use information, and special recognitions.
May 23: California State University Northridge (CSUN) will work with the local community to coordinate an event promoting mental health on May 23. The day-long event will be full of activities to increase awareness and reduce prejudice and discrimination. Girl Scouts and Ray of Hope, CSUN’s Suicide Prevention and Awareness Program, will organize the event.


May 18–23: Eagle River Youth Coalition will conduct a social media campaign and community referral project. They will partner with Eagle County, Eagle County Schools, Eagle Valley High School, Suicide Prevention Coalition, Mind Spring Health, and Samaritan Counseling.


May 1819: The Courage to Speak Foundation will host speaker Ginger Katz for two presentations in local middle and high schools in Norwalk and Bridgeport, to talk about the prevention of youth drug use. The first presentation on May 18 will address the topic of “Marijuana to Opiates” and the second presentation on May 19 is titled, “The Courage to Make Healthy Decisions.”


May 17–23: Aevidum will hold schoolwide mental health awareness activities linked to its “The Talk” program in Delaware and Pennsylvania schools that have an Aevidum club.

District of Columbia

May 2122: Bridging Resources in Communities, Inc. is having a lunch and learn event on May 21 focusing on recently passed alcohol laws and updates relating to Phase 2 of the DC K2 Zombie social marketing campaign. On May 22, youth leaders are holding an NPW event relating to the use of synthetic marijuana.


May 19: LiveFree! Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Pinellas County in Florida is hosting LiveFree! Celebrating Youth Power from 4:00-5:00 pm.


May 19: Learn To Grow, Inc. will host a youth-led activity around activities based on positive social norms in Atlanta, Georgia.


April 18: Drug Free Idaho will focus on the prevention of underage drinking and substance use with a parent educational event regarding hosting social events with underage drinking in Boise, Idaho.


May 5: Schaumburg Township's Mental Health Committee is holding its third annual Mental Health Awareness Fair, Minds Matter, from 3:00-6:00 pm. Minds Matter is an opportunity to educate the public about mental health, substance abuse, and social service issues, and resources to address them. There will also be resources that highlight fitness, wellness, and stress reduction and offer health screenings. Twenty one exhibitors have been invited to provide information about their organizations and answer questions the public may have. There will be speakers on topics related to supportive housing, PTSD, and depression in children.
May 21: Linking Efforts Against Drugs will hold an educational health fair followed by a town hall for youth in Lake Forest, Illinois. They will have a replica of a teenager’s bedroom with 100 warning signs of teenage drug use and will bring in a speaker to talk about national drug trends.


May 20: Porter County Substance Abuse Councilwill host a community town hall on the prevention of opioid and drug use with a focus on heroin in Hebron, Indiana.


May 8: Bluegrass Prevention Center will train local law enforcement personnel to assist and support prevention of underage drinking, illicit drug use, prescription drug abuse, and marijuana use. The training will be offered to community members and law enforcement in 17 counties. They will share information about their prevention efforts with others in the community.


May 1821: Caddo Parish Public Schools will use this year’s National Prevention Week theme, “The Voice of One, the Power of All,” to guide various events throughout the schools. These events will include poster and door contests, a schoolwide kickoff event, youth and adult mental health first aid training, and a parent education event.


May 10: Washington County: One Communitywill host the Second Annual 5K A La Mud Obstacle Challenge, which will involve community members, youth, college students, and local law enforcement in Whitneyville, Maine.


May 18 and 20: Carroll County Prevention Office will participate in several events throughout the week to promote youth prevention efforts. Public service announcements (PSAs) will be placed around television programming about substance use and a “Save the Brain” video and poster contest will be held in local middle and high schools. Carroll County will also participate in a local festival by tabling and providing prevention resources to the community.
May 19: The Mario Do Right Foundation will hold a rally and prevention presentation for high school students in Baltimore, Maryland.
May 21: Green Street Academy is hosting a Middle School Assembly at 2:00 pm with Baltimore middle school students to discuss the impact of substances, trauma, and violence in times of crisis.
May 22: Family Service Foundation, Inc. is hosting “Choose Recovery” from 12:00-6:00 pm in Landover Hills to raise awareness about substance abuse and mental health disorders and to connect with services in the community. The event will feature inspirational speakers, poetry slam, music, food, exhibitors, and more! The agency plans to have exhibits from local agencies in order to increase awareness of services and resources available in the community. There will be speakers who are themselves in recovery and are representatives of the community.


May 18–22: Natick Together for Youth will do educational outreach for students at middle schools and high schools with daily announcements and trivia games; encourage youth participation in the “I Choose” Project; and coordinate a presentation to students by a guest speaker. These events in Natick, Massachusetts will cover topics such as underage drinking, prescription drug abuse, and marijuana use.
May 16 and 22: Northampton Prevention Coalition is hosting a parenting workshop, “How to Help Your Teen Make Healthy Choices: A Taste of Motivational Interviewing” with John Brelsford, PhD, on May 16 from 10:30 am-2:00 pm. The workshop will show parents a way to communicate with their child that fosters collaboration and motivates positive change.
May 20: Tapestry Health is hosting a screening of the film Friend of Essex and a discussion with creator Amir Dixon from 6:00-8:00 pm in Florence in support of NPW. Friend of Essex is a documentary that explores the lives of young black gay men and the struggles they face. The film features one-on-one and group interviews, and jarring narratives that probe the difficult questions surrounding masculinity, identity, sexuality, and race.
May 22: Northampton High School’s Caught Off Guard, a local youth health theater troupe, will perform for Northampton High School seniors about making safe and healthy decisions during prom and graduation season.


May 16–17:Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition’s events for National Prevention Week will focus on promotion of mental health and wellness. The coalition will promote social media messaging, and on May 16 they will host a youth mental health first aid training. On May 17, the coalition will participate in the Celebrate Birmingham Parade to pass out information and raise awareness of mental health issues.
May 21: Coalition for a Drug Free Muskegon County will be hosting several events and media efforts during the week. These will culminate in an event on May 21, “National Prevention Week Celebrating Prevention Stars” in Muskegon, Michigan. The event will celebrate community leaders, coalition member organizations, and youth for their commitment to prevention.


June 3–4 The Working Together Coalition plans to host the second annual “Be the Change, the Solution is in the Community” conference. They plan to focus on substance use prevention and mental health promotion in a two-day event that will provide information and build capacity in the community.


May 21: St. Joseph Youth Alliance will hold a community town hall on marijuana use prevention that will be aimed at youth.
May 23: Washington University – Project ARK will host a community event in St. Louis, Missouri developed by their youth leadership group focused on the promotion of mental health and wellness.


May 6: Truckee Meadows Community College will host a “Wellness Wednesday” during the first week of May in Reno, Nevada. Highlights will include tips on meditation, “I Choose” white boards, a poster contest, BBQ on the quad, and documentary viewing.

New Hampshire

May 18–22: Raymond Coalition for Youthwill highlight each of National Prevention Week’s daily themes and focus on youth awareness activities around prom and graduation.

New Jersey

April 20 and May 18–23: The Center for Prevention & Counseling will host a lunch and learn program called “Marijuana: the changing landscape” for community members and local law enforcement in Newton, New Jersey. During National Prevention Week, the center will send daily newsletters, post on social media, and provide client prevention bags.
May 22–24:Rockers in Recovery and the Hope All Day Foundation will host Hope Fest 2015 on May 22-24 in Galloway Township, New Jersey. The Hope Fest 2015 Recovery Rally and Music Festival is a full weekend event that aims to bring awareness to the community about substance use prevention and recovery support services while demonstrating that music, art, and self-expression are tools for inspiring a healthy lifestyle.

New York

May 11–16: Orleans United Drug Free Communities Coalitionwill have an educational health fair during the week in the lobby of a local clinic, as well as a Wellness Walk on May 16 in Albion, New York.
May 17-22: HOPE Chautauqua/Chautauqua Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Council are hosting a series of NPW-related events in Jamestown targeted to the community at large, families, youth, professional key leaders, faith-based community and social media followers.
  • May 17, 9:30 am: Faith-based Adult Education – Prevention, Current Trends and NPW
  • May 18, 6:30-7:30 pm: HOPE Coalition Meeting focusing on tobacco/e-cigs and vaping.
  • May 19, 10:00-11:00 am: HOPE Coalition Meeting focusing on underage drinking/alcohol abuse
  • May 20: Social media blitz on heroin, opioid and prescription drug abuse
  • May 21, 5:00 pm: Coalition Members and Jamestown Stroll, a social and wellness walk highlighting prevention and NPW
  • May 22: Social media blitz on substance abuse, suicide, and mental health

North Carolina

Date TBD: Western Youth Network will focus on the promotion of mental health and wellness and conduct a sticky note campaign where positive, encouraging messages, with the names of community mental health services, are left throughout the community.


May 18–23: Family Recovery Centeris planning a six-day publicity blitz, with articles corresponding to each day’s National Prevention Week theme in three local newspapers. There will also be corresponding events throughout the week in Lisbon, Ohio.


May 9: Cherokee Nation Behavioral Healthwill hold a community carnival in Tahlequah, Oklahoma promoting all National Prevention Week themes. The carnival will maintain a focus on promoting youth mental health.
May 18 and 22:Okmulgee County Consortium will host a community walk/run/bike event on May 18. On May 22, they will hold a community block party in Okmulgee, Oklahoma.


May 18–22: Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board’s We-R-Native project will use social media posts on all of National Prevention Week’s daily themes to boost awareness, promote resources, and offer contests for additional community service grants for tribal communities in the Portland, Oregon area.


May 17–23: Aevidum will hold schoolwide mental health awareness activities linked to its “The Talk” program in Pennsylvania and Delaware schools that have an Aevidum club.

South Dakota

May 21: The Front Porch Coalitionwill host a Public Community Awareness Event at Rapid City’s Main Street Square. The event will feature community speakers and public officials, entertainment, free food, and mental health agencies providing free information and resources to the public.


March 10: The University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Center for Health Education & Wellness focused on the issues of underage drinking and drug use through a Safe Spring Break event in Knoxville, Tennessee. The event included tabling on health resources and a prescription drug collection in partnership with local law enforcement.
May 16 and 19: Stewart County Alliance for Substance Abuse Preventionwill hold a community walk/run and bike race, as well as a town hall meeting, in Dover, Tennessee.
May 17–23: Roane County Anti-Drug Coalitionwill conduct events in Roane County and 19 surrounding counties in East Tennessee. These events will include poster contests with youth organizations, peer-to-peer teaching in middle and high schools, and awareness activities around prom including “Prom Promise.” They will also place advertisements in several area newspapers on each of these topics and have a strong social media presence to complement raising awareness.


May 23: Fort Bend Community Prevention Coalition will host a community presentation in Sugar Land, Texas, discussing the prevention of underage drinking, use of e-cigarettes, and prescription drug abuse, including a focus on good mental health as a protective factor.


May 22: Utah County Health Departmentwill hold the following events in Provo, Utah during National Prevention Week.
  • A town hall meeting with community members about suicide, along with a Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) training. This event will also promote mental health resources.
  • An employee brown bag presentation about mental health promotion.
  • A display in the lobby of the Utah County Health Department building that will change every day according to the National Prevention Week theme.


Date TBD: Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community will host a screening of the movie, “The Hungry Heart,” a documentary by a local filmmaker that provides an intimate look at the often hidden world of prescription drug abuse. They will host the event in partnership with the Burlington School District and the Vermont Junior Youth Relay Program. The screening will be followed with small group discussions about drug misuse, prevention, and healthy decision-making. Youth participating in the event will be encouraged to engage with the youth prevention groups to have opportunities to connect with peers living substance-free lives.


May 1822: Charlottesville-Albemarle Coalition for Healthy Youth will host daily brown bag lunches and informational sessions for community members and agencies in Charlottesville, Virginia.


May 16: Change Addiction Now will hold a Healthy Families Fair from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. on May 16, in conjunction with its Steps of Change Rally, “Walk a Mile in My Shoes,” on the north steps of the Capitol Building in Olympia, Washington.
May 20: Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council (GSSAC) is planning an interactive, youth-led community open house that focuses on prevention of youth marijuana use and prescription drug abuse. It will help inform parents and community members of what they can do to promote prevention in their home and communities. Also during the month of May, GSSAC’s Prevention Outreach Wellness Education Resources Coalition will be handing out 100 Random Acts of Prevention certificates throughout the community to partners in prevention.
May 21: Community Safety Network of Toppenish will host a health fair in Toppenish, Washington featuring health and safety information about prescription drug abuse and marijuana use. The network will also hold a community walk/run, Zumba, games, and other activities for the whole family to promote awareness of these issues.

West Virginia

Date TBD: Community Connections, Inc. will hold a 5K walk/run event in Princeton, West Virginia.


May 15–23: Waukesha County Drug Free Communities will host a variety of activities throughout the week, including:
  • Student-to-student PSAs using positive community norms
  • May 15 – Kickoff with Drug Free Communities coalition and a local proclamation
  • May 16 – Prescription drug take-back day
  • May 17 – Launch information on local radio
  • May 18 – Start publicly airing PSAs in local movie theatres and local high schools with morning announcements
  • May 19 – Breakfast with local legislators to discuss key issues
  • May 20 –Forum on new drug trends for parents and youth
  • May 22 – Launch “parents who host lost the most” sticker campaign with restaurants and local businesses
  • May 23 – Balloon release for people who have been impacted by suicide

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